2359glenn | studio
Oct 3, 2012 at 9:29 AM Post #827 of 39,998
I am using the TS-5998s currently, but swapped the 5U8C out for the 596. I have a few 6AS7 tubes around to try later, but I figured I'd let the amp finish maturing before I did too much tube rolling.
I should have this weekend off so I'll take some glamour/night shots of the amp.
Thank you Glenn!! It is an amazing amp.
Oct 3, 2012 at 9:51 AM Post #828 of 39,998
This project could potentially put the Studio on the map! RMAF-2013?

If Glenn shows up at next RMAF I am sure to greet him since I am a member of CAS that puts on the show. The best consumer show with speakers and headphones.
Head-Fi will also be there.
Oct 3, 2012 at 3:58 PM Post #829 of 39,998
This project could potentially put the Studio on the map! RMAF-2013?

If Glenn shows up at next RMAF I am sure to greet him since I am a member of CAS that puts on the show. The best consumer show with speakers and headphones.
Head-Fi will also be there.

I'm looking forward to 
 meeting you and your society myself. I find it a bit ironic that a cat calling himself "Silent One" is the source of RMAF rumors...

Oct 3, 2012 at 4:43 PM Post #830 of 39,998
It's a clever cat!
Oct 4, 2012 at 5:07 AM Post #832 of 39,998
It's getting late! 0200 hours inside the listening room. I suspect most of the regulars here are sleep at this writing. But, now that it's autumn, who doesn't like a good story tale before bedtime?! 
 I have three stories to tell: one about Sleeping Beauty, another about the 3 Bears and third by request.
First, I need to take a break from the listening room for a French Foam Bath with Milk, back in 1 hour. And yes, the story tales are audio related.

Update:  We're back, feeling so good and so luxurious...what was I suppose to talk about again?!
Let's start with Sleeping Beauty. The dame slept for 100 years. What she dreamt about during that time, I've no idea! However, since getting my amp back 12 September, I'd dream nightly I'd finally hear it emerge from its slumber. Prior to this overnight session, I left things at 97 hours on the amp, nothing doing. The amp sounded okay, I suppose, but I knew it could and would eventually sound better, but when? 
I sat down and started the current listening session with no expectations. It's often customary for me to start out with Abraham Laboriel Sr.'s "Holidays." Hitting "Play" was like an F/18 Fighter Pilot hitting Eject! The amp kicked the sh(edit) out of the Denon's!!!!! 
 The "X" mod finally became a factor, some 100 hours in and we're jammin' like our first day on vacation.
 I have a strong hunch that the amp is emerging but hasn't finished, it's only been a few hours. 
Just before I took my luxury bath, I ran through a couple of more configs to hear the new shift. My early evaluation:
In each of the three setups, the OTL maintained the USAF-596; TS5998's & TSBGRPVT231.
OTL amp - Wide grin
OTL preamp; SX-D7000 amp - Mouth open
OTL amp; SX-D7000 preamp - Jaw dropped
Now that the mod and new 'Stepped' are being heard from, I hear more refinement. At times, and recording dependent, hauntingly so...
Moving on, the second tale involves the 3 Bears. Yesterday afternoon, I bought fewer groceries and ordered 3 BIG Papa Bear Brass footers - 3"x3" @ 6 lbs each. I need 9 for the three components but lack "9" money. So, we're going to evaluate them one at a time under each component. But will place them under the music server first. If I'm fortunate, I'll have both the Syl 3DG4 rec and the footers on Saturday.
Next hour, will roll in a couple of audio players and hop into bed by sunrise...cheers!
Oct 4, 2012 at 7:59 AM Post #833 of 39,998
SO that's good news, great write up.
I feel like an over excited 3 year old waiting for his grandma to continue the 3 Bears story!
I hope the story will continue with the 3DG4.............
I promise to be good.
I know it's hard but I'll try!

Oct 6, 2012 at 8:15 AM Post #835 of 39,998
Why some people consider OTL amps better sounding than SET amps?
Oct 6, 2012 at 9:32 AM Post #836 of 39,998
Why some people consider OTL amps better sounding than SET amps?

Amps can, and often are, both output transformerless and single ended triode, right? Did you mean why do some people like push-pull output transformer coupled amps more than SET amps? :D
Oct 6, 2012 at 12:21 PM Post #838 of 39,998
True, but when it comes from people who deal with amps daily, it must mean something.
Oct 6, 2012 at 1:08 PM Post #839 of 39,998
Amps can, and often are, both output transformerless and single ended triode, right? Did you mean why do some people like push-pull output transformer coupled amps more than SET amps?

Rob I meant amps where the load is connected to the tube output without a transformer.
Oct 6, 2012 at 1:10 PM Post #840 of 39,998
Sure, Stavros, I understand that, but you can have a SET amp that is also OTL :D

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