ZMF Verite Closed-New Closed Back ZMF Flagship.
Aug 21, 2022 at 4:50 AM Post #10,816 of 12,780
Happens after every big sale like the recent Hot Cup Summer and to a lesser extent after new limited versions as people sell off existing ones for new. I've done that myself a few times.
It's a ZMF sickness.
Losing money for the newest shiny wood😩💸
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Aug 21, 2022 at 1:42 PM Post #10,818 of 12,780
My main hypothesis: These headphones don't exaggerate the high end or the low end, so they may not fully satisfy the "boom and sizzle" crowd of headphone audiophiles. And, because of this lack of "gimmickry" they might sound "ordinary" to some listeners. I think this may be one of the factors that contribute to the frequency of second-hand units.
Another hypothesis: Although the price of these headphones reflects, in my opinion, profound value, they are nevertheless quite expensive (particularly for headphones) in absolute terms. So many of us may have a rather difficult time having this much capital tied up in a luxury item. In short, we may need the cash--now. Hence the sale.
I find the VC's to be a jack of all trades, master of none. They do take some time to really appreciate, and sound best with tubes.
Aug 22, 2022 at 4:26 PM Post #10,819 of 12,780
Every other week or so, I alternate which of my ZMFs live at home and which stay at the office. This week is bring your VC to work day, and like bring your kid to work day it’s unclear how much work I’ll actually get done. What an engaging sound signature. I love my Atrium, and I’ve been enjoying burning in my upgraded Auteur Classics, but these cans are special. I’ll never let them go.



And here’s the view behind the headphones:

Aug 22, 2022 at 4:46 PM Post #10,820 of 12,780
Every other week or so, I alternate which of my ZMFs live at home and which stay at the office. This week is bring your VC to work day, and like bring your kid to work day it’s unclear how much work I’ll actually get done. What an engaging sound signature. I love my Atrium, and I’ve been enjoying burning in my upgraded Auteur Classics, but these cans are special. I’ll never let them go.

And here’s the view behind the headphones:

Wow that's some view... That last pic is good too 😜

How do your colleagues react to The zmfs?
Aug 22, 2022 at 5:10 PM Post #10,821 of 12,780
Wow that's some view... That last pic is good too 😜

How do your colleagues react to The zmfs?
The reception has been illuminating actually.

Everyone has a comment when they see the pelican case. Once I tell them what’s in it, a few people have said “oh what’s your source, amp, etc.” I’ve met a few audiophiles this way—one guy (a huge vintage vinyl collector) who is mainly into speakers but has the Utopia for when he can’t listen on speakers, and others who used to be bigger into the hobby but have had to pare down their collections. For those who wouldn’t call themselves audiophiles, they are often excited to give them a trial. They are always blown away by the sound. Unfortunately, they are also blown away by the price. I kid you not, the number of people who have upgraded from earbuds to Sony XM4s or one of the over ear Bose models because I inspired them to get something “better” is substantial. The convenience of ANC and the clear step up from earbuds is good enough for most folks, but I never would have thought that letting people demo my ZMFs would steer even more people to Bose, Sony, and Apple. I found that fascinating.

I’ve tried to convince a couple friends to do a simple, relatively inexpensive Schiit stack and the Sennheiser 6XX or something like that. The cost isn’t drastically different from the AirPods Pro Max, and from what I’ve heard (albeit on higher end gear) the sound quality from that set up would be so much better than that of any of the ANC headphones. But I’ve thus far failed as a salesman!

Over the weekend someone asked for an album recommendation to try out his new Bose headphones. I’m not sure which headphones he is upgrading from, but I agreed to play the game. I sent him two album recommendations (one classic (Thriller) and one 2022 release (Caprisongs) and a chart of factors to consider when evaluating the headphones (i.e., “objective” factors like frequency response and subjective factors like soundstage, micro dynamics, etc.). He loved the chart but called it “nutty.” Haha

So, there are also those who are like those headphones are cool; I can certainly hear a difference, though I’m not exactly sure how to describe it; but this hobby is intimidating, etc.
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Aug 22, 2022 at 5:37 PM Post #10,822 of 12,780
2 reactions are common from non audiophile
1. Either they are blown away
2. They just don’t notice anything and then ask for the difference between $$$$ setup and Bluetooth headphone they usually listen to.
Aug 26, 2022 at 9:59 PM Post #10,824 of 12,780
I recently hooked the VC up with a Violectric V280. There is some special synergy between the two!
Can highly recommend the V280 (and thus the V340, V222) as amp for the VC!
I do not have VC but I have the VO and Aeolus. I can attest to the strong synergy with my Violectric V280; paired with V850. They are a perfect match made in heaven.
Aug 27, 2022 at 4:17 AM Post #10,825 of 12,780
Nice to have a headphone that is so damn musically involving that you can forget details and staging while you get totally caught up in that! And then those beryllium PEN drivers remind you that detail, staging and transient speed along with dynamic slam are just waiting to call attention to themselves in any serendipitous moment. And every time you want to push a little further you have a world class laboratory tool with which to explore cable and equipment and accessory interactions.

The VC is a tweaker's heaven of never ending delight and joy.

So just when I was suffering in the doldrums of missing my DAC! I got back into direct streaming from my computer with tidal and working on my networking. Discovered a cable that is built to a standard similar to 400 to 600 dollar a meter network cables and it's currently on sale about 1/3 to 1/2 the price, depending. I was struggling with Tidal streaming issues with my internet and a crazed landlord with EMF issues. 2M of a really good cable was not enough to effectively deal with either of those issues. So two weeks of fighting the whole thing and not really enjoying listening forced the need for a 6M cable and outside the window positioning of said router. So I found a 6M cable that with only 20 hours of burn in on it is outperforming my quite good cable that sells for twice as much for that 2 M length. This to me was a relative miracle and has brought me back to thoroughly enjoying my VC's and Airmid once again.

Happy to share more info with anyone in a PM! Will no longer engage in the polemic flames of cable controversy.

Very Happy Listening,

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Aug 27, 2022 at 9:59 PM Post #10,827 of 12,780
2 reactions are common from non audiophile
1. Either they are blown away
2. They just don’t notice anything and then ask for the difference between $$$$ setup and Bluetooth headphone they usually listen to.
My son said my Verite Closed sounded the same as his airpods! Lol. Some ppl just don't get it!
Aug 27, 2022 at 10:08 PM Post #10,828 of 12,780
Aug 28, 2022 at 12:05 AM Post #10,830 of 12,780
I'd take him to see an ENT ASAP. :L3000:
He could care less about my gear! I think he said it to mess with me because he knew how much I loved them.

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