Westone ES5
Mar 23, 2011 at 7:46 AM Post #1,306 of 5,554

hmmm, perhaps there already is an iem that just does it right - the jh13. and the jh3a will soon rule them all! 


That's not what I thought when I demoed the JH13, JH3A and Westone ES5 at Can Jam 2010. I thought they were are all amazing sounding with it all boiling down to preferences in the long run.
Mar 23, 2011 at 8:09 AM Post #1,307 of 5,554

That's not what I thought when I demoed the JH13, JH3A and Westone ES5 at Can Jam 2010. I thought they were are all amazing sounding with it all boiling down to preferences in the long run.

Yeah maybe that statement by Dave could be true for any one of JH13, JH16, UE18, UERM and ES5 depending on preferences.
Mar 23, 2011 at 8:44 AM Post #1,308 of 5,554

I always wonder why folks compare the 16 when looking for accurate when the 13 is actually the most linear in the JH line. 16 is great if that's what you're looking for but it's 'enhanced', probably for loud stage use. uerms do sound intriguing.
well then you should make yourself happy and buy a set of the uerms. then you can do a proper comparo of the 3 iems. 


hmmm, perhaps there already is an iem that just does it right - the jh13. and the jh3a will soon rule them all! 


Mar 23, 2011 at 8:56 AM Post #1,309 of 5,554

ordered mine too, now two weeks ago :D

Just out of curiosity: do the ear impressions change their form after a little time? Because as far as I know my audiologist send the impressions in last week, so one week after I did them ... I'm a little bit scared because a refit would kill my pacience :p

by the way, you americans are very lucky to get them for this price :frowning2: I pay mine 1.220€ which is about 1723$ !! :frowning2:(( there is although a design on it (without second color, only took smoke)

Can't wait any longer :D

Mar 23, 2011 at 11:49 AM Post #1,310 of 5,554
by the way, you americans are very lucky to get them for this price
I pay mine 1.220€ which is about 1723$ !!
(( there is although a design on it (without second color, only took smoke)

ouch! for that price you could have taken a vacation to the states and bought them there!  hmmm, iems or iems + a trip.  personally i'd go for the latter.  hope you enjoy them immensely and find it money well spent.
oh, i see your new here. let me extend our greeting to you.: welcome to head-fi. sorry about your wallet!  

Mar 23, 2011 at 12:49 PM Post #1,311 of 5,554
ouch! for that price you could have taken a vacation to the states and bought them there!  hmmm, iems or iems + a trip.  personally i'd go for the latter.  hope you enjoy them immensely and find it money well spent.
oh, i see your new here. let me extend our greeting to you.: welcome to head-fi. sorry about your wallet!  

hey daveDerek.

holy moly I never thought of it that way but you are right ^^ now you see...Luxemburg=too expensive :frowning2: but it's ok... yes I really hope I like the sound and anything else on them, but like alwaye, time will tell :wink:

Thank you for your welcome, it's an interesting platform of so many informations. Just what I was looking for :) unfortunately my wallet has now a huge black hole in it... but I'll work while the summer holliday, before I go to the university. So it's not that fatal :p

Mar 23, 2011 at 1:25 PM Post #1,312 of 5,554
well then you should make yourself happy and buy a set of the uerms. then you can do a proper comparo of the 3 iems. 


Hehe, trust me--it is taking a lot of restraint not to think about getting the UERMs, especially since Mike from UE has been so helpful and the meet discount is still on the table.  But I'm realizing (or forcing myself to realize) that I'm very happy with what I have, and having 2 top-tier custom IEMs should be more than enough. 
I think part of what made the UERM so impressive was its flat bass output, which has an amazing clarifying effect on the overall presentation.  So maybe I wasn't hearing any more details than are presented by the ES5 or JH16, but rather the details were not as veiled by what (to my ears) appears to be a light sub-bass bump in the case of the JH16 and a light mid-bass bump in the case of the ES5. 
And those subtle bass bumps have certain advantages, like extra ambient noise blocking when in a noisy environment.  Not to mention that the ES5 and JH16 just have different sound signatures that may suit certain kinds of music better; in the case of the ES5, I think it's vocal-centric studio stuff, while for the JH16, it's probably live and instrumental stuff where soundstage and ambience are key parts of the recording.
At least, that's what I'll keep telling myself to keep from thinking about the UERMs...
Mar 23, 2011 at 5:39 PM Post #1,313 of 5,554
In my case, like anaxilus, I found the ES5 to work better with bad recordings after I had a few days of music through them.  Now I prefer the ES5 in those situations, as well as with good recordings.  I still tend to use the ES5 portable with iPhone or Pico Slim, and leave the JH13pro connected to my balanced SR-71b at home.  I don't like pulling off cables too much or it wears out the connectors, so I leave one IEM set up balanced and leave it that way.  
Since I like the ES5 the most, I take them everywhere.  They're with me in Myrtle Beach right now.  The only other phones I brought for the trip were W4 and ATH-ANC7 noise canceling phones.
Mar 23, 2011 at 5:43 PM Post #1,314 of 5,554
I always wonder why folks compare the 16 when looking for accurate when the 13 is actually the most linear in the JH line. 16 is great if that's what you're looking for but it's 'enhanced', probably for loud stage use. uerms do sound intriguing.

yup, the 13 is essentially a neutral device while JH himself made it clear that it was not the purpose of the 16 to be such a device (it's  intent is to give greater dynamics and bass presence for live performers (especially bass players and drummers)). yes, the 13 does have a deliberate bump pretty deep into the bass range. it was implemented in such a way as to leave the mids and highs alone and gives a bit more sense of deep bass impact that an iem naturally loses. westones commonly give a bit of emphasis to the mids bringing out things like vocals and guitars which lends a sense of clarity. i've little doubt that this is done quite artfully in the es5 but it's not strictly neutral. i suspect that the jh13 is more neutral in that range (and perhaps in general).  that said clearly there are those who'll find the es5 a more fun / engaging listen and would grab it more often given the choice. the uerm is meant as a monitoring tool, and as such it's probably less attractive while on the move. as nellie points out:
I think part of what made the UERM so impressive was its flat bass output, which has an amazing clarifying effect on the overall presentation.  So maybe I wasn't hearing any more details than are presented by the ES5 or JH16, but rather the details were not as veiled by what (to my ears) appears to be a light sub-bass bump in the case of the JH16 and a light mid-bass bump in the case of the ES5. 
And those subtle bass bumps have certain advantages, like extra ambient noise blocking when in a noisy environment.  Not to mention that the ES5 and JH16 just have different sound signatures that may suit certain kinds of music better; in the case of the ES5, I think it's vocal-centric studio stuff, while for the JH16, it's probably live and instrumental stuff where soundstage and ambience are key parts of the recording.

Mar 23, 2011 at 7:01 PM Post #1,315 of 5,554
The mid-forwardness of the ES5, which is less so than for instance the UM3X, to me doesn't come off as not neutral, but natural. The only way I can describe its effects is that it somehow brings life to the sound reproduction, gives you a sense of real situation accoustics and presence. My RE-ZEROs do a fair job of reproducing a recording in a way that you'd expect a good monitor to do, the JH16pro does a better job and sounds like a tower speaker system shrunk into an IEM. The ES5 puts you in the recording studio or at the venue, and sounds as if the instruments are heard unprocessed and in real life as opposed to through a system. As such it doesn't sound speaker neutral.
This is how I heard universal fit ES5 and JH16pro demo units. I only listened to the JH13pro demo universal very briefly, not long enough to form an educated opinion about them (more than to say that they were obviously fantastic sounding IEMs).
edit: typos.
Mar 23, 2011 at 10:57 PM Post #1,316 of 5,554

yup, the 13 is essentially a neutral device while JH himself made it clear that it was not the purpose of the 16 to be such a device (it's  intent is to give greater dynamics and bass presence for live performers (especially bass players and drummers)). yes, the 13 does have a deliberate bump pretty deep into the bass range. it was implemented in such a way as to leave the mids and highs alone and gives a bit more sense of deep bass impact that an iem naturally loses. westones commonly give a bit of emphasis to the mids bringing out things like vocals and guitars which lends a sense of clarity. i've little doubt that this is done quite artfully in the es5 but it's not strictly neutral. i suspect that the jh13 is more neutral in that range (and perhaps in general).  that said clearly there are those who'll find the es5 a more fun / engaging listen and would grab it more often given the choice. the uerm is meant as a monitoring tool, and as such it's probably less attractive while on the move. as nellie points out:

Oh man, listening to strings on the ES5 is insanely accurate and addictive on the ES5 for me.  The best sense of acoustic reverb, string tension, snap and pluck I've heard.  It's beyond balanced and natural, it's alive and breathing to my ears.  Ditto on the UERM remark.  In the end I felt it was too similar to my DBA's signature to justify the expense as I listen for pleasure rather than for a living.  The ES5 is just something completely different.  
The mid-forwardness of the ES5, which is less so than for instance the UM3X, to me doesn't come off as not neutral, but natural. The only way I can describe its effects is that it somehow brings life to the sound reproduction, gives you a sense of real situation accoustics and presence....
The ES5 puts you in the recording studio or at the venue, and sounds as if the instruments are heard unprocessed and in real life as opposed to through a system. As such it doesn't sound speaker neutral.

x2 to both these statements.  You can use the ES5 to analyze a recording but that's not the goal.  It's not a tool but more of an experience I'd say.
Mar 24, 2011 at 12:59 PM Post #1,318 of 5,554
I had a really really really really really really bad experience about westone service. I didn't recieve my ES5 in the dead line at one month after ordering(which they said no problem). After one month they told me they'll be out before 3/17. But I haven't got any answer sence then. Mar, 21 I got really pissed off. And starting to check up on my dealer. And all my dealer can do is wait for westone.
Guess what.....  they finally sent my set on Mar, 22. and the final dead line on my contract is 1.5 month. and i revcieve nothing but turtle speed and anger.
westone did nothing when I express my anger to my dealer. the dealer have to take all the blam before I find out westone is the one who isn't taking all the responsablity.
westone lied to me twice. maybe it's becuse i not an American or I'm not a Singapore. they missed the died line twice which they told me. FXXk westone. I payed so much money for my anger, not for my set. and thinking group in my contry have to wipe westone's ass.
when i ask westone about the mistake they've done. sorry is all i got. nothing to the dealer. nothing to thinking group in my contry. i'm not getting any westone product for the rest of my life. i'm not gonna spend my money just to get me pissed.
i'm from a small contry. but i payed the same price. that don't bring me to a different service. i haven't collect my set after 1.5 month(which is on the contract. and i remind westone twice. 1st time on the 1st month i ordered. 2nd time just before 1.5 month. and they still send it after1.5 month) that shouldn't be an issue about smaller contry. but that's how i've been treated. lack of respect. i'm just someone who like earphone alot. and paying most of my salary on earphone. what's the difference about loving earphones other than nations? JH audio treated my nicely. why not westone. they got more products in my contry.
think twice before you order anything from westone. especially those contries not big as USA. don't end up like me. don't end up like a person reminding westone(twice), and they don't give a shXt.
i got all the prove in my e-mail. but it in my language.
Mar 24, 2011 at 1:09 PM Post #1,319 of 5,554
Wow pal.  Cool down just a tad.  There is probably a reasonable explanation for your issues.  JHA, UE and Westone wouldn't be in business long if there was this sort of thing going on all the time.  It's not helpful to a company to intentionally and willfully neglect their customers.  I'd be willing to bet your reseller is to blame mostly for this one.  Westone has a reputation to uphold (and 60 years of viable commerce would convince me they are doing a pretty dang good job).

I had a really really really really really really bad experience about westone service. I didn't recieve my ES5 in the dead line at one month after ordering(which they said no problem). After one month they told me they'll be out before 3/17. But I haven't got any answer sence then. Mar, 21 I got really pissed off. And starting to check up on my dealer. And all my dealer can do is wait for westone.
Guess what.....  they finally sent my set on Mar, 22. and the final dead line on my contract is 1.5 month. and i revcieve nothing but turtle speed and anger.
westone did nothing when I express my anger to my dealer. the dealer have to take all the blam before I find out westone is the one who isn't taking all the responsablity.
westone lied to me twice. maybe it's becuse i not an American or I'm not a Singapore. they missed the died line twice which they told me. FXXk westone. I payed so much money for my anger, not for my set. and thinking group in my contry have to wipe westone's ass.
when i ask westone about the mistake they've done. sorry is all i got. nothing to the dealer. nothing to thinking group in my contry. i'm not getting any westone product for the rest of my life. i'm not gonna spend my money just to get me pissed.
i'm from a small contry. but i payed the same price. that don't bring me to a different service. i haven't collect my set after 1.5 month(which is on the contract. and i remind westone twice. 1st time on the 1st month i ordered. 2nd time just before 1.5 month. and they still send it after1.5 month) that shouldn't be an issue about smaller contry. but that's how i've been treated. lack of respect. i'm just someone who like earphone alot. and paying most of my salary on earphone. what's the difference about loving earphones other than nations? JH audio treated my nicely. why not westone. they got more products in my contry.
think twice before you order anything from westone. especially those contries not big as USA. don't end up like me. don't end up like a person reminding westone(twice), and they don't give a shXt.
i got all the prove in my e-mail. but it in my language.

Mar 24, 2011 at 1:12 PM Post #1,320 of 5,554
Not a lot of substantive info there.  It sounds more like you dealt w/ your dealer more than Westone, not sure.  Just a whole lot of personal rage and bias for a first and only post.  From reading I have no idea what the problem is or if it was resolved or any details for that matter.  Just that they sent the phones 5 days after they told you they would?  I'm sure they would give you 90 days for fit from the time you receive them if that was an issue.
Thx for the advice but at this point I'll deal w/ Westone over JHA or anyday from my current experience.  That could always change, who knows.

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