VSONIC GR07 Impressions Thread
May 26, 2012 at 6:54 PM Post #3,212 of 7,982
This thread is an example off why one has to listen for themselves rather go completely by user reviews. I bought the GR07 from Amazon third party seller. I ran them from iTunes through DACMagic and Audioengine N22 amp. Honestly they are the worst sounding IEM's I've ever listened to. Very tinny and harsh to point of being unlistenable. I then let them break in for about a day. This improved them minimally. I found them to be extremely non-linear, and when I used the iMac's equalizer with heavy adjustments, they were better. However, on some songs they broke up even at low listening levels. All the comments made here were tried such as different size foam inserts. Then I compared to a pair of Sennheiser Adidas that sell for $60. The Adidas were light years ahead, with beautiful detail, balance, openness, nice soundstage. I'm going to try to return these. My recommendation is that you be sure you can return before you buy VSonic GR07!!

It's unfortunate, but with all things mass produced there are "lemons".  I would attempt to return the Vsonics, since they're faulty.  They sound nothing like you describe, and even though ears and listening preferences differ, the GR07's do not resemble "tinny", or "harsh", although they do present some sibilance in early break-in, and depending on music preference.
May 26, 2012 at 8:03 PM Post #3,213 of 7,982
If anyone here knew me, they would know I'm serious about audio. I do suspect that if all of you are serious about these things, then whoever said I could have been sold fakes. They were from an Amazon dealer and I'm surprised but it could be. As far as seal, I assure you I do have a little sense. I did say in my post that I tried different ones, and am sure they got a good seal. But a Chinese knock-off of Chinese earphones? Interesting, but perhaps.
May 26, 2012 at 8:04 PM Post #3,214 of 7,982
I figure I'd get attacked. I know good sound when I hear it. My main system is based on Audio Research amps and Wilson Audio speakers. For over ear cans I recently bought the Audeze LCD-2 and I certainly agree with those on here who love THOSE. No need to attack just because you disagree. How many posts do you think it takes before you become an "expert", genius?

Bolded: that's exactly what a troll would say.

In all seriousness, and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here on your probable trolling: That's great about your LCD-2. I hope to own a pair sooner than later. The reason you got attacked isn't because you don't like the GR07. The reason is that you said they are the worst IEM's you have ever heard. Unless all you've heard are the K3003, FA-BA-SS, FX700, EX1000, and so on, we all find that very hard to believe. You came in here "attacking" a well regarded IEM, that has withstood statistical scrutiny in the sheer number of positive experiences, without a reasonable background or context for your impressions, and calling them impressions is a stretch if I'm being honest. It sounds like you copy pasted an audio review off of Amazon.

If they are truly the worst you have ever heard, and you have experience with lesser regarded pairs, maybe your pair is defective and it would be wise of anyone possessing reasonable intelligence to explore that sort of possibility, especially after reading so much positive feedback, instead of coming on here and assuming we've all gone off the deep end.

Jus sayin....
May 26, 2012 at 9:23 PM Post #3,215 of 7,982
This thread is an example off why one has to listen for themselves rather go completely by user reviews. I bought the GR07 from Amazon third party seller. I ran them from iTunes through DACMagic and Audioengine N22 amp. Honestly they are the worst sounding IEM's I've ever listened to. Very tinny and harsh to point of being unlistenable. I then let them break in for about a day. This improved them minimally. I found them to be extremely non-linear, and when I used the iMac's equalizer with heavy adjustments, they were better. However, on some songs they broke up even at low listening levels. All the comments made here were tried such as different size foam inserts. Then I compared to a pair of Sennheiser Adidas that sell for $60. The Adidas were light years ahead, with beautiful detail, balance, openness, nice soundstage. I'm going to try to return these. My recommendation is that you be sure you can return before you buy VSonic GR07!!

When I was younger I had "personality disorder" traits where I got so angry I would automatically attack and blame others even if they were right.  All that ever got me was alienation and disrespect from others.   I had to struggle to be humble and say "I'm disappointed my IEM doesn't sound like you say, any suggestions?"- it was so much easier to blame and attack and make myself superior to others by listing my other " sound toys"!  Luckily I am more mature now, tho I still have my moments...
The GR07 is rated very highly by both Joker and Clieos, and when I buy an IEM I read their reviews very carefully many times, not just once.   I will also read columns of users such as this one for more information and details, such as tips, source pairing etc.   My suggestion is to take responsibility and consider them a "lemon" and return them for another pair or get your money back.   My other suggestion is to carefully read reviews by Joker and Clieos before you buy  another IEM and figure out what your sound signature for IEM's is before buying.    In case they aren't a lemon and If you have time before returning, burn them in for 250-300 hrs, 2/3 volume from a clean player.   I'm also not sure you have a tight fit, you didn't mention bass?   Your player and amp might also emphasize the highs and siblance(the GR07 IMHO, has a rather hot high end that needs that burnin time I suggested. )   I'd also recommend the Sansa Clip(only $45) to try with the GR07, its not harsh sounding and it may point to a weakness in your current setup.  
May 26, 2012 at 11:11 PM Post #3,216 of 7,982
I'm not gonna go on a flame rampage or anything, but I will say that audiofan4life's impressions are very different from my or anyone else's impressions on them.  I will agree that the treble can be a bit hot and it sometimes bugs me quite a bit, but tinny?  Not in the slightest.
May 26, 2012 at 11:32 PM Post #3,217 of 7,982
This thread is an example off why one has to listen for themselves rather go completely by user reviews. I bought the GR07 from Amazon third party seller. I ran them from iTunes through DACMagic and Audioengine N22 amp. Honestly they are the worst sounding IEM's I've ever listened to. Very tinny and harsh to point of being unlistenable. I then let them break in for about a day. This improved them minimally. I found them to be extremely non-linear, and when I used the iMac's equalizer with heavy adjustments, they were better. However, on some songs they broke up even at low listening levels. All the comments made here were tried such as different size foam inserts. Then I compared to a pair of Sennheiser Adidas that sell for $60. The Adidas were light years ahead, with beautiful detail, balance, openness, nice soundstage. I'm going to try to return these. My recommendation is that you be sure you can return before you buy VSonic GR07!!

GR-07's can be very tedious at first regarding the seal. I have owned a couple of these now, and I love them
May 26, 2012 at 11:38 PM Post #3,218 of 7,982
If anyone here knew me, they would know I'm serious about audio. I do suspect that if all of you are serious about these things, then whoever said I could have been sold fakes. They were from an Amazon dealer and I'm surprised but it could be. As far as seal, I assure you I do have a little sense. I did say in my post that I tried different ones, and am sure they got a good seal. But a Chinese knock-off of Chinese earphones? Interesting, but perhaps.
Doubt their fakes, but I had years of experience with seals too, and your complaints are exactly what a poor seal sounds like. It took me a week to figure these things out.
May 26, 2012 at 11:46 PM Post #3,219 of 7,982
This thread is an example off why one has to listen for themselves rather go completely by user reviews. I bought the GR07 from Amazon third party seller. I ran them from iTunes through DACMagic and Audioengine N22 amp. Honestly they are the worst sounding IEM's I've ever listened to. Very tinny and harsh to point of being unlistenable. I then let them break in for about a day. This improved them minimally. I found them to be extremely non-linear, and when I used the iMac's equalizer with heavy adjustments, they were better. However, on some songs they broke up even at low listening levels. All the comments made here were tried such as different size foam inserts. Then I compared to a pair of Sennheiser Adidas that sell for $60. The Adidas were light years ahead, with beautiful detail, balance, openness, nice soundstage. I'm going to try to return these. My recommendation is that you be sure you can return before you buy VSonic GR07!!

Maybe it's a seal issue - lots of people aren't won over by them until they find the right tips and get a good seal. Other things that a lot of people have said is that the quality of the recording is very important, including the mastering done in the studio. With lesser recordings, they are quite finicky. With really good ones, they sound outstanding. I wouldn't give up on them so easily. I don't know anything about using itunes, dacmagic, or the amp, so I can't really comment on that. I have no idea what you mean when you call them "extremely non-linear."
May 27, 2012 at 12:23 AM Post #3,220 of 7,982
Okay, I'll tell you what I'll do. I'm serious about this. If Amazon does not come through with a refund, I'll be more than happy to pack them back in their original box and send them to you. You pay me whatever you think they are worth. No strings attached.

As for the poster who said my comp phones, the Sennheiser Adidas don't exist, you can buy them at Head Room, and unless you've really listened to them, they're quite nice. My point is that the 07 was inferior. Oh, and non-linear means the frequency response curve has significant deviations from a flat line, as evidenced by my application of equalization over the spectrum in order to eliminate the brightness and bring the bass into play.
May 27, 2012 at 3:26 AM Post #3,222 of 7,982
Okay, I'll tell you what I'll do. I'm serious about this. If Amazon does not come through with a refund, I'll be more than happy to pack them back in their original box and send them to you. You pay me whatever you think they are worth. No strings attached.
As for the poster who said my comp phones, the Sennheiser Adidas don't exist, you can buy them at Head Room, and unless you've really listened to them, they're quite nice. My point is that the 07 was inferior. Oh, and non-linear means the frequency response curve has significant deviations from a flat line, as evidenced by my application of equalization over the spectrum in order to eliminate the brightness and bring the bass into play.

They're fairly neutral except for a bit of a bump in the highs that mellow a bit after burn in. These are very source and tip dependent headphones, but once you have a good quality lossless file and a good seal, you should understand what the fuss is about. If you don't after all of that, then you probably prefer a very colored sound from your headphones. You either have a bad seal, don't like a neutral sound signature, or you have a defective unit. Are you using lossless files? I can't imagine you wouldn't be, but figured I'd ask.
May 27, 2012 at 4:12 AM Post #3,223 of 7,982
More likely defective than fake, as he said a Chinese fake of a Chinese product is almost unheard of. Plus they trend to fake popular big brands products they can sell in China and also distribute. Having been there recently and been shocked by the lack of availability of the Chinese brands we love here I don't think it world be worth faking.
May 27, 2012 at 7:54 AM Post #3,224 of 7,982
Guys, I saw that post of his and hoped no one would respond so that the post would fade into ignominy. 
May 27, 2012 at 8:22 AM Post #3,225 of 7,982
  I figure I'd get attacked. I know good sound when I hear it. My main system is based on Audio Research amps and Wilson Audio speakers. For over ear cans I recently bought the Audeze LCD-2 and I certainly agree with those on here who love THOSE. No need to attack just because you disagree. How many posts do you think it takes before you become an "expert", genius?

BTW, an LCD-2 is by no means neutral, so if you believe that's a benchmark for neutrality, you may want to look for something else. An HD600/HD580 would be my choice as a longtime stalwart for neutral in the full-sized arena, and the GR07 doesn't sound too different from them. The highs are tipped up a bit in the upper midrange, leading some people to sense a bit of sibilance, but the bass quantity is actually a little more than neutral. I'm surprised you think there was zero bass, because there's plenty of that --- unless, of course, you didn't achieve a proper seal. My assumption is that you haven't had that much experience with in-ears and aren't used to the sound. Many people who come exclusively from speakers and full-sized headphones can't stand the 'headstage' of IEMs. Of course, you may have also received a defective pair. Odd, though. Perhaps you should find someone who lives around you with another GR07 and see if it sounds the same?
As for the poster who said my comp phones, the Sennheiser Adidas don't exist, you can buy them at Head Room, and unless you've really listened to them, they're quite nice. My point is that the 07 was inferior. Oh, and non-linear means the frequency response curve has significant deviations from a flat line, as evidenced by my application of equalization over the spectrum in order to eliminate the brightness and bring the bass into play.

The Sennheiser Adidas, I'm assuming is the CX310, a 'special edition' CX300... the CX300 was a well-regarded earphone about eight years ago, but most people agree that they've been outstripped by many other earphones since then. Now, the CX300 is thought to have significantly recessed highs and bloated mid-bass. Not too terrible for $40, but it definitely isn't the standard by which 'flat' is measured. Someone should lend you a pair of ER4S, an IEM rated for 91% response accuracy to perceptually flat according to statistical analysis of tone audiometry tests by people. I'm going to guess that you'll find them overly bright with zero bass, because even people with GR07s will sometimes think that.

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