AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone
Sep 25, 2019 at 7:07 PM Post #5,116 of 5,483
Only 4.4mm termination and one meter length option is VIVO. Good marketing strategy by MrSpeakers , 4.4mm option isn't included on DUM cables so the user must the $300 VIVO ::yum:

LOL. However, to get a cable like DUMMER requires high volume, secondary terminations are too low volume and would drive the price up. VIVO are hand-built to order so termination is not a factor in cost beyond the connector price.

Do you use any EQ or other audio settings when listening from that pairing?

I avoid EQ unless it's parametric. The EQ in Roon, for example, is a joy to use and very effective for personalizing the experience. It's also 64-bit floating-point so you have the highest possible resolution. Standard "sliders" are too coarse for me and frequently cause as many problems as they solve because the slider affects too broad or simply the wrong area, and many are low resolution 24 bit and can add artifacts.
Dan Clark Audio Make every day a fun day filled with music and friendship! Stay updated on Dan Clark Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
@funCANS MrSpeakers
Sep 26, 2019 at 4:44 AM Post #5,119 of 5,483
I avoid EQ unless it's parametric. The EQ in Roon, for example, is a joy to use and very effective for personalizing the experience. It's also 64-bit floating-point so you have the highest possible resolution. Standard "sliders" are too coarse for me and frequently cause as many problems as they solve because the slider affects too broad or simply the wrong area, and many are low resolution 24 bit and can add artifacts.

Thank you for the answers Dan.

Can I also ask you that which gain setting, which digital filter setting and which damping material (or none?) with your DX228- AFC setup?

Sep 26, 2019 at 8:08 AM Post #5,120 of 5,483
I doubt that. I haven't listened to ECF but it probably is even more clinical.
ECF vs AFC: denser sound field, more micro-detail, faster dynamics. ECF is anything but clinical IMO. It goes very well with tube hybrids like Schiit's Lyr 3. I prefer AFC for music-to-work-by (mostly minimalist, some kinds of jazz and baroque). ECF is too attention-grabbing (and also less comfortable) for that.
Sep 26, 2019 at 1:12 PM Post #5,121 of 5,483
I like the 1 or 2 notch white and I use the non-apodizing (pretty sure, this is from memory) filter on high gain.
Dan Clark Audio Make every day a fun day filled with music and friendship! Stay updated on Dan Clark Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
@funCANS MrSpeakers
Sep 28, 2019 at 2:23 AM Post #5,122 of 5,483
Hmm okay. Do you think they would fit a smaller sized head? Most headphones I have to use on the smallest adjustable headband setting and even then some are too big. Luckily the Sennheisers I have to extend a couple notches on the headband to fit nicely. Also yes I would like to use these with an XLR cable.

No idea. All I can say is that they fit my narrow but large head and giant ears.
Sep 28, 2019 at 2:28 AM Post #5,123 of 5,483
So their design idea is "user must unplug the cable each time he wants to put the headphone to the case and replug the cable each time he wants to wear the headphone again" ?

It is sad that they design an awesome headphone but fail in a very simple practical thing...

what bugs me is the zipper. A well designed case would just self close when you think “close” at it.
Sep 28, 2019 at 2:44 AM Post #5,124 of 5,483
I'm listening to my AFC paired with DX220 AMP1. My expectations were very high but I couldn't find what I hoped for (so far).

+AFC is the most comfortable headphone I've ever worn

The sound is usually overly thin and bright. I am far from being a bass-head and I love treble sparkle but even for me AFC is overly sharp in negative way so far. The sound quality is weirdly inconsistent across different songs, a track sounds extremely good but the next track on the album sounds like unlistenable garbage. (the two tracks sound equally good on my other headphones)

AFC sounds good with instrumental tracks, but songs with multiple elements (synthesis, vocals, chorus, drums) often sound very congested. Belive me or not, some tracks sound better with my $350 bluetooth Sony XM3.

Many people including Dan suggested AMP8 module on DX220 to pair with AFC. I will purchase that and I guess it will improve the sound.

There are still many tools I can play with (EQ, damping pads, AMP8) . Let's see

The AFC is a power pig, but with the right amp it sounds anything but high and thin. I believe you are describing the symptoms of an underpowered AFC
Sep 28, 2019 at 11:33 AM Post #5,125 of 5,483
The AFC is a power pig, but with the right amp it sounds anything but high and thin. I believe you are describing the symptoms of an underpowered AFC
No kidding. For example, AFC sounds a lot better with my Lyr 3 (lots of power at low impedance) than with my Apex Peak (much less power at low impedance). Both amps are tube-solid state hybrids, with the Peak being generally a bit better than the Lyr 3 with ECF or ZMF Verité, both of which require less power. The Neurochrome HP-1 I normally use with the AFC has plenty of power like the Lyr 3. I've briefly tried the AFC with the DAPs I've owned, meh.
Sep 28, 2019 at 9:37 PM Post #5,126 of 5,483
So yesterday I bought the Aeon Flow Closed used from a local seller. I'm definitely not used to closed back headphones as I have two open back headphones in the HD6XX and 58X Sennheisers. These AFC do make me feel kind of claustrophobic. I'm powering these AFC with the Fiio K3 at the moment but I have the THX789 on order and to be delivered in November. These sound very good although I can't say they are worlds better than my Sennheisers. Depends on the music being played. I took out the foam pads which were inside the ear cups. I think I like the sound better like this. However when Zeos reviewed these headphones he also had to sets of white dampening foam which I did not receive. Also I'm wondering if the pads can be replaced with something with a different material. I think it would be better to have soft felt on the flat part of the pad which is against the head.

Also someone has the open back version of these for sale not too far from me. Would it be worth the price to get those and compare. Then sell whichever I like less?
Sep 28, 2019 at 11:16 PM Post #5,127 of 5,483
As stated above, the AFC is really source dependent and likes a lot of power. I think the descriptions by some of it sounding "thin" or "dead" derive from using them under-driven. Or people expect them to have bass slam like ThX-00 or LCD2.

That said, they are closed headphones so they won't ever have as much "air" around the instruments as an open back and there is always a bit of a cave-like cup effect for me. However, you gain sub-bass with the closed back design.

If this is your first planar headphone, it might take a while to notice the strengths and weaknesses vs. dynamic drivers. The AFC has more bass and treble extension vs. HD6XX and much lower distortion. However, it can sound dynamically compressed especially when not given enough power and doesn't have as much bass slam.

I've been trying to describe this other feature of the AFC and Ether CX related to their fast transient response. I've been thinking of calling it "treble slam". These headphones are so fast that cymbals, snare drums, and other fast sounds, etc. sound very clean and impactful in a way I haven't heard from dynamic headphones.

The Aeon Flow Open (AFO) is more similar to the HD6XX, but with more mid-bass and more treble extension, but more reduced mids. The mids are still a bit better on the HD6XX for some genres. I still prefer HD6XX for acoustic guitar for example, but with rock, metal, and electronic the AFO wins for me. Some find the AFO to have too narrow a soundstage and to be a bit veiled in the upper mids and treble. Initially almost returned them, but now they are one of my favorite open backs once I grew to appreciate the tuning.

I'm curious what you think of the THX 789. It has plenty of power, but was too bright for me with everything but the ZMF Atticus.
Sep 28, 2019 at 11:36 PM Post #5,128 of 5,483
So yesterday I bought the Aeon Flow Closed used from a local seller. I'm definitely not used to closed back headphones as I have two open back headphones in the HD6XX and 58X Sennheisers. These AFC do make me feel kind of claustrophobic. I'm powering these AFC with the Fiio K3 at the moment but I have the THX789 on order and to be delivered in November. These sound very good although I can't say they are worlds better than my Sennheisers. Depends on the music being played. I took out the foam pads which were inside the ear cups. I think I like the sound better like this. However when Zeos reviewed these headphones he also had to sets of white dampening foam which I did not receive. Also I'm wondering if the pads can be replaced with something with a different material. I think it would be better to have soft felt on the flat part of the pad which is against the head.

Also someone has the open back version of these for sale not too far from me. Would it be worth the price to get those and compare. Then sell whichever I like less?

K3 single end is definitely underpowered for the AFC. The balanced is a little better, but still about 1/3 what I would recommend. My advice is to upgrade your amplification or buy a different pair of headphones. If you don’t want a more powerful amp, I’d look at Focal. They’re very energy efficient and will sound good with any amp.
Sep 28, 2019 at 11:42 PM Post #5,129 of 5,483
K3 single end is definitely underpowered for the AFC. The balanced is a little better, but still about 1/3 what I would recommend. My advice is to upgrade your amplification or buy a different pair of headphones. If you don’t want a more powerful amp, I’d look at Focal. They’re very energy efficient and will sound good with any amp.

Well if you had read my reply more closely I said I have the THX 789 on the way in November. As for power with my Fiio K3 I'm on low gain with the volume at 50%.
Sep 29, 2019 at 12:51 AM Post #5,130 of 5,483
Well if you had read my reply more closely I said I have the THX 789 on the way in November. As for power with my Fiio K3 I'm on low gain with the volume at 50%.

No offense intended. Just pointing out some alternatives since I figure you still are going to want a portable rig.

Re being at half volume: Volume controls gain, which is the same as voltage. Some headphones require a lot of voltage to perform well, and they benefit from an amp that can deliver clean high voltage. They don’t require much in the way of current though, because they’re pretty efficient.

AFCs don’t take much voltage because they’re low impedance. They need an amp that can deliver current. Because they’re not very efficient, they need a lot of current. Your THX can deliver it so I predict you’ll love the sound. Your K3 can deliver decent voltage, just not much current which means it distorts like crazy on sonic peaks. that’s probably why you’re dissatisfied

I use a FIIO Q5, which is more powerful than the K3, but it’s still a little underpowered. It works, but there is a very obvious difference between the Q5 and the LYR3
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