Yanyin Discussion thread
Jul 29, 2021 at 2:06 PM Post #16 of 2,418
I was thinking initially before I listened to these. The design is nothing new I took a good look at the housing. It looks and feels like any other resin shell . Good looking shells though, exactly how many 3BA+ dynamic offerings are out there anyway. A lot. Even cheap fi has their version of this combo but what sets this partcular earphone apart from the many other similar designs is how skilfully tuned the sound is which ultimately adds a level of refinements you don't usually get at this price range.

Bass is some of the best quality bass that is for certain. Mids take on a liquid form on how it is portrayed. Vocals sound tramendous as a result.

The imaging from this set is unreal and you would never suspect a cheaper mid fi set like this one would have some upper tier imaging. How imaging is projected proportional to its sound stage sets these apart from so many at this price.

I believe they call it aladdin for the mystic qualiy to the sound they are bringing to the table on these. When I first heard about these. Oh boy another hybird was my thought. Folks these are not your garden variety hybrid.

In comparison I have a 4BA+ dual dynamic set I am currently writing a review for, same price as well. You all will know what it is I am talking about soon for these. In any case. Those sound like the typical hybird with a typical BA timbre and typical try hard bass end.. I find them very average at best.

I can't even begin to tell you guys just how much the aladdin sets itself apart from this average set. Which is actually got some great trates to it but no way is that set coming close to how refind sounding the aladdin is.

Aladdins are getting a good work out but to be honest I hope the sound doesn't change one bit and I think it will mostly stay the same since these are using mostly BAs. What I heard last night was pretty much mind blowing.
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Jul 29, 2021 at 2:14 PM Post #17 of 2,418
I was thinking initially before I listened to these. The design is nothing new I took a good look at the housing. It looks and feels like any other resin shell . Good looking shells though, exactly how many 3BA+ dynamic offerings are out there anyway. A lot. Even cheap fi has their version of this combo but what sets this partcular earphone apart from the many other similar designs is how skilfully tuned the sound is which ultimately adds a level of refinements you don't usually get at this price range.

Bass is some of the best quality bass that is for certain. Mids take on a liquid form on how it is portrayed. Vocals sound tramendous as a result.

The imaging from this set is unreal and you would never suspect a cheaper mid fi set like this one would have some upper tier imaging. How imaging is projected proportional to its sound stage sets these apart from so many at this price.

I believe they call it aladdin for the mystic qualiy to the sound they are bringing to the table on these. When I first heard about these. Oh boy another hybird was my thought. Folks these are not your garden variety hybrid.

In comparison I have a 4BA+ dual dynamic set I am currently writing a review for, same price as well. You all will know what it is I am talking about soon for these. In any case. Those sound like the typical hybird with a typical BA timbre and typical try hard bass end.. I find them very average at best.

I can't even begin to tell you guys just how much the aladdin sets itself apart from this average set. Which is actually got some great trates to it but no way is that set coming close to how refind sounding the aladdin is.

Aladdins are getting a good work out but to be honest I hope the sound doesn't change one bit and I think it will mostly stay the same since these are using mostly BAs. What I heard last night was pretty much mind blowing.
Better than the Tea ?
Jul 29, 2021 at 2:22 PM Post #18 of 2,418
Never heard the tea but this is a case where more drivers don't mean better sound.
I keep on comparing the sound tuning of the aladdin to my IT07 but that is the closest hybrid that I own that sound like these. Unless you have seen folks that say the tea comes close to the IT07 which I am gonna doubt.

IT07 is one of my best sounding hybids I own. so that was very surprising when I heard the aladdin for the first time and they sounded remarkably similar balanced and similarly refined.
Jul 29, 2021 at 2:37 PM Post #20 of 2,418
Not that I'm looking for another iem but...

Can you share a graph? 😂
I very much am. I need a counterpart to the Land, for a slightly relaxed listening...Aladdin may provide that magic, who knows?
Jul 29, 2021 at 3:10 PM Post #22 of 2,418
Not that I'm looking for another iem but...

Can you share a graph? 😂
Jul 29, 2021 at 3:19 PM Post #23 of 2,418
graph (1).png

I dont need another IEM.
I dont need another IEM.
I dont need another IEM.
I dont need another IEM.
I dont need another IEM.
I dont need another IEM.
I dont need another IEM.
I dont need another... So seems like it comes with a cool cable huh?
Jul 29, 2021 at 5:12 PM Post #24 of 2,418
@Dsnuts could you eventually compare the Aladdin with the GK10? My GK10 is on its way (thanks Penon), but I am open for new toys at the moment. Thank you.
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Jul 29, 2021 at 9:22 PM Post #25 of 2,418
graph (1).png

I dont need another IEM.
I dont need another IEM.
I dont need another IEM.
I dont need another IEM.
I dont need another IEM.
I dont need another IEM.
I dont need another IEM.
I dont need another... So seems like it comes with a cool cable huh?
That's... almost identical!
Jul 29, 2021 at 9:24 PM Post #26 of 2,418
@Dsnuts could you eventually compare the Aladdin with the GK10? My GK10 is on its way (thanks Penon), but I am open for new toys at the moment. Thank you.

Frist thing I noticed is that the GK10 while being 8 ohms needs more power vs the Aladdin 10 ohms. Volume matched via splitter.
Both sets are nicely refined sounding. Aladdin has more greater dimensions of the stage as it is wider deeper and with better height to music. This being said this expansion of stage presence gives greater dimensions to imaging. Vocals stand out on the Aladdin as is more forward in recordings while vocal performances are a bit laid back for the GK10 in comparison. Overall even though the GK10 graph looks more colored. Its tonality and presence to my ears sounds a bit leaning toward neutral vs the Aladdin. Aladdins vocal presentation is on a different level vs the GK10 once you hear two nicer BAs aimed for vocal performance these are clearly made for vocals to be up front and center and what is astounding is since they have excellent sense of dimensions to the sound you don't loose out on the instruments in the background at the same time.

Trebles has a bit more energy and has better cohesion and distinction as it is a single BA doing the full treble is better blended in the treble region both having some excellent extension. As good as the GK10 is using 3 drivers to do the treble, you can tell which drivers are doing the upper treble for the GK10 you can't expect world class cohesion for a 5 driver $45 tribrid but I think the reason why that works well on the GK10 is since they went with two dynamic drivers doing the bulk of the tunes there will be many tunes you might not even hear the piezo treble firing off. But on the ones you do you can tell it is the piezos. Not that that is a bad thing but it isn't going to be as fluid sounding as what is on the Aladdin'

Aladdin has just as airy a treble end of the GK10 but has a bit more treble emphasis sounds more weighty in the trebles with a bit more sparkle and blends in with the mids drivers seamlessly. Resulting in a more cohesive and fluid presentation for the upper registers. I think if I was to nit pick on the GK10 treble tuning I think it needs just a smidge more upper treble emphasis and that is what the Aladdin has going on. Upper treble notes are as clear as a bell on these things and that definition carries onto the mids and even the bass end of the Aladdin

Bass end also is different. Aladdin has less mid bass emphasis but makes up for it with a deep reaching sub bass presence. GK10 despite some folks claiming it has a mid bass hump, does not. It has some emphasized bass but there is no way folks are gonna hear a muddy lower mid range due to any type of bass hump on them.

Some might prefer to have the full bass end of the GK10 vs the more sub bass focus of the Aladdin. Aladdin I can tell is more focused on a mids and treble tuning that brings clear layering and imaging as a hook to its tuning and it works. The bass end is tuned to be no where near the mids and so the tuning you can say is more mature on the Aladdin. Aladdins bass quality is excellent as it has tightness, speed and the texture in the subs is unreal. GK10 has more in the way of quantity but I can tell the biocell dynamics on the Aladdin is more specializing in the low hitting sub bass.

It is absolutely a no briner to get the phone of the year in the GK10 if you haven't bought one yet. GO BUY ONE, What the heck are you waiting for! Its not just good for the $45 it sets the bar for the $45 and outclasses earphones 4X the cost. But at the same time the Aladdin is playing on a different level. The GK10 is not too far down the chain in sound quality so that shows just how good the GK10 is but at the same time the Aladdin has to be one of the best in its price range and has a very mature refined tuning.
Jul 29, 2021 at 10:27 PM Post #27 of 2,418
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Jul 29, 2021 at 10:36 PM Post #29 of 2,418
VS Mangird Tea,
reading from a graph alone,

Less female vocal energy so a bit darker,
more sparkle treble, a bit more subbass rumble,

Is like comparing Tea vs Xenns UP,
Jul 29, 2021 at 10:38 PM Post #30 of 2,418
Ya it really is tuned well. Detail freaks are gonna love these things.
the treble doesn't roll off,
and it doesn't get fatiguing because of the 6k dip,

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