Are Sennheiser's really worth while?
Jul 1, 2011 at 8:40 PM Post #46 of 81
Ok first off, why no grado's you stated in your first post you didn't want grado's may I ask why?
Secondly, your genres are very busy genre's of music (lots of sound) You most likely want clarity, and neutralness especially around the midrange, since rock and hard rock are focus around mids and upper mids.
My recommendations are as follows:
A grado headphone, between sr60i and sr325i, have the sound you would want for your genre.
A neutral headphone like the hd600, hd580, dt880, k240S, or k701 (probably not k701 they may not have enough weight for heavy metal)
I would advice you to reconsider grado, if you are dead set against them, hd600.
I strongly advice against headphones that have a scooped out midrange. Headphones NOT to get in my opinion: D2000, dt770, dt990, m50.
I have heard all the previously mentioned headphones except the beyers.
Hope my advice helps in some way.
Jul 1, 2011 at 8:55 PM Post #47 of 81

Would it still sound great (the 880's 250 ohms version) without an amp? they are $214 on amazon. idk if thats a steal or not. I just wanna know if they are worth it without an amp.

Some people enjoy the  DT-880 without an amp, but the amp is still recommended.
Search with keywords DT-880 & unamped.
There's a review from amazon saying that the guy enjoy them from the ipod.
And this thread: "Ya know, the DT880's don't sound all that bad unamped"
Jul 1, 2011 at 9:23 PM Post #48 of 81

Ok first off, why no grado's you stated in your first post you didn't want grado's may I ask why?
Secondly, your genres are very busy genre's of music (lots of sound) You most likely want clarity, and neutralness especially around the midrange, since rock and hard rock are focus around mids and upper mids.
My recommendations are as follows:
A grado headphone, between sr60i and sr325i, have the sound you would want for your genre.
A neutral headphone like the hd600, hd580, dt880, k240S, or k701 (probably not k701 they may not have enough weight for heavy metal)
I would advice you to reconsider grado, if you are dead set against them, hd600.
I strongly advice against headphones that have a scooped out midrange. Headphones NOT to get in my opinion: D2000, dt770, dt990, m50.
I have heard all the previously mentioned headphones except the beyers.
Hope my advice helps in some way.

You may have not read it but I state several times I do not like Grado's for their on-ear style. I dislike that, A LOT. And they jump from a low price to a very high price. its ridiculous. I looks at the sr80's then sr325's and the price jump is ridiculous. I have max $200 budget with or without an amp. So it is very hard for me to choose. Ultimately all in all, I am most definitely certain I am going with the Ultrasone HFI-680's. They are neutral and I have only met one person on here who says that they weren't that good and the S-Logic thing is crap. It seems legit to me. If I'm wrong someone PLEASE notify me soon. I'm gettin kinda peeved not having a set of cans and have, (IMO, bleh), IEM's temporarily, ugh! lol jk jk. but please let me know. I need multiple opinions on this S-Logic stuff. Those headphones are reasonably cheap right now $137 for hfi-680's (I wonder why though 0.o)
Jul 1, 2011 at 9:52 PM Post #49 of 81
I have only met one person on here who says that they weren't that good and the S-Logic thing is crap.

I've not said they are bad, just don't buy them for the S-logic thing. People like  ultrasone for  other reasons (probably bass & design).
Maybe you'd want to try the new srh940, you can have them for 240$ using a coupon, and some people managed to get them at 126$ (scam ?). Look at the last posts of the shr940 thread.
Unfortunately can't test them now, but the reviews are exciting (except perhaps for the comfort).
Jul 1, 2011 at 10:01 PM Post #50 of 81

You may have not read it but I state several times I do not like Grado's for their on-ear style. I dislike that, A LOT. And they jump from a low price to a very high price. its ridiculous. I looks at the sr80's then sr325's and the price jump is ridiculous.

That's because there are two models between those:  the 125 and the 225.  Not wanting supra-aurals is understandable enough though.
edit:  Takashi is right,  if you're already looking at supra-aurals you should give grado more consideration.  It really does sound like a match for your listening needs.
Jul 1, 2011 at 10:01 PM Post #51 of 81
I don't understand why you would be willing to buy an ultrasone, and not a grado, ultrasone are supra-aural just like grado, and if you experience discomfort with grado you will experience it with ultrasone. Grado's are well regarded as rock headphones.
Jul 1, 2011 at 10:31 PM Post #52 of 81

I don't understand why you would be willing to buy an ultrasone, and not a grado, ultrasone are supra-aural just like grado, and if you experience discomfort with grado you will experience it with ultrasone. Grado's are well regarded as rock headphones.

No, the Ultrasones are not supra aural. And One of the main reasons I love mine is the Slogic, it really helps uncongest and spread out the sound in metal.
Jul 1, 2011 at 11:13 PM Post #53 of 81
Hmm in that case I was misinformed, are they sort of like the ath m50 in terms of pads? I was under the impression the weren't fully around ear. Sorry though, in that case i have no quibbles with ultrasone, I have never heard them.
Jul 1, 2011 at 11:40 PM Post #54 of 81
I don't know about the M50s, but the Ultrasone pads look a lit smaller in pictures than they really are. I'd say the cups are about as big as the bottom of this poland spring water bottle I got here.
Jul 2, 2011 at 6:44 PM Post #55 of 81
Could I use the Ultrasone PRO-550's for everyday use? It says that they are used for mainly drummers and bass players. Soooo excuse my noobiness, but can someone explain that to me? I am not sure if its right but I think that means its used for dividing the instruments? Can someone please explain? Thanks! :D
UPDATE: I somewhat have interest in the Shure SRH940's since someone recommended them, they have those amazing velvet ear pads. Lol I really want those ear pads for some reason, they look super duper comfy 

Jul 2, 2011 at 8:44 PM Post #56 of 81
Ultrasone's PRO-line is designed with studio(recording or audio egnineering) use in mind.  That however, does not mean that they can't be used for personal use.  In fact, the headphone I use primarily(Shure SRH840) is also considered a designed for studio use headphone.  I can attest to the fact that it works great for personal music listening.
Jul 2, 2011 at 9:15 PM Post #57 of 81
Dude you do realize the most important opinion is your own right? If you keep on changing your choices of HP based on other people's opinions w/o having heard any of the choices how are you ever going to choose? Just do some research on your own (not starting another thread) and form your own thoughts on what would be best and pull the trigger. Then once you hear the cans you buy and formulate your own opinions you can compare to all these other cans. Just choose one from about the 35 choices people have given you... They will all sound great the differences between them isnt like lets say eating fast food or going to a 4 star restaurant; its more like your choice is between multiple 4 star restaurants.
Jul 2, 2011 at 9:16 PM Post #58 of 81
If you are interested by Ultrasone, you could consider the Pro 900. You can find them at 360$ at amazon, which is a great price, when you compare with other websites. They have great bass, and some reviews are suggesting they would be great for metal.  And why not just directly get the top of the pro  line
Here's a quote from a review  I  found at :
Overall, the Pro 900s have an aggressive sound that's more suited to similarly aggressive genres such as punk, metal and techno. I don't think these are the type of headphones I could listen to for hours on end, but rather ones that I'd listen to one album at a time with

Also the "Ultrasone Pro 900 Appreciation Thread" is updated quite often, which seems to indicate some excitement for these headphones.
SRH940's since someone recommended them, they have those amazing velvet ear pads. Lol I really want those ear pads for some reason, they look super duper comfy 

Comfort might not be  their strongest point. They are praised for being very detailed. 
Jul 2, 2011 at 9:27 PM Post #59 of 81
Dude you do realize the most important opinion is your own right? If you keep on changing your choices of HP based on other people's opinions w/o having heard any of the choices how are you ever going to choose? Just do some research on your own (not starting another thread) and form your own thoughts on what would be best and pull the trigger.

You are right, but pulling the trigger can be so hard 
.  The fact is that there's a lot of  discussion like "I  don't know which headphone to buy" - and then "get some Sennheiser". And then he might have realized it's not the "unique &  ultimate" choice, especially since tastes can vary.
Jul 2, 2011 at 9:46 PM Post #60 of 81

Hmm in that case I was misinformed, are they sort of like the ath m50 in terms of pads? I was under the impression the weren't fully around ear. Sorry though, in that case i have no quibbles with ultrasone, I have never heard them.

That's the problem with offering advice from a second hand perspective. Stick to what you actually know and have experienced and don't make comment on what you might have read, particularly when you then pass it on as fact.  It wouldn't take much research to identify that most Ultrasone headphones are not supra-aural.  However as you have obviously never heard them (any of them), or even seen them apart from pics on the net, why do you feel you have to comment on them  and therefore misinform people?
Also why are people treating headphones within a "brand" as being as ONE.  There is a huge difference in a Senn HD650 in comparison to a Senn PX100, HD25-II, HD595 etc.  It is the the same as saying that all Ford cars are fast, comfortable, practical, economical etc.  it makes no sense.  Take Audio Technica for instance, the difference between various models is extreme, comparisons involving one brand against another are almost useless.

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