Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread
Nov 29, 2016 at 10:02 AM Post #9,466 of 13,168
Yeah, they should have provided more info really. When you're buying something, it's generally a nice thing to be able to know exactly what you're buying. They should have also put up a counter of stock available for each type.

I don't understand how they say they sold out almost immediately, but on the other hand, say they will fulfill all the orders placed... Isn't that contradicting itself?

It was certainly a great price, but they should have done it better.
Nov 29, 2016 at 12:10 PM Post #9,470 of 13,168
I called them to validate that my payment went thru fine in their system. I will most probably be gettting the aluminium with leather earpads
Nov 29, 2016 at 1:07 PM Post #9,475 of 13,168
I ordered on the 24th and I just got off the phone with them and they told me I'm definitely getting a pair. I also told them that you can still buy the b-stock on their link and they said yes they were going to continue to honor the sales.
Nov 29, 2016 at 1:08 PM Post #9,476 of 13,168
FYI, the Mojo actually drives the LCD-2.2 (pre-fazor) that I own just fine. I really like the combo actually and I own MUCH more TOTL gear to compare to - see my profile. If you feel the need for a more powerful amp for some reason that's up to you but as far as a DAC is concerned you'll need to spend a LOT more money to match the performance of the Mojo.

  How does the mojo compare to the o2+odac in regards of sound? I planned on getting the O2+Odac, but decided to get the lyr+bifrost combo instead.

I very much enjoy the mojo. It has detail and clarity that the O2 just does not have. The mojo is warm, inviting, and provides extremely fun jam sessions. I am continually hearing nuances I have not heard in tracks listened to many many times. (My audial descriptions are lacking, I apologize.) The O2 in comparison I would definitely consider it on the harsh side. Especially with my AKGs and similar headphones.
I find myself hooking up the mojo to my desktop (my media center) more and more lately. I just really hate unplugging everything and re plugging everything multiple times a day so sometimes it doesn't make its way back because it's in my backpack/car or something. I believe the mojo will pair extremely well with the LCD2s from what others are saying though! Just wish there was a desktop version with a volume pot (not that I don't love the colored balls) and minus the battery. Then I could just leave it at home!
I've done a lot of reading the past week about how when LCD's have reserve power on tap they turn into even something more fantastic, especially with a nice balanced silver cable. That's why I have been thinking about new amps and such.
Nov 29, 2016 at 1:35 PM Post #9,480 of 13,168

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