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  1. Lazarus Short

    What To Do With A Dead Integrated Amp...

    Almost a year ago, I stupidly killed my Cyrus 2 amp. I unplugged the tuner, thinking it was the turntable, and plugged it back in...while the amp was playing. Did I say "stupidly"? There was a thump, and then silence. I popped the hood to find that the heatsink was VERY hot. Dead, very...
  2. Lazarus Short

    What's the Best Travel Food?

    I thought of this while sitting in a gas/food station in Cuba, New Mexico, and munching on a Moon Pie washed down with Mexican Coke.  It kept me going the rest of the way to Farmington.  What do you all like to eat on the road, especially to keep alert and awake??
  3. Lazarus Short

    Any Head-Fiers Between Roswell and El Paso?

    Anybody?  A local meet would be cool.
  4. Lazarus Short

    A New Pastime

    I love maps. No, I REALLY love maps. Paper maps, globes, whatever. Now in the virtual world, I used to take virtual tours of countries - click on "Images" and type in the name of a country. I like the landscapes, forests, mountains, lakes, trails, etc. Most countries or regions yield such...
  5. Lazarus Short

    A Bad Beginning...

    dig it
  6. Lazarus Short

    Slide Show of Old Cars (Nostalgia+)

    Photos of my models
  7. Lazarus Short


    When a thread gets moved, there is no notice on the old sub-forum to indicate where it went, and when you click on it anyway, you are told (in so many words) that it's a no-go. Why is that?
  8. Lazarus Short

    UK Head-Fiers Keeping Warm?

    About ten degrees (F) here. Stunning photo: BBC News - Frozen Britain seen from above
  9. Lazarus Short

    A "Cautionary Tale"

    Copied from a UK publication: Apple is not to blame for hearing loss caused by iPods, rules U.S. appeal court By DAILY MAIL REPORTER High volume: Apple iPods can reach up to 115 decibels A U.S. judge has ruled that Apple is not responsible for hearing loss caused by music played too...
  10. Lazarus Short

    Interconnects with Transformers

    At a garage sale some time ago, I bought a Radio Shack interconnect cable pair, and besides being paired together, there was a plastic can in the middle of the run. The sticker on the can indicated that it contained a transformer, as there was a diagram of two sets of windings. It was intended...
  11. Lazarus Short

    Chances of a Cold and/or Early Winter?

    This is from a Kansas City viewpoint, but I'm asking here for input from other areas of the Northern Hemisphere. The entire summer here in KC has been an extension of spring, cool, rainy, and overcast (for the most part). My daughter reported that there was brief snow here last week, in August...
  12. Lazarus Short

    Wino Yoga & Big Headphones

    Too funny! no description, uploaded by casaubon, category tags:
  13. Lazarus Short

    A Cure for Tinnitus??

    I offer this for informational purposes only. Dr. James Howenstine -- Simple Cure For Tinnitus
  14. Lazarus Short


    A short animation, featuring vinyl and tubes: YouTube - Hum Enjoy! Kudos to Dark Roasted Blend for the link.
  15. Lazarus Short

    Spiked Headphones

    girls in Harajuku district of Tokyo, uploaded by Salaa, category tags: tokyo, japan, harajuku, girl, style Comments?
  16. Lazarus Short

    Where'd Your Gear Come From?

    It occured to me this morning that all/nearly all of my gear did not come to me by way of a retail outlet, only my TDS unit, and that was a demo/closeout. I looked from one item to another, and the sources were eBay, Craigslist, rummage sales, flea markets, garage and estate sales, audio meets...
  17. Lazarus Short

    "The Sizzling Sound of Music"

    The Sizzling Sound of Music by Dale Dougherty Are iPods changing our perception of music? Are the sounds of MP3s the music we like to hear most? Jonathan Berger, professor of music at Stanford, was on a panel with me at a meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in Mountain...
  18. Lazarus Short

    What should come first: the tube or the transistor???

    I was browsing the local CL ads earlier this evening, and saw a listing for a really nice hybrid integrated amp. There were photos of the innards and everything looked to be very high quality, but I noticed that the tubes (12AU7 x 4) were in the preamp section, and transistors, of course, in the...
  19. Lazarus Short

    A Question for our British Cousins

    I own three British amps: Arcam Delta 60 integrated Mission/Cyrus II integrated Meridian 201 pre The Cyrus and the Meridian both have the HP jack in the BACK, and why is that? Unless the amp is on a top shelf, mantel or otherwise accessable from the top, the jack is very hard to get to...
  20. Lazarus Short

    New Preamp Arrived Yesterday

    I gave away my Kenwood pre at an AK meet last spring, and went for months plugging/unplugging interconnects from tuner and DAC to the power amp. Happily, both had variable front-panel outputs. Then I picked up a Kenwood C-1 at a flea market - DOA. Then I bought a JVC Super-a integrated, not bad...
  21. Lazarus Short


    First, it was T.B. I came to realize that they nuke everything. I don't use wireless technology, excepting FM tuners, avoid cell towers, etc, and eschew nuked food & drink. It destroys the food value, but you have all heard me rant on that, haven't you? Then, it was H.T.B (you get the idea by...
  22. Lazarus Short

    It Happened Again: "Score"

    ...headphone volume control and one channel out] turntable - needs work, he said speakers - drivers need new surrounds, but oooooooh, they're pretty The only thing good here is the remote [but that's not sure, as the gear is ****-up] the wires, and the paperwork. What's up with B&O???
  23. Lazarus Short

    Financial Conundrums

    "Y.N." just posted a piece on safe places for your money [not theirs?]. They used the phrase, and I quote, "...extremely safe..." Well, I just have to wonder if they are being straight with us, or are they shilling for the big money powers? They recommended: CD's [not the music kind] BANK...
  24. Lazarus Short

    The End of Nearly Four Years of Grim Silence

    At my workplace, headphones were a no-no. Even hoodies were frowned on, as they might be hiding headphones. Now, today, it was announced that headphones would be allowed on a trial basis. Yowie!!
  25. Lazarus Short


    It is not just Texas - here in western Missouri, rain has been coming down for days, and the local creeks are brown torrents. I came downstairs about six am to find the entire basement wet, and spent the next three hours dragging water-heavy carpets and rugs outside. Both dehumidifiers are going...