  1. BRSxIgnition

    If you could have only one...

    Like the title, if you could have only one of the headphones you currently own, or have ever heard, which would it be?   You can list a separate headphone for amped and un-amped, but only one each. Go!
  2. Drakokirby

    Shure SRH440 Vs. Audio-Technica ATH-M50 Vs. Sony MDR-XB700

    So I have been scurrying around these forums for a few days and it seems that I have come down to the 3 most popular Headphones that fit the standards that I require:   *Closed so no one will be disturbed by my music since I will most likely be using this in my classes and outside on campus...
  3. Dorland

    Multipurpose headphones for 100-200$

    A couple of days ago I decided to get some decent headphones. Up until now I have never owned anything worth more than 30-40$, most of them in-ear phones. So I started reading reviews, and looking through what Amazon had to offer, and I got more confused than I was when I started :). So I...
  4. prcpower

    ATH M50 vs Shure srh750dj :D for the 10th and last time XD

    ATH M50 vs Shure srh750d   So guys:D Listening to all your ranting about these phones it got me confused... It seems half of you prefer m50 other half 750dj. I would like only the ones that tried both phones give me a review:) Like that's going happen. I listen to...
  5. Gomstradamus

    Need good first pair of large headphones?

      Hey I'm in college and I'm looking for DJ headphones to start out with, I've only used other people's headphones until now and I need to get a pair for myself. These are the ones I've narrowed down to. And unles the ultrasone dj1 is much better I don't know if I want them since they seem to...
  6. wicked.ludicrous

    Sub $150 Cans

    I've been looking at the 750dj, Denon Ah-NC732, ATH WS70, and the ATH-m50 for some time now, and I'd just like some input as to the comfort of those models. Honestly, my main priority in a headphone is comfort. Sound-wise, I don't need that extra push of bass, so I'm more concerned with the mids...
  7. drock200

    Sony XB500 vs. Shure SRH750DJ

    Hi so I've been reading around the forum to see which headphones would be right for me.  My price range is around $80-100 and I'm a big basshead, so bass is the most important thing to me even more so than sound quality.  After reading around it seems that the headphones with the best bass in my...
  8. Smittyy6

    Upgrading from IEMs to some cans

    Cliffs at the bottom for those who don't want to read a book.   Hey all,   I've been lurking hard around here for the past few weeks. I've found myself wanting more out of my music experience lately and, with Christmas right around the corner, might as well let old St. Nick take care of...
  9. chinatown7

    Best pair of Full sized for Iphone 4? Need strong bass

    Hi All,   First post on Head Fi, thanks for having me. I'm in the market right now for a pair of full sized headphones for daily street use with my iPhone 4. I currently use a pair of Sennheiser IE-6's and think they're pretty darn good.   What I need, is a pair that has relatively...
  10. suhaybh

    Comfortable Headphone Search

    I had a pair of Shure SRH 440 headphones and was quite pleased with the sound quality, but was extremely dissappointed with their comfort level. Just recently my left earpiece snapped and I am about to send them in for a warranty replacement. I have two options:   1) I upgrade my headphones...
  11. vk93

    Looking for new headphones

    I dont have an amp yet, and probably wont consider one for a while, unless there is a really good deal on a good amp. Does anyone know of headphones that are portable, can run well unamped, provide great bass/mids/highs. I listen to hip hop and rock, so just want to know some of your guys...
  12. thdvbr


  13. englishganxta

    Looking for stylish good sounding headphones under $100

    Im looking for headphones with good sound and style. I listen to mostly hip hop and would love a deep sounding bass. These are the ones that I have found and was wondering what you guys think of them. I...
  14. kaizr

    Help Required: Upgrade from Senn IE8 - bass and portability required

    I currently own Sennheiser IE8 in-ear headphones, and whilst I like the sound, I find myself wanting a more in-your-face thump, and I feel ready to move on from in-ear phones in general.   I am not an audiophile by any means, and I admit I like a lot of bass (and not just when the original...
  15. ilovetaylors


    I am leaning towards the denon d1100.....   (light weight, bass is great, close cans, not ugly,)   going to be using it everyday on the train to block out the pan handlers from waking me up....(don't want a woman repellent on my head) , and also going to use it when I plug it up to my...
  16. HxCKhaos

    Shure 750DJ vs Sennheiser HD595 (Or other recommendations)

    Hi, currently I own the Shure 750DJ and honestly I think they are quite good (Unamped, I only use an amp for when I sing, I'm not exactly sure how to get a amp for say a ipod, need help there to xD) Now, the reason I'm asking a good comparison is that I may return these because I find that the...
  17. Karvid

    Headphone suggestion (budget of up to £100/$160)

    Hey everybody, I'm getting a new pair of headphones for Christmas and I've been given a budget of up to £100/$160.  I realize this isn't a huge sum, but I'm sure I can get decent headphones for that price.   I'm not the pickiest audiophile around; I just want my music to sound good.  I...
  18. lazyredhead

    Shure SRH750DJ

    I'm thinking about getting these headphones, can anyone tell me how they are?   do they require an amp or can they be easily played straight from an ipod?   mainly listen to alternative
  19. ThumperSD

    M50 vs RX900

    Im currently deciding between the M50 and RX900. The RX900 is cheaper and has a wider sound stage and I am wondering if I should go with these instead. So what are the advantages of the M50?   I was able to compare the difference between a wide and low sound stage (not with the cans...
  20. cancel077

    Closed Headphones suggestions ($100-$150)

    Hi there.   I am pretty new to this forum but I have been reading headphones suggestions in here and I have been researching but I am still confused on which headphones to get.   What I need: Full-size over the ear headphones - closed design preferably, portable. I am planning to do lots...
  21. Easyxxz

    Need some advice on an upgrade.

    So, its been a terrible week so far. I either lost my Senn HD 25's or they got stolen. Even when my bank account is incredibly low I cannot go on without music haha. My price range is prolly in the 200 to 300$ range.   I listen to mostly Hip Hop (Yeah, I like my bass) Alot of techno...
  22. AmanGeorge

    What should I contribute to a charity raffle?

    Hey guys,   I know everyone hates "what would you buy" threads, but I hoped this one would be sufficiently different to warrant asking...   My office is having a raffle to raise money for charity. Basically, people in the office will donate goods and services which will get bundled into...
  23. OnFireAlive

    Audio-Technica ATH-M50 vs Shure SRH750DJ?

    I was just wondering...  A friend of mine is going to buy one of these, but is not sure which one is better, so I was wondering what you audiophile people would have to say.   I saw a lot of positive comments here about the ATH-M50, but never a comparison to a Shure pair of headphones, ...
  24. Xanimal13

    ATH-M50 or Shure SRH750DJ

    I'm considering the m50's and the 750dj's but I've been reading a bunch of different things. I've heard both have better bass than the other, and I've heard that the 750's have harsh highs and then really mellow highs. I can't seem to find a general consensus on which have a better tone. I...
  25. iftwb

    I need advice and guidanceo badly! | Audio Technica ATH-AD900 vs ATH-A900 | Or recommend me something else?

    Hi all, first post here at Head-Fi! I've been reading and swooping around the forums a lot and haven't really posted before. But I've heard a lot of great things about Head-Fi.         I basically need a recommendation for headphones that suit my criteria. My criteria, expectations or...