Yuin PK1-PK2 impressions thread
Mar 3, 2010 at 8:17 PM Post #856 of 1,068

Originally Posted by neco /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Currently running PK3's from a Sansa clip and RSA Tomahawk amp. The sound is very good to my ears and I prefer them to my Grado SR60's. Unfortunately I've been bitten by the upgrade bug and have my eyes set on a pair of PK1's.

I was wondering if anyone could comment on whether the RSA Tomahawk would be strong enough to power the PK1's. I've read that the sound starts to clip at high volume with this earphone+amp combo however if this is the case I would look into acquiring the RSA P-51 Mustang. To be honest though I'd prefer not to have to spend an extra $300+ on an amp to get the most out the PK1's. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.


PK1 scale very well with amping. Mine sound good straight out of my iAudio7, but better with iBasso T4 added and again a lot better with iQube V1. But it's all good. Don''t know the Tomahawk, but why don't you just try?
Mar 3, 2010 at 8:37 PM Post #857 of 1,068

Originally Posted by prone2phone /img/forum/go_quote.gif
why not protector ? people report better results with amps that have more voltage, but if you only need volume then any amp will do. for me , halfway volume wheel on sansa fuze is enough, but everyone listens differently

The PK1 isn't a balanced setup and I don't have any headphones which would benefit from a balanced amp. I am not so much concerned about volume but more concerned with the quality of the sound.
Mar 3, 2010 at 8:39 PM Post #858 of 1,068

Originally Posted by librarian /img/forum/go_quote.gif
PK1 scale very well with amping. Mine sound good straight out of my iAudio7, but better with iBasso T4 added and again a lot better with iQube V1. But it's all good. Don''t know the Tomahawk, but why don't you just try?

I think you just dared me to buy the PK1's, and I think I may just have to accept. I have a feeling this will lead to me buying a more powerful portable amp as well.
Mar 9, 2010 at 2:12 AM Post #859 of 1,068
after having c710 im not using my pk2 anymore
great on detail and clarity but weak bass
Mar 9, 2010 at 9:37 AM Post #860 of 1,068

Originally Posted by heishiro /img/forum/go_quote.gif
after having c710 im not using my pk2 anymore
great on detail and clarity but weak bass

PK1 has better defined bass than PK2
Mar 10, 2010 at 3:34 PM Post #861 of 1,068
I just got a pair of PK2s this afternoon from a local that organized a bulk. Only cost me about $57 (converted), and although I have customs on the way, I figured I'd have nothing to lose and I wanted to try these out for myself and see if all the favorable reviews were actually true. So much accolade for these buds have certainly injected curiosity within me.

I originally wanted the PK1 so I didn't have to upgrade anymore when earbuds were concerned, but the seller said PK1 wasn't exactly popular over here (I'd imagine so, most probably because of its price) and he wasn't bringing in any, so I opted for the PK2 instead.

I must say, these hardly sound like earbuds. I own the stock Apple earbuds that came with my iPod and a pair of Sennheiser MX160s that I picked up for like $15, and those were just disappointing. After those, I was convinced it was either headphones or just IEMs, no more earbuds.

The PK2s changed my opinion. These sound like headphones, not earbuds. I was told they would need about 100 hours of burn-in time before they'd sound good, but they're already decent as-is. There's room for improvement, so I'm still hopeful.

These sound superb out of my iPod without an amp. I don't exactly own any high-end amplifier anyway, just a cMoyBB.

I've got to say, I'm very satisfied. Although my UM3X is superior, it's simply not ideal during situations like driving. Wearing those are a hassle as well, as I have to compress the foam before inserting them into my canals. And having read about the excellent build quality (who would have thought; being built in China and looking like $1 stuff?!), I'll be wearing these to sleep every night.
I won't have to worry about crushing it or damaging it; and even if I do it on accident, I'd gladly fork out for another pair.

I love how these earphones look, too. Cheap facade: but such impressive sound.

Anyway, I'm now thinking of getting the PK1, as per my original intent. However, I'm just wondering: is it worth it? Is it worth the extra money shelled out? I know there's an improvement, but is it very distinct and pronounced? Is it an improvement that justifies the price tag? If the improvement is just subtle and not a huge leap, I'll probably be happy enough with the PK2.
Mar 10, 2010 at 7:35 PM Post #862 of 1,068

Originally Posted by Zarium /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I just got a pair of PK2s this afternoon from a local that organized a bulk. Only cost me about $57 (converted), and although I have customs on the way, I figured I'd have nothing to lose and I wanted to try these out for myself and see if all the favorable reviews were actually true. So much accolade for these buds have certainly injected curiosity within me.

I originally wanted the PK1 so I didn't have to upgrade anymore when earbuds were concerned, but the seller said PK1 wasn't exactly popular over here (I'd imagine so, most probably because of its price) and he wasn't bringing in any, so I opted for the PK2 instead.

I must say, these hardly sound like earbuds. I own the stock Apple earbuds that came with my iPod and a pair of Sennheiser MX160s that I picked up for like $15, and those were just disappointing. After those, I was convinced it was either headphones or just IEMs, no more earbuds.

The PK2s changed my opinion. These sound like headphones, not earbuds. I was told they would need about 100 hours of burn-in time before they'd sound good, but they're already decent as-is. There's room for improvement, so I'm still hopeful.

These sound superb out of my iPod without an amp. I don't exactly own any high-end amplifier anyway, just a cMoyBB.

I've got to say, I'm very satisfied. Although my UM3X is superior, it's simply not ideal during situations like driving. Wearing those are a hassle as well, as I have to compress the foam before inserting them into my canals. And having read about the excellent build quality (who would have thought; being built in China and looking like $1 stuff?!), I'll be wearing these to sleep every night.
I won't have to worry about crushing it or damaging it; and even if I do it on accident, I'd gladly fork out for another pair.

I love how these earphones look, too. Cheap facade: but such impressive sound.

Anyway, I'm now thinking of getting the PK1, as per my original intent. However, I'm just wondering: is it worth it? Is it worth the extra money shelled out? I know there's an improvement, but is it very distinct and pronounced? Is it an improvement that justifies the price tag? If the improvement is just subtle and not a huge leap, I'll probably be happy enough with the PK2.

I'm sure it has been said before, but IF you don't amp the PK1 well, there's probably not enough improvement over the PK2 to justify the upgrade (money-wise). My guess is, that you would be dissapointed, if you're listening straight out of your ipod... It willprobably sound a lot like the PK2, but in worst case a little dull. If you like PK2 a lot and you just want a lot more of that good Yuin sound, then get a good amp and the PK1. I think it's worth it.
Mar 16, 2010 at 11:46 AM Post #863 of 1,068
Does anyone have experience PK1 via Fiio E1?

Is Fiio E1/E3/E5 enough to amp PK1?
Mar 19, 2010 at 8:43 AM Post #866 of 1,068
Hi guys, i own a Yuin PK2, but unfortunately one side of it is not working. I have got it checked by my friend and he said its not a problem of faulty cable connector. Is there any way to get it repaired?
Mar 21, 2010 at 10:06 AM Post #869 of 1,068

Originally Posted by Br777 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
im thinking about buying pk2 but if i use them while flying will i get enough isolation?


Mar 21, 2010 at 2:57 PM Post #870 of 1,068

Originally Posted by Br777 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
im thinking about buying pk2 but if i use them while flying will i get enough isolation?


They don't isolate at all. But they are really not designed to do that. But they have a big sound from a tiny bud, so I could see where they might do ok on an airplane. You might just have to turn your volume up a notch or 2.

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