Audeze EL-8: The EL-8 is a must-hear at CES 2015
Mar 2, 2015 at 5:13 PM Post #2,896 of 6,486
From what I understand and read on multiple places (and ultimately the reason I didn't buy a pair,) the LCD-XC sounds slightly like its own and less like a closed X. The XC is also heavier. From what I've been told and will find out by next week, the ZMF Blackwoods are like a closed LCD-X. Just looking at the frequency charts, the LCD-XC's are not near as smooth as the LCD-X, but they do have thicker bass (which is consistent with most reviews I've read.)

The XC also had treble spikes that are quite irritating.
Mar 2, 2015 at 6:51 PM Post #2,897 of 6,486
YES, the EL8 was developed to be used on the go. So a mobile phone is a reasonable source for them. 
Who needs a mobile headphones like the EL8 to be resolving?! I guess that people are taking the EL8 to the wrong direction. The EL8s are not for sit, relax and enjoy afternoon weekend music on your comfy couch. If this is the goal then move to the LCD line. 
Resolving headphones are better to stay at home 

Are these really being pushed as portable headphones? If so, I am much less excited to hear them. They look... not very portable.
Also, I would never take $700 headphones outside to work or someting.
Mar 2, 2015 at 6:58 PM Post #2,898 of 6,486
Are these really being pushed as portable headphones? If so, I am much less excited to hear them. They look... not very portable.

Not necessarily!
This is the formula of the buying the correct Audeze (my personal opinion):
High budget + home use + comfy couch + good amp + good source = LCD line.
Moderate budget (700 is not cheap) + want the flavour of magnetic phones + low impedance cable + without amp (or with it is up to you!) + you might use it outside home + don't want to buy annoying bulky portable amp = EL8
The EL8 is the entry level at Audeze PERIOD. 
So why buy EL8? Here is my answer:
a- If you want the flavour of magnetic driver with moderate budget that doesn't allow you to get high end phones.
b- You have the budget to buy the LCD and you own a high end headphones but you still need magnetic, audiophile level and light for mobility. 
Mar 2, 2015 at 8:34 PM Post #2,899 of 6,486
You really think the phones could be shipped to Ukraine so quickly??
Nothing ships to Ukraine in less than a few weeks. Trust me, I live here.
Seller probably doesn't speak much English, hence no description.
It's also a seller with over 2,800 items sold and 100% positive feedback.
You need to be careful about accusing others of crime so easily.

I didn't actually accuse them.  I said it might be legitimate.  What I posted could raise suspicion, but that isn't the same as a true accusation.  There is an important distinction to be made there.  That said, you make good points here and I do see now that I got carried away with the drama of the situation.  I feel a bit stupid about it.  More so even than usual! :)
Mar 2, 2015 at 8:36 PM Post #2,900 of 6,486
  I didn't actually accuse them.  I said it might be legitimate.  What I posted could raise suspicion, but that isn't the same as a true accusation.  There is an important distinction to be made there.  That said, you make good points here and I do see now that I got carried away with the drama of the situation.  I feel a bit stupid about it.  More so even than usual! :)

I think there is a thread dedicated to the theft now. That will help co-ordinate for people.
Great to see the production units are shipping/turning up now to reach a wider feel on the EL-8.
Mar 2, 2015 at 8:55 PM Post #2,901 of 6,486
I'll check it out, thanks.
And I'm really looking forward to reading impressions/reviews of the closed El-8.
Mar 2, 2015 at 9:52 PM Post #2,903 of 6,486
I see you are an XC owner.  There's a comparison that could really be interesting if you get the time.
Mar 2, 2015 at 10:01 PM Post #2,904 of 6,486
Ditto. I just pre-ordered the closed myself.

Sweet I hope they sound great and isolate noise leakage reasonably well. I need a pair of on the go closed back cans that sound great and Isolate too. I prefer to listen to great music without inflicting my musical taste upon others, say in doctors offices or strolling through the local mall. I was using my DT 880's, 600 ohm headphones, at the mall, listening to Zappa's Joe's Garages "Catholic Girls" when I ran into a flock of nuns lol. I actually felt bad and would like to use a nice portable set of closed cans. I must be mellowing in my old age lol.
Mar 3, 2015 at 1:00 AM Post #2,907 of 6,486
Mar 3, 2015 at 1:08 AM Post #2,908 of 6,486

Mar 3, 2015 at 1:27 AM Post #2,909 of 6,486
  hope my preodered closed el8s are coming soon
the waiting is killing me and the extra delay had just killed me already once 

I don't know if this is a new message or not, but Audeze's website says, "We plan to begin shipping in late March."

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