  1. plastick

    The best PS1000 review ever

    Still laughing a lot
  2. shinn

    Hifiman EF-5 for LCD-2??

    Hi, Anyone pairing the EF-5 with LCD-2? Are they a good combo together? For those of you who used to own this amp, what amp do you currently pair with the LCD-2 that provide better SQ? Thanks, would really appreciate your help!
  3. sunneebear

    Damn you orthodynamics (LCD2 & HE-6)

    About two years ago I had my hearing checked.  Just starting my forties and my high frequency hearing was pretty good considering the crap I've been sticking in it during my younger days.  My left ear rolled of at 18.5k and my right ear at around 18k.  Not 20 to 20 but I was fine with that.  I...
  4. steveeD

    Anything else I should look at in the $650 price range? Looking at the DT880 modded from Moon Audio.

    Hey guys, just like the title says. I'm looking to place an order for some new headphones. Currently have this in my shopping cart at moon audio..   Beyerdynamic DT 880 Ohm Rating 600 Ohm Dragon Series V1 Cable With 5' Silver Dragon V3 Headphone Cable Connector Oyaide 3.5mm Plated...
  5. h1a8

    Clarity: ATH-AD900 vs. LCD-2

    I know this is probably a stupid question but how is the midrange clarity (transparency) of the LCD-2 in comparison to the ATH-ad900? On a scale of 1-20 rank the clarity (transparency) of both.
  6. Austerlitz

    $1500 Budget, advice needed.

    Hi!   I've been lurking on head-fi for a few months and I'll start off by saying that I really appreciate the forum and the amount of sound (pun intended) advice that is provided for a relative audiophile rookie such as myself.   I've always been picky about sound quality in general, but...
  7. sperandeo

    I've seen the light....I am now balanced!

    I started a thread about 8 months ago about balanced vs unbalanced and because I come from a pro film/video background, I couldn't understand why so many of these 1000+ headphone were being made unbalanced. Many opinions in that thread said there is not much of a difference. Well today my...
  8. Drizzle City

    Audeze LCD-2 vs AKG K701 on a Schiit Lyr is it worth it?

    Am thinking about "moving up" to an Audeze LCD-2 from an AKG 701.  Is it worth the extra $700?  Or should I put it into tubes?  Any and all opinions are appreciated....
  9. Skylab

    REVIEW: Red Wine Audio “Audeze Edition” balanced Headphone Amplifier – DAC combo

    REVIEW: Red Wine Audio “Audeze Edition”  balanced Headphone Amplifier – DAC combo   Starting Up   I was very intrigued when I saw that Red Wine Audio, ALO, and Audeze had gotten together to offer what amounts to a complete headphone listening system.  The subject of this review is...
  10. LiqTenExp

    Audio-gd NFB-10SE Thread

    Hey,   I just received my Audio-gd NFB-10SE today in the mail.  It arrived via DHL safely and without a scratch.  Build quality is better than my NFB-12.  It is a nice looking, well put together piece of equipment.   Here are some pictures:   Device Driver Installation    ...
  11. Milton61

    Audeze LCD 2 Amping Question

    Greetings, I am new to this forum, but have been a fan of headphones for a number of years.  I had originally considered buying a set of Sennheiser HD800's and was visiting this site learn more about them.  However, after reading lots of reviews here, I am now leaning towards auditioning the...
  12. leng jai

    Whats the secret behind the LCD 2's popularity here?

    So since I bought the T1 I've been reading a lot of threads on high end gear and it seems to me that the LCD2s are by far the most popular high end headphone. You only have to look at the 17000 post thread here to see what I'm talking about. In contrast, the T1 thread hasn't reached 2000 posts...
  13. Kittenface

    Looking to spend about $700 on everything and want to be blown away

    Sorry if there is a special forum for advice. I've finally decided to allot some of my budget to upgrade form the earbuds I bought at Walgreens. From my very basic searching, I've ended up with the Sony MDR-SA5000's and the Sennheiser 650's, which are both about $350. I am always willing to...
  14. Icenine2

    Audeze : They are excellent+how they helped me!!

    Audeze: Thank you!!   Last week I waited not so patiently all day for FedEx to deliver my new Audeze LCD2rev2's.  They finally arrived and I carefully opened the cardboard box, then the travel case...........and there they were.  I only needed to clip the two black plastic zip-ties holding...
  15. coolsound

    Hifiman HE-500: A keeper

    Hi All, Just want to share my intial impression of the HE-500 compare to the LCD-2.   I finally ordered and received the Hifiman HE-500 headphones from Headroom last Friday after returning the Audeze LCD-2 (still waiting for them to process my refund).    Listening to the HE-500 for the...
  16. Tassie Devil

    Next best heaphones to HD 800 using a NuForce icon HDP

    My (classical) music loving friend is hard to move on spending his hard earned $.  He has a very nice Rotel CDP which I've listened to using a Benchmark DAC1 & HD 800 headphones so can verify it is good quality audio coming out.   However he baulks at spending too much but I think I've...
  17. swbf2cheater

    ** Confessions of a Failing Audiophile ** - I hated the LCD2

        Over the past 15 years I have struggled to satisfy my audio needs without much success.  It seems like every time I read a thread title with more than 1 exclamation point, I get as excited as a ravenous wolf whom just witness the sudden spontaneous combustion of some woodland creature...
  18. jude

    Thunderpants! A world-class closed planar magnetic headphone by Head-Fi'er "Smeggy" - Head-Fi TV, Episode 012

    IMPORTANT UPDATE: There are some customers who have had difficulty having their Thunderpants orders fulfilled in a timely manner, and some who still may not have received products at all after having paid.     NOTE:  If you can't see the embedded video above, please CLICK HERE to see the...
  19. vinylvibe

    Advice Needed (Stax?)

    Hi all!   Hoping I might be able to call upon your combined wisdom to help in selecting some headphones. I've tried so many brands and I've never found the right pair. There are two simple issues I keep running up against. Size + Heat. I want a pair of over-ear headphones but no matter what...
  20. dyl1dyl

    Full Audeze LCD 2 Rev 2 vs Rev 1 Comparison

    Hey guys, I've just finished my first blog post with a comparison between my two LCD 2s. Please check it out and tell me what you think, Thanks
  21. Pingupenguins

    Planar Magnetic

    I have a quick question. Do I need any extra equipment to play a planar magnetic headphone? all i have is a cmoy and zune hd.
  22. Coupe

    Asus Xonar Essence One review – english version

        Quote:   This is VERY interesting.  Compared to a Burson-160D.   I wonder what you guys think!   Source      
  23. buddyboy1

    Where to buy Fostex T50RP Headphones?

    I have been quite interested in getting into the sound of orthodynamic headphones and head-fi. At one point I was seriously considering the Audeze LCD-2, but considering I am a college student and the price tag of $950, that is just not an option for me. The Fostex T50RP looks like a great place...
  24. jonsi

    Just ordered Woo6SE. Now I need a recommendation for cans

    Hey everyone, first-time poster, long-time lurker.  After much research and deliberation, this morning I ordered myself a WooAudio 6SE.  It's supposed to ship this week, and I'm pretty excited.  So now I need a good pair of cans to go with it.  I currently own a pair of Sennheiser 555s.  I've...
  25. Austin Morrow

    Sennheiser HD650 & Schiit Valhalla Setup?

    Do you think this would be a good setup for the HD650 if I were, to say, add a nice DAC like the CLAS or the Cambridge DACMagic along with the setup?