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  1. GTanaka

    Mayberry's Trippin Balls: Fairfax, CA cross-coastal meet.

    I absolutely loved every moment. I can't wait for another one to come by
  2. GTanaka

    Mayberry On Acid: First Ever Fairfax, CA Meet February 2, 2008!

    I just finally looked through the elements that'll be on site, and I am DEFINITELY psyched about getting a chance to hear the ATH-L3000s and ATH-W3000s. I dream, I dream, but I fear W5000 is as far as I go... I'll be there when ronin74 gets there, which should be a bit after 9AM. can't wait!
  3. GTanaka

    Mayberry On Acid: First Ever Fairfax, CA Meet February 2, 2008!

    Hey, so does it look like things will still be a go-go this coming weekend with all the rain? I live in Berkeley and we're doing alright, minus my soaked pants, but is it actually flooding out there in Fairfax?
  4. GTanaka

    W5000 Fitz Mod Guide

    the "ravioli fold" associated with the F5005 mod, a la The wooden cup is pressing down on the ravioli a tad. Not a major problem to fix, if one at all. Just curious though, since my ears aren't nearly as sensitive as many others' here.
  5. GTanaka

    help me out, beyerdynamic owners

    As an owner of DT770/80s and DT990/250s, I have to say that I prefer the sound of the DT770 the most, though I must admit I've yet to burn in the DT990s well enough to my liking. The bass is less clear for the 770s, but when it comes to durability in the outdoors and pounding that bass, none...
  6. GTanaka

    W5000 Fitz Mod Guide

    Hey, I just noticed that the wood of the cans was slightly cramping the bubble created for the F5005 mods. I was wondering how major this little problem was on the audio signature to anyone else that's used this mod? I'll probably fix it soon when I get some time.
  7. GTanaka

    Mayberry On Acid: First Ever Fairfax, CA Meet February 2, 2008!

    Sorry to hear about your loss immtbiker. I'm sure she'll find somewhere new that values her far more ^^.
  8. GTanaka

    Mayberry On Acid: First Ever Fairfax, CA Meet February 2, 2008!

    Yoshi's? As in that incredible Japanese restaurant that serves that Spanish beef reportedly treated better than Kobe beef? I am envious :X
  9. GTanaka

    Mayberry On Acid: First Ever Fairfax, CA Meet February 2, 2008!

    Actually ronin74, I can be a DD if you don't mind me driving your vehicle (insurance? best safe than not). I don't plan on drinking since I'll probably need to be studying and whatnot. And what time would it be good to meet at Richmond Station on Fri or Sat? granodemostasa: it's a shame I...
  10. GTanaka

    Mayberry On Acid: First Ever Fairfax, CA Meet February 2, 2008!

    ...reach there by public transit if a must, but otherwise toss me on the list of "looking for a ride". My equip: DT770/80 DT990/250 2005 Edition *ATH-W5000 modded to F5005 Corda Move PA2V2 *it's currently down in Socal, so depending on if a fellow of mine wants to bring it up, I may...
  11. GTanaka

    Mayberry On Acid: First Ever Fairfax, CA Meet February 2, 2008!

    I'm a Cal student too actually, no car. Looking for a ride too, or public transit if possible.
  12. GTanaka

    Mayberry On Acid: First Ever Fairfax, CA Meet February 2, 2008!

    I honestly wished I could make it myself. I live in Berkeley so fairfax is just a short ride away. Unfortunately, if you're very limited on space and are only looking for worthier contributors, I'm afraid I can't display much. I've got DT770/80s (who doesn't these days?), DT990/250 2005...
  13. GTanaka

    Zune80 or Ipod80

    I'd have to put my vote for an iPod solely for the support of RockBox. Playing FLACs is something I can hardly live without anymore.
  14. GTanaka

    Can I get a non screwed up touch??????

    Your luck is honestly just awful, sorry . It was the same way for the first shipment of Playstation 2 slim models when they first came out. I honestly made at least 7 returns after performing stress tests before I got one that could last longer than 8 hours without burning out the laser.
  15. GTanaka

    What song/album gave you your first eargasm.

    It'd have to be the album "The Resignation" by Rx Bandits. If you listen to it on any non-audiophile system it sounds mundane, but once you plug it into an amp and some decent cans, the music is so complex that even after listening to it hundreds of times I can find new strains to it listening...
  16. GTanaka

    What is the Saddest song ever written?

    From the Japanese side of things, I think "Aojiroi Tsuki" by Fra-Foa is by far the saddest song I've ever heard. If you understand Japanese at all, I'm positive you'll agree with me. It's about the singer losing her brother and the effect it's had on her.
  17. GTanaka

    Headphones for the bass inclined

    DT770/80s definitely if you love bass, particularly if you're on the go. If you plan mostly home listening, I also like the DT990/250s. They're lighter on the bass because they're open, but it's much more precise than the DT770/80s.
  18. GTanaka

    Advice needed on portable amps

    oh that's practically impossible unless you completely disregard what anyone here says. An amps can (almost) only improve the music.
  19. GTanaka

    Has burn-in ever been a bad thing?

    I'd have to say burn in is great. I got my DT770/80s with a heavy, heavy bass. After leaving it on for about 20 hrs total over the course of a week, it sounded mounds greater than it originally did.
  20. GTanaka

    Portable amps are tiny but heavy?

    just dont hang the amp off an ipod dock cable or you could have an unfortunate break. Personally, I use the rubber-band method of security.
  21. GTanaka

    Corda Move Question

    Hey, I've had my Corda Move for a few months now and just the other day I was having trouble finding an old jumper so I could put it back on high voltage (I found it ^_^). Anyways, I was wondering what really the big difference is between high/low voltage, besides battery life? I mean, I think I...
  22. GTanaka

    Commuter in need of cans

    You may dislike the size of full cans, but I can't possibly stress how big I feel the difference between circumaural and inner ear sounds. Preferring the former, I'd have to give my vote to DT770/80s. They're well priced for about $175 online and are built like bricks.
  23. GTanaka

    What's the one song that really made you appreciate your headphones?

    I feel so uncultured, but no song has beaten the bass out of any cans I've had than this: P.O.S. is Ruining My Life by P.O.S.
  24. GTanaka

    W5000 Fitz Mod Guide

    Well I've done it! I picked up some HandiTak at Michaels (basically the same stuff as Blu-Tak) and did the F5005 mod, and I have to say I'm LOVING the bass boost I'm getting. The midrange is still perfect and solid. Now I just need to get back to my dorm so I can put in the proper jumper to put...
  25. GTanaka

    newbie seeking advice

    As a junior member who only got his first set of cans in the December of 2006, I'd have to say that the DT770s are my preferred cans for starting off, especially if you're a fan of rock. They're built tough and sound wonderful, and even after getting DT990s and ATH-W5000s, I still love them.