Westone ES5
Jun 16, 2011 at 9:39 PM Post #2,686 of 5,554

The Mids, well what can I say? It's really the trademark Westone Mids, rich, deep, clear and simply beautiful. John Mayers voice really shines through the Es5s and Its simply beautiful. In comparison with the Um3x the Es5s have slightly richer mids, but then again I felt that the Um3x mids were perfect. 
Mids 10/10

The Highs of the ES5 are really the main improvement.
I've always felt that the highs of the Um3x was somewhat lacking, the cymbals simply didn't sound like they were sparkling and crystal clear. With a amped Es5 it definitely sounds great :) The clarity is amazing. With 'Slow Dancing In A Burning Room', the clarity of the vocals is somewhat eerie due to the lyrical content and the presentation of the IEMS.
The Highs definitely deserve a 10/10
Overall my ratings are

Customer Service of Westone 9.5/10
Bass 9/10
Mids 9/10
Highs 9/10

Soundstage 9/10
Comfort and Fit 10/10

Total 55.5/60

Jun 16, 2011 at 10:15 PM Post #2,689 of 5,554
Colder than absolute zero...
Jun 16, 2011 at 10:41 PM Post #2,690 of 5,554
I don't know which receiver was used the one gig I did before I had to send them back, but it would be impossible for me to even try to compare the ES5 SQ on-stage and mixed to center my voice and guitar, to listening off-stage using my phone.
Please share us your opinion again when you get your uHA-120 from Justin.
I don't agree with your statement that ES5 is not designed to be used with an amp. I don't know what wireless receiver you are using when you are on stage (this is how it meant to be used, right?). I'm using Shure PSM 600, it has a great amplification, and I am 100% sure that it drives the ES5 better than my Nano 6G.


Jun 17, 2011 at 4:44 AM Post #2,691 of 5,554
Next time try to have it eq-ed (during sound check or something) like the final mix (what the audience will hear).. Record it, upload it to the iPhone 4 and listen from it, you'll notice the difference :wink:.
Jun 17, 2011 at 6:02 AM Post #2,692 of 5,554

I stil doubt any "i" source can drive it properly. I had an iPhone 4 (stolen), still have an iPad, iPod 5.5g, iPod Nano 6g, none of them can drive the ES5 to the fullest. An amp will for sure improve the bass quality. Probably the Hifiman stuff (with an internal amp) can do it.

Personally I prefer credit given where credit's due. The ES5 was designed to be used without amplification, and it is a remarkable sounding headphone straight out of an iPhone 4. That said alot of audio enthusiasts will want to try tweaking around with different set-ups, but saying that the ES5 sounds bad without an amp is taking things a bit too far IMHO.

Don't forget that Apple, Sony and other DAPs sold within the European Union have a 'volume cap', and for those who have these DAPs amplification may sometimes be necessary. Pushing the volume past 85-90% on EU models may introduce some distortion. Don't know how sensitive the ES5 is but the very sensitive UM3X & ES3X work very well with these volume capped DAPs, but other less sensitive phones like the TF10, W4 & EX1000 not quite.
Jun 17, 2011 at 6:18 AM Post #2,693 of 5,554
Don't forget that Apple, Sony and other DAPs sold within the European Union have a 'volume cap', and for those who have these DAPs amplification may sometimes be necessary. Pushing the volume past 85-90% on EU models may introduce some distortion. Don't know how sensitive the ES5 is but the very sensitive UM3X & ES3X work very well with these volume capped DAPs, but other less sensitive phones like the TF10, W4 & EX1000 not quite.

That's a good point. ES5 plays loud enough to blow my head off on my EU iPhone.

Next time try to have it eq-ed (during sound check or something) like the final mix (what the audience will hear).. Record it, upload it to the iPhone 4 and listen from it, you'll notice the difference :wink:.

It's not that I haven't heard the ES5 amped. I just plain don't think amping it is necessary, and I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the subject.
Jun 17, 2011 at 8:06 AM Post #2,694 of 5,554

That's a good point. ES5 plays loud enough to blow my head off on my EU iPhone.


It's not that I haven't heard the ES5 amped. I just plain don't think amping it is necessary, and I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the subject.

It's not necessary to get decent sound out of the speakers, but to get sound of it's full potential, a high quality AMP needs to be involved as well as a DAC too.
Jun 17, 2011 at 9:38 AM Post #2,695 of 5,554
It's not necessary to get decent sound out of the speakers, but to get sound of it's full potential, a high quality AMP needs to be involved as well as a DAC too.

I'm only replying since you directed your post at me. Are you atleast going to argue why? Until you can provide evidence to substantiate your claims I'm gonna call BS on you too. No offense.
Jun 17, 2011 at 8:07 PM Post #2,696 of 5,554
Very nice Arrigoshred. I'm curious about the custom work. I didn't even think that they could work with a hearing loss. I've been using my SR-71b to adjust for a midrange loss in my left ear.
Jun 18, 2011 at 10:44 PM Post #2,697 of 5,554
Looks like it's back to the audiologist for me on Monday. The only way to actually not experience the pain in my left outer ear is to pull out on the top of my ear so that the outer ear clears the little hump that has the serial number on it. No way my ear is going to adjust in that area, it's all cartilage there. This time around I'm going to do the same thing (biting down on one finger), but I'm going to have the audiologist pay particular attention to the outer ear and make sure there is plenty of material in every space. How long should you typically wait for the silicone to set before removing the impressions? Last time around it seems like we only way about 3-5mins and then he was prying them out.
Jun 18, 2011 at 10:51 PM Post #2,698 of 5,554

Looks like it's back to the audiologist for me on Monday. The only way to actually not experience the pain in my left outer ear is to pull out on the top of my ear so that the outer ear clears the little hump that has the serial number on it. No way my ear is going to adjust in that area, it's all cartilage there. This time around I'm going to do the same thing (biting down on one finger), but I'm going to have the audiologist pay particular attention to the outer ear and make sure there is plenty of material in every space. How long should you typically wait for the silicone to set before removing the impressions? Last time around it seems like we only way about 3-5mins and then he was prying them out.

I believe you have to wait atleast 5 minutes. However, when I did my impression I waited for atleast 10 minutes.
Jun 18, 2011 at 10:54 PM Post #2,699 of 5,554
Ya, I'm going to insist we wait longer too. Here's to hoping 2nd time is a charm. By the way, I've made up my mind.. definitely no artwork. Definitely either full clear, or some really light translucent colors. I kind of like jazzy's idea of translucent red/blue, but of course it's already been done and I don't want to copy someone from here. 
Jun 18, 2011 at 10:58 PM Post #2,700 of 5,554

Ya, I'm going to insist we wait longer too. Here's to hoping 2nd time is a charm. By the way, I've made up my mind.. definitely no artwork. Definitely either full clear, or some really light translucent colors. I kind of like jazzy's idea of translucent red/blue, but of course it's already been done and I don't want to copy someone from here. 

If you feel any pressure during the impressions part anywhere, it will translate to the shell.

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