Recent content by neutralzz
  1. neutralzz

    Should valve amps be left powered on?

    in a normal pre-amp for speakers, e88cc(like those in mf v3) lasts probably 5000 hours whereas power tubes run for abt 3000 hours before the performance goes way off. in such an enclosed environment, component performance like resistors/capacitors dont really function linearly under extreme...
  2. neutralzz

    Should valve amps be left powered on?

    toobs have a lifespan, shouldnt be left on unncessarily they sound good when decently warmed up, i.e. for half an hour or so, but leaving them on forever doesnt make them sound any much better.. at the expense of tube lifespan, component overheating and and electricity bill :d
  3. neutralzz

    Beyer DT880 sound leakage?

    its... very.. ... big..!!
  4. neutralzz

    Any recommendations for 12AU7/ECC82/5814?

    i just changed a set of ecc81, and ecc83 on my other amp to mullards, after some rolling, i felt using 4 ecc81 sounds better than two ecc83 and two ecc81, ecc81 = gain 60, 82, gain 80, and 83, gain 100.. you could probably jump arnd these tubbies except you have to drive them harder with...
  5. neutralzz

    Best tubes for Earmax Pro?

    i just did some tube swaps and i m very happy with both mullard and brimars. i just swopped another 4 mullards onto my other amp and they sound much better, warmer & richer
  6. neutralzz

    What are some sub $1000 home amps, considered bright?

    how abt trying some toobs? :P
  7. neutralzz

    best sounding 6922/e88cc tubes :D

    ok i just took the plunge and got myself 2 brimars and 1 mullard cv 2493.. havent plugged in the 2493, but using my electro harmonix as input, brimars as output, wow! much improvement in sound, much more airier and warmer.. but tubes not run in yet cant give a conclusion on that.. hmm.. will...
  8. neutralzz

    A 6SN7 lover strikes out! Help me choose 6DJ8s!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Len I suggest you forego the current productions. However, if you must, I'd only consider the JJ and Ei. As for NOS tubes, here's my generalization: Telefunken: thin, detailed, fast Siemens: in between TFK above and Amperex below Amperex: warm...
  9. neutralzz

    best sounding 6922/e88cc tubes :D

    thanks for the replies hmm.. as posted in another thread i've actually source for the following 1) E88CC Brimar UK Gold ($65 each) 2) E88CC Telefunken (most expensive of the lot at $210 per tube) 3) E88CC Siemens Gold Pins (2 for $100 from friend) 4) Mullard 7308 (1 for $100) 5)...
  10. neutralzz

    x-can v3's two tubes

    Quote: Originally Posted by PinkFloyd Mullard e88cc sound nice but they are very expensive. A good cheap alternative is the Reflector 6N23P-EV triodes.... I got mine for £5.00 a pair but I believe the person who is selling them has hiked the price up fourfold now i'm a little...
  11. neutralzz

    best sounding 6922/e88cc tubes :D

    sorry if this question has been popping up all the time... but i've seen most people happy with amperex 6922s, does anyone have any other similar tubes to recommend, i'm looking for tubes for good vocals, and also recommendations for 6922s with laidback soundstage
  12. neutralzz

    x-can v3's two tubes

    hi pinkfloyd, which tubes do you think have sounded excellent to you in the mf v2/v3? i've been looking at amperex, telefunken, siemens, very expensive..kinda a bit too expensive for me to roll thus would like your opinion thanks
  13. neutralzz

    My YAHA, and a terrible solution for ac hum.

    thankyou! i like tubes amp that way.. real simple.. pure tube-goodness
  14. neutralzz

    Do your ear canals expand from using IEMs?

    my iems dont really expand my ear canals.. not really noticeable.. stil using a modded biflange.. and i still find the smallest normal sleeve a little too big.. but at least i know.. my iems's been bank account..