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  1. Drewligarchy

    Woo's New Flagship WA33

    I am running a quad of KR 2a3 for the Abyss and LCD 5 mainly. I’ve used the Tak rectifier and found it brighter than the KR rectifier. How do the 2a3s compare? Interested in what to replace these with when they go, they are really nice with the Abyss.
  2. Drewligarchy

    Woo's New Flagship WA33

    Hope everyone is well. I've fallen completely into 2 channel land over the past couple years, since I got Martin Logans and a Pass Int 60 (this combo is so ridiculously good, I haven't really listened to my headphones more than a couple times since I got them). @paradoxper told me that I...
  3. Drewligarchy


    Hi All - Long time not talk - I hope you all are well. I've been almost exclusively listening to my Martin Logan 13as, so haven't been around for awhile - but planning on doing some serious listening to my headphones soon - and jumping back into head-fi. Anyway, I have a small problem and need...
  4. Drewligarchy


    About 6 months ago I queried the board on the best way to use my Chord Dave / M-scaler with both my headphones and a potential two channel setup. 6 months and a little bit too much money later, the set up is complete: My Lumin U1 is acting as transport for my Chord gear, complete with Opto DX...
  5. Drewligarchy

    The New Enleum AMP-23R Amplifier (Successor to Bakoon AMP-13R) Thread

    I have the 23r and the Wa33 Elite (and previously the Wa33 standard), so I can give some thoughts. Of the two, the 23r is closer to the Wa33 standard, as the Wa33 Elite is more tubey - but in a good way. It obviously depends on tubes, but I would say the Wa33's soundstage is a bit wider and...
  6. Drewligarchy


    I never heard the PMCs - but it's all about what you like. I listened to a bunch of speakers in different setups before I got the Logan's, and it was love at first listen. Demo both and trust your ears - ideally one after the other (though that's obviously not required) and trust your ears :)...
  7. Drewligarchy


    I've always used and enjoyed Dave exclusively on headphones, but over the past 6 months have built a 2-channel system that is getting the vast majority of my listening time. Martin Logan Expression 13A via Pass Labs Int 60. I spent a lot of time on my Dave front end while focusing on...
  8. Drewligarchy

    Woo's New Flagship WA33

    Pass, after months delayed, finally in the house. Next - see how the Woo Wa33 elite synergizes as a preamp with after it's fully broken in. I don't know if you can improve on this amp though .... Also going to get some pro help positioning speakers and running ARC, which these ML13As have. It's...
  9. Drewligarchy

    Woo's New Flagship WA33

    May be a little off-topic - but I haven't posted in a while as I've been sucked into a new 2-channel system for about a month and a half. Since my family and I moved out to a house in the burbs, building a man cave in the basement has always been in the back of my mind - and with more working...
  10. Drewligarchy

    Woo's New Flagship WA33

    Unrelated to headphones - but I’ve been doing this for the past couple days. I’m waiting on a Pass Int 60, but my dealer gave me a Krell Vanguard loaner in the meantime. Sounds great with Woo Wa33 as pre!
  11. Drewligarchy

    LUMIN - The Audiophile Network Music Player

    This is the first I heard of it being discontinued. I don’t know why they are charging new pricing with an open box item, other than the fact that you can’t get them any longer and/or inflation. My advice: shop around, there are quite a few Lumin dealers - and I’m sure many still have stock. I...
  12. Drewligarchy

    LUMIN - The Audiophile Network Music Player

    AFAIK - Items without a DAC cannot do the full unfold. That's why you have streamers like the U1/mini and software like Roon, that can only do the first unfold. Ostensibly, this is for DRM so that you don't have access to the fully unfolded digital waveform. Only the fully unfolded analog...
  13. Drewligarchy


    I am pretty close to diving head first into two channel and buying a pair of Martin Logan Expression 13a, paired with a Pass Labs amp. Source will be my Dave / Mscaler fronted by my Lumin U1. Anyone use or listen to the Dave/Mscaler with Martin Logan Electrostats, or any other panel speakers? I...
  14. Drewligarchy


    The Dave is probably my favorite audio product I've ever bought - and the headphone jack sounds stunning with the right headphones. But in the Susvara, we are talking about the most insensitive headphone in the world. Dave was never meant for it. Will it produce sound? Yes. But amperage is...
  15. Drewligarchy


    Let's agree to disagree. While you think demos don't do the pairing justice - that's really the only way to know. I don't think anyone is being led astray by telling them to demo the Sus on Dave direct first - as the vast majority of people don't think that pairing does the Sus justice. While...
  16. Drewligarchy


    I use an enleum amp 23r for my Susvara. It technically is a speaker amp (25 watts), but has a headphone output that uses all that power. I specifically said I don't think the Susvara needs a speaker amp. This hobby is mostly subjective. Again, if you like it that's great/ My point was simply...
  17. Drewligarchy


    I corrected my post as I haven't tried the stealth and was unaware of it's sensitivity (but 5db is a lot). So, maybe it's not a great match for the Dave. I'll let others speak who have heard it. Still my primary point remains. The headphone output on the Dave doesn't do Susvara justice. It's...
  18. Drewligarchy


    That's what I thought too until I tried the enleum amp 23r. It is a really amp dependent headphone. It might be my favorite headphone now.
  19. Drewligarchy


    I don't remember this. Buy a universal learning remote, and copy the Dave controls to it. I use a universal remote with all my audio gear - including Dave - and it doesn't have this problem. You can get something $50 - $200 depending on how complicated you want it, but I was using a one-4-all...
  20. Drewligarchy


    I would disagree strongly on the Susvara. Obviously it's all subjective, but the Susvara is orders of magnitude harder to drive than most headphones. I don't think you need speaker amps, as many others prefer, but the Susvara sounds like a different headphone coming out of more powerful amps...
  21. Drewligarchy


    To me, best headphone Dave Direct is LCD 5. I have never got my head around the Utopia completely, but the LCD 5 is probably the most transparent headphone I've ever heard - so really benefits from a direct to DAC connection (and, of course, the Dave itself.) I use a touch of EQ (chrono's), and...
  22. Drewligarchy


    I think the Lumin U1 is excellent. Previously I had an Auralic Aries Femto - running optical to the Dave. I was unsure whether I would hear a difference with servers/streamers, especially when a non-electrical connection like toslink was used. With the U1 the background was blacker, details...
  23. Drewligarchy


    I like the LCD XC and Ether C Flow 1.1