「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Mar 19, 2013 at 12:25 PM Post #66,286 of 177,778
@ the unlimited 11
Surely, we can't shoot until the MC finished talking right?
And we always aim right besides the MCs so we wont actually hit them!!
I'm not even kidding... they're just standing there with their guns most of the time waiting to be taken care of.
It's like they're trying to figure out how to use it.... or maybe they're paid minimum wage so they don't give a schiit.
Mar 19, 2013 at 1:10 PM Post #66,289 of 177,778
Have a new idea for calibrating graphic EQs (the ones everybody uses, as opposed to parametric) that I will test out and hopefully post about tonight. If it pans out, it should give quick improvements to sound and see much more widespread use than my previous method or even PiccoloNamek's method.

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Mar 19, 2013 at 1:42 PM Post #66,290 of 177,778
Tbh it was probablt the "don't get an amp" part or something. Idk doe. Reddit is dumb. I only lurk for dev updates.

Pretty sure it was the DAC part, given how it seems to have devolved into an ABX downvote storm. Goddarn people with one headphone and one DAC thinking they know everything.
Mar 19, 2013 at 2:02 PM Post #66,291 of 177,778
sensei = Twin?
I'm no programmer myself.

lol are you gonna work at McDonald or something?
I want to get a job and earn some spending money too.... but I have too much I want to do over the summer. (like learning C and making CIEMs)

Haha, you or twin... You know a lot more about electronics so you're still a sensei...
And no, I won't be working at McDonald's... =_=
I'll probably be working for our school district, installing and moving computers just like Chase did last year.

btw, what did you apply to in uni?

Computer science :)

Obviously us. Don't say go - just leave unexpectedly with no forewarning whatsoever. I sneak in and out like a Mongolian ninja.

They're all copying me! Copying me I say!
(I always do invisible on forums)
Can imagine genius boy now....

It's okay used to the big pad thing with the Audeze's .Never hang them around the neck anyways, they'll be constantly on the head, probably with one ear exposed if I need it.

I've....admittedly forgot my GOOD C practices (Haskell sullied my mind with the possibilities....and perl was never a place to learn non-messy code).

Aww, nerd date.

Nope no CSS never learned it probably will never need it.

Haha, but just leaving in the middle of an IM conversation without saying anything is a bit rude, wouldn't you say?
So why do you always do invisible?
Alright, because from the pictures I've seen the LCD2 pads are about the same as the mad dogs.
Hmm, that's a bit of a depressing note about programming, I know it's a pita to code sometimes, and I've been frustrated by it before. Hopefully I'll manage. And I think it would be a lot easier to get a job as a computer programmer if you had a CS degree as opposed to no degree or a business degree.

Nice review! I'll have to check that series out.

Anime , especially new releases are not tracked so there is generally little danger with anime. Its games, murican music and movies
Wheres the headphones!??


About to get LCD demos!!! :)

I don't really care, I could get my Internet privileges taken away if they see any of that sort of stuff happening. That's not worth it IMO for a computer science major....

I really don't like programming. It's just so tedious.

Although I only know C++, Java and Python(as if Python counts). None extremely well either, just enough to make basic games(asteroids in Java) or basic particle simulations(C++ and Python).

Well you already know a helluva lot more than me about programming...
I just don't know what else to do tbh. I know I like computers and want to work on them and learn more about how they work and stuff, but I'm not sure exactly what to do :frowning2:


Basically game screenshot porn. *drools*

Dang, that thread alone makes me want to get a better GPU...

Holy hell so many new posts! Not even gonna try and go back and read what's happened o.o

Anywhos, off to pick up the Hobbit then back home. 

Not much going on as usual... Just lots of random chit chat.
Nice new avatar btw :)

Ooh, looks good!
Mar 19, 2013 at 2:06 PM Post #66,292 of 177,778
I should avoid reddit. I answer a post asking if the A900X needs and amp with "No, but get a nice DAC". Three downvotes. I guess r/headphones loves it's onboard audio.
I was recruited to be a mod to try to change r headphones from stupid circle enthusiast newb bull crap to somethig proper... Never worked
Mar 19, 2013 at 2:10 PM Post #66,293 of 177,778
And no, I won't be working at McDonald's... =_=

I'll probably be working for our school district, installing and moving computers just like Chase did last year.

that was a joke :D
damn... that's nice, I want job opportunities that too...
Mar 19, 2013 at 2:47 PM Post #66,296 of 177,778
Been looking at professional school options. Bah most places are boring; but a few are nice and I'd love to go there. List is here; I'm aiming for something in the top 15 hopefully.
Top choices right now in no particular order would be:
OSU (ohio state)
UCSF (san fran)
UNC (north carolina)
USC (south cali)
UW (washington)
UC (chi-town)
UB-SUNY (buffalo NY)
Purdue/ann arbor/austin are tentative as to if I'd want to go or not.
Mar 19, 2013 at 3:02 PM Post #66,297 of 177,778
that was a joke :D

damn... that's nice, I want job opportunities that too...

It's nice :) no recommendations really needed as long as you're in computer tech class... I heard the boss is kind of an ass but I guess it can't be helped...
I would've done it last year had I not already had plans to be working for the government! :D

Ah good to know ( ._.) b
Thanks! Still trying to find the one that's gonna stick. Or maybe I'll just rotate them weekly or something :p

Yup, pretty much everything is chit chat here...
Haha, I planned to rotated my avatar too, but I've been too lazy as of late. Saya is really starting to creep me out though...

Been looking at professional school options. Bah most places are boring; but a few are nice and I'd love to go there. List is here; I'm aiming for something in the top 15 hopefully.


Top choices right now in no particular order would be:

OSU (ohio state)
UCSF (san fran)
UNC (north carolina)
USC (south cali)
UW (washington)
UC (chi-town)
UB-SUNY (buffalo NY)

Purdue/ann arbor/austin are tentative as to if I'd want to go or not.

Niceu! I think you know which one I'd tell you to go for, so I won't bother mentioning it :wink:
Mar 19, 2013 at 3:34 PM Post #66,299 of 177,778
What the hell is that from?
I should steal Deloving's old avatar and make it mine...

muhahahaha, Cashern Sins, it's from the last Episode when the little girl that accompnays Cashern has grown up! 

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