Westone ES5
Jun 16, 2011 at 11:49 AM Post #2,671 of 5,554
I didn't say westone cable is bad. I use it every time I'm on stage and it is the only single ended cable that I have. What I say "bad" (which of course is still very acceptable and better than most IEM) is the combination with my i source, so not the cable. Using the westone cable with a good amp like iQube is superb.
Jun 16, 2011 at 12:33 PM Post #2,672 of 5,554
So after wearing these for awhile the right ear is pretty much perfect; my left outer ear is really sore though. It's like they made the housing that rests in your outer ear too large. Hopefully my ear adapts to that over time.. Or maybe hopefully not, so I can get these remade without my artwork.
Jun 16, 2011 at 1:04 PM Post #2,673 of 5,554
Okay guys! 
Gonna post my full impressions of the ES5s right now :)

Please bear in mind I'm not one of the more experienced members of this community and I apologize for any lack of technical terms!
First things first! 
I have to really comment on the production of these earphones and truly how helpful Westone has really been.

For starters, a little background info about myself. I'm a guitarist thats been playing guitar since I was 6, i'm 16 right now. Since I play electric guitar mostly there was a phase in my life where I listened to a lot of metal music and rock, and due to the fact that I wasn't aware of high end audio earphones/headphones during that time, I used mainly my apple ear buds, and to compensate for the quality loss I turned the volume up.... That combined with the fact that I would practice electric guitar A LOT, during my early middle school days contributed to me having slight hearing loss in my right ear.
Its to a level where with a pair or normal headphones or earphones with good isolation and SQ, when I listen to music the "center" of sound would be slightly panned to the left since my right ear isn't as good for hearing as it should be.

Which is really the main reason why I opted to buy Custom IEMs, as they're custom their open to tweaking and modifications, which Westone welcomes very enthusiastically. Before I sent in my order to Westones through Thinking Group in Hong Kong, I did what everyone else had to do; get a pair of ear impressions. But I also got my hearing checked and sent that along with my ear impressions and order form to Westone. There they modified my Westone ES5s so that the volume levels of the earphones would be slightly different so it would be balanced for me, something which I find is extremely good and justifiable for the cost of the ES5s.

Bear in mind that my ES5s took nearly 2 months to return to me, but I would say that in the end its definitely worth the wait :)

So in terms of Westone Customer service and production I would rate it 9.5/10 
Now to the meat of this review, the quality and sound of the ES5s.

Some of you may be aware that I'm not really experienced with headphones at all. I've really only been a In-ear head-fier. With my progress going from Apple Earbuds - Shures - Ultimate Ears and finally settling upon Westone.

Throughout this review I'll be mainly comparing the Westone ES5s to the Westone Um3x.

First off the straight out of the box impressions of the Westone ES5s;
I don't know if it was just my ES5s or if everyones is like this, but when I first listened to them I honestly wasn't that impressed. Before my ES5s I've mainly listened to the Westone Um3x. If I were to compare the state of my burned in Um3xs with the new and fresh ES5s I would say that there isn't that much of a difference, its really a much better seal and sound isolation due to the fact they're customs. And really the highs of the IEM are slightly more clear and detailed. The Mids are just about the same as the Um3Xs and the bass is slightly richer.
I listened to John Mayer's 'Slow Dancing In A Burning Room' as a test track for my ES5s and It shines quite well like the Um3xs for the piece, the mids are rich and fully bring out the voice of Mayer, the bass is somewhat atmospheric in which you feel like you're surrounded by music if not in the center of the stage. The Highs are detailed and the guitars are presented really well. Soundstage wise Its a fairly larger than the Um3x but it isn't something that would make you go "Dayum...."

Overall my first impressions of the ES5 weren't that good. In my honest opinion when I first tried them just straight through my iPod Classic I was somewhat frustrated as I felt that it wasn't justifiable for the price.... Then I changed my mind when I got home and played it through my full rig;
iPod Classic - CLAS -> RX Mk2.
Once I listened to the fresh ES5s through that setup I was somewhat amazed by the improvements in quality.
The ES5 is a significant to the Westone Um3xs in a subtle manner, everything is simply more detailed, with the main difference between the bass response of this IEM, for most live tracks its to a level where you can feel the vibrations of the guitar strings when you listen to the pieces, something the Um3x has never been able to do.
In terms of a pair of Fresh ES5s amped I would say the bass is a lot warmer and more 'atmospheric' like. The mids are slightly richer and the highs are just about the same. Instrument separation however is enhanced by a significant amount and the soundstage is quite a bit bigger.

Overall after using my full rig with a pair of fresh ES5s I felt that the price of these IEMS are definitely justifiable to me.

Now that its been a week since I got my ES5s I feel like they've burned in :)

First things first, straight out of my iPod Classic my Es5s now sound similar to what they sounded like when they were fresh and amped, something that means a lot to someone like me cause my rig is fairly large and I don't particularly like lugging it around with me everywhere.

Now with my burned in ES5s amped its quite a large difference.

The Bass is improved significantly, with a more powerful and deep impact and a fast response, It gives the feeling like your right in front of the band if not part of the band. Yet with its very dynamic impact the subtleness of the atmospheric bass is still present, the crowd cheering in the Live Tracks of John Mayer's 'Where The Light Is' album sounds really accurate and clear. The clapping is something that seems like it can be felt. 
I would rate the Bass of the ES5 to be 9/10

The Mids, well what can I say? It's really the trademark Westone Mids, rich, deep, clear and simply beautiful. John Mayers voice really shines through the Es5s and Its simply beautiful. In comparison with the Um3x the Es5s have slightly richer mids, but then again I felt that the Um3x mids were perfect. 
Mids 10/10

The Highs of the ES5 are really the main improvement.
I've always felt that the highs of the Um3x was somewhat lacking, the cymbals simply didn't sound like they were sparkling and crystal clear. With a amped Es5 it definitely sounds great :) The clarity is amazing. With 'Slow Dancing In A Burning Room', the clarity of the vocals is somewhat eerie due to the lyrical content and the presentation of the IEMS.
The Highs definitely deserve a 10/10

The Soundstage of the ES5s are truly amazing for an IEM, I never thought that a IEM could have had such a large soundstage. The way the sounds fade away is very very smooth and clear it feels like you're in a actual studio/stage/practice room when you hear the cymbals fade away slowly. 
Soundstage 9/10

Comfort and Fit
I know this factor is really determined by the ear impressions you send in. I got mine done by Widex in Hong Kong, and its really a perfect fit. For the first hour or two after I first tried my ES5s it was somewhat uncomfortable, by the next day it felt perfect. The fitting of these IEMs are really good and comfortable. The weight of the Westone ES cable is also extremely light so the portability of this product is excellent.
Comfort and Fitting 

Overall my ratings are

Customer Service of Westone 9.5/10
Bass 9/10
Mids 9/10
Highs 9/10
Soundstage 9/10
Comfort and Fit 10/10

Total 55.5/60

Now personally I would recommend these IEMs to anyone that really doesn't want to spend money buying different pairs of IEMS depending on their musical preferences.
The ES5s have been fine for me for a variety of different genres, such as Blues/Rock Fusion- John Mayer type. Kpop, Rock, Rap, Metal, Orchestral.
Now in terms of other gear that go along with the ES5s.
What I would really say is that you need to be aware that if your using the ES5s as it is with an iPod, don't expect a huge improvement over your existing earphones unless theres a huge difference in class level. Apple earbuds and the ES5s unamped, with no cable change is a world of difference but the Um3x with the Es5s isn't that much a difference, which may lead some people into thinking that the ES5s aren't really worth the money.

I personally think that the Es5 really shines when its used with an amp. A Cable change helps a bit but I wouldn't wouldn't say its something crucial into making the ES5 sound great. Personally I use the ALO IEM copper cable with my ES5s and its definitely better than the Westone Stock cable, but even the stock cable sounds extremely nice.

Overall I find the ES5 a great product and something I'd definitely recommend to people that listen to music with a fair bit of vocals or A LOT of guitar - Jason Becker sounds ethereal through the ES5s :)

Jun 16, 2011 at 1:04 PM Post #2,674 of 5,554

So after wearing these for awhile the right ear is pretty much perfect; my left outer ear is really sore though. It's like they made the housing that rests in your outer ear too large. Hopefully my ear adapts to that over time.. Or maybe hopefully not, so I can get these remade without my artwork.

It should actually.  I would contact them about your art if you aren't happy.  See if they can remove the border or make it another color like black.  You don't want to be unhappy w/ such a large purchase.  Definitely give the fit a few weeks too.
The whole amp discussion is pretty common regardless of being the ES5 or another phone.  Very much a personal preference thing.
Jun 16, 2011 at 1:05 PM Post #2,675 of 5,554
I had that issue for a day as well.
The first day I got them I thought the right ear piece didn't fit too well and that for both ears it kinda stuck out. By the next day they fitted perfectly and didn't stick out of my ears at all :)
It should be fine :)
So after wearing these for awhile the right ear is pretty much perfect; my left outer ear is really sore though. It's like they made the housing that rests in your outer ear too large. Hopefully my ear adapts to that over time.. Or maybe hopefully not, so I can get these remade without my artwork.

Jun 16, 2011 at 2:05 PM Post #2,676 of 5,554
The amplifier standard from a logical standpoint should be transparancy. Different amps have different sound - they all add THD and IMD (hopefully at inaudible levels) and many affect frequency response - likely deliberately, as often times different = better in audiophile circles. Whether you appreciate such coloration is entirely personal, and different people are likely to appreciate different amps, and some will prefer hearing their pair of headphones the way its designers meant for them to sound. That last group of people will love the ES5, which in my book needs no improving whatsoever, unamped from an iPhone 4, or a Nano or Touch of the latest generation paired with a low output impedance device of flat FR and inaudible distortion. To tout that the ES5 improves with amplification as an absolute truth is incorrect.

Just to put the IMO excellent iPhone 4 and Nano 6G into perspective, here are some measurements taken on them and the HM-801 for comparison.

Nano 6G
iPhone 4
Jun 16, 2011 at 2:33 PM Post #2,677 of 5,554
The amplifier standard from a logical standpoint should be transparancy. Different amps have different sound - they all add THD and IMD (hopefully at inaudible levels) and many affect frequency response - likely deliberately, as often times different = better in audiophile circles. Whether you appreciate such coloration is entirely personal, and different people are likely to appreciate different amps, and some will prefer hearing their pair of headphones the way its designers meant for them to sound. That last group of people will love the ES5, which in my book needs no improving whatsoever, unamped from an iPhone 4, or a Nano or Touch of the latest generation paired with a low output impedance device of flat FR and inaudible distortion. To tout that the ES5 improves with amplification as an absolute truth is incorrect.

Just to put the IMO excellent iPhone 4 and Nano 6G into perspective, here are some measurements taken on them and the HM-801 for comparison.

[=http://www.markuskraus.com/RMAA/Nano6G/data.htm]Nano 6G[/]
[=http://www.markuskraus.com/RMAA/iPhone4/data.htm]iPhone 4[/]

It's been done to death, but no one who already has one seems to care about the $DEITY forsaken performance you get for your money.  Its just a status thing, only different from the Beats in target audience...
Jun 16, 2011 at 2:35 PM Post #2,678 of 5,554
I have been listening via the HP out on my 5.5g imod (forgot my P4 - doh!) and have to say I'm mighty impressed. All my stuff is lossless so I'm feeding the ES5's good quality but..... if I'm 100% brutally honest the improvement with amping is not as large as I would have liked. I've been surprised by this and it's made me question the whole portable rig I've worked so hard to gather. I'm not going to snap to any hasty decisions until I've tried the 2Stepdance, I've already ordered the Mascot Linear PSU.
Jun 16, 2011 at 3:19 PM Post #2,680 of 5,554
Atleast I know you feel my pain. And I bet, to some extent, the engineers at Westone.

The inanity cuts like a knife...
Jun 16, 2011 at 5:04 PM Post #2,681 of 5,554
Please share us your opinion again when you get your uHA-120 from Justin.
I don't agree with your statement that ES5 is not designed to be used with an amp. I don't know what wireless receiver you are using when you are on stage (this is how it meant to be used, right?). I'm using Shure PSM 600, it has a great amplification, and I am 100% sure that it drives the ES5 better than my Nano 6G.
The amplifier standard from a logical standpoint should be transparancy. Different amps have different sound - they all add THD and IMD (hopefully at inaudible levels) and many affect frequency response - likely deliberately, as often times different = better in audiophile circles. Whether you appreciate such coloration is entirely personal, and different people are likely to appreciate different amps, and some will prefer hearing their pair of headphones the way its designers meant for them to sound. That last group of people will love the ES5, which in my book needs no improving whatsoever, unamped from an iPhone 4, or a Nano or Touch of the latest generation paired with a low output impedance device of flat FR and inaudible distortion. To tout that the ES5 improves with amplification as an absolute truth is incorrect.

Just to put the IMO excellent iPhone 4 and Nano 6G into perspective, here are some measurements taken on them and the HM-801 for comparison.

Nano 6G
iPhone 4

Jun 16, 2011 at 8:06 PM Post #2,682 of 5,554

Dear, it's not that I don't know what to do or in this case what to buy. However we are talking about a upgrade which will cost atleast $700 which is, atleast for me, a lot of money for something I haven't heard before and since I am a student I do not have the money yet to just buy something. Besides, I am studying in Sydney right now at the University, I moved away from the Netherlands for a couple of years.
Dude, we already told you several times in several pages in this thread. Buy an amp, a good one! Since you live in the Netherlands/Belgium, you can just drive to Nuenen to try the iQube and some RSA amps.


It does seem a shame to blame tinny sound from the iPod Classic on the ES5. CLAS definitely works with Classic. That's my rig. Regarding auditioning equipment, come to HK and visit Kingsound Audio. They have just about everything - including the CLAS.

I just had an amazing afternoon comparing universals to the ES5. None could match it but the Westone 4 did a nice job. It just doesn't integrate the sound as well. You still feel that the sound is entering your head via two ears. It made me appreciate how that aspect of headphones (and sound in general) just disappears with the ES5. It's one continuum.

The other great universal IEM - and a big shock for me - was the Grado GR10. These are really good. They actually integrate better than the Westone 4 - probably because they disappear deep in the ears. I am not saying that they better the Westone 4 in every regard but they are very smooth and musical. A pleasant surprise. As a tiny complement to the ES5, they have their appeal. They're definitely on my list.

Does anyone know whether there's a shop like this in Sydney, I prefer to hear the difference myself before buying a DAC and/ or an amp? Or does anyone lives in Sydney with a lot of equipment who would be able to let me hear something?
Jun 16, 2011 at 8:10 PM Post #2,683 of 5,554

Okay guys! 
Gonna post my full impressions of the ES5s right now :)

Please bear in mind I'm not one of the more experienced members of this community and I apologize for any lack of technical terms!
First things first! 
I have to really comment on the production of these earphones and truly how helpful Westone has really been.

For starters, a little background info about myself. I'm a guitarist thats been playing guitar since I was 6, i'm 16 right now. Since I play electric guitar mostly there was a phase in my life where I listened to a lot of metal music and rock, and due to the fact that I wasn't aware of high end audio earphones/headphones during that time, I used mainly my apple ear buds, and to compensate for the quality loss I turned the volume up.... That combined with the fact that I would practice electric guitar A LOT, during my early middle school days contributed to me having slight hearing loss in my right ear.
Its to a level where with a pair or normal headphones or earphones with good isolation and SQ, when I listen to music the "center" of sound would be slightly panned to the left since my right ear isn't as good for hearing as it should be.

Which is really the main reason why I opted to buy Custom IEMs, as they're custom their open to tweaking and modifications, which Westone welcomes very enthusiastically. Before I sent in my order to Westones through Thinking Group in Hong Kong, I did what everyone else had to do; get a pair of ear impressions. But I also got my hearing checked and sent that along with my ear impressions and order form to Westone. There they modified my Westone ES5s so that the volume levels of the earphones would be slightly different so it would be balanced for me, something which I find is extremely good and justifiable for the cost of the ES5s.

Bear in mind that my ES5s took nearly 2 months to return to me, but I would say that in the end its definitely worth the wait :)

So in terms of Westone Customer service and production I would rate it 9.5/10 
Now to the meat of this review, the quality and sound of the ES5s.

Some of you may be aware that I'm not really experienced with headphones at all. I've really only been a In-ear head-fier. With my progress going from Apple Earbuds - Shures - Ultimate Ears and finally settling upon Westone.

Throughout this review I'll be mainly comparing the Westone ES5s to the Westone Um3x.

First off the straight out of the box impressions of the Westone ES5s;
I don't know if it was just my ES5s or if everyones is like this, but when I first listened to them I honestly wasn't that impressed. Before my ES5s I've mainly listened to the Westone Um3x. If I were to compare the state of my burned in Um3xs with the new and fresh ES5s I would say that there isn't that much of a difference, its really a much better seal and sound isolation due to the fact they're customs. And really the highs of the IEM are slightly more clear and detailed. The Mids are just about the same as the Um3Xs and the bass is slightly richer.
I listened to John Mayer's 'Slow Dancing In A Burning Room' as a test track for my ES5s and It shines quite well like the Um3xs for the piece, the mids are rich and fully bring out the voice of Mayer, the bass is somewhat atmospheric in which you feel like you're surrounded by music if not in the center of the stage. The Highs are detailed and the guitars are presented really well. Soundstage wise Its a fairly larger than the Um3x but it isn't something that would make you go "Dayum...."

Overall my first impressions of the ES5 weren't that good. In my honest opinion when I first tried them just straight through my iPod Classic I was somewhat frustrated as I felt that it wasn't justifiable for the price.... Then I changed my mind when I got home and played it through my full rig;
iPod Classic - CLAS -> RX Mk2.
Once I listened to the fresh ES5s through that setup I was somewhat amazed by the improvements in quality.
The ES5 is a significant to the Westone Um3xs in a subtle manner, everything is simply more detailed, with the main difference between the bass response of this IEM, for most live tracks its to a level where you can feel the vibrations of the guitar strings when you listen to the pieces, something the Um3x has never been able to do.
In terms of a pair of Fresh ES5s amped I would say the bass is a lot warmer and more 'atmospheric' like. The mids are slightly richer and the highs are just about the same. Instrument separation however is enhanced by a significant amount and the soundstage is quite a bit bigger.

Overall after using my full rig with a pair of fresh ES5s I felt that the price of these IEMS are definitely justifiable to me.

Now that its been a week since I got my ES5s I feel like they've burned in :)

First things first, straight out of my iPod Classic my Es5s now sound similar to what they sounded like when they were fresh and amped, something that means a lot to someone like me cause my rig is fairly large and I don't particularly like lugging it around with me everywhere.

Now with my burned in ES5s amped its quite a large difference.

The Bass is improved significantly, with a more powerful and deep impact and a fast response, It gives the feeling like your right in front of the band if not part of the band. Yet with its very dynamic impact the subtleness of the atmospheric bass is still present, the crowd cheering in the Live Tracks of John Mayer's 'Where The Light Is' album sounds really accurate and clear. The clapping is something that seems like it can be felt. 
I would rate the Bass of the ES5 to be 9/10

The Mids, well what can I say? It's really the trademark Westone Mids, rich, deep, clear and simply beautiful. John Mayers voice really shines through the Es5s and Its simply beautiful. In comparison with the Um3x the Es5s have slightly richer mids, but then again I felt that the Um3x mids were perfect. 
Mids 10/10

The Highs of the ES5 are really the main improvement.
I've always felt that the highs of the Um3x was somewhat lacking, the cymbals simply didn't sound like they were sparkling and crystal clear. With a amped Es5 it definitely sounds great :) The clarity is amazing. With 'Slow Dancing In A Burning Room', the clarity of the vocals is somewhat eerie due to the lyrical content and the presentation of the IEMS.
The Highs definitely deserve a 10/10

The Soundstage of the ES5s are truly amazing for an IEM, I never thought that a IEM could have had such a large soundstage. The way the sounds fade away is very very smooth and clear it feels like you're in a actual studio/stage/practice room when you hear the cymbals fade away slowly. 
Soundstage 9/10

Comfort and Fit
I know this factor is really determined by the ear impressions you send in. I got mine done by Widex in Hong Kong, and its really a perfect fit. For the first hour or two after I first tried my ES5s it was somewhat uncomfortable, by the next day it felt perfect. The fitting of these IEMs are really good and comfortable. The weight of the Westone ES cable is also extremely light so the portability of this product is excellent.
Comfort and Fitting 

Overall my ratings are

Customer Service of Westone 9.5/10
Bass 9/10
Mids 9/10
Highs 9/10
Soundstage 9/10
Comfort and Fit 10/10

Total 55.5/60

Now personally I would recommend these IEMs to anyone that really doesn't want to spend money buying different pairs of IEMS depending on their musical preferences.
The ES5s have been fine for me for a variety of different genres, such as Blues/Rock Fusion- John Mayer type. Kpop, Rock, Rap, Metal, Orchestral.
Now in terms of other gear that go along with the ES5s.
What I would really say is that you need to be aware that if your using the ES5s as it is with an iPod, don't expect a huge improvement over your existing earphones unless theres a huge difference in class level. Apple earbuds and the ES5s unamped, with no cable change is a world of difference but the Um3x with the Es5s isn't that much a difference, which may lead some people into thinking that the ES5s aren't really worth the money.

I personally think that the Es5 really shines when its used with an amp. A Cable change helps a bit but I wouldn't wouldn't say its something crucial into making the ES5 sound great. Personally I use the ALO IEM copper cable with my ES5s and its definitely better than the Westone Stock cable, but even the stock cable sounds extremely nice.

Overall I find the ES5 a great product and something I'd definitely recommend to people that listen to music with a fair bit of vocals or A LOT of guitar - Jason Becker sounds ethereal through the ES5s :)


Thanks for the impression ArrigoShred, it makes it really clear to me that I need to safe money for an good amp and DAC.
Jun 16, 2011 at 8:19 PM Post #2,684 of 5,554

Dear, it's not that I don't know what to do or in this case what to buy. However we are talking about a upgrade which will cost atleast $700 which is, atleast for me, a lot of money for something I haven't heard before and since I am a student I do not have the money yet to just buy something. Besides, I am studying in Sydney right now at the University, I moved away from the Netherlands for a couple of years.
Does anyone know whether there's a shop like this in Sydney, I prefer to hear the difference myself before buying a DAC and/ or an amp? Or does anyone lives in Sydney with a lot of equipment who would be able to let me hear something?

If you are getting CLAS, I can see no other amp than Pico Slim given the nature of ES5. However, the combi will cost you USD1000 (excluding shipping)
If you are tight on cash, just get ZO. It will do magic for you at an extremely low cost. Don't get fooled by its price.

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