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  1. 46and2

    Official K-81 DJ thread

    Mine are on the way... Ordered yesterday. Stupid Head-fi.
  2. 46and2

    Official K-81 DJ thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by JMCIII Cool. Then welcome to the club. Let us know what you think once you've got them burned in for a while. Bet you find, like VR6ofPain and I, that they are one of the great values in headphones today. That's the consensus... Funny part is, when I...
  3. 46and2

    Official K-81 DJ thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by JMCIII Easy it is - though you still didn't answer my question, do you or don't you Eugene? Probably going to buy a pair Monday, hence the reading of the thread!
  4. 46and2

    Official K-81 DJ thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by JMCIII If you are kidding with this comment - then OK. If not, then it's one of the most assinine comments I've ever heard. Markl has been vocal about his experiences with the K 81 DJ's, but then so have I and quitre a few others. The fact that this...
  5. 46and2

    Official K-81 DJ thread

    ...for at least a year and a half or more of use. Granted, I use them for work-outs, but I would certainly have expected them to have lasted a *little* longer. This is the ultimate question... I saw you placed these up for sale... Are you buying another pair? You have been a, if...
  6. 46and2

    HeadFive burn-in question...

    @ skylab Thanks for the info... I need to hear them to make a decision... after the H5 is fully burned in. I was going to let it happen naturally, but I can't wait! I've got radiohead - amnesiac going at home right now. Back to the DT770s, how's the isolation? I used to have Senn HD280's...
  7. 46and2

    HeadFive burn-in question...

    I was hoping you'd chime in... First, thanks for the advice. Second, I notice you have DT770s as a staple of you home rig. Assuming My woodies SR225s are similiar to your HF1s, can you give me a comparison? What I'm most interested in is the extension o the highs and lows. I find Grado's...
  8. 46and2

    HeadFive burn-in question...

    I've got around 10-15 hours on my HeadFive and, maybe my head is playing trickes on me, but the bass seems gone. Did anyone else have this happen? Does it come back? I'm beginning to think I'm a bit of a basshead...
  9. 46and2

    Grados SR225, E-MU 0404, now what amp?

    Since no one has heard it... But, I just reserved a Headfive for me woodied SR225s. All the feedback I recieved is that it should be a good combo.
  10. 46and2

    NEW CORDA HEADFIVE: A New Amp to Celebrate Head-Fi's Fifth Anniversary!

    Quote: Originally Posted by peter312 Gonna sell it next year, then? Not if it's as good as it should be!
  11. 46and2

    Headfive Serial Number List

    #26, my age...
  12. 46and2

    NEW CORDA HEADFIVE: A New Amp to Celebrate Head-Fi's Fifth Anniversary!

    #026 here I come. It was meant to be, that's my age.
  13. 46and2

    Assumptions about Meier Audio Corda Headfive

    I'm looking for a home amp to drive my Woodied Grado 225s. I like everything about the Headfive, the limited-ness, donation, price, etc. Would it be a safe bet to think that there will be a certain synergy/groove between this amp and Grados? The reasoning behind this thinking is that the amp is...
  14. 46and2


    thass right...
  15. 46and2

    Is there an optimal amp volume -- gain question

    I know the op amp is socketed... maybe the gain reisitors are as well. I'll pry it open tonight and report back.
  16. 46and2

    Is there an optimal amp volume -- gain question

    I have recently upgraded from a pair of Senn HD 280 Pros to a pair of Ety Er-6i's. I run them from an iPod 30 GB photo > Sik Ram Din > Headsave Mint Vibe. I'm not sure what the gain setting is on the Vibe -- Norm told me when he built it, but I have long since lost that email. I want to say it...
  17. 46and2

    Canalphones with more bass?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Iron_Dreamer Canalphones I've heard, in order of bassiness: ER4S<E3=ER4P<<E4<<E2<E5<<Superfi 5 pro (<<<Superfi EB supposedly) Where do the er6 and er6i fit in?
  18. 46and2

    just ordered my first "high end" headphone: ER6i!

    Quote: Originally Posted by cire yay i'm not alone haha. the suspense is killing me... still in the warehouse ARGG!! Mine are on the way... doubt that they will get here by this weekend, though.
  19. 46and2

    just ordered my first "high end" headphone: ER6i!

    I ordered mine yesterday too... A little birthday present to myslef. I've heard of troubles with the iPod photo, but I'm going to give it a try anyway... I don't have any problems with my Senn's. Best of luck to us both!
  20. 46and2

    somebody stop me... ~$80 ER6i's, new.

    Quote: Originally Posted by gshan Yup. freakin obnoxiously loud cellphone users...mute Cool, I'm a drummer and I already use Ety's earplugs and they are a Godsend... Nice level attenuation. I already know how to put them in my ears!
  21. 46and2

    somebody stop me... ~$80 ER6i's, new.

    Quote: Originally Posted by gshan ...I think the isolation might blow you away... In a GOOD way?!?
  22. 46and2

    somebody stop me... ~$80 ER6i's, new.

    from what I gather, the canalphones are in the same league as the more expensive ones... it's just the supposed lack of bass turning me off... it's so tempting, though.
  23. 46and2

    somebody stop me... ~$80 ER6i's, new. has Er6i's for ~$80 shipped. I've been wanting to get a pair of IEM's, but had been leaning toward the E4c/UE Super.pro5. It's hard to pass up that price, less than half of the shure/UE. Am I going to lose that much sound quality, in terms of low end? I've been reading reviews like crazy...
  24. 46and2

    Whoa...Burn in!

    another believer's story... If you don't buy it, get a set of Senn HD280s... They go from decent to crap to great over the span of a month. I didn't beleive until I heard it either. The bass went from okay to non-existant to POW!!!
  25. 46and2

    HD280 or K240S with Porta Corda Mk II?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Cyclone I really want to clear this up if i can, so tell me if im wrong. But isnt the headband issue completely cosmetic? I've never seen someone say "my headband has cracked and now i have to tape them together" its always that the person is annoyed that it...