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  1. whitemonkey

    Foobar2000 skins

    wow thanks for the input, I'll start digging :)
  2. whitemonkey

    Foobar2000 skins

    Alright, I'm pretty familiar with foobar2000's components, the problem is I didn't find a place that hosts updated skins/themes. Even deviantart's #Foo-Nation is slow in updating. I'm looking for a clean interface, something like this, but with a little more functionality:  ...
  3. whitemonkey

    Foobar2000 skins

    Hi,   I've been using Foobar2000 for a couple of years now, I managed to tweak the ui to fit my needs BUT its not a pretty sight :P Do you guys have a preferred skin/theme for foobar? I've searched the web and all I could find are outdated skins that don't support foobar2000 1.0+ Those...
  4. whitemonkey

    The Xonar Essence STX Q/A, tweaking, impressions thread

    I just wanted to thank DEX85 for helping me out with opamps for the Xonar ST. I'm using my Xonar to output to my Heed Canamp and through my K701.   I have tried 7920NA in the buffer, and there was already an improvement in sound quality over stock. Then I tried 7920HA in the buffer, oh...
  5. whitemonkey

    Juli@ vs 1212M vs Xonar ST

    Actually I purchased the Xonar ST this morning, I listened to it for a few hours today. Its a pretty remarkable card. Sound quality is actually much better than what I had expected (I didn't expect much of a change in the first place and was just trying my luck). In my opinion it is better...
  6. whitemonkey

    Juli@ vs 1212M vs Xonar ST

    Quote: "Does not support 64-bit or Vista."   *EDIT* Whoa, I just checked the prices for the newer Lynx, they're insanely expansive where I live. Will the soundcards in my original post make any noticeable improvement with my system?
  7. whitemonkey

    Juli@ vs 1212M vs Xonar ST

    Hello Head-Fi :)   I need your help, I want to upgrade my soundcard but I don't know which one is better. Currently I have my ESI Juli@ which had served me quite well for the last couple of years. I'm not going to get an external DAC, so I'm looking for an internal solution.   Which of...
  8. whitemonkey

    Moon Audio Reviews

    I recently purchased the Black Dragon headphone cable for my k701. I'm very happy with the sq improvement over the stock cable Compared with the stock cable the sound is now much clearer, the soundstage is huge and the bass extension goes lower giving the k701 the little "depth" they needed...
  9. whitemonkey

    eBay cables

    Hi, I have just picked Oritek x-1 cables on ebay. I paid $125 for one meter. Do you guys know if people fake Oritek too?
  10. whitemonkey

    Cable for K702s

    Hi, Actually I have the Heed Canamp + K701 combo and I'm very pleased. So pleased that I actually bought the Moon Audio Black Dragon cables for them. I havn't got them yet, but I can post an impression once I do receive them.
  11. whitemonkey

    Oritek Modded Zhaolu vs ESI Juli@

    Hi, Right now I'm using esi juli@ -> heed canamp -> k701 I may have an option to purchase an OMZ (Oritek Modded Zhaolu) to replace the juli@. What I would like to ask is, is the OMZ's dac an improvement over the Juli@'s? Thanks!
  12. whitemonkey

    Heed CanAmp

    Hi All, I got myself a new CanAmp, it has barely 12 hours of usage on it. Do you guys think it will change its SQ with further usage? If so what are the changes I'm about to experience with each milestone?
  13. whitemonkey

    k701 user manual

  14. whitemonkey

    k701 user manual

    Quote: Originally Posted by wfranklin User manual? Ya mean, plug it in, put 'em on, turn it up? haha I actually need it so I know how to replace the pads and or replace the cable.
  15. whitemonkey

    k701 user manual

    Hi guys, I have the akg k701 but I don't have the manual (bought it used). Can you guys refer me to the user manual, or somebody that owns the k701 and has some spare time can scan and upload it somewhere? I hope its not too much to ask for. Thanks!
  16. whitemonkey

    do the hd280 need an amp?

    Hi, Just wanted to update you all, I just bought the hd280 as I need good isolation (sound comes second - I have my akg k701 at home). Anyway out of the box they sound a little too bright but its not too bad, yes they are bass shy, but I don't need too much bass. I just hope that with good...
  17. whitemonkey

    do the hd280 need an amp?

    Okay the ath m50 are out of my budget, what do you guys say about hfi-550 or hfi 650? How are these with isolation and without an amp?
  18. whitemonkey

    do the hd280 need an amp?

    Great, sounds good, the reason I need good isolation is because I'm in the office with another guy who's listening to music on his speakers.
  19. whitemonkey

    do the hd280 need an amp?

    Hi! I'm searching for isolating headphones that will block outside noise from coming in. I've read that the hd280 are very good at that and are very well in my budget. One question though, do they need an amp? I'm looking for a solution that wont require an amp.
  20. whitemonkey

    tube amp for the k701

    Thank you all for your input. I am now considering these amps: EF-1, DV 336SE, Vincent KHV-111. What would be the most bang for the buck in your opinion (with the K701)? EDIT: Found a small review about the EF-1 and the DV 336SE - if anyone is interested...
  21. whitemonkey

    tube amp for the k701

    Hi! I've searched the forum for a decisive answer regarding a proper tube amp for the k701 with no luck. Every thread I've found contradicted the other. Basically the setup I have is: Juli@ > Aqua Head amp (solid state) > K701 The sound is pretty detailed with my current amp and the...
  22. whitemonkey

    whats the best amp for the k701

    I'm from Israel, its almost impossible to find good amps at reasonable prices here
  23. whitemonkey

    whats the best amp for the k701

    I'm using the esi juli@ as source and my budget is $400 I don't need it to be portable
  24. whitemonkey

    whats the best amp for the k701

    hi, I have recently bought the k701 and I'm using it with the aqua head amp, I want to know if theres a better amp for them, what is your recommendation, should I upgrade? would love to hear about all the amps people know are a good match for the k701 Thanks in advance, Shay
  25. whitemonkey

    hd600 vs dt880

    ...purchase in the near future, and I'm wondering about the hd600 and the dt880, which headphones do you consider to be better? any response would be greatly appreciated *I havn't had the chance to listen to any of them, just wanted to know if they're on the same league and your personal taste