  1. Destroysall

    Something similar to HD280, but more portable?

    I want something more similar to the sound of the HD280s, but just a tad more portable.  Any recommendations?  I was considering the Sennheiser PX100-II, but not sure.   EDIT:  Okay, I did get to try some Sennheiser CX-300 Mk II and while they sound good, I thought they were kinda...
  2. Sealface22

    Sennheiser hd-280 pro appreciation thread!

  3. tostaylo

    Can't decide on a new set of closed headphones (upgrade from sennheiser hd280 pro)

    Hi everyone.  I almost just pulled the trigger on a set of Denon Ah-d600's earlier. But after some more research I thought I may be able to get away with something I would like just as much and save some cash.  One set that looked appealing and cheap are the Ultraphone HFI-780's.   I listen...
  4. S

    About To Buy The HD280's

    So I finally made a conclusion, for studio headphones/live set play.. These look to be, what I am looking for... 
  5. Tresholdz

    Sennheiser HD 280 Professional question

    Hello y'all,   I am looking for nice closed and circumaural headphones for: skype, bit gaming and listening music.   What do you think about Sennheiser HD 280 Professional for this?     Thanks in advance
  6. tgunn897

    Sennheiser HD-280's problem!!!Need insight

    This is my first post here, and this forum seems to maybe be the right place for my issue. I have a blown driver in my 4 year old hd-280's, i took apart my left cup and to my surprise right on the element i see a date of 5/13/07 and undernieth it it says hd-555/595. Well that seemed a bit odd...
  7. SystemsLock

    Round Two: HD 280 Pro For Movies and Games?

    This is round two of my headphone search. You guys have dissuaded me from the ATH-M50 due to their poor sound stage so I'm back on the hunt.   I'm a proud owner of a Sennheiser HD555 which has served me well for movies, music, and games. But I'm off to college in the fall and as much as I...
  8. andriusb

    Help me find a headphone amp for sennheiser hd 280 pro

    Hi! This is my first post here!   Anyway, I just bought my first pair of full size closed headphones (Sennheiser HD 280 Pro) and like how they sound. There is such a huge difference between them and my previous headphones (£5 in-ear headphones I bought at local supermarket).   However...
  9. Donut

    Looking to upgrade from HD 280s

    So I'm looking into finally upgrading my HD 280s, which has served me faithfully for some time now. They represent, along with the HD 497s, my first foray into headphones. I'm pretty happy with my set of earphones, but I need a good home 'phone to listen to, since I live in an apartment complex...
  10. tsdorsey

    Sennheiser HD280 Pro jack mod

    I found the threads on here about the HD280 "blue tak" mod helpful in taking apart my set to add a jack so I thought I reciprocate and post a thread showing how I added a jack to replace the built-in cord. Update: Executor32 found a really nice headphone jack on Amazon, I've quoted his post...
  11. Fedelesk

    Looking for HD280 upgrade, similar sound much higher price range wanted

    First, please forgive me I did recently just post, but I wasn't able to edit my thread (was too much text before). Right now I own the hd280s, I have for years and absolutely love them. But about a year ago I decided upgrade time, and got some BeyerDynamic DT880s. Back when I got these I was...
  12. jgbobcat

    Hd 280 pro vs hd 439

    Which sennheiser around ear headphone do you recommend, formally had the bose triports? Thanks
  13. SenorSwag

    How do I recess my bass on my Sennheiser HD280 pros?

    I admit, I'm not an audiophile, in fact I'm completely clueless when it comes to some of the more advanced things relating to audio. I was reading a thread on here relating to the Sennheiser HD280 Pro, and one poster said that recessing the mids would bring out the bass. I'm a little...
  14. Wobbooze

    Upgrade from the HD 280 pro and HD 25 1 ii

    Hey noobie here, sorry if i'm posting this inthe wrong place. So Im looking for some new cans, my 280s are great cuz i love the over the ear, and flat response, honestly the bass in my 25 1 ii is a bit too much, honestly i feel like it cant possibly be flat, but also the cups on the 25 iis can...
  15. YoloMcSwag

    Good DAC/Amp for Sennheiser hd 280 Pro?

    Should I get a DAC, amp, or both for hd 280 pro for the best sound quality? Portability is not an issue at all. It'll be sitting on my computer most of the time. 
  16. Apslac

    Sennheiser HD 280 Pro - Cable repair doubts - HELP!!

    Hey all!   My Sennheiser's cable is busted and it makes listening to music an excruciating experience. I need to change them, but before ordering the replacement I wanted to ask you if anyone knew an alternative to that cable which I find to be a tad too long sometimes. Is there a shorter...
  17. njsx2k

    Amp for my setup? [AE Aego M 2.1, Senns HD280, X-Fi XtremeMusic]

    Hello,   I've been running this setup (Acoustic Energy Aego M 2.1 speakers, Sennheiser HD280 [64 Ohm] headphones and X-Fi XtremeMusic soundcard)  for a while now. I thought it would be fine, until I starting reading about Amps & impedances, etc. This got me thinking that maybe I'm not...
  18. tl-driver

    Which are more comfortable HD-280's or DT-770's?

    Greetings - I am looking into purchasing a pair of DT-770's (250OHM). The only previous experience I have had with full size headphones are the Senn.HD-280's and those seemed to clamp pretty hard below my ear lobe. I think the the DT-770's are just what I'm looking for but if they clamp more...
  19. johnnycr

    Xonar DG a good upgrade from Realtek ALC889 for Sennheiser HD280?

    This is my first post at Head-Fi.  I've browsed the forums before looking for some helpful information on audio equipment in the past but this time I have a specific question that I hope you all can answer.   I have Sennheiser HD 280 headphones that I use for watching movies, listening to...
  20. S

    HD280 Pro or MDR-7520 (Z1000?)

    Need some new sealed headphones and am looking for good isolation and a flat response. Budget is not a major concern but I'm not planning on spending more than $1000, and the less I spend, the more I have to spend on other gear - I need to get a new amp as well.   From looking at...
  21. freephall

    Best Headphones under $100?

    I've just recently started browsing this forum, and joining the audiophile community, so I'm looking for a starting pair of headphones. I've been looking at a few different pairs, including the Grado SR60 and 80i, Sennheiser HD280s etc. Before i purchased any I decided to get some knowledge from...
  22. Nazo

    Are modified HD280 Pros safe in a car?

    Ok, I have a pair of HD280 Pros that have been modified with a Bluetak mod (and further I've put capacitors in them to act as simple first order high-pass filters to reduce that ugly bass hump to a slightly more reasonable level.) Rather than Bluetak since I couldn't find it, I'm using "Loctite"...
  23. jgbobcat

    Sennheriser hd 280 pro or hd 439

    Which of the two should i get? Had the bose triports previously
  24. 3


  25. lacedcurtains

    Sennheiser HD280 PRO Edit: Alternative 100 Dollar Headphones to replace these?

    Hello everyone,   I recently purchased a pair of HD280's and they feel and sound great. Not sure why there's so much hate for it. :/ Anyways, I have some questions about how to keep it lasting.   1. How do I prevent the cracking on this headphone? 2. Is there a correct way to put...