  1. flyfish2002

    Suggestions on a new portable USB DAC/amp

    I have a Vivid Tech V1 USB DAC/amp.  It was my entry to portables and bought it used here on Head-Fi.    I would like to gain a bit more from the DAC particularly in the mids and better drive my head phones.   My current short list is the iBasso D6 and the RSA The Predator.   I use...
  2. unagimiyagi

    They are for Re0l ! (Re-0 review) (vs Shure SE530, Ultimate Ears Triple-Fi, Etymotic ER4P/S, Klipsch S4)

    Time owned: 15 minutes   Let's start in reverse order.   Conclusion:  (with disbelief) This was $79?  US dollars?  Seventy-Nine?   I adore the Re-0.  On pure sound quality alone, it is completely on par with any IEM that I have ever owned, if not better.  I think that, overall, it's...
  3. imackler

    I find I play the ER4P louder than any other earphone...Is this a difference between single and triple drivers?

    I keep finding myself pushing up the volume from my Ipod Classic (my normal source) to get a "fuller" sound, which makes the treble really loud on the ER4P. Almost eye-wateringly loud. Are triple drivers sounding fuller a fairly common description of a way in which triple drivers are typically...
  4. Drakemoor

    ER4p + 75ohm mod = rolled off?

    Just had an instant urge to try this mod after reading about it and after some ham-handed soldering with questionable results i managed to create a cable with two 75 ohm metal film resistors in place on the left and right channel. After a quick test everything seems to be connected fine, i've...
  5. sno1man

    You know, I had a good reason for staying away from this forum for awhile...

    When I first joined Head-fi i posted a lot here and in the portable sources forum.   I realized at the time that I was obsessing more over the hardware than the music, so i made a decision to take the two pairs i liked most at the time Ety er4p and Shure E4's and they would be my phones...
  6. imackler

    If you were to pick just two earphones.... which would you choose and why?

    Here's my quandary: I've yet to find a earphone that I find really satisfying for every genre/recording quality. I'll be impressed by some, but then I remember how a certain album sounded w/ a certain earphone and then I get dissatisfied.   Right now, I'm leaning to the ER4P for classical...
  7. Color Theory

    Best IEM for running and hearing protection

    I run 6 miles 3-4 times a week, and just started wearing IEMs with a 3rd generation shuffle. I started on my old Vibe Duos, but they were too bassy and really lacking in the highs, plus I hear a lot of whooshing from the wind blowing over my ears. Just last week I got Klipsch S4is and I love...
  8. W1CKED

    Need recommendation: MTPG / Westone2 / ER4P / IE7

    Hello Head-fiers :) This is actually my first post here at head-fi, but i do research here for quite a while.   I really need IEMs, I mostly listen while commute with Blackberry curve 8520 (it plays FLAC natively lol) and also iPod. Good isolation is also nice, because I have to cut out...
  9. adiscw

    etymotic ER4p or atrio m5 or sennheiser ie7 or shure se425?

    I am planning to get an IEM soon enough and I got these 4 options to choose from. I have searched many infos regarding the good and the bad aspects of each of them and here's what I found out.   1. ER4P (indeed I have the tendency to get this): POSITIVE FEATURES: Good balanced sounding...
  10. Pianist

    How's the dynamic range on Etymotic ER4?

    Ok guys I've heard the HF2, ER6i and ER4S, but only very briefly and not long enough to make any definite judgments of their sound quality. However, I personally liked the all of the Etys very much. They just really wow'ed me upon first listen. Not only was the treble the most detailed and...
  11. Snipe?Star

    Looking for best IEM for my cowon player

    i had been using the klipsh s4's with my J3 before i lost them... i was wondering what IEMs you guys would recommend i get now that i'm looking to re-order some... staying relatively close to the S4s price range
  12. KentoArsenal

    Disappointed by the Beyerdynamic T50P

    My T50p came in from amazon yesterday and I have about only 15 hours of burn in and I am quite disappointed. Especially in terms of sound quality. The treble and build quality is fantastic but the mids sounds weird(?) to me. It doesn't sound as natural as the ER4P I also have and my ears get...
  13. FlatNine

    Why Head-Fi is Dangerous...

    Last week, I logged on to head-fi after an absence of 5 months or so. I had just purchased an iPod Touch 64GB and a pair of Ety ER4P's. In the last week, I ordered a pair of Yuin PK1's. As if that wasn't enough, I also pulled the trigger and ordered a Cowon D2+. This place is dangerous! Must...
  14. KentoArsenal

    Amp for Etymotic ER4P

    Hi guys! I am new here! I am thinking of getting an amp for my er4p. I can't decide on either getting cmoybb from jds labs or pa2v2 from Gary. I've done some research and founded out that pa2v2 is cheaper and better (?) than cmoybb. I'm still a stundent and my budget is around US$100. Do I have...
  15. imackler

    Used Minibox E+ or New Minibox ES to go with Etymotic ER4P? (Other recommendations for good synergy w/ Etymotic?)

    Hey all! I've done a lot of reading on amps for the ER4S/P. The Minibox gets a lot of love for a complimentary etymotic synergy, but most reviews are for the E+ and not the ES. Should I pursue a used E+ or get a new ES? Also, are there other amps you are currently loving with Etymotic? Looking...
  16. Xymordos

    Clear, Transparent, Detailed Amp!

    What amp do you guys suggest that is the most Clear Transparent and Detailed at <$300 range? (Its good to have a DAC built in, but not necessary)   It going to be home use only, and to power low impedance phones and iems.
  17. okur

    Moving towards a different-taste IEM

    Hi everybody,   It's been a while i'm not chillin' up here, 'cuz i felt satisfied since i meet AT-Ck10. Still it's delightful to me, yet i'm whinning for one which has a little more bassy and uncolored sound. As i told, it's been some time i've read all top-tiers' reviews, now i want some...
  18. oldschool

    Custom cable for ER4P

    I am trying to find a replacement non-Ety cable for my ER4P. I know Ebay seller 'awwman' used to sell custom Ety cables, but it seems he doesn't anymore. Also, I don't want to pay crazy money for APS cable..   Any suggestions?
  19. todd92371

    Little less isolation than er4p?

    Hello, Looking for an in-expensive in ear that has just a LITTLE more isolation than er4p. I walk alot and want something that really isolates. But, will allow me to hear the louder things such as cars, emergency vehicles and large things that want to run me over! :)   Thanks, Todd
  20. RainofSorrow

    Westone 3 or Westone UM3x?

    Before I get ripped to shreds, yes, I did indeed use the search bar to look for previous Westone 3 vs Um3x threads. The reason I'm asking is because A) I have different preferences compared to previous threads B) Newer opinions always help, too. I was originally planning to buy something in...
  21. OneiroiGuitar

    Need some recommendations (for iPod Touch).

    Hi,   First off, I did a bit of research on the best universal IEMs out there, and I think I have a general knowledge of the best IEMs for me, but I'd still like some recommendations from experts like you I'll try to be the more specific about my situation.   I'm looking for...
  22. Xymordos


    I'm using the ER4P currently. Is there an IEM that can provide me with more details than them? I just want all the details possible, every single bit. Details is the only requirement!
  23. bmasseur

    Advice on getting some monitors under $400

    I've been doing a lot of research of the past couple of weeks on in-ear monitors, and I am looking to make an investment; I have never had IEMs before. My current use is primarily for listening to music, but will be using them to record within the next couple of months. The conclusion of my...
  24. imackler

    Has anyone taken advantage of Etymotics "Out of Warranty and Special Purchaes option"?

    It can be found here! If you have a pair of old etymotics (besides the ER4 series which can be repaired) that don't work, you can buy a new, unopened pair for a great price. What is really sweet is that you can upgrade, like from the ER6i to the ER4P...
  25. bmichael

    UE Triple.Fi 10 or Shure SE 420 or Etymotic ER-4P

    Before I get flamed for not searching the archives, let me say I have. The previous posts take into account circa 2007 prices. It's almost 2011! (No but for real, you guys are the best and very nice. I don't think I'd have gotten yelled at.) Anyway, it seemed like the big knock on the SE420 is...