Where are you on your Head-Fi journey?
May 20, 2006 at 5:24 AM Post #16 of 70
I'm adding another non-audiophile/cash-strapped view here, as my rig is:

5G iPod running completely uncool 192-320 MP3's -> (refurb) Universal Dock -> Sony ESD-1000 receiver (adds low bass, but little other coloration) -> Senn HD 555.

Right now, I'm vesting more interest in exploring the worlds of jazz and classical, but I'm sure upgraditis will set in eventually...
May 20, 2006 at 5:47 AM Post #17 of 70
Since my rig has just been downsized by a Super.fi 5 Pro, and I was considering getting a full size can prior to losing them, I plan on getting at least 2 more headphones soon.

I'm not too interested in amps, since I'm only using an iPod as my source it doesn't seem economical to use high end electronics with a low end source, not to mention I've never owned a pair of headphones that would benefit from an amp.
May 20, 2006 at 7:04 AM Post #18 of 70
Nothing is certain here,
Happy with my grados but then I go out and buy odd bits of kit for non Head-Fi activities and I can see the trend will repeat.
Try 5 computers, 3 telescopes, 3 Digital cameras of Different specs, 3 mobile phones on different networks, 4 MP3 Players, 2 Home Hi-Fi systems.
May 20, 2006 at 7:09 AM Post #19 of 70
Im just beginning. Three sets of cans right now, definitely want to get into home phones now (all of my phones are for portable use). Really want to get a good source for my home. The journey is just beginning, I see no end in sight
May 20, 2006 at 7:10 AM Post #20 of 70
Hey! You forgot the DIY crowd. It's not just headphones, amps and sources. It's desoldering stations, oscilloscopes and spectrum analyzers, too. Waiting on packages from Mouser, ordering specialty transformers from the UK, books about vacuum tubes, and on and on. I know I'm not the only one here.
May 20, 2006 at 7:30 AM Post #21 of 70
I am pretty much set. Just left to get a pair of O2's and I am done with headphones. Still wanna try the stax SR-001 system for portable, but thats not much. As for amps and sources I will still build a lot, but its all in good fun.

May 20, 2006 at 10:40 AM Post #22 of 70
If it were not for the curiosity of the GS-1000 i would say that i am done with headphones.

Then i thought i was good on this amp at least untill next year but so much for that as an upgrade will be happening next month.

I also want to upgrade the source but forget that,i will be really done then.
May 20, 2006 at 11:49 AM Post #23 of 70
just about to buy some used Shure E5c, for about £125 ($250plus).
Already wanting the E500's.
blasted forums.
May 20, 2006 at 12:02 PM Post #24 of 70
I have a decent collection of cans but I am far from being done. New source to come as well as new ICs. I will add more headphones as money permits as well. I do not have a favorite manufacturer.
May 20, 2006 at 12:18 PM Post #25 of 70
Just finishing a major overhaul to my system. New Lavry DAC/Amp, new PS Audio Preamp, new Tice Audio Power Conditioner and DiMarzio cables. My main system is now a completely balanced system. Need to reterminate my K340's soon. I am very happy with the 6 headphones I've got, but must admit that the Grado GS1000's are whispering my name in the breeze. I've got to hear them to put my mind at rest one way or another.
May 20, 2006 at 12:57 PM Post #26 of 70
Not quite done yet.

Open horizons still include the following:

1. Being happy with an audio-technica rig. I'm looking into a HA5k or DHA3k + their respective headphone. There is no doubt in my mind that these are combinations worth retiring to.

2. I need a mega-amp. I'll decide once I get the HE90 + Aristaeus, but sooner or later, I'll finally pick one and either max out my HE90 or Q010 rigs.

3. I'm curious about vintage Stax. Jahn's Lambda Pro and my SR-X mk3 are darned good. I'm curious how the original Omega or vintage amps are.

4. IEM - not quite done yet. I like my Sensaphonics, but I'm curious about the UE-10 Pro. As for the realm of convienant, the E500 and triple XXX look promising.

5. Mega-tube amp with the HD600 or HD650. I've heard the Noise Duality. I've heard balanced Singlepower. Both are unbelievably good.

6. K 1000 rig. Sooner or later, I'll max out this rig. Naturally First Watt is up there on the list, but darned if I didn't like the Aleph Pass 3. Dunno about the right source for this though.

7. Balanced RS-1 or GS-1000. I haven't heard Grado at its height yet, but I've heard it sound unbelievably good (RS-1 out of the Noise Duality) so I can believe it. I'm curious how good it can get.

8. Omega 2 out of the Singlepower ES-1. Very intersting. I liked this combo a lot the few times I've tried it. Need more time with it.

Hmm. This isn't even going to my source curiousities. DCS comes to mind. Heh, guess I've got a ways to go. Though, having said that, listening to the W10VTG out of my Sony laptop right now, I'll say that this rig is pretty darned good. Anything beyond this rig is just insane. But I guess I'm a looney as well.

Oh, on the more budget side - AKG 181 DJ. Very interesting. I'm always looking for the "ultimate" reasonable portable rig. We'll see how this is.


May 20, 2006 at 1:02 PM Post #28 of 70
I have over 6 cans (audiophile-grade), 3 rigs: Portable, Computer, CDP.
I'm probably done with headphones for a bit but will buy another one in the future, maybe DT990 and recable it? Give the beyer sound a try.
Right at this moment I am more than satisfied but would like to recable some of my headphones and build a compact-sized portable amp.

In the summer or fall I will be buying another amp for home use and likely a new source as well.
May 20, 2006 at 1:09 PM Post #29 of 70
I am on team minimalism. ipod+ksc35 is my definite rig for the road. still undecided on the future of my main rig at this time. i guess I am more of a speaker person after all, so I might actually sell my home rig in favor of a speaker or amp upgrade.

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