
  1. Godson

    Need reccomendations on best portable speaker setup, to go with ODAC.

    I've been traveling around, and I ordered a pair of XS book, from Focal solely based on the positive serious review they have gained, and had honestly no doubts. But I can say they disappoint for my personal taste, slightly muddy and held back, at least compared to what I'm used to with senns...
  2. slayerx44

    Line out from Lightning devices Question

    Hey all, relatively new to this line out thing, if you got some time to spare, please answer my questions? So to get from my iPhone 5s to my amp ( FiiO E12 ) I do this : iPhone5s > lightning to 30pin > FiiO line out cable > amp This to get a signal which has not been processed from the...
  3. KazeNg

    With $700, what should I buy?

    Hi everyone, can you guys help me decide a combo of headphone with amp/dac with the budget of $700? Most of the time I listen to J-Pop and classical music. A little bit rock sometimes, but not much. I like something that is detailed and has good imaging. Thanks.   Edit: my source is the...
  4. moshen

    Best budget usb/dac/amp all in one for HE-500?

    I'm looking for a all in one USB/DAC/Amp solution for my HE-500. So far as options I know of the o2+odac combo and NFB-15.32. I don't need the coax/optical,etc the NFB has and I heard mixed things about Audio GD. The o2+odac looks good. Anyone have any opinions or other suggestions?
  5. earphiler

    Upgrade HD595 to HD600 or get new DAC first?

    I have HD595 and uDAC2-HP running from my macbook air.   i want to upgrade the DAC and get a headphone amp sometime too (eyeing the ODAC+O2 combo for down the road possibly)   but should I upgrade cans first or the DAC?   Also considering HD650 over HD600 but doesn't seem worth the...
  6. hydralisk01

    HE-400 Questions about the accessories.

    After some research I am thinking about purchasing the HE-400 but have some questions regarding the cables & pads.   1) What pads come with the HE-400? They sell Velour Pads & Leather Pads on the site. In terms of sound what are people impressions when changing to these pads compared to the...
  7. CSGO rice

    HD600 + ODac = Balance each other out?

    I just bought a HD600 with the Asgard amp... should be here in a few days =) From what I read, this is a solid combo. Now, I need a DAC. So, on one side, I hear that the HD600 is "veiled" and has a mumbled high range... I had the HD555's for years and this is my least favorite part about...
  8. fuzzybaffy

    HT Claro Halo or DAC/AMP (Matrix M-Stage USB, DacMagic, etc.) combo? (Budget ~$300-350) CONTENT IS BACK!

    To the moderators: I understand there is a "Computer Audio" section, but since this could eventually lead to a discussion of regular DAC/AMPs, I put this here in the "Headphone Amp". If this is a problem, and requires you to delete or move this thread, I apologize for the inconvenience.    ...
  9. milk

    Which of these headphones are best?

    I listen to all music pretty much so I definitely need highs mids and lows I all be good but the ratio of why I listen to aims towards the most bass so out of these headphones which has the most bass? I just really want nice bass so if anyone has other suggestions that's helpful too but what I...
  10. UnLimited99

    Beginner Help!!

    Hello all! I finally decided to make an account on here after lurking this site for a few months and I recently finished my gaming rig earlier this year. I feel like I'm missing one thing...sound!! it's lacking...I've been using cheap $20 skull candy headphones forever and and that just isn't...
  11. bavman

    Look for $250 or less headphones

    Right now I currently own some ATH M50s and a JCV HA-S500. I like them both for on the go listening and such, but I'm looking for some headphones for use in home. I'd like to spend $200 or so, but absolutely no more than $250.   I like bass heavier headphones, but the receded mids on the...
  12. Bboy500

    Upgrading past Fiio E10

    Deciding between: Fiio E9+ E17 And O2+ODAC Combo Wondering which one is better for the price? I really don't have any extra money to spend so price is extremely important. If the difference isn't that big then i'll just get the 1st. Long story short, which one is the best price to quality...
  13. guyuemuziye

    IPC+Momentum+M100...Need something to cheer these babies up a little....suggestions Please...

    I'm gonna to say sorry about my bad English in advance....Sorry...   Ok, the thing is: I just got my Momentum. I really really enjoy it with my IPC on the go (M100 is still awaiting shipment).   I also have a pair of HE400, HD598 and a newly purchased O2+OADC for home use. Even though I...
  14. imoffline

    Questions about DAC for DT990

    4Good evening everyone! I plan to get my A1 recently for driving 250ohm DT990. Any recommended DAC for this combination? Thanks a lot for answering! My sound source is CDs and I have approx $500 budget.
  15. OmarSy

    What should I purchase?

    I recently purchased a pair of sennheiser momentum's and I was wondering what type of DAC/AMP I should purchase. Any recommendations will be appreciated. And I plan to use the dac on my laptop so a portable one isn't necessary.
  16. misc100

    Cost efficient but not underpowered amp for HE-500

    I am looking for the most cost efficient amp for HE-500 that is not underpowered. Any suggestions?
  17. syryanyang

    O2 + ODAC or E17 + EO9K for my headphones?

    Headphones I have: Mrspeakers Mad Dog      DT990premium 250ohm   Philips Fidelio L1 Headphones I'll probably buy in foreseeable future: AKG Q701  Shure 1440 I already have a Fiio E17 but it is not good enough to drive all my cans. Should I simply hook it up with E09K or get rid of it for...
  18. swapnilshahh

    Help me find a new pair of over-ear headphones!

    Before anything, I wanted to let you know I am a total noob when it comes to headphones but i love music very much. So, I recently decided it was time for me to grab a new pair of headphones for home use because my current one is currently a logitech g35 and they are not comfortable at all. My...
  19. manirelli

    Looking for advice on DAC/Amp purchase <400 dollars

    Just picked up a pair of AKG K701s and my Xonar DG is seriously struggling now...   I've been looking at a couple different options but I was hoping to get your opinions and advice.  Ideally I would like to stay under 400 dollars.   Products I have considered: O2/ODAC ODAC+Matrix...
  20. chuckle490

    Amp/Dac recommendation for beginner. $300 budget

    I listen to primarily edm. I own the Ultrasone DJ 1and this will be my first non-portable set up and I'm a bit confused on what all it will need to consist of. I'm currently looking at the Maverick Audio TubeMagic D1. Would that sound good for the type of music I listen to? sorry if I come...
  21. Quarry

    FiiO E17+E9k vs O2+ODAC

    Which of these setups would be better to power a pair of Sennheiser 600 HDs? What are the pros and cons of each?
  22. Quarry

    AudioEngine D1 & Sennheiser HD 600

    scratch everything, decided on O2+ODAC
  23. JDS Labs ODAC

    JDS Labs ODAC

    *Current Status* ODAC boards are in stock and can ship immediatelly. Assembled O2+ODAC combos and Standalone ODACs will begin shipping May 30! The ObjectiveDAC (ODAC) is a digital to analog convertor designed by NwAvGuy and Yoyodyne Consulting. Full details can be found at NwAvGuy's O2 Release...