2359glenn | studio
Nov 21, 2018 at 4:57 PM Post #23,461 of 40,042
Did you try the 13D1 driver with the Verite?

Not yet. I like to do one tube swap at a time so I know what tube is doing what. Im currently using a Tung Sol 6SU7GTY ,which to my ears is a pretty neutral,detailed tube,so I dont know how much more mid bass I can subtract from the equation before the Verite sounds neutered.

Will roll the 13D1 in tonight.
Nov 21, 2018 at 5:07 PM Post #23,462 of 40,042
Not yet. I like to do one tube swap at a time so I know what tube is doing what. Im currently using a Tung Sol 6SU7GTY ,which to my ears is a pretty neutral,detailed tube,so I dont know how much more mid bass I can subtract from the equation before the Verite sounds neutered.

Will roll the 13D1 in tonight.

Let me know how it turns out with the 13D1.
Nov 21, 2018 at 6:02 PM Post #23,463 of 40,042
Hi JV,
The gold label Toshiba 12AU7 does says "Tokyo Shibaura Electric 2H
Here you see the origin of the name Toshiba.
2H = August 1952/62
Toshiba and Hitachi were different companies.
In general I have found that the Japanese tubes are of good quality.

Nice on the Toshiba name origin. Agree that the Japan tubes sound good.

Trying one of my three 1633 tubes...and it is sounding good. This one not too bright (yeah).

Nov 21, 2018 at 6:42 PM Post #23,464 of 40,042
Nice on the Toshiba name origin. Agree that the Japan tubes sound good.

Trying one of my three 1633 tubes...and it is sounding good. This one not too bright (yeah).


You know my first amps only used the 25 volt 1633 and 13D1. But changed it to 6SN7 only for awhile due to people wanting to use 6SN7.
I thought $4 tubes that sounded good were great idea. What do I know.
Nov 21, 2018 at 7:27 PM Post #23,465 of 40,042
Ended up grabbing that tube.Very clean pins and sounds fantastic with the Auteur. Theres still too much mid-bass reflection with the Verite for my tastes/collection.
Its early,but I think I prefer the Auteur vs. Verite.

Interesting, describing it as 'mid-bass reflection' would put it in the boomy and/or atmospheric category rather than impactful and controlled/detailed.
If so, that's not the rectifier, I would look to the driver, power tube, or headphone. Process of elimination.
If you know the driver is clean, try different power tubes. Some power tubes can definitely overlay an 'atmospheric' bass quality.
Then again, different headphones can react differently to a particular power tube, some are more sensitive to subtle tube colorations.
All I know about Verite is that it's supposed to be cleaner/faster, that doesn't sound like what you're hearing.
Could also be a burn in issue, or a cup resonance, or just a bad driver.
Nov 21, 2018 at 7:33 PM Post #23,466 of 40,042
Well, a bit more than $4 each, but still, not all that expensive. Tung-Sol 6BX7, Lorenz C3g and Telefunken WE56. To my old ears, this is pretty great. :)

2018-11-21 19.18.50.jpg
Nov 21, 2018 at 8:09 PM Post #23,467 of 40,042
Nov 21, 2018 at 8:10 PM Post #23,468 of 40,042
Well, a bit more than $4 each, but still, not all that expensive. Tung-Sol 6BX7, Lorenz C3g and Telefunken WE56. To my old ears, this is pretty great. :)

Just had a tune-up of my old ears. Slight imbalance corrected in the right channel, better definition and slam.
(The ENT doc removed some ear wax buildup)
Nov 21, 2018 at 10:23 PM Post #23,472 of 40,042

Allow me to elaborate a bit. I already own a very warm,bass heavy headphone(Atticus) and while the mids,highs,staging,and imaging are quite different between the two,the midbass,for me,is too similar to the Atticus to warrant a purchase. The Auteur is very different,and thats what I want.

To my ears and in a very rudimentary way the Verite sounds like the Atticus and Auteur had a love child. I think the Verite is a fantastic sounding headphone,and on many songs it is truly mindblowing. I just would prefer the midbass to be less intrusive on certain songs.
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Nov 21, 2018 at 11:35 PM Post #23,475 of 40,042
I dont have the Lorenz versions of C3g but hearing everyone say they less bright than the Siemens’...makes me want them.


They are definitely darker than the Siemens. The Telefunken rectifier is too bright with the Siemens, but sounds great with the Lorenz. If I roll in the HEXFRED, I prefer a brighter output tube, such as the Fivre 6BX7.
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