Reviews by Headphones and Coffee

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Another multi driver hybrid with a Harman sound
Pros: Very good balance, comfort and construction
Cons: Basic accessories


PLUG TYPE: 3.5mm

The ZIIGAAT CINNO come in an efficient and small box with eye catching colors. inside is the Cinno a cable and tips.
The Cinnio like some others is a nice smooth medical grade resin very comfortable in the ears and with the right size tips they have good isolation too.

The Cinno presents with a well-controlled lower end , Bass is responsive and tight with good speed and average texture. Bass is north of Neutral and has enough impact but is far from a bassy set. The Midrange is amazingly tuned with good separation and clarity and well-placed vocals forward but slightly and centered perfectly. They are decently bodied but not overly thick, just enough energy to be enjoyed without them being shouty. The Treble is safely tuned with good air and sparkle but more of a smoothed over detail, the cinno is far from the most technical pair but enjoyable with all kinds of music and for a long day of use.

In Conclusion:
The Ziigaat Cinno is another well rounded multi-hybrid with the ranks of the Tanchjim Kara, Simgot EM6L and Turthear Nova. Its appeal is in its non-offensive tunning and while the Nova is more exciting, I think people will enjoy the Cinno for all day use without fatigue.

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Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Smooth operator
Pros: Solid Build, good accessories pleasant tone
Cons: Not the most detailed or airy


The D13 comes in a sturdy box, good graphics and no-nonsense details on the back. inside one finds the D13 with its all-metal build and cool rounded looks, underneath that is a typical Letshuoer case with the tips, a very nice cable and nozzles a set of two kinds they look similar to the Letshuoer singer nozzles, so they are probably interchangeable.
Build is very good and while the round shape is unique it is pretty small so it might fit most ears well. in comparison with the ARTTI T10 that has an identical shape the D13 is much smaller. despite being all metal they are not heavy and comfortable to me. Isolation was above average.

THe Letshuoer D13 is a smooth V-shaped IEM.
Lows present with a good amount of Bass impact Sub-Bass has a nice depth to it with a noticeable rumble and natural decay. Mid-Bass is more focused and speedier with good texture and details to both.
Mids are tuned relaxed and warm with both male and female vocals even in their centered position. There is average separation and very good thickness to the mids in general. details are rich but smooth.
The highs sound natural with decent air and sparkle but they are very safe and relaxed, treble sensitive will enjoy this, but I would have liked better energy up top. Still no harshness here just a safe upper tunning.
While the staging is similar to listening in a small club, the positioning and overall imaging is accurate and doesn't fall apart on crowded recordings.

In conclusion: The Letshuoer D13 is a single dynamic with a warm smooth performance, for casual listening and for enjoying pop, jazz, hip-hop or even electronic it could be very enjoyable.

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Beast of a portable
Pros: Power is good, sound quality is excellent, and it comes with everything you will need.
Cons: the case is a little small for the included accessories, that power debacle I won't talk about any further.
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Packaging and Build:

The ifi comes in a premium box with plenty of accessories as shown above. The build quality is exceptional, soldi metal build, metal knob has a good feel to it and is accurate, switches and buttons are well made no rattling of any kind with usage. At the time I received my diablo2 the power rating was incorrect and has been updated so I will not mention the specs as they are online. The D2 has a good weight to it but for its size I would say it's not too cumbersome for portable use, I actually have a few shirts where it fits nicely in the pocket believe it or not. I like the included accessories the stiff copper cables worked well and are built durable; I would have liked a little more length to them though. The railings are a nice touch and the desktop and portable mode make this the only combo unit needed in most situations. The case is well made and great in most applications, but I found it a bit too small to include everything inside it. What I like is the design and color, the power and sound signature and its feature rich.
I personally don't care if its 2w or 50w as long as it can drive the headphones to their needed parameters.

Equipment, ETC: I paired the D2 with a small variety of devises, including the TempoTec V6 dap, MY Pixel pro phone, Smasung Phone, Nintendo Switch via Bluetooth, Apple iPad, PC windows and Linux and My Andriod TV.

Performance and Sound:
The Diablo-2 presents with a nice wide and detailed signature with warmth and excellent dynamics. The Midrange is very detailed and natural with most of my headphones and earphones. The treble is also detailed and has a nice airy and sometimes sharp but natural edge to it. It ran my 350-Ohms Fiio FT3, Dekoni Blues, HiFiman Ananda, HE-4X and Sundara as well as a pair of 250-ohms studio and others well.
They sounded bigger in my opinion using this Amplifier.
I must say I really like the very low noise floor of the D2, even with all BA and low impedance IEM it didn't hiss or pop.
The New Bluetooth lossless may be controversial but I will admit it is much better than even LDAC and while I'm not a huge Bluetooth fan I can see this as a convenient way to get good quality playback. Even the hard to drive Tinhifi P1 OG sounded better than I remembered on this unit. I being a hip-dac 1,2,3, ZEN can and Dac and Gryphon user can say the only thing I was missing on the Diablo2 was Xspace and XBass, I think that would have made this just perfect in my eyes. Not that it needs it because dynamics and staging are impressive but more, I like the option being there.


Thinking aloud:
The ifi Diablo-2 is a continuation of the original, I liked the OG as well. I think this one appeals to the music listener who wants something that can do a decent job on desk duty but can also travel with them. Mistakes aside it still has plenty of power and yet is also gentle enough for all BA IEM. Ultimately, it's a well-made all in one unit with great sound and features to boot.

iFi audio
iFi audio
Thanks so much for your thoughts on the D2, we appreciate you taking the time!


Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
New take on a classic
Pros: Fun V-shaped signature with more mature tunning
Cons: The accessories are basic, cable is meh

Product Information
Product model
Plug type
Pin type
Cable type
Silver-plated cable
Cable length

The box of the KZ ZSN PRO-2 is as expected simple and efficient, inside the IEM, a cable and small, medium and large tips this time they are a translucent white starline tips. The Build of the ZSN Pro-2 is actually better than the original with a robust faceplate that reminds me of the classic ZS10 pro. It comes in three color options, Blue with silver, silver and gold. comfort is as always good with nothing to complain about, that classic guitar pick shape is always a good choice. Isolation is good with just the stock tips I found it worked well for me. The tips are fine and a tried-and-true staple in the industry, years ago I'd always keep a set of original starline around. The cable is a good choice for KZ, its simple and it works for most applications and while it is not my favorite from them it works fine.

Sound impressions:
Starting at the Bottom the Bass of the New ZSN-PRO-2 is impactful and deep. Sub-Bass presents with good weight and texture and a nice well controlled rumble that has a decent speed and decay. Mid-Bass has an excellent punch and speed to it. While the Bass in general is powerful it is by no means overpowering and Bass head levels, maybe just a little under Bass head. Just a well-controlled and powerful performance overall and without fatigue like some V-shaped IEM.

Midrange: While not a Mid centered IEM the Midrange particularly lower Midrange has some warmth but not a lot and vocals and instruments present with good clarity and separation. Upper mids and female vocals are not overly stressed and therefore no shouty or spiciness is heard just nice, pleasant mids, vocals are forward just a little and midrange can be a little recessed depending on the music and source.

Treble: The Highs present with an open and airy brilliance, they are bright and have a good extension. I found the sparkle of the highs to be very pleasant without any over emphasis. There is details and brightness but for the most part the Treble is well controlled.

Soundstage: The Stage is well done with aa nice expansive width and great depth; imaging is precise, and I do think this one is great for games and movies on the go.

The new KZ ZSN pro-2 is definitely an improvement of the original in many ways. A fun Vshaped IEM with great Bass, good midrange and treble and wide soundstage. combined with a quality build and cool retro looks this one is a winner.

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i have same iem - like it

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Misunderstood IEM
Pros: Bass, cool looks
Cons: unique tuning lends itself to very few kinds of music. Shape can be uncomfortable for long use.

Drive unit: Composite Electrostatic Dynamic Driver Frequency response range: frequency response 20Hz-20kHz
Impedance: 16Ω
Sensitivity: 105dB/mW
Earphone pin: 2-pin interface
Length:1.2 meters
Plug: 2.5 mm (3.5 mm adapter included)

Lets stare with the packaging simple and effective and typical of LetShuoer. inside is the Tape pro a IEM designed to look like a cassette tape. Unfortunately, while it looks cool it translates into a possible uncomfortable shape with hot spots on the inside of the ear. The case is good but a little small, this is the standard LetSuoer case for most of their line. Inside is a very nice quality cable and some decent tips as well as filters and nozzle caps and a tool.

The sound of the Tape is a subject of much infamy, I admit it's by far the least favorite of my collection and perhaps lesser than the OG tape in many ways. BUT! with certain music it can be an enjoyable surprise.

is deep and impactful with a more emphasized sub-bass and some decent speed and warmth.
presents with a back placement and despite the Bass presence it doesn't have a warm thick presentation, rather its distant and thinner sounding. this IEM is defiantly not for vocal lovers.
The highs are slightly subdued but sound average in details and have okay energy in the lower highs.

In conclusion. Yes the tape is not for most types of music, listening to dubstep some classic rock and Edm I found it not as bad as most say. Would I pick this over say the BQEYZ Spring, no but it's not the worst IEM I've heard. At the very least it's a Bass driven, slightly congested but fun IEM that goes with a few types of music.


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Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Improved classic
Pros: wounderful harman tuning, build, cable is great and looks so nice.
Cons: The upper energy may not be for all. tips are just okay. As with all painted IEM care should be taken to prevent chips.

Let's talk about the new Moondrop Starfield 2, it builds upon the already successful and good core sound of the original. The Box is adorned with the beautiful artwork we have come to expect from MoonDrop with good documentation as well. Inside a simple layout showcasing the logo and the IEM and case. The shell very similar to the new Aria 2 and May, gone is the Kato shaped shell in favor of the flat backed shell with little brass vent that looks like a surprised emoji. On the subject of build the case and cable are much more elegant and more robust that the first. I like the look of the faceplate but think the OG was prettier. I found they were of good comfort and seal was average-to above average with good isolation. The cable flexes well but is a bit stiff. The included tips are a bit of a letdown, I would have much liked the spring or softears tips to be included. The case is nicely made but a little cramped for a thick cable.

My equipment used: ifi Diablo-2 , TempoTec V6, Questyle M15, Simgot DEW4X, Hidizs S9 PRO+, ifi Gryphon and Fosi audio sk01.

Lets talk about the Sound to me.

The MD Starfield-2 presents with a healthy dose of lower-end punch. This is not to say it's a bass driven IEM by any means, but bass is very well tuned here. The SF2 improves upon the original with a faster more agile Bass response.
Bass in general is a few steps north of neutral with decent weight and good clean details. It is not a rich as the EA500LM in presentation but it's very controlled and Mid-Bass is particularly impactful.
The Midrange is the hit or miss for some, while they are detailed and forward, there is a noticeable upper energy to female vocals they may be too much, but it is highly dependent on source, music and tips used. In general, I found the mids very good, upper mids presented bright with lower mids warm enough to give good note weight to them.
Separation and clarity are above average, and midrange is well defined.
The highs sounded very neutral with slight metallic patina similar to the Kato but not as noticed. There is a nice natural roll-off and the sparkle and air of the treble is presented without a harsh edge.

Soundstage: Was wide and had good depth and slightly less height, open and airy with accurate positioning the Starfield-2 can be good for mobile games and media. particularly RPG, it complements the atmosphere quite well.

In Retrospect:
The Moondrop Starfield-2 is a improvement on the original with better accessories, faster punchier Bass and Harman pleasantries. The only downside would be the upper Midrange energy, for some it could be a turnoff. overall, the SF2 is quite good and lends itself well to music of all kinds and casual gaming.

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Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Improvement of a good IEM
Pros: Great quality Bass , vocals, and tuning. Built well and nice accessories.
Cons: The upper Mid brightness may be too much for a few.


The EA500LM comes with basic but good accessories, inside the package is the units themselves with their shinny chrome and robust built shell, a case big enough for everything, standard Simgot tips and a lovely cable. The units are built like a tank and while they do have some heft, they aren't overly uncomfortable or heavy. The provided hours of usage with no ear hot spots or pain. The isolation will depend on the individual but for me it was excellent.

The Sound:
The LM presents with spacious sounding lower end with good weight to the bass, the texture is slightly thicker with noticeable mid bass lift. Kick drums sound really good The Bass has very good speed and depth. It is more a deep controlled rumble and less a Bass head IEM.
Mids: are still in front but not too much just in front of the instruments, mids have a noticeable note weight and texture vocals both male and female are well placed, and female vocals do have an increased upper mid energy but nothing too harsh.
Treble: is a little more relaxed but still maintained enough details and smoothly presented them.
Staging: is natural, kind of like listening in a cafe or club, it's nice details and a accurate imaging makes these good for games on the go.
Nozzels the Brass is more expansive and emphasized throughout giving it a well-balanced signature.
The Black is more towards the Neutral tunning with thinner note weight and better details. The Red is my favorite offering an excellent lower end and thicker Mids and vocals while treble remains similar in all three.

The new Lithium and magnesium version of the already liked EA500 is a step forward and a nice evolution of an already good product.

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Thanks for the review.
Received my EA500 LM today and very similar finding as you.
Great review!

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
A must have
Pros: Organic tone and timbre, solid build and great looking. Easy to change pads, cables, and repair.
Cons: Not the most technical of closed backs, treble is average.
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Starting with the unboxing and packaging in general. The Meze 99 Classic is very well done with a nice simple but stylish box to the very efficient packing of everything inside the hard PU-leather case. You get everything you will need to start listening right away. Opening the very stylish case is the 99 classics with their beautiful walnut wood grained cups and plush pads and metal accents. The included cables are a 1.2m thread Kevlar OFC cable with microphone and remote for on the go, a detachable 3m thread Kevlar OFC cord, 3.5 mm to 6.3mm gold-plated jack adapter, airplane jack adapter, and a soft cable pouch.

The Meze 99 Classics are built and designed extremely well, everything has been carefully designed to be used for years to come and it has also been designed to be easily repaired if necessary, with a modular construction. I found the 99 to be very comfortable and the pads are plush but smaller than others, so larger ears might be touching the corners. Isolation is very good, but the wood might leak sound a little as most wooden headphones do. I t should be noted these are really solid wood, I've noticed being a lover of the wooden aesthetic that some claim to be wood but are just a veneer over a plastic or other type of ear-cup. True wooden like the C99 Classics, Sundara closed and the Sivga Robin are a refreshing sight for the cost.


Transducer size: 40mm
Frequency response: 15Hz – 25KHz
Sensitivity: 103dB at 1KHz, 1mW
Impedance: 32 Ohm
Rated input power: 30mW
Maximum input power: 50mW
Detachable Kevlar OFC cable - 1.2m with microphone and 3m included.
Plug: 3.5mm gold plated
Weight: 260 gr (9.2 ounces) without cables
Ear-cups: walnut wood

My sound interpretations:
The Bass on the Meze 99 classics is full ranged and while powerful it isn't fatiguing or in the way. More of a great textured and deep bass with good weight and speed.
The Mids are rich and have excellent note weight and energy. the lower mids present with mild thickness and texture while the upper are more forward and instruments and Female vocals can be spicy in higher volumes and on brighter equipment. Male vocals are perfect in presentation and so lush. Instruments present well balanced with some neutrality.
The Treble is well extended with good overall details and a smoothed presentation, there was no harshness, and it has decent air and sparkle. The relaxed highs are definitely perfect for treble sensitive people.
The Soundstage is surprisingly wide with depth being just a little less in size. The field is very organic and has accurate imaging that handles most recording well. I could see these working well for casual gaming and movies.

Starting from the Bottom to the top the Classics give a fun and smooth performance I find enjoyable. they have just enough details and technical abilities to set them above the rest as really unique and pleasant to my ears. The accessories and build quality are just the icing on the cake with this great set of wooden headphones.

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
My favorite Planar
Pros: Rich, lush, and enjoyable
Cons: Nothing

Lets talk about the Lestshuoer S15 successor, replacement or evolution of the very well accepted S12, s12 Pro, Z12 line of IEM. It come in a medium sized box with a large array of very nice accessories. Let's start with the 3D printed case it is similar to the DZ4 made from hard plastic with a soft feel to it, it should provide adequate protection and storage of the S15. Personally, I would have liked a case they use more often but I can't fault it as it fits everything well. The unboxing presentation was very enjoyable and unique. The cable is very well made, looks good and is modular. Honestly, I couldn't ask for better. Comfort wise the fit will depend on the tips that are included you get two sets with three sizes and wide and normal bore. Isolation and comfort for me were excellent. Build is lightweight due to the 3D printed body. In all honesty these do not look the price, but performance is the draw here. That said I think they look cool, and the color is pretty.



Model: S15 Wired In-Ear Monitor

Sensitivity: 106dB

Frequency Response: 20Hz〜40kHz

Impedance: 30Ω

Chassis Material: 3D printed resin

Cable: 1.2m 216-strands silver-plated monocrystalline copper

Driver: 14.8mm Planar Driver + 6mm Passive Filtering Module

Sound Impressions: The S15 is a smooth and rich almost U-shaped planar IEM.


The lower end is more Mid-Bass focused but Sub-Bass has excellent texture and a natural roll-off with a notable rumble but only as a footnote to the details as the majority of the bass is mostly neutral. Bass in general has a fine punch with an above average dexterity, and it is also well controlled with minimal leakage. It present warm and with a fine smooth detail.


The lower Mids are as smooth and rich as honey, such a lavish tone so pleasant with whatever I was listening to. The upper Mids present with good clarity and vocals both male and female are lush and smooth without missing important details. This S15 is far and so much different than its siblings the S12 and S12 pro.


The highs will not impress the treble-head, but the sensitive will rejoice with glee. The Treble is relaxed and still presents with minimal sparkle and air, but it just avoids darkness and yet still manages to push out a fair amount of details that sound natural and clear.

Soundstage: is wide, I found it to be precise in imaging and with clear positioning where instruments were, congestion was not heard, and I do thin while not as huge as some others it would work well for gaming and movies on the go.


The S15 is a quintessential example of a smooth and pleasant tuned IEM done right its warm lush tone goes well with all genres of music and compliments Jazz, LoFi and rock amazingly. It should be noted details are not missing just kept natural and not in your face. The separation, and placement are near perfect. Compared to other planar like the much brighter S12, the more balanced and rounded AS-one, and the more V-shaped MP145, the S15 has a unique take on the planar experience.
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I also own the S12 and previously owned the Hook X. The S15 is by far my favorite planar IEM, sound so musical with bass and mids to die for.

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Pros: Looks good, comfortable nice cable for the cost and a pouch.
Cons: not the most detailed, recessed treble, weird tips


The packaging of the Q1 is simple and understated and has good documentation. Inside one finds the Q1, two kinds of tips one shallow and the other a stubby dual flange and an adequate cable. The build of the Q1 looks fantastic and I personally think its so pretty. I found them comfortable but only after using the tips from the EPZ G10. isolation will be good if you find the right tips and the elongated nozzles aren't a problem.

Item model number: Q1
Plug type: 0.78mm double pin
Mini Jack: 3.5mm
Matching method: wear around the ear
Type: Dynamic Headphones
Conductor: Oxygen Free Copper (OFC) Silver Plated
Drive unit: 13mm dual cavity composite dynamic driver
Diaphragm: Polymer titanium-coated composite diaphragm
Frequency Response: 20Hz-40KHz
Sensitivity: ≥115dB
Rated impedance: 32Q


Bass: presents powerful, Bass details are very smooth and enjoyable. Mid-Bass is snappy and fast and does bleed a little into the Mids. Sub-Bass is more Prominet. The overall texture is average.
Mids: Present with a slight hint of warmth but overall are neutral. Instead of forwarding they are laid-back and not centered, separation and clarity are fair. In general, they sound warm with smoothness and a little recessed with average texture.
Treble: The highs are veiled; they are somewhere behind the stage with smooth details heard.
Soundstage has width depth and height lesser. It is average in imaging for the price.

Conclusion: I really wanted to like these, I've heard good things about the Q5 and I love the G10 but this one is definitely not my thing, I honestly think these are for specific music, maybe not western style music. More for casual listening maybe of eastern music. it took around 4 days to burn in

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Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
An amazing budget planar!

Model: ARTTI T10

Driver Configuration: 14.2mm Dual Magnetic Circuit Planar Driver

Acoustic Duct: Carefully Selected Acoustic Damping System

Cavity Material: PC Engineering Plastic + UV handling Technique

Faceplate: 6063 Aviation Aluminum Alloy CNC Carved Decorative Plate

Cable Material: 4-Core 216 Strands * 0.05mm High-Purity Copper Silver-Plated Wire

Cable Length: 1.2m

Cable Connector: Standard 0.78mm 2-Pin

Cable Plug: 3.5mm/4.4mm Plug (depends)

Storage Box: Hard Bulletproof Cloth Velvety Storage Box

Ear Tips: Silicone Tips

Impedance: 16.5Ω±1% (@1kHz)

Distortion: ≤1.5% (@1kHz)

Sensitivity: 96dB/mW (@1kHz)

Frequency: 20Hz-20kHz

The ARTTI (Letshuoer) T10 is a entry level planar IEM. So far I'm liking the companies two models the R1 triple dynamic and T10 planar. Inside the box you will find the T10, a cable that comes in either 3.5mm and 4.4mm, the cable itself is pretty good for its price range. You also find a case and some very decent letShuoer tips in narrow and wide bore.
The body of the T10 is 3D printed resin of the matte variety with an aluminum circular faceplate. It doesn't look amazing, but it also doesn't look bad either. Its lightweight and unique circular shape might not fit everyone perfectly but as for me I found it comfortable for hours. The ARTTI T10's isolation will depend on how good a seal you can achieve but it should be average and above.

Sound Impressions:
The 14.2mm driver of the T10 is similar if not the same as the S12 but the tuning is different.
The Bass: Is very deep and impactful, while not the speediest Bass it retains good speed and control in both the Sub and Mid Bass. The Bass is more impactful with the narrow tips, I recommend the wide ones with this its better but still so enjoyable.
Mids: There is bleed into the Mids themselves giving the lower Mids warmth and thickness but not overly so. Mids present warm and smooth with average details, there is a lift in the upper mids giving them a slightly brighter presentation. Vocals have forward but not in your face positioning and mids in general have decent separation and clarity with details being average and smooth.
Treble: I extended well and has good air and sparkle to compliment the lower end, details are also smoothed but natural in sound and no harshness was heard using my equipment.
Soundstage: Is above average, imaging is good with average accuracy, this still would work for most casual games and movies sounded great.

The ARTTI / Letshuoer T10 is a mazing performer while not the most detailed IEM it gives an amazing blend of warm, musical, and smooth details in a wonderful, fun and engaging V-shaped sound that Is sure to be loved for casual listening. I personal love this IEM.

What is that red headphone amp /dac?
indeed amazing...damn, it need more review.
will work on this! i own like 15 planars....
its a bit sad here sound graph W and then you its more a video review so...
man, life is unfair!

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Excellent value



The EPZ G10 comes in an informative box, simple in design but it does the trick.
Inside the box is:
1 x Pair IEM
1 x Detachable 4-core single crystal copper silver plated (no mic)
1 x User Manual
1 x Purple Light Torch
1 x Warranty Card
6 x Pair spare tips (3 x wide bore SML, 3 x double flange SML)
1 x Headphone Splitter for PC Gaming
1 x Carry Pouch
The resin build seems well made and it was comfortable in my ears moving from music to games for a long time.
I found all the included accessories to be of good quality and the black light included was a nice touch. Honestly, I was amazed with the value of this under $30 IEM made for gaming. The included cable has a built-in microphone that was clear for calls and had acceptable volume. The isolation on the G10 was good and stock tips worked well.
Model: EPZ G10
Material: Silica gel
Sound Isolating:YES
With Microphone: Yes
Magnet Type:Neodymium
Impedance Range: up to 32 Ω
Frequency Response Range: 20 - 20000Hz
Cable Length:1.2m
Plug Type:2Pin 0.78
Cable Jack: 3.5mm

Sound Impressions:
The G10 has a lower end that has a nice wide dynamic range, the kind you would hear from a good set of speakers placed at optimal distance. The Sub-bass has a deep rumble when called upon but a fast roll off. The Mid-Bass is nimble and has a decent texture to its punchy response. Bass in general has warmth and with good control and clarity. The Bass does bleed into the lower Mids but its minimal and welcomed.
Midrange is typical Harman tuning with the Mids being more neutral with a minor warmth on the lower mids and upper mids brighter and thinner. There is a nice clarity in the vocals, and they are pushed forward but I didn't hear any shouty or aggressive spikes. The Mids have a surprising amount separation for an IEM of this price range, with good details as well.
The highs present with a reserved amount of sparkle and good air to them. they have a smoothed detail but come across natural with no sibilance or spikes.
The Staging is wide and very accurate, placement it excellent and it is hard to believe how well this unit is for gaming and music. The soundstage does not suffer and congestion and has a decent depth and height as well.

The EPZ G10 is exceptional value offering a large amount of accessories and good build quality. Not just good by its price standards, it offers good Harman tuning with quality Bass, nice defined Mids and smooth treble with an open and detailed soundstage.
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Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Pros: The build is light and colorful. Sound is very enjoyable.
Cons: The cable could be better.


ARTTI is a sub brand of Letshuoer, the R1 has a unique acoustic setup, featuring two 6mm titanium dome dynamic driver, combined with an 8mm custom composite beryllium diaphragm dynamic driver. Three-Way Sound Separation: With a physical and electronic three-way sound separation system, you'll enjoy crystal-clear audio across all frequencies. The PCB crossover board enhances precision and minimizes phase interference.

Iside the small but appropriate box is the R1 triple dynamic monitor a set of ear tips, a cable in either 3.5mm or 4.4mm configuration and a cloth case similar to the kind KBear and HZ used to give. The R1 unit itself is well made and while it feels solid it is light enough to be comfortable for most ears, but the unique shape may not be for all ears.
Product Specs:
Model: ARTTI R1

Driver Unit: 2* 6mm titanium dome dynamic driver+ 1* 8mm beryllium-plated low-frequency dynamic driver

Impedance: 20.4Ω±1% (@1kHz)

Total Harmonic Distortion (THD): ≤3% (@1kHz)

Sensitivity: 102dB/mW (@1kHz)

Frequency Response: 20Hz-20kHz

Cable Length: 1.2M±0.1M

Plug: 3.5mm/4.4mm-0.78PIN

Cable: Four-strand 216-core * 0.05mm Australian high-purity copper wire

Sound Impressions:
The R1 has amazing lower end prowess the Bass has a powerful attack and with good speed and clarity. Sub-Bass presents deep and yet very balanced, with Mid-Bass just above the neutral point and both have some really good texture and warmth. Bleed is minimal with only the lower Mids having coloration. Upper mids are rich with a thickness to them. Male vocals sound very well defined. The positioning of the vocals is centered and slightly forward with little to no recession or harshness. Female vocals are decent with a more laid-back energy. Details are average and smooth. This by no means negates the richness of the Midrange.
The upper frequencies are airy and extended enough to sound natural but are more towards the smooth side, there is enough details and energy to match the Bass.
Soundstage: There is good separation and Staging has a wide and equally deep and high presentation. Imaging is average. This IEM would do well with movies and some games particularly open world.

Afterthoughts: If you are looking for a well-made, pleasant, and very fun sounding IEM with good dynamics and smoothness the R1 should be on your list as a good value.

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Pros: A smooth no-offensive lush tonality, made for enjoyment. Great accessories
Cons: Not a super detail IEM, the look may not be impressive considering the cost.


Lets talk about the Lestshuoer S15 successor, replacement or evolution of the very well accepted S12, s12 Pro, Z12 line of IEM. It come in a medium sized box with a large array of very nice accessories. Let's start with the 3D printed case it is similar to the DZ4 made from hard plastic with a soft feel to it, it should provide adequate protection and storage of the S15. Personally, I would have liked a case they use more often but I can't fault it as it fits everything well. The unboxing presentation was very enjoyable and unique. The cable is very well made, looks good and is modular. Honestly, I couldn't ask for better. Comfort wise the fit will depend on the tips that are included you get two sets with three sizes and wide and normal bore. Isolation and comfort for me were excellent. Build is lightweight due to the 3D printed body. In all honesty these do not look the price, but performance is the draw here. That said I think they look cool, and the color is pretty.

PXL_20231119_191157687 (1).jpg

Model: S15 Wired In-Ear Monitor
Sensitivity: 106dB
Frequency Response: 20Hz〜40kHz
Impedance: 30Ω
Chassis Material: 3D printed resin
Cable: 1.2m 216-strands silver-plated monocrystalline copper
Driver: 14.8mm Planar Driver + 6mm Passive Filtering Module

Sound Impressions: The S15 is a smooth and rich almost U-shaped planar IEM.

The lower end is more Mid-Bass focused but Sub-Bass has excellent texture and a natural roll-off with a notable rumble but only as a footnote to the details as the majority of the bass is mostly neutral. Bass in general has a fine punch with an above average dexterity, and it is also well controlled with minimal leakage. It present warm and with a fine smooth detail.
The lower Mids are as smooth and rich as honey, such a lavish tone so pleasant with whatever I was listening to. The upper Mids present with good clarity and vocals both male and female are lush and smooth without missing important details. This S15 is far and so much different than its siblings the S12 and S12 pro.
The highs will not impress the treble-head, but the sensitive will rejoice with glee. The Treble is relaxed and still presents with minimal sparkle and air, but it just avoids darkness and yet still manages to push out a fair amount of details that sound natural and clear.
Soundstage: is wide, I found it to be precise in imaging and with clear positioning where instruments were, congestion was not heard, and I do thin while not as huge as some others it would work well for gaming and movies on the go.
The S15 is a quintessential example of a smooth and pleasant tuned IEM done right its warm lush tone goes well with all genres of music and compliments Jazz, LoFi and rock amazingly. It should be noted details are not missing just kept natural and not in your face. The separation, and placement are near perfect. Compared to other planar like the much brighter S12, the more balanced and rounded AS-one, and the more V-shaped MP145, the S15 has a unique take on the planar experience.

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Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Bright and delicious
Pros: Good details, technicals, and dynamics
Cons: May be too bright for some. Thinner mids than I would like personally.



Lets talk about the Simgot EA1000. We will start with the very nicely presented accessories in a very ornate little box. Inside the box is a bunch of replacement gaskets, three tuning nozzles including the one already on it, a really nice, crafted case with a magnetic clasp, the beautify made cable and units themselves. they included tips have three sizes and there are two sets of each size, while it is nice to have extra, I would have liked a different opening size bore. That said the accessories given and the quality overall is top notch.
I found the EA1000 very comfortable and surprisingly lighter than the EA500LM that is currently in development. Isolation is superb and so is build quality, as always Simgot makes a sturdy and good-looking product.

Model: SIMGOT EA1000 Fermat
Name:[Fermat]ultra-premium dual-magnet dual cavity purple-gold diaphragm dynamic in-ear headphones
Driver: 2nd generation DMDCM 10mm dual-magnet dual-cavity dynamic
Diaphragm: sputter deposition purple-gold diaphragm
impedance: 16 ohms 15%(@1kHz)
Sensitivity: 127dB/VRMS(@1kHz)
Frequency response: 10Hz-50kHz
Effective frequency response: 20Hz-20kHz
Headphone jack: 0.78mm 2-pin
Cable: high purity silver-plated OFC wire in Litz structure

The heart of the EA1000 lies in its extraordinary SDPGD™ Technology. Developed over three years by Simgot, this diaphragm is a testament to precision and ingenuity. It boasts remarkable characteristics, including high rigidity, exceptional hardness, lightweight construction, and the perfect blend of elasticity required for deep bass. Unlike conventional titanium or beryllium diaphragms, the Purple-Gold Diaphragm undergoes a meticulous process involving multiple layers of transparent, custom-targeted vacuum high-temperature sputtering on a specialized base film. This results in a mesmerizing, mysterious purple-gold hue, achieved through the interference of reflected light from both the base film and the sputtered layers.

Sound Impressions:
For the majority of this review my equipment was
The ifi Diablo 2 and although I don't usually use Bluetooth for testing the Lossless Bluetooth was acceptable, mostly I used it wired and also the ifi Gryphon, TRI TK-2, Aune x1S and the TempoTec V6.
The Bass: of the EA1000 is impressive offering a nice natural decay and impressive but controlled punch.
The Sub-Bass climb to the Mid-Bass is smooth and linear, there is a nature progression and withdrawal. It is without a doubt one of the best Bass implantations I have heard in some time. It's not by any means a Bass focused or Bass head IEM . The Bass is just a very good quality Bass with good quantity for a large array of music. Jazz sounded so inviting I listened for so long I forgot the time.
The Midrange: on the Simgot EA1000 are forward with a superior clarity and fine details. I find the level of forwardness to be fine, but I could understand it getting a little spicy depending on music and equipment. I would recommend a warmer source to compliment the brightness of the EA1000. I found Female voices to be crisper and more energetic and male voces to be more pleasant and natural sounding. Separation and instrument tone was far better than average.
The Treble on this IEM was open and clear with details I wasn't expecting from a single Dynamic. The EA1000 almost sounds like a hybrid in the upper frequencies, it's a testament to the great tuning at Simgot. I found no harshness using my equipment other than the Aune x1S 10th Anniversary. The Treble in general presents as Neutral and full of fine details.
Soundstage: on the EA1000 is open and wide but very organic sounding, instrument separation and location are above average and very good in my opinion. Busy recordings are no problem, and it will work excellent for mobile games.

My Afterthoughts:
The EA1000 is an extremely well-made and good-looking IEM with a wonderful combination of technical prowess and enjoyable qualities. The EA1000 builds on the strength of the past and delivers a well-tuned Single dynamic. This is one of my favorite Single DD right now.
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Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Pros: Harman goodness, never harsh, comfortable and built like a tank
Cons: Pads are smaller on inside diameter and not very thick. cable included is almost ten feet long and a smaller one would have been appreciated.

My thanks to Apos audio for the chance to review this amazing set of headphones. as always my opinions are my own.

Product highlights
60mm large dynamic driver for powerful sound
Beryllium-plated gasket and DLC diaphragm
350Ω high impedance for pure sound
Asymmetrical magnetic circuit system
Furukawa monocrystalline copper wire cable
Aluminum alloy construction
Comfortable open-back design with hollow mesh
3-axis swiveling design for a perfect fit
Angled drivers for reduced frequency response distortion
Open-back design
2 distinct sounding ear pads
Impedance: 350Ω
Sensitivity: 102dB
Frequency Response Range: 7Hz-40kHz
Driver Type: 60mm Dynamic Driver
Diaphragm Material: Beryllium-plated Gasket + DLC Diaphragm
Weight: 13oz (391g)
Earpad Pressure: 4.0N±0.3N
Cable Length: ~9.8ft (~3m)

What’s included
3.5mm interchangeable plug
4.4mm interchangeable plug
3.5mm female to 6.35mm male adapter
4.4mm female to XLR-4 male balanced adapter
Leather storage case
Protein leather earpads
Suede earpads
Headphone cable

The FT3 is made of all aluminum giving it both strength and a lighter weight compared to other metal headphone, while it does have a decent heft it still is comfortable for music or gaming for a few hours. The Cable is made of over 9 feet of Furukawa monocrystalline copper cable and made so well, my only gripe is foe me the length is unnecessary and very cumbersome. I luckily have a large assortment of cables that fit. while the pads are on the thinner side, they still feel quite plush and comfortable, although my ears were rubbing against the round and much smaller internal diameter. Sitting listening to music this wasn't much of a bother only moving around it was noticed. Build in general is much superior to HifiMan or Sennheiser in the same price range. Acessories with the Fiio are amazing quality, the case looks so nice, and the additional pads are a welcome feature. Between the velour and leatherette, I prefer the leatherette. The velour makes it a little more V-shaped and less airy.


Sound Impressions:

The Bass is well defined with a nice but somewhat reserved impact, it is not to say the Bass does not dig down low but has a more controlled approach to its delivery. It becomes slightly more emphasized with the Velour pads. In general, the Bass is very good for an open back set of headphones. I think the Philips X2HR has slightly more Bass reach but not more Bass quality.

The Midrange presents Neutral and detailed with a hint of warmth in the lower mIds, mids are well placed and vocals both male and female are positioned centered. The vocals are more towards the thin side with colder sounding upper mids and female vocals. they are open and there is an almost analytical quality to the midrange in general.

The highs are well extended well with excellent details and compliment the Bass well like a textbook Harman should. There is good air and separation throughout.

The staging is wide, and imaging is very good, this however is not as deep or height wise. the FT3 can handle just about anything and from gaming to music and even movies and soundstage keep up with even the busiest of recordings.

The Fiio FT3 is a very well made, Harman V-shaped headphone with a comfortable fit and signature It would be a good choice for casual listening with its detailed and pleasant tuning.

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Ten feet? Sounds worthy of a test run in 篠田之室 Shinoda Hall, OMS 胡桃河町日系油童教會 Japanese Christian Church of Walnut Creek (CA, USA). I's trying to get an optimum headset for the current PEAVEY® FX2-32 recording console.

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Pros: Not harsh, not boring, lightweight and solid built, good accessories
Cons: nothing


Dual Dynamic Driver Design
High-Precision 3D Printing Chamber
Ergonomic Design
Open Design
Four-Strand 216-Core * 0.05mm High-Purity Copper Wire
High-Quality Earplug Sleeves and case

Technical Details

Frequency response
Dynamic drive
10mm beryllium coated dynamic driver +8mm DLC diaphragm
Wire rod
1.25m,0.05mm*216 strands of copper
3.5mm plug,0.78 dual pin interface


The Aoshida E20 is a collaboration between Aoshida audio and LetShuoer build, and packaging is much like the ARTTI. The 3D printed shell is light but strong and has a nice-looking faceplate, it comes in two color choices silver and gold, but the gold looks more bronze to be honest. The isolation is dependent on fit and for me the fit was very good with the E20 being nice and light. Build quality is on par with the E20s competitors. Acessories are actually plentiful for the cost and the cable is very good for a stock cable. When comparing the E20 to the Truthear Zero the E20 has a more Balanced Harman tuning with better texture and technicalities, while of course the ZERO Blue and Red are more attractive looking and mellow sounding. Out of those I would have to pick the E20 as it has better quallity Bass.

Sound Impressions:
The lower frequencies have a well-controlled and textured attack. Sub-Bass has a nice rumble then a fast withdrawal Mid-Bass hits with precision and speed. The Bass has subtle warmth, with fine details and clarity. It's a realy good balanced quality Bass.
The Midrange is clear and open sounding with the lower Mids having a tinge of warmth and a medium thickness, and upper mids are a little brighter but far from too much. the two strike a well balance giving both Male and Female vocals a fine tone and engaging amount of focus. Vocals are more centered just in front of instruments and the separation between them are defined nicely.

The Highs here are nicely done, there is a decent amount of air and sparkle, the Treble has a natural detail and decay with an almost BA quality. No harshness up top with very good energy, I found it well done indeed.

Soundstage ETC:
Soundstage here is wide with an equal amount of depth and imaging was also precise and could be used for gaming.

Conclusion and afterthoughts:

The Aoshida/ Letshuoer E20 is a good budget offering. It has a good number of accessories to get started and offers an exciting but Balanced signature with good technical abilities and enough fun. Comparing it to other Dual drivers, I find this my favorite Dual DD so far.

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Very good Direction
Pros: A smooth enjoyable tuning
Cons: Cable and accessories are minimal.



let's start with the package. inside one finds the Rhapsody, that typical CCA / KZ cable, Starline, tips and a tool for the switches. You would not know by the simple package that inside it a flagship with multiple drivers, there is no little metal banner proclaiming the cool name. Inside is the stuff you'll need to get started listening to your IEM.
The shell of the Rhapsody is large is thickness but not as big as the AS24, small ears should take note though. The Rhapsody has a resin body with metal faceplate. It has a cool scalloped shell design. I found very good isolation with the stock tips. overall comfort was good for me, but the cables small hook created pressure, so I needed to fix it.

There are four switches on each unit allowing you to customize your experience with the Rhapsody, I found the adjustments to effect mid or sub-Bass or both in various degrees. The tastefully implemented switches work better than I was expecting.

For the majority of this review, I will be using stock configuration and accessories. Equipment used were the ifi Hip-DAC 3, Hidizs S9 Pro Plus, Questyle M15 and Tempotech V6. the AZ10 was used post testing and paired well with this IEM. Streaming was through Tidal HQ and Spotify, DSD and Flack through Hiby and Foobar2000.

Technical Details
Product model
Plug type
Pin Type
Cable Type
silver-plated cable
Cable length

Sound impressions:
The Rhapsody presents with a Bassy, warm, and smooth V-shaped natural signature.
The lower end has good emphasis. Both Mid-Bass and Sub-Bass have an impressive amount of energy and control.
Mid-Bass seems to be more prominent out of the two with a good speed and plenty of power. Sub-Bass has very good depth, one thing I liked is it doesn't linger very long, the rumble moves on quickly. I think Bass sounded better after a long burn in but it's just my opinion. The Bass details are average but good for the cost, details in general are good but this is definitely not a technical IEM is a fun and pleasant one.

The Midrange:
The Mids come across with a lush and mildly thick and warm presentation, still there is good separation and clarity. The Mids have a fine balanced property. Vocals, both male and female are forward / center and have a middle level of energy. I found it good because there is no harshness and shout here just natural sounding vocal representation. Fine details are smoothed but not missing. Lower mids at times have a small recession that is only noticed by me with older rock songs that have male singers. The Midrange in general is very enjoyable with my music and the balance with some neutral and smoothness just enhance some good old rock music and pop.

The Treble was very well done to me, there is good air and sparkle with decent details and separation considering the cost it was impressive. The highs compliment the soundstage and vice versa. there's not an abundance of brightness, it's more like well-matched BA drivers working seamlessly to produce a realistic outcome. In general, the Treble sounds open and with a fair level of energy treble sensitives would like and others would too.

Soundstage, ETC: The CCA Rhapsody does soundstage right, its wide with good imaging and its accurate too. The technical abilities are above average here. I would not say its holographic, but it is a nice wide and deep soundstage.
I think it complements the rest of the tuning quite well.

The CCA Rapsody is amazing considering the cost, there is a wonderful balance and smoothness. When compared toa more expensive IEM like the MD Blessing-3 that is far more expensive, the Rhapsody excelled more in bass and without the muddiness that the Blessing showed at times. The Rhapsody also showed zero harshness under various circumstances I had heard in many more expensive hybrids that were brighter up top. To be fair the Moondrop B3 is a great IEM, it has excellent resolution and details are abundant. The point being the Rhapsody is also a multi driver IEM that sounds much different from other KZ, with good technicalities and a pleasant all-day kind of tuning for much less. Most IEM have one or more thing quirks or things that add character or turn off users. The Think the $50 will appeal to music lovers and enthusiast alike. Hard core detail heads, treble heads and critical listeners maybe not your thing here but it's both enjoyable and pleasant for the cost.

Daniel Ricardo
Fully agree with this review, sadly I'll have to buy another one for myself because my husband claimed mine as soon as he felt the fit and isolation were perfect for him, I let it pass because god knows his ears are unique lol.
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Thanks for the review man. Can it be driven with the fosi ds2 on SE out?

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Pros: Harman neutral-ish, lightweight, very good cable and pouch, comfortable.
Cons: Very good but basic accessories, fingerprint magnet but nothing really bad

Driver1DD+4BA per side hybrid in-ear headphones
Dynamic Driverhigh-performance polymer composite diaphragm & dual-cavity driver
Frequency Response Range8Hz-40kHz
Effective Frequency Response20Hz-20kHz
Shell Materialhigh-precision 3D-printed resin
Earphone Connector0.78mm 2-pin
Cable Materialhigh-purity silver-plated OFC cable

The package of the EM6L is both informative and good looking with its all black and metallic hue. Inside one finds the Simgot EM6L, very good quality tips in different sizes, a nice-looking cable, and a good size case. While the accessories are basic, they are more than enough to get started. The Shells of the phoenix are light and made from a resin with a shiny piano black look. The guitar pick shape is very ergonomic and provides a good seal. Isolation is very good as is comfort. There was zero sound leakage. The cable is OFC with silver plating, is both soft and holds its shape without tangling. The ear hooks are preformed and one of the softest I've used. The case is a very good size and fits the EM6L, and everything included with room for a dongle or small Bluetooth receiver.
Here is a visual representation of my equipment.

This may not be everything used in testing as it is a fraction of my equipment. For the purposes of simplification, the majority of testing is done on the ifi Hip-Dac3, Gryphon, and The Diablo 2, The Questyle M15 and M12, The TempoTec V6 and Hidizs S9 pro plus, AP80 PRO X, and XO. Bluetooth devices are omitted from testing and only used for personal enjoyment.

Songs are varied and from my eclectic playlist, they consist of Rock, Hip-Hop, Rap, Jazz, Lofi, Metal, Country, Classical, pop, K-pop, and OST from Anime and Video games.

Sound Impressions:

Presents a unique tuning it is Sub-Bass focused but just north of Neutral, still Bass in general has decent texture and great speed, prefect for faster metal music and it goes well with just about every genre of music.
While Bass isn't overly punchy it still has a nice tight punch and details. When called upon the Sub-Bass has a nice rumble.
The Midrange is perfectly centered with vocals just in front of instruments, Mids present clear and with a good medium weight and very well-done separation. Both male and female vocals are very natural sounding without shouty or recession.

The Treble is smooth and organic sounding. There is good air and layering and a fair amount of energy and sparkle to the top end. The EM6L is perfect for treble sensitive as it doesn't over do the extension or have large spikes. You get a well extended treble with good details and a natural decay.

Soundstage ETC:
The Soundstage is huge with almost equal height and depth. The Simgot has excellent technicalities with imaging and a very accurate positioning. The EM6L could easily do well for gaming and media.


The Simgot is a well-made and decent priced Hybrid, its tuning goes well with everything, and it has just enough energy to be fun while still being very technical and detailed. Out of a bunch of similar hybrids I think the EM6L is one of my favorites. Definitely a everyday all arounder.


In comparison:
The Simgot EM6L Phoenix is just one out of many 1DD 4BA hybrids I have listened to. The Yanyin Canon2, and Simgot EM6L hold the top spots for overall goodness, while the Truthear Nova, Hidizs MS5 and JoyodioVZ10 are super fun and Bass heavy in comparison. Last the Tanchjim Kara not bad by any means but less exciting than the others and very safe.
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Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
Great quality dongle
Pros: A perfect blend of power and great sound in a solid build. Physical Buttons and 4.4mm
Cons: No case or cover




Opening the small box, one finds the Hidizs S9 PRO PLUS, a USB Type-C to Type-C cable, a USB Type-C to USB-A adapter, the User manual and the Warranty card inside. The Dongle itself is made well a nice mixture of metal and glass or high-quality plastic. It features external buttons that look like dials.

It features an RGB indicator light to show what file quality is being used.
As followed.
Yellow: DSD 64/128
Purple: DSD 256/512
Blue: PCM 176.4/192(kHz)
Red: PCM 352.8/384(kHz)
White: PCM 705.6/768(kHz)
Green: PCM 44.1/48/88.2/96(kHz)

The Martha named after that last passenger pigeon has a ESS9038Q2M DAC chip at its heart. With up to 138mW+138mW SE 3.5mm and Up to 180mW+180mW BAL 4.4mm power. I like that they have decided to go with the 4.4mm instead of the 2.5mm that the original had.

Sound Impressions:
The S9 PRO PLUS Martha is very transparent with very good dynamics and clarity, midrange is expressive, and treble is extended naturally. There is good separation and details with only a hint of warmth in the lower Bass and a mild lift in treble. Ground noise is nonexistent and the device powers planar IEM to prefect proportions.

Conclusion: The S9 PRO PLUS Martha is a well-made and great sounding dongle with good power and excellent clarity and resolution.

The Martha also has seven amazing filter effects, Here's a list of them in order:

.Anodizing fast roll-off (Default Filter): Slightly forward vocals, extended high frequencies with reduced resonance.
.Linear phase fast roll-off: Enhanced analytical capabilities, delivering a clean and crisp sound.
.Linear phase slow roll-off: Enriched harmonics, full low frequencies, and a natural reverb.
.Minimum phase fast roll-off: Balanced and moderate sound.
.Minimum phase slow roll-off: Clean sound with a forward position.
.Hybrid fast roll-off: Soft and smooth sound with enhanced detail.
.Brick wall: Excellent dynamics and strong presence.
