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  • Users: timmyGCSE
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  1. timmyGCSE

    SoundMAGIC P20's

    I've been looking for some overhead cans for on the go to complement my IEM's (and no..before you say anything..I'm not looking to spend £100's and for something to rival the SQ of my JH13's, just a nice cheap can on the go). Closed back may I add. I'm considering P20's, £20 delivered seems...
  2. timmyGCSE

    Deal: Guitar Hero XBox 360 guitar bundle £12 in WH Smith

    guys I just went into my local WH Smith (Holborn Circus, London) and bought guitar hero world tour with the wireless guitar included for Xbox 360, all brand new and stuff for £12! The next cheapest I believe is HMV for £30. Receipt: I already HDUK'd it but I thought I'd post here if anyone...
  3. timmyGCSE

    what does the HD650 do well?

    My girlfriend decided to stealz my RX700's (alright I let her take just gives me an excuse to upgrade ) and in a couple of weeks I will get £230 cashback from taking out a mobile contract so I'm going to treat myself to a decent pair. Initially I was drawn to the K702's, not in the...
  4. timmyGCSE

    can I use a bigger capacitor than needed?

    right..I have a RROD Xbox 360. My error code is 0020 which means a GPU fault. I have applied the X clamp, no joy. Looking at the motherboard, there appears to be 3 capacitors that are bulging, not by much, but enough to make me suspect they are gone. So I googles the cap numbers and comes...
  5. timmyGCSE

    clocks go forward

    for UK headfi'ers, just been helpfully reminded on another forum, and perhaps a bit late but don't forget we're gonna be on BST from 1am GMT Sunday (28th) morning I'm glad I was reminded otherwise I would have missed the F1!
  6. timmyGCSE

    newb amp for JH13's..Mini³?

    this will be my first amp build, my idea is to a) save money (I'm poor at the moment, can afford about £40 tops) b) get into this as a hobby. I've done a small amount of electronics and soldering and circuit diagrams before (GCSE electronics at school, made a random number selector with an LED...
  7. timmyGCSE

    Sony MDR-V150 mods buying much else so just bought the 150's as a meh might as well. Bass is bloaty and barely gets down low, mids are extremely** poor, some of the most undetailed mids I've ever heard. Treble is the only redeeming feature of the sound signature which is quite crisp and...
  8. timmyGCSE

    being a headphone geek...damn

    Yea so I just got on the london underground, and would you know it there sitting with an empty seat right opposite was emma rigby who plays hannah ashworth in hollyoaks (I would link a pic for the non uk head-fi brethren but I'm on my phone, but she is a star in a popular UK soap and is quite...
  9. timmyGCSE

    Soundblaster Audigy ---> today's cards

    I bought a pair of JVC RX700's today for my home PC which will come in a few days, so I thought well need a new soundcard now! So as a stopgap I rememberd my dad had an old PC in the cupboard that had a Soundblaster Audigy Platinum EX in it, quite the top of the range card in its day (early...
  10. timmyGCSE

    JVC RX700 questions

    as the final piece to my audio inventory (until I need a new amp or soundcard or new cable for JH13's blah blah) I would like some full sized cans for my home PC, not too worried about open back vs. closed back but I would like circumaural. So I was going to blow the cash on AT AD700's for...
  11. timmyGCSE

    Technocel Ear Vibe vibrating buds

    these look pretty interesting: Ear Vibe available from 15th Jan at a price of $29.99.. might be worth a cheap punt
  12. timmyGCSE

    headphone insurance

    I will be taking my JH13's on the go with me when they arrive, commuting purposes etc. I lost one of the custom sleeves to my SE530's because I was careless, and of course I will baby the JH13's far more, I don't want to risk carrying them on my daily commute without insurance. Has anyone...
  13. timmyGCSE

    Sony S-Series upgrade to Fuze?

    with my pending JH13's I feel I should grace them with a new dap. I have around £100 there or thereabouts to spend, which puts the X-Series and S9 out of my price range (and I feel I would be paying for extra features I just wouldn't use). I've previously owned a D2+ but sent it back, I...
  14. timmyGCSE

    what shall I buy?

    A) a nintendo DS for the missus for far I've only bought her a £30 PAYG phone on 3 B) 16GB Sony X-Series Walkman C) A tortoise tough choice..feel bad if I don't get her anything else. I got £150 spare after paying for the JH13's and a Ninty DS is only £100 leaving £50 but...
  15. timmyGCSE

    need help with a chinese character

    I'm going to get this image as custom artwork on the right shell of JH13's: but I would like to know what the chinese (I assume its chinese) character in the middle means. Being the ignorant soul I am I would have assumed it meant turtle but this is the character for turtle apparently...
  16. timmyGCSE

    JH Audio in the UK!

    in my quest for a pair of JH11/JH13's, I contacted JH Audio today. They have a dealer in the UK, handheld audio: Radio Microphones and In-Ear Monitors and Earphones delightful! I've visited their offices before to listen to a shed-load of universals, the staff are incredibly friendly...
  17. timmyGCSE

    [Review] Shure SE530's + custom ACS tips

    on Friday 30th October I went to London Hearing on Harley Street in London to get ear impressions taken for custom ACS tips for my Shure SE530's. A little over 2 weeks later, Tuesday 17th November to be exact, I received them. I've had a few days with them now so here are my thoughts. Having...
  18. timmyGCSE

    Livewire trips or UM3X + custom sleeves

    righty pending a sale on my 530's I have either the option of Livewire trips which have recently received a glowing report, or UM3X's + some custom ACS tips. Both all in all come in at £340 including shipping, impressions, taxes if need be, the whole caboodle. Livewires: + fully custom...
  19. timmyGCSE

    SE530's & Klipsch ovals

    Recently I've been having a lot of comfort issues with IEM's, every one I use seems to be ok for a while then starts to hurt my ears in a kinda aching way. I got my SE530's just over a week ago and they have been pretty comfortable but the thick silicone and round shape of the tips started...
  20. timmyGCSE

    I just bagged me a free touch

    I'm a happy chappy..I moderate on a large UK e-tailer's forum, for free, never expected anything in return, all the mods are not employees or anything - well I just got an e-mail from one of the admins (all the admins are employees) saying thanks for all the help choose from an ipod touch 8GB...
  21. timmyGCSE

    my take on the top tier IEMs

    Tomorrow I will have the chance to test the following IEM's side by side: - Westone 3 - Westone UM2 - Shure SE530 - Ultimate Ears 10 - Sennheiser IE8 I will be left in a listening room with these 5 IEM's so I will take my notepad and pen and jot a few notes and type up my own...
  22. timmyGCSE

    IEM's with native over the ear cable design

    so after just having sold my JVC FX500's, I'm looking for a new pair but the cable must go over the ear natively..this is because the only pair of IEM's I've owned that fitted perfectly were my Shure e2c's, other IEM's I have to wear with the cable over ear but don't fit properly because they...
  23. timmyGCSE

    grado rs1/rs2 owners..please help!!!

    Hi guys, well I'm doing some initial planning on replacing my sr60's plastic outer housing with a wooden housing. My dad has all the shebang at his house to actually do the making..he's a fairly competent woodworker (made a fully working minature wishing well for my mums garden ) anyway...
  24. timmyGCSE

    £200 for isolating earphones

    I should get some overtime next month from work so will have a couple of hundred to spend on some IEM's. As much as I love my FX500's they don't isolate well enough for commuting purposes. Sound signature I'm looking for is rather bassy in quantity and quality with a deep bass extension with...
  25. timmyGCSE

    Goldring GX200's..bargain of the century

    received my Goldring GX200's yesterday, bought from I went for them in pink..reason? well..if you'd prefer them in red: (UK) : Goldring GX200 Hi-Fi Stereo Earphones (Red) : Electronics - Free Delivery £48. Blue? (UK) : Goldring GX200 Hi-Fi Stereo Earphones (Blue)...