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  • Users: GirgleMirt
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  1. GirgleMirt

    Best ~$500-800 upgrade from 400i and Q701?

    So what would be a good upgrade from 400i and Q701? Before noticing this forum, I had posted this thread; Anything better @ $499 than Koss ESP/95X for high fidelity? Ended up passing on the ESP95x because mainly of the 6 months shipping time (they'll likely repost the drop) and might be...
  2. GirgleMirt

    Anything better @ $499 than Koss ESP/95X for high fidelity?

    I'm considering getting some Koss ESP/95X electrostats... :\ Already have 400i, Q701, HD 598se, 990s, SR80, etc... (Also Schiit stack & Toppin A30 amp) Never heard the Koss. I've always been after just high fidelity; transparent, detailed, etc., I'm really wondering if it's worth it...
  3. GirgleMirt

    Site is very often super slow...

    For a couple weeks now, is it just me or half the time it can take upwards of 30s for a page to load?
  4. GirgleMirt

    Best cheap upgrade from Aune T1/Schiit magni (1) for hifiman 400i? (Topping D3 or A30?)

    After learning of Topping and doing some reading, I was thinking of picking up a Topping D3 to upgrade an Aune T1's power section.  For instance because from quick research, some have mentioned in a thread that the D3 tops the Aune T1...
  5. GirgleMirt

    Anyone has their Schiit Magni / Modi die?

    Sad surprise while wanting to listen to my Q701s... Power up the Magni, and I can hear some static.. I increase the volume to about 1/2 and don't remember it being that noisy, but then realize it's not just background noise, it's the music playing!  So basically, the volume is about 1/10th of...
  6. GirgleMirt

    What makes certain music enjoyable for you?

    Just wondering about what people enjoy about music and what what are the elements that will separate the good or great to the poor.  To preface, there's basically active and passive listening, active being when you're solely focusing on the music, and passive where music is for instance playing...
  7. GirgleMirt

    Ety fit/comfort and seal durability with flanges?

    I've bought some Etys HF5s a while ago now, and have tried both flange tips.  I think neither might be perfect for me... The smaller tip feel like they're pressing on the inside of my ear, like the inside of my ear is of a  curved shape;  ' ) ' , and since the tips are straight, well, when...
  8. GirgleMirt

    Headphone / speaker similarity thread!

    Just wondering what some of the speaker equivalents would be for speakers and headphones; you know, which are similar in cost, design, sound signature, looks, etc.  For example, Grados headphones & Klipsh speakers could be said to be similar as both are quite efficient and are many say both have...
  9. GirgleMirt

    Anybody else has a love/hate relationship with Beyer 990

    Just yesterday, I was thinking that the 990 are really headphones that you should never sell because you'd eventually end up regretting it... On some albums they can sound extremely good. Great for classical, voices (ex; chorals), etc, can sound remarkably good, and many reviews are all...
  10. GirgleMirt

    Albums with great sounds? (not great sound, great sounds!)

    Any album which just have sounds which sound great?  I'd say that I'm looking for exactly the opposite of live music or an audiophile record which simply focuses on voice + instruments.  I'm more looking for music with sounds/music that sounds amazing rather than life-like... For instance, Pink...
  11. GirgleMirt

    DAC and windows setting: "speaker properties" default enhancements (Modi/Magni discovery!!!)

    Long story short; I revisited Windows8's Schiit's USB Audio Device properties, and noticed that I had no enhancement selected, but did not have all enhancements disabled checked. And lo and behold, disabling all enhancements yielded sound differences, something which shouldn't happen if you have...
  12. GirgleMirt

    AKG 701 vs 701 Quincy Jones

    I'm a bit confused... I was about to pull the trigger on some Quincy Jones AKG Q701, but then I was a bit worried they didn't sound the same as the regular AKG K701s (not actually as neutral) and canceled when I found this; I so far have a pair of Grados SR80s, Sony V6s and Beyers 990...
  13. GirgleMirt

    Recommendations for neutral 100-300$ closed or IEMs?

    I've been using Sony V6s for a while, but the pads have worn off (new ones on the way), but I'm thinking of upgrading them... My main issue with them is that they do leak some sound which means that I often can't listen them as loud as I'd want to. So, I'm thinking about getting new ones, or...
  14. GirgleMirt

    Anyone tried Sony v6 ebay leather pads?

    My sony v6 pads are really done, so I'm going to pickup some cheap chinese ebay pads (3$), but while browsing, noticed someone selling leather pads for around 7$... Anyone tried them? (I'll post link later, on mobile..) (hope link works...
  15. GirgleMirt

    Last check: Schiit Modi + Magni for Beyer DT990 600 ohms or...?

    Just purchased pair of Beyerdynamics DT990 600 ohms on a whim so am looking for an amp. The source will mostly be a computer with onboard sound, which sadly I can't really comment on the quality of because my Grados SR80s are out of commission from foam disintegration and my Sony V6s are at...
  16. GirgleMirt

    Cheap amp for Beyers DT990 600 ohms? (ebay?) EDIT: Schiit Magni+Modi?

    Hi, just picked up a pair of Beyerdynamics DT990s a bit on a whim when I stumbled on them on sale.  So being 600 ohms, I think they'd definitely benefit from a headphone amp as they'd probably end up being powered by a computer's integrated soundcard...  Now, when I picked them up, I thought I'd...
  17. GirgleMirt

    Help me find this band/guy.... Jeff Lonfgren? ... ?

      dea Does this name ressemble any band/musician anybody know?  Heard a cool song, but didn't note down the name and forgot it... Google is failing me... It was a guitar heavy song, mainly guitar, I think on of those guitars with a curved back and bit bright sound? Damn, don't even know the...
  18. GirgleMirt

    Etymotic ER6C any good? vs ER6i?

    Are the ER6C any good? These seem pretty different from the ER6i... ER6i:16 Ohms and the sensitivity is 108dB/0.126V ER6C: 48 Ohms Sensitivity92dB S.P.L. at 1KHz They look like the ER6, but the ER6 is rated 97dB on the official...
  19. GirgleMirt

    Good/bad labels for classical music?

    Do you guys know which record labels usually have good/bad recordings? I often stop by used cd shops and am somewhat overwhelmed at all the classical cds for sale. Some are cheaper, some are more expensive, but that doesn't necessarily correlate to sound quality, or just good music... Any...
  20. GirgleMirt

    What new things have you heard?

    ...accent: "What the fck... Yeah I don't know what it is! What I was supposed to do there... Its the timing! (guy making drum sounds with his mouth: "Dju *fcking dju") Yeah but I can't keep timing to that... If I'm thinking about that, then I can't beatbox." Well you have to hear it... Too...
  21. GirgleMirt

    Sony MDR-V6... for.. digital! !@#$%^@#$

    Damnit, I just bought a pair of Sony MDR-V6, I open the box and right on the headphones is written, with a red background, for DIGITAL. We all know that analog > digital, so of course, these went back directly in the box, I'm not some kiddy who wants to impress others with headphones with a for...
  22. GirgleMirt

    New David Gilmour album: On an island

    So I just went thru the album for the first time. David Gilmour and other Floyd members are a bit of a mystery sometimes. Together, they made amazing music. Individually, they're all very accomplished musicians but sometimes, their solo efforts well, just didn't compare to what they did...
  23. GirgleMirt

    Behringer DEQ2496 compatibility issues? (anyone using it with TB Audio Advantage?)

    So I've got a Turtle Beach Audio Advantage and a Behringer DEQ2496, and I can't get them to work together... The AA is my only source of digital besides a cdp, so I'm wondering if something could be wrong with the AA or the DEQ... The DEQ shows its sample rate at "unlocked" when no digital...
  24. GirgleMirt

    So has anyone tried the Turtle Beach Audio Advantage? I have one ordered which should arrive soon. Planning to use the optical out and connect it to an DEQ2496 (DAC), that should be pretty good for laptop sound! Anyone heard one yet?
  25. GirgleMirt

    So for fun, XLR - RCA cable, which wire to use, and why?

    So I'm building an XLR -> RCA interconnect. Which wire should I use and why? ah crap