Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread
Mar 20, 2015 at 9:33 AM Post #5,911 of 13,154
I have thought about that same concept. I thought maybe it was a bit much a jump all at once. Thing is I really want a pair of planar headphones and the only options I have are Audeze or HifiMAN. My understanding is HiFiMAN headphones are rather lackluster unless driven well.
Coming back to your suggesting, what is a good intermediate headphone? Why the HD 650.
The LCD 2s just seem like a great headphone that I can continue to improve as my budget goes. But then again I guess that can be said for alot of high end headphones.

I'm far from an expert here, but I recently upgraded my system from DT-880 and Audio-gd Compass DAC/amp to the LCD-2F and Gustard H10 amp. Still using the Compass as a DAC, but I'm hoping to upgrade that relatively soon. No experience with the E12, but I found the H10 to be a HUGE improvement over the integrated amp in the Compass, particularly in the bass. And the Compass was designed to be the best $500 unit like 5 years ago. So I would recommend budgeting for a new amp (Gustard H10, Garage 1217 Project Polaris, Schiit Lyr2, etc). If you have all the money now, great. If you don't, the HD 650 sounds like an excellent stepping stone while you save up for a new amp. Just remember that planar are low impedance cans while the HD 650 are relative high impedance: amps like the Bottlehead Crack may sound amazing with the HD 650, but aren't designed to drive planars.
Also, don't let your decision re HiFiMAN vs Audeze be determined by which one is easier to drive. I would make the decision based on which you prefer sonically and what you can afford (taking into account a new amp, etc). Just my $0.02.
Mar 20, 2015 at 1:15 PM Post #5,912 of 13,154
Im very excited to announce that i will be trading my HE-400i Plus $450 for a pair of LCD-2's. Ive wanted a pair of lcd'2's since i first laid eyes & ears on them. Im going to be broke for a few weeks, it is going to hurt my pocket and finances BUT it is going to be worth it. The HE-400i's are GREAT headphones, make no mistake about it, but the reduced bass extension from the original 400's and lack of quantity bothers me too much. I dont have a computer at home anymore because i sold it about a year ago. I use my phone as my source and a Schiit Fulla and HiFiMeDIY android DAC then for my amps i use Schiit Vali or Schiit Lyr. Which im sure giving my source isnt all that great that combination will suit me just fine until i can afford to build another PC. That combo did just fine with the with the HE-400i's, im sure it will do the job. I have been following this thread for two or more years now drooling over these. Ive read the other Audeze threads and the LCD-2's still sound like my kinda sound signature. I cant wait to listen and be able to write up my review.
Mar 20, 2015 at 1:25 PM Post #5,913 of 13,154
  Im very excited to announce that i will be trading my HE-400i Plus $450 for a pair of LCD-2's. Ive wanted a pair of lcd'2's since i first laid eyes & ears on them. Im going to be broke for a few weeks, it is going to hurt my pocket and finances BUT it is going to be worth it. The HE-400i's are GREAT headphones, make no mistake about it, but the reduced bass extension from the original 400's and lack of quantity bothers me too much. I dont have a computer at home anymore because i sold it about a year ago. I use my phone as my source and a Schiit Fulla and HiFiMeDIY android DAC then for my amps i use Schiit Vali or Schiit Lyr. Which im sure giving my source isnt all that great that combination will suit me just fine until i can afford to build another PC. That combo did just fine with the with the HE-400i's, im sure it will do the job. I have been following this thread for two or more years now drooling over these. Ive read the other Audeze threads and the LCD-2's still sound like my kinda sound signature. I cant wait to listen and be able to write up my review.

I felt severe pain in my wallet initially when I purchased the LCD 2.2s, and I even went through buyer's remorse.  However, three months later, no pain and no remorse.  Extremely happy with the purchase.
Mar 20, 2015 at 2:29 PM Post #5,914 of 13,154
  Im very excited to announce that i will be trading my HE-400i Plus $450 for a pair of LCD-2's. Ive wanted a pair of lcd'2's since i first laid eyes & ears on them. Im going to be broke for a few weeks, it is going to hurt my pocket and finances BUT it is going to be worth it. The HE-400i's are GREAT headphones, make no mistake about it, but the reduced bass extension from the original 400's and lack of quantity bothers me too much. I dont have a computer at home anymore because i sold it about a year ago. I use my phone as my source and a Schiit Fulla and HiFiMeDIY android DAC then for my amps i use Schiit Vali or Schiit Lyr. Which im sure giving my source isnt all that great that combination will suit me just fine until i can afford to build another PC. That combo did just fine with the with the HE-400i's, im sure it will do the job. I have been following this thread for two or more years now drooling over these. Ive read the other Audeze threads and the LCD-2's still sound like my kinda sound signature. I cant wait to listen and be able to write up my review.

Hope you enjoy them.  I've had mine for a few months now and they get a lot of head time, my girlfriend bough them for me but doesn't really care for them, she says they are way to heavy (she's petite, 5'1" and 94lbs after dinner), she prefers the HE-560.
Mar 20, 2015 at 2:39 PM Post #5,915 of 13,154
  I felt severe pain in my wallet initially when I purchased the LCD 2.2s, and I even went through buyer's remorse.  However, three months later, no pain and no remorse.  Extremely happy with the purchase.

this reminds me: did I get a good deal on my lcd-2 revision 1s? I bought them for $500 on ebay barely used. Also came in the fancy wooden box and original packaging. I thought I got a pretty good deal but I'm unsure. 
Mar 20, 2015 at 2:41 PM Post #5,916 of 13,154
  this reminds me: did I get a good deal on my lcd-2 revision 1s? I bought them for $500 on ebay barely used. Also came in the fancy wooden box and original packaging. I thought I got a pretty good deal but I'm unsure. 

I'd say that's a good deal.
Mar 20, 2015 at 3:17 PM Post #5,917 of 13,154
  this reminds me: did I get a good deal on my lcd-2 revision 1s? I bought them for $500 on ebay barely used. Also came in the fancy wooden box and original packaging. I thought I got a pretty good deal but I'm unsure. 

my girlfriend just told me my LCD-2f  that she bough was $675 for a open-box one.  When I opened it I though it was brand new, everything was still wrapped up and shipped within the water proof? storage case, guess she found a pretty good deal.
Mar 20, 2015 at 3:44 PM Post #5,918 of 13,154
   A lot of people say that HD600/650s are unbeatable for the price, I agree with them.  The 650s are warmer than the HD600s but they both have a warmer than neutral sound signature.  I think it'd give you a good idea of the bass presence you'll get with audezes.  It's more quality than quantity.

So you are saying that the HD650 would be a good intro into the LCD 2?
  I'm far from an expert here, but I recently upgraded my system from DT-880 and Audio-gd Compass DAC/amp to the LCD-2F and Gustard H10 amp. Still using the Compass as a DAC, but I'm hoping to upgrade that relatively soon. No experience with the E12, but I found the H10 to be a HUGE improvement over the integrated amp in the Compass, particularly in the bass. And the Compass was designed to be the best $500 unit like 5 years ago. So I would recommend budgeting for a new amp (Gustard H10, Garage 1217 Project Polaris, Schiit Lyr2, etc). If you have all the money now, great. If you don't, the HD 650 sounds like an excellent stepping stone while you save up for a new amp. Just remember that planar are low impedance cans while the HD 650 are relative high impedance: amps like the Bottlehead Crack may sound amazing with the HD 650, but aren't designed to drive planars.
Also, don't let your decision re HiFiMAN vs Audeze be determined by which one is easier to drive. I would make the decision based on which you prefer sonically and what you can afford (taking into account a new amp, etc). Just my $0.02.

Thanks for you input! If buy the HD650 I can also buy an amp :D Any recommendations on a amp that is both suitable for the HD650s and the LCD 2s in future. I rather like the Little Dot line of amps and I have heard the MK9 which I loved! Something about tube amps :D
Mar 20, 2015 at 8:24 PM Post #5,919 of 13,154
So you are saying that the HD650 would be a good intro into the LCD 2?
Thanks for you input! If buy the HD650 I can also buy an amp :D Any recommendations on a amp that is both suitable for the HD650s and the LCD 2s in future. I rather like the Little Dot line of amps and I have heard the MK9 which I loved! Something about tube amps :D

Just got a Project Ember and it works well with both my LCD-2f, HD-650 and even HD-700, so good that my girlfriend wants to get a second one, says it also is pretty to look at.
Mar 20, 2015 at 8:30 PM Post #5,920 of 13,154
Any recommendations on a amp that is both suitable for the HD650s and the LCD 2s in future. I rather like the Little Dot line of amps and I have heard the MK9 which I loved! Something about tube amps :D

People say tube amps shine with the HD650, but (some) tube amps struggle to provide enough power at low impedance, which is necessary for planars (though I'm FAR from an expert). I don't know/haven't heard of any pure tube amps in the sub-$500 range that really shine with the LCD-2F or the HE-560. If you want to go solid state, I'd recommend the Gustard H10. People say it has a very "tube-like" sound to it, and it's quite powerful at low impedance. It has single-ended outputs, but balanced inputs, so you can get a balanced DAC/cables in preparation for upgrading to a balanced amp at some point.) But I haven't heard many amps, so take my opinion with a large grain of salt. You should meander over to the H10 thread—you'll find some info on how it sounds with the HD-650 and how it compares to other amps. The other options I was highly considering before I purchased the H10 are the Garage 1217 Project Polaris and Schiit Lyr2 (hybrid tube). There are specific comparisons to the Lyr2 in the H10 thread if you search that thread.
Before you start down this path of expensive upgrades, I think you should make up some "ideal" setups, create a budget, and try to attend a local head-fi meet before buying anything. That way, you can hear some of the gear and get a sense of what you like the most. No sense in springing for an LCD-2F + H10 if you think the HD 650 + Bottlehead Crack (or Mk9) sounds just as good.
Mar 21, 2015 at 1:23 AM Post #5,921 of 13,154
@cCasper TFG just put together some cable for my LCD-2's. I just picked up some kimber cable which is a chunky 19awg cryo copper to hook up directly to the planar.
Thickness and cable brand was my request, even though he has more flexible cabling options.
Just thought I'd choose an AWG closer to the one Audeze use on the stock latest cable...
Audeze cable page quote '20 AWG for very low impedance, high current capacity, with extended high frequency range"
vs an IEM AWG thickness.




Mar 21, 2015 at 1:26 AM Post #5,922 of 13,154
Thoughts on which Burson amp/DAC pairs best with a pre-Fazor LCD 2r2? Having a little trouble discerning the Burson Conductor, Conductor SL 1793, and Conductor SL 9018 based on product descriptions.
I'm not deadset on a Burson amp, but that seems to be one of the most recommended brands for these cans, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I also don't plan on buying many high end amps, so whatever I buy I'd also like to use for future headphones whenever possible.
Mar 21, 2015 at 2:03 AM Post #5,923 of 13,154
  Thoughts on which Burson amp/DAC pairs best with a pre-Fazor LCD 2r2? Having a little trouble discerning the Burson Conductor, Conductor SL 1793, and Conductor SL 9018 based on product descriptions.
I'm not deadset on a Burson amp, but that seems to be one of the most recommended brands for these cans, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I also don't plan on buying many high end amps, so whatever I buy I'd also like to use for future headphones whenever possible.

If you are not deadset on the Burson, check out the Gustard H10 thread on this is looking like the deal-of-the-year (currently $330 now !) for planar amping and then you can roll in and out a DAC until you get the magic combo with your headphones....IMO.There are also people active on the thread trying to push it to its limits with mods, which is also part of the FUN !
Mar 21, 2015 at 9:33 PM Post #5,924 of 13,154
If you are not deadset on the Burson, check out the Gustard H10 thread on this is looking like the deal-of-the-year (currently $330 now !) for planar amping and then you can roll in and out a DAC until you get the magic combo with your headphones....IMO.There are also people active on the thread trying to push it to its limits with mods, which is also part of the FUN !

They seem interesting for sure. I'm seeing some mixed reviews with the LCD-2, though.
Mar 21, 2015 at 10:05 PM Post #5,925 of 13,154
Ok I feel like I'm going crazy here, can someone tell me if they hear a very high pitched ringing at ~1:44-2:04 of this song, should be in your right ear. Trying to see if it's just my LCD-2s... (rev 2 unfazored version)

Any way to combat this?

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