Where are you on your Head-Fi journey?
May 21, 2006 at 8:53 AM Post #31 of 70
I've been through a hell of a lot of gear in the past half year (check my profile
), and lately I've cleared out pretty much everything I don't use but my future plans are, new amp or source at the end of summer, Wadia 831 or Gilmore GS-X. I have some nice cans for now, so only once I nail down the rest of my rig will I go back to buying new cans, unless I see something that really entices me
May 21, 2006 at 2:24 PM Post #32 of 70
I have 4 rigs now if you include my Portable rig. When my headfive comes to replace my Prelude Audio Symphony, then I will be done...I think...

I haven't changed my main rig or office rig at all since they got settled, so once the thrid rig I am putting together (for my family room) is done, then most of my purchasing will be just for kicks, experimenting, or if something new and irresistable comes out
May 21, 2006 at 2:34 PM Post #33 of 70
will not be changing sources, I am satisfied with my Eastsound.

may try and interconnect change sometime.

"Maxed" Dynahi is near completion

Grado RS-1s on their way to Moon Audio for a recable.

may get another pair of cans, probably IEMs

other than that, don't see any changes.
May 21, 2006 at 4:34 PM Post #34 of 70
Only thing left is a HD650/DT880/K701 or alike for the non-redneck non-basshead moments in life. Guess I'm done then.
May 21, 2006 at 4:39 PM Post #35 of 70
I guess I'm still relavively new to headphones still. I'm still developing my tastes, but so far the Grado sound signature is what I like. Also for IEMs I'm still finding what I like, as I've kind of gone away from shures. Within a year from now I'll expect the following:

Source (undecided) -> Headfive -> HF-1/MS-2i and DR150s

Ipod 5th gen 60gb -> lineout -> hornet -> ER-4s/maybe 81 djs.
May 21, 2006 at 5:35 PM Post #36 of 70
I'm basically done with my equipment purchases sans headphones unless I find it adds more funcationality/convenience. Of course being in DIY, that opens up a whole new can of madness. I order parts every month.

I may acquire two new headphones, HE90 and HP2. I don't really need them since I could be satisfied with what I have but they would be nice.

I may revamp my portable rig. It has already though but looking to bump it up a notch again because I maybe spending a lot more time outside.

I may add some more wireless music areas in my place.
May 21, 2006 at 5:55 PM Post #37 of 70
A balanced charlize with XLR outputs for balanced headphones, a lambda pro and a GS-1000 and I'll be done
this isn't counting tweaks though, plenty of modding to do on my superDAC if I can find someone who'll do it for me >_>
May 21, 2006 at 7:50 PM Post #40 of 70

Originally Posted by bozebuttons
Its the Never Ending Journey of Headfi.

New stuff keeps coming out all the time.

it's so true. i'm always tempted to pick up the latest and greatest but at the moment, i'm happy with my current collection of cans. i'm most interested in trying out better sources, before i buy anymore cans, and modifying my woo3 before i consider other amps.
May 21, 2006 at 9:07 PM Post #41 of 70
The current status here is like follows:
Main/comp rig: Pretty much satisfied. Sure I wouldn't mind some HD650s with a good amp, but this isn't a realistic upgrade path for me.
Bedside-fi: Might get something like a K240DF (or K240M) in the future to replace the HD420SL, but it's not urgent by any means.
Portable rig: Needs a big headphone upgrade - more isolation, better SQ, better comfort. Why do IEMs have to be this expensive?
May 22, 2006 at 3:43 AM Post #42 of 70
I'm pretty happy with what I have right now to tell the truth. I won't be buying anything too expensive for a while.

Looking to the future though I've been saving money on the side so I can buy an ATH-W5000, when the day comes and I have those wooden beauties I'll be truly happy and grinning like it non-stop for the next few weeks.

I also will be looking into getting a nice CDP to go along with that W5000... the W5000 alone would seem like a bit of a waste with my comparably crappy sources. But that's even further down the road since I can't quickly acquire the vast amounts of money (for me) buying both requires.

Oh, Head-Fi... not only have you burned though my current money, you've also burned through money I don't even have yet!
May 26, 2006 at 5:27 PM Post #44 of 70
I need to get 3 more headphones:
DT770 – The obvious choice for a basshead like me, I have $ set aside for this. They’ll be mine soon.
ES7 - Stupid headphone, why does it have to be so beautiful? I must have it.
HD650 – This is where I’ll park my ears for many years to come but I’m not planning on buying it any time soon.

Source: I’m satisfied with my Rega, upgrading it would cost me big bucks.

Amp: I’ll need a better amp for the hd650. I may splurge a little.

I favor the Senn house sound but there’s definitely a place for other manufacturers. That’s a combination of the two choices given so I didn’t vote on that.
I also plan on selling/replacing equipment and I want to end up with less gear than I have now.

Interesting poll, I liked seeing what everyone else had to say about this.

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