Which headphones are these? Need experts on AKG.
Jan 26, 2011 at 10:16 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 21


Sep 23, 2010
It says AKG K141 from the 90s. 

Jan 26, 2011 at 11:51 AM Post #2 of 21
I don't know the answer, that's why I'm asking, hurr durr.
If you have nothing useful to say, why post?
Jan 26, 2011 at 12:00 PM Post #3 of 21
They're AKG K141s. Hurr durr.
Jan 26, 2011 at 12:23 PM Post #5 of 21

They're AKG K141s. Hurr durr.

That's the first attempt towards a helpful answer.

Of course it says AKG 141, but I've never seen red ones. That's why I'm asking if there's someone who knows anything about them. What about their sound signature? 

Apparently, seeking confirmation from people who supposedly should know better on head-fi.org, is a crime or matter of laugh.

Now keep herping. Derp.
Jan 26, 2011 at 12:26 PM Post #6 of 21

They're AKG K141s. Hurr durr.

That's the first attempt towards a helpful answer.

Of course it says AKG 141, but I've never seen red ones. That's why I'm asking if there's someone who knows anything about them. What about their sound signature? 

Apparently, seeking confirmation from people who supposedly should know better on head-fi.org, is a crime or matter of laugh.

Now keep herping. Derp.

AKG has a habit of changing the design on their model numbers. Just look at the K240 series. Okay, not as dramatic, but still - they tend to do that. If you see a model number with a design you don't recognize, chances are it's vintage/rare/both.
Jan 26, 2011 at 12:28 PM Post #7 of 21

They're AKG K141s. Hurr durr.

That's the first attempt towards a helpful answer.

Of course it says AKG 141, but I've never seen red ones. That's why I'm asking if there's someone who knows anything about them. What about their sound signature? 

Apparently, seeking confirmation from people who supposedly should know better on head-fi.org, is a crime or matter of laugh.

Now keep herping. Derp.

AKG has a habit of changing the design on their model numbers. Just look at the K240 series. Okay, not as dramatic, but still - they tend to do that. If you see a model number with a design you don't recognize, chances are it's vintage/rare/both.

Now that's what I call informative and helpful.

Thank you very much, and thumbs up.

Also needed to know if this were indeed AKG headphones or some kind of fakes. This confirms it.
Jan 26, 2011 at 2:11 PM Post #8 of 21
A little bit of clarification on your part would likely have prevented the confusion. You posted pictures of a headphone, listed the make and model and simply asked "what headphones are these?" 
If you wanted to know whether they were fakes, a discontinued design etc. you simply had to ask. 
Jan 26, 2011 at 3:29 PM Post #9 of 21
Sorry, didn't know people were too lazy to think "these days".

JPresz, you done? Or are you going to keep posting useless stuff?
Jan 26, 2011 at 4:17 PM Post #11 of 21

Sorry, didn't know people were too lazy to think "these days".

JPresz, you done? Or are you going to keep posting useless stuff?

Great attitude for someone looking for help.
Just because you're too lazy to type out the questions you want to ask...

I don't think I ever asked for your help, nor did I ask for your opinion. You're too lazy to think, and I'm not judging you for that.

Thanks for participating tho.

It's amazing how cocky people get when someone asks a question. For some reason they feel moraly superior, and need one to get on one's knees to give some help.
Sad, the internet is.
Jan 26, 2011 at 4:19 PM Post #12 of 21

Sorry, didn't know people were too lazy to think "these days".

JPresz, you done? Or are you going to keep posting useless stuff?

Great attitude for someone looking for help.
Just because you're too lazy to type out the questions you want to ask...

I don't think I ever asked for your help, nor did I ask for your opinion. You're too lazy to think, and I'm not judging you for that.

Thanks for participating tho.

It's amazing how cocky people get when someone asks a question. For some reason they feel moraly superior, and need one to get on one's knees to give some help.
Sad, the internet is.

IMO, your question wasn't clear enough, most likely everyone thought you were asking what make/model number they were while posting the answer yourself (at least I did)
Jan 26, 2011 at 4:28 PM Post #13 of 21

Sorry, didn't know people were too lazy to think "these days".

JPresz, you done? Or are you going to keep posting useless stuff?

Great attitude for someone looking for help.
Just because you're too lazy to type out the questions you want to ask...

I don't think I ever asked for your help, nor did I ask for your opinion. You're too lazy to think, and I'm not judging you for that.

Thanks for participating tho.

It's amazing how cocky people get when someone asks a question. For some reason they feel moraly superior, and need one to get on one's knees to give some help.
Sad, the internet is.

IMO, your question wasn't clear enough, most likely everyone thought you were asking what make/model number they were while posting the answer yourself (at least I did)

You're completely right. I wasn't clear at all. But if people would have stopped for 2 seconds to think, they would probably have understood what I meant. Instead, people make remarks without thinking, like the 2nd post, and it's just ¬¬..
But you know how it is. One misunderstanding, and everyone takes out their popcorn and starts the drama.
Jan 26, 2011 at 5:14 PM Post #14 of 21

Sorry, didn't know people were too lazy to think "these days".

JPresz, you done? Or are you going to keep posting useless stuff?

Great attitude for someone looking for help.
Just because you're too lazy to type out the questions you want to ask...

I don't think I ever asked for your help, nor did I ask for your opinion. You're too lazy to think, and I'm not judging you for that.

Thanks for participating tho.

It's amazing how cocky people get when someone asks a question. For some reason they feel moraly superior, and need one to get on one's knees to give some help.
Sad, the internet is.

IMO, your question wasn't clear enough, most likely everyone thought you were asking what make/model number they were while posting the answer yourself (at least I did)

You're completely right. I wasn't clear at all. But if people would have stopped for 2 seconds to think, they would probably have understood what I meant. Instead, people make remarks without thinking, like the 2nd post, and it's just ¬¬..
But you know how it is. One misunderstanding, and everyone takes out their popcorn and starts the drama.

No, we're not mind readers. The only way we would know that you were asking because the of the color discrepancy would be if we knew everything about the K141's, including all the different color configurations that have ever been made.
It's as if you posted a picture of a 1990 Toyota Corolla with the logo that said "Corolla" that was in some rare color (but we didn't know it was rare), did not mention the reason you were asking, and asked if it was a Toyota Corolla.
It has nothing to do with arrogance on the board; it has to do with a poorly framed question.
Jan 26, 2011 at 5:22 PM Post #15 of 21
I for one, despite the lacking intro, assumed as soon as I saw the title that the guy was wanting help identifying the headphones. Either way.. why does everyone on either side of the issue have to get worked up about it.. simple mixup - not a big deal.

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