100+ Head-Fier
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I just received my Audio-gd NFB-10SE today in the mail. It arrived via DHL safely and without a scratch. Build quality is better than my NFB-12. It is a nice looking, well put together piece of equipment.
Here are some pictures:
Device Driver Installation

I am not going to try to do a marathon review at the moment until I have time to compare it to my MKVI+, Lyr and NFB-12. Initial impression seems to be a little less colored compared to my MKVI+ (pretty tubey sounding with the Tungsol VT-229/5998 combo), makes my LCD-2 Rev1 sound closer to LCD-2 Rev 2, aka a little less bottom heavy and a little crisper/cleaner in the mids highs. It is a slightly more reference sounding setup. I need more time to compare it to the Lyr and NFB-12 still.
What I hope to accomplish is
NFB-12 vs. NFB-10SE directly both from USB
NFB-10SE DAC driving the Lyr and compare the two (Lyr vs. NFB-10SE amp) from USB
NFB-10SE DAC driving the MKVI+ (balanced) and compare the two (MKVI+ vs. NFB-10SE amp) from USB
If I have time I will compare the USB to SPIDF on just the NFB-10SE.
So far it has more than enough power for LCD-2 out of the Balanced port in low gain. This amp would do a good job with HE-6 in high gain, no question. I am having issues telling apart the different filter settings but this is only with 5 mins or so of listening. More to come later tonight.
I just received my Audio-gd NFB-10SE today in the mail. It arrived via DHL safely and without a scratch. Build quality is better than my NFB-12. It is a nice looking, well put together piece of equipment.
Here are some pictures:
Device Driver Installation
I am not going to try to do a marathon review at the moment until I have time to compare it to my MKVI+, Lyr and NFB-12. Initial impression seems to be a little less colored compared to my MKVI+ (pretty tubey sounding with the Tungsol VT-229/5998 combo), makes my LCD-2 Rev1 sound closer to LCD-2 Rev 2, aka a little less bottom heavy and a little crisper/cleaner in the mids highs. It is a slightly more reference sounding setup. I need more time to compare it to the Lyr and NFB-12 still.
What I hope to accomplish is
NFB-12 vs. NFB-10SE directly both from USB
NFB-10SE DAC driving the Lyr and compare the two (Lyr vs. NFB-10SE amp) from USB
NFB-10SE DAC driving the MKVI+ (balanced) and compare the two (MKVI+ vs. NFB-10SE amp) from USB
If I have time I will compare the USB to SPIDF on just the NFB-10SE.
So far it has more than enough power for LCD-2 out of the Balanced port in low gain. This amp would do a good job with HE-6 in high gain, no question. I am having issues telling apart the different filter settings but this is only with 5 mins or so of listening. More to come later tonight.