  1. zambz

    HD-280s for monitoring use not really floating my boat, some advice needed? :)

    Hello guys, I'm new here so please be gentle    A little background on me before I get into my issues.  I'm into music production and have a home studio setup here.  I'm running a RME Fireface UC audio interface (which includes a good headphone pre) and was looking to get myself a good new...
  2. Alpha Cluster

    Looking for something to replace Sennheiser HD-280 Pro with on-ear headphones $200 max

    So I have been using a pair of Sennheiser HD 280 Pro headphones for about 2 years now and they have always been bothering me cause they put pressure on my glasses but it wasn't to bad until just recently as I got a new pair of glasses which make these headphones be even more annoying.   So I...
  3. Pilopew

    Repairing/Troubleshooting Sennheiser HD 280

    Sup guys,   Ive had this pair of HD 280, but they recently broke during transport. That is to say, the right ear stopped functioning. Here's a pic of the pair, and here a close up of the speaker of the right ear. I've messed around a bit with the pair, here's what came up: - The left ear...
  4. Pattonromell

    Creative Aruvana vs HD280

    What are the key differences, which is better in your opinion. I listen to classical.
  5. Gibbs

    Upgrading from Sennheiser HD 280 to AKG K272 HD

    I am looking to upgrade to AKG K272 HD's from my 280's. I like the 280's but they lack depth and to me are very cold sounding. I'm going to be running them from my MacBook Pro with no amp and I don't plan on getting an amp. My question is are the AKG's going to be noticeably better? I thought...
  6. mikfig

    Sennheiser HD 280 Pro cable issues

    Hi all, I'm new to this forum. I purchased a set of HD 280 Pros about 2-3 months ago because I wanted quality headphones and read some good stuff about these. They've been really great, first headphones I've had that haven't been complete crap. The thing is, I've been having some issues with the...
  7. bstnvers

    Underwhelmed: Help Me Troubleshoot. (HD280's)

    After writing this out, I realize I'm all over the place.   I'm asking if: a. my iPhone 4 is ruining my listening experience. What are the mainstream (eg. affordable) answers to portable audio sources? b. an LOD would help c. I simply don't like headphones (or just closed cans) d. an...
  8. legolas52

    Comfort & Isolation: SRH440 vs ATH-M50 (vs HD280)

    Could anyone who own or has tried on the SRH440s and ATH-M50 comment on their relative comfort level (how long can you wear them, how they press against your head) and isolation (how well they can reduce outside noise)? If I were to buy the SRH440s, I'd replace their ear pads with the ones from...
  9. RAZRr1275

    Sennheiser HD-280 Pro Thread

    I'm not sure what's with the hate of them that i've seen around recently. I've got the Denon 2000s, AKG K702's and Grado SR80is and these still manage to find their way into my rotation. I like the darker sound that they have as a nice contrast to the akgs and grados, they're nice and forward...
  10. tgcujo

    Want something better than on-board for my HD280's - XONAR STX or Something else?

    Currently I'm listening only through the on-board sound of my Gigabye EP45-UD3P motherboard, which includes a Realtek ALC889A chipset.   I wanted to step up to the warmer, richer sound that's offered with a DAC and Amplifier, and with the amount of listening I do, was considering dropping...
  11. bigpapi

    Headphones better than HD280's at $100?

    I am thinking of getting the HD280's and before I buy them I want to know if there are better headphones at this price.  I listen to a lot of electric/techno music and game a little thanks
  12. ht223

    Narrowed it down to Senn HD 280 or HD 439, opinions?

    Hi again, I have narrowed my choice down to these two. Can anyone comment on either of these or the HD 438 which should be similar? The 280 is 4 cents cheaper so price isn't an issue.   Also, if there is something else I should be considering please let me know. I have a budget of $100.  ...
  13. lofthanza

    Full-size headphones vs. Earbuds (Sennheiser HD280 Pro vs. Klipsch X10)

    Guys! I know I am comparing between two different kinds of earphones, but I have a simple question. Which one of these sounds better, Sennheiser HD280 Pro or  Klipsch X10 when you listen to them directly from a laptop?
  14. Pianist718

    A True Test by Musician... ATH-M50 vs SR60i vs HD280 vs MDR-V6 vs SRH440, vs ???

    Hi guys .... so ... I've been using the in ear headphones that came with iPhone (i know, don't kill me). I've used them simply due to comfort of having small wires as I listen to music only on the train. I do not walk the streets with music on, or jog, or anything. Just on the train.   Now...
  15. AsianPowa214

    Sennheiser HD280 Pro or Audio Technica ATH-M50?

    I'm leaning more towards ATH-M50 but most of my friends recommend Sennheiser. CAn someone tell me the pros and cons of both headphones and if I choose to buy either one of them what will i miss that i can get from the other one? Thanks!
  16. mackworth

    Yet another upgrade search, looking to replace some Senn HD 280 Pros > 200

    Starting a new job tomorrow, so I am looking for a headphone refresh.  Currently, I have:   iPhone 4 -> Line out cmoyBB 2.03 w/ AD8620ARZ HD280 Pro   I listen to mostly iTunes Match music (256 AAC) and internet radio(higher quality AAC).  My music choices are pretty wide ranging:  ...
  17. freezway

    Using a different sennheiser cable with HD 280 pros

    Hopefully I'm posting this in the right spot.   Anyway, I have a pair of Sennheiser HD 280 pros which I am very pleased with. Unfortunately I ran over the headphone jack with my wheely chair and now need a replacement. I have always found the absurdly long HD 280 cord to be a nuisance and...
  18. SalkinZ

    Fixing/Replacing two year old Sennheiser HD 280 pro

    Hi,   I bought my Sennheiser HD 280 pro roughly two years ago when I moved into an apartment. I got them during a labor day sale and haven't looked back. I've come to appreciate higher quality music, speakers and headphones as a result and have been using them 2-8 hours daily. However, the...
  19. Trance88

    Upgrading from JVC "Flats" to Sennheiser HD 280 Pro?

    Hey guys! I really like the sound of my JVC Flats, but I feel as though I'm wanting more soundstage. Do you guys think the Sennheiser HD Pro would be a good upgrade overall from the Flats?
  20. zomfgkthxbye

    Sony mdr-v6 / 7506, sennheiser hd 280 or koss pro dj 100

    Hello, I want to buy a pair of decent headphones (under 100$) but I'm not sure which one, from what I have been looking on the internet I narrowed the choice to these 3. I have read and watched lots of reviews on all of them and they all seem to be great also everybody say that you will be happy...
  21. muggle68

    Macbook Pro as source for HD-280s?

    Hi, I wouldn't consider myself an audiophile, but I definitely appreciate good quality sound. Hence, I have a pair of HD-280s. Right now I've just been plugging them directly into my Macbook Pro. This sounds great to my untrained ears, and is plenty loud, but I've heard that a good amp can make...
  22. darklotusfaygo

    HD 280 Sennheiser Replacement Cable (DIY) NEED HELP!

    Well my cord is shot, broke off into the laptop jack and the cable is all tangled anyways so I am trying to find a replacement cord. I'm pretty decent with soldering (Done it at a friends house) but I don't know much about replacement parts here.  ...
  23. saviodo

    HD280 Pro Repair help?

    Hey, so this happened to my Sennheiser HD280 Pros:      They're old-ish (2006-7 purchased?) but they still sound fine. They came undone like this (that's the L side of the headphones with the cable attached. Both ears still work just fine.   I've unscrewed the part on the righthand...
  24. digital ears

    Earcup sizes - ATH-M50, HD-280, Momentum

    I've spent hours reading through many threads in the last month or so. I'm looking for a circumaural headphone with specific requirements, but I'm not sure if I've found anything just yet.   Unlike most people here -- who have impeccable hearing (I envy you) -- my hearing is not very good at...
  25. realaudioarmy13

    Sennheiser HD 280 Pro's vs. Sony MDR-7506's

    This is a topic I have wanted to post on an audio and hifi site for sometime, just to read peoples reactions to which headphone they think is better.  My current headphone collection consists of Sennheiser HD 280 Pro's, Sony MDR-7506's, Sony MDR-XB700's, the new Apple "Ear Pods" (Which I must...