V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.
Apr 13, 2012 at 4:00 AM Post #1,051 of 23,366
BEATS/HTC/MONSTER talk IMO should move to the large thread on Head-Fi as to not overtake this thread as I am sure it could go on and on...
The industry is vexing right now and I have a lot to say, I just don't want to say it here and I don't like to bash the competition.  I'd rather be a classy competitor and speak about our virtues while giving credit where credit is due.  I wish I could review all headphones, but I know people would think it is biased.  But I do tell DJs, if you don't DJ with a LP/LP2, use a Pioneer HDJ-2000 (but not the case).
I personally know many of the competitors employees AND most of their factories in-depth.  Also, some of our employees and our competition through the years have churned (esp with three of us), so it is intriguing to me to see what happens.  In fact, because of this industry turnover, I change our biz plan HOURLY and I also give newer employees, especially contractors, misdirected info (past hour) on purpose as pure research and to test them for NDA breaches - although I do phrase it to never lie. We've been so burned in IP breaches, I am forced to do this.  True innovation is critical for all successful brands long-term.  
In case competitors read these threads, I will occasionally have to juke on the forums, but I'll keep track and maybe we can turn it into a game and I'll come clean when the products launch... This way I can disclose some more real stuff, test new ideas (misdirects) and throw in some hidden gems.  For the record, I haven't done any misdirects externally yet.
I thank Apple and Beats for helping us to create this new category of lifestyle headphones. While V-MODA may have kick-started this trend with the first colored-cable headphone, aptly named REMIX M-CLASS (originally for METAL), we wouldn't be here today without them.  Well, actually, REVOLVER was conceptualized nearly 8 years ago so maybe extra $ would have gotten us here faster, but we would have fd it all up on QC and ergos without a LOT of R&D investment and TIME.  I have many more theories on time and products I'll share later....  
To re-focus on M-100, let me give you some updates- the case is smaller...  Also, the next shipment of LP/LP2 to Amazon + V-MODA.com has a smaller case.
CMF is COLORS MATERIAL AND FINISH.  What do you think of doing the following 4 CMFs for M-100?  We may not be able to make them all, but these are our prototypes I'm making:
1) GOLD/BLACK (like the protos in the wild CHUCKIE, ERICK MORILLO and I are testing at gigs)
3) SHADOW (like M-80)
here is a snapshot:

Val your business practices remind me of this (and no I am not being offensive, all of it does not apply.)

I prefer the blue and white, aspecially if there are blue shields, that are the same matt-ish downtoned blue that appears on the headband, classy, stylish, and standout.
Being in south africa I just KNOW that the vast populus will go ape-balls-mad for the black and gold, especially since street racing and tuning is quite big here. Shadow is a classic, and most people will take that, i wont be disappointed if there is no blue-white, I will just grab shadow.
So who was first, I have a clever idea for this winner to get a M-100.  all you have to do is
1) break a plastic headphone (any will do and its quite easy)
2) put it in a plastic recycle bin
3) take a picture of it there
4) post it on V-MODA Facebook wall
5) I send you M-100
for those that didn't guess the folding earcup, I'll come up with a voucher of $20-50 (I have to check w accounting). There are lots of other little things...
COLORS: what kind of red would be killer?

No facebook.... boooooo :frowning2: but ill probably find some crappy ones to destroy with the new milling machine my pops got :p lol
Red wine sounds good but i rate a darker red such as maroon with a matt-ish or ultra-glossy finish, no inbetween on this one.
Apr 13, 2012 at 4:55 AM Post #1,052 of 23,366

LMAO...  There you go, you ain't holdin' anything back.
I'd love to join you guys, but the only headphones I have are the SOL Republic Tracks, Philips Downtown, and Grado SR60i...  None of these snap easily :frowning2:  At least not without tools :p  *goes to Apple Store to buy a pair of Beats*  It's for a good cause anyways :D

Or cut a cable
Just snapped my HD800s in half. Next, my LCD 2s.

Oh snap, hopefully they snap back together so I can keep those in the labs!
Apr 13, 2012 at 6:43 AM Post #1,053 of 23,366

we are working to finalize dates and content now to take preorders, it's getting closer!  
M-100 Custom Shield Kits Promo "M-100MANIA"
I created a code "M-100MANIA" as a code for 20% off custom M-100/LP/LP2 shields.  The LP/LP2 large shields WILL work on M-100.  We'll send the "wings" too, but the M-100 does not use that part anymore.   PS the first MASS PRODUCTION M-100's will be nearly an identical color as M-80 Shadow.
Win a M-80 Contest on Engadget

How long will this Promo be? Still deciding if I should get it.

Does M-100 need amping? Yes I need confirmation from the man himself. Am happy with my M-80's working well with my Sansa Clip+.
Edit :
Apr 13, 2012 at 8:29 AM Post #1,054 of 23,366
Take my money, and here's why:
I mean, ever since this thread was started--before it was started, really, on the M-80 thread--Val has been seeking our input (both the lay consumer and the hifi enthusiast!) about not simply colors or physical features, but super-detailed technical aspects to the cans like driver size, sound signature, and "to amp-or-not-to-amp." And this is not some giant headphone company that says, "tell us what you like, we'll listen!" (and then does whatever the f@*k they want sound-wise but puts out cans that look cool, are endorsed by a celebrity, and are marked up to such a ridiculously high price that people buy them because the must be good or else why would I be paying $300 for them?!)
Not the case here, however. Val has taken seriously the input he hears on these pages. He took time to explain unpopular or misunderstood concepts like "will the M-100 need an amp?" or "why can't you make the ear cushions bigger for my big ears?", "Why don't you get rid of the three ports on the ear cup to make the cans closed?" and the ever-popular "MOAR BASE PUh-LEAZE!" He took time to tell us that no, the M-100 won't sound like crap without an amp--in fact it will blow you away; also, that V-MODA doesn't do giant teletubby ear cushions because we still want you to look cool and on average the existing LP/LP2 cushions do satisfy most people, so it would be prohibitively expensive to tool a new design for your big ol' ears; the 3 V-ports on the side of the cups are more about VINI VIDI VICI aesthetics and less about porting (in other words, their not super functional, mostly about looks) and oh, about the bass--get an LP2, because the M-100 will have plenty of bass but will not sacrifice audiophile quality in favor of what the masses believe is good sound. 
On top of all that, V-MODA's been willing to push back production (i.e., being able to sell the cans) in favor of getting it right the first time. Gee, thanks! Mil-spec? Yes, but not till we're sure the tooling has worked out. Sound quality? Yes, but it was a hard choice between 40mm and 50mm drivers, among other things. A better mic? You got it--in fact, here's a super mic! And cool colors? Psssha! For sure.
So, yeah. I'd love a set of these cans. 

Apr 13, 2012 at 10:23 AM Post #1,055 of 23,366
I'm really excited for the vmoda m100's. Although thats pretty obvious, I'm pretty apathetic to this idea of trashing headphones. Honestly though, I still think its a great idea by val. Preferably, I would choose a cheap pair(under $50.00 pair) of headphones to trash. For its participants, this has got to be really engaging and fun, but I know I'm just going to have to buy my m100's and I dont mind that at all to support vmoda. I've heard some good things and I've seen some good things out of vmoda, unlike so many other brands. I wont go in the details, because that's not what this thread is for. I think, whether you're Val Kolton, an audiophile, an audio enthusiast, or you're like me and you just enjoy a good set of cans, everybody has done a good job with promoting this thread and vmoda rocks. Val also said the drivers are different, bigger actually. They could be 45mm or 53mm drivers. Whatever it is, I'm still going to buy these headphones. 
As Val or the italians would say,

Apr 13, 2012 at 1:24 PM Post #1,056 of 23,366
I know we've been really interested in the features and color schemes, but what I personally am more interested in is how these babies are going to SOUND. I really can't wait to just plug these in already! Here's what I'm hoping for: the most natural listening experience as possible; ie basically instruments like drums and guitars will sound just right tonally and bass/decay is a big part of that also. Hoping for an overall balanced presentation (seeing how great the M-80s are I'm sure the M-100s will have this down pat).
I've personally been looking for headphones that can sound just as good as my Panasonic RP-HJE900 IEMs (Val if you haven't heard these, you should - I think you would appreciate their warm, bassy signature). Basically they sound like you're right in the recording studio and you're surrounded by the instruments. Vocals and cymbals sound really good also and I'm very picky about that. They're not perfect but they're as close to perfect I've heard in portable audio. The only thing is I'm more of a HP person haha. Hoping the M-100 will give me portable audio bliss in a HP.
Apr 13, 2012 at 1:25 PM Post #1,057 of 23,366
Wow, this promo is kinda crazy.  I was just looking for a discount for the M-100s on a group buy when I previously asked, that way we can support them and not put them out of business.
Either way, regarding color combinations, how about colors that mimic popular sports teams.  I am not sure if there is a patent on Gold/Purple (Lakers) or something like that, but some of the more basic onlys might be popular.  I would like a Blue/White color though, since it usually stands out among all the black headphones.
Apr 13, 2012 at 2:00 PM Post #1,059 of 23,366

Or cut a cable
Oh snap, hopefully they snap back together so I can keep those in the labs!

"Oh Snap" lolol how punny :p I'm considering breaking a few more cheap pairs besides the ones I already posted when I get home, such a liberating feeling! Absolutely loving this idea Val, I'm hoping my entry is good enough to get a pair, they would accent the M80s i'll be buying soon perfectly! I've never been this excited for a promo/competition before, I'm borderline giddy! :p
Apr 13, 2012 at 2:12 PM Post #1,060 of 23,366
A literal oversight on my part, I have not owned some proper cans in years. Most of the stuff I have is either buds, IEMS, or someone of the like..
However I do have a headset I can destroy, I have to think on my feet!
Apr 13, 2012 at 2:49 PM Post #1,061 of 23,366
i think a red would be an awesome colour, other than that would have to say i like the shadows.
Just posted my 'recycled' phones on V-Moda wall, under Sam.
Been lurking on this thread for a long time about time i posted, greatly looking forward to the M-100, just hope i have some money left by the time they come out

Apr 13, 2012 at 2:51 PM Post #1,062 of 23,366

I'm really excited for the vmoda m100's. Although thats pretty obvious, I'm pretty apathetic to this idea of trashing headphones. Honestly though, I still think its a great idea by val. Preferably, I would choose a cheap pair(under $50.00 pair) of headphones to trash. For its participants, this has got to be really engaging and fun, but I know I'm just going to have to buy my m100's and I dont mind that at all to support vmoda. I've heard some good things and I've seen some good things out of vmoda, unlike so many other brands. I wont go in the details, because that's not what this thread is for. I think, whether you're Val Kolton, an audiophile, an audio enthusiast, or you're like me and you just enjoy a good set of cans, everybody has done a good job with promoting this thread and vmoda rocks. Val also said the drivers are different, bigger actually. They could be 45mm or 53mm drivers. Whatever it is, I'm still going to buy these headphones. 
As Val or the italians would say,

Agreed, but you could just do some airplane or old headphones if you want. The point was to be engaging, fun and in fact its better to recycle them than to have them sit around in a drawer. We destroy lots of headphones during testing, its amazing how easy it is to pull the cable apart on airplane headphones.  Try it, they are only as strong as a soggy spaghetti noodle!  I give the demo all the time.
Apr 13, 2012 at 3:17 PM Post #1,063 of 23,366
"Rogue" color scheme was nice for LPs, maybe slightly too flashy/blingy for my taste (Shadow theme is 100% to my taste) but I know some people love it 

What about matte black instead of glossy in above config?
Apr 13, 2012 at 3:28 PM Post #1,064 of 23,366
In the spirit of making this the first "semi-open" source headphone, here is the latest M-100 MILESTONE SCHEDULE... 
2 May Tooling complete
18 May Engineering pilot (10pcs)
24 May  Reliability test 
5 Jun   Deadline of packaging development
20 Jun  Manufacturing pilot (100pcs)
30 Jun  Mass production shipment
First week of July - BLISS!
let's cross(fade) fingers that reliability tests pass, even if we have one hiccup I think it will be minor since we have done many of the tests already on the individual components.   In the past, some reliability problems delay the product many months and require retooling.  This is why LP took nearly 5 years and M-80 6 years.  Since durability is so important, headphones developed like fashion is actually a VERY VERY VERY bad concept I learned many years ago.  Headphones should be developed more like cars or even  spaceships, they require lots of track tests! They need time, and companies developing products quickly is what is killing the trust in the industry.  I view the DJ core of V-MODA as our "formula 1" testing that accelerates wear and tear in real-life environments of people who depend on headphones for a profession.  Then, over time, we bring that technology to the consumers and pros. 
For instance, Erick and I found an issue on M-100 a few months ago with the cable mechanism/plug combo after heavy DJing for a few weeks, it would spin around and was harder to take out.  Yet oddly it passed in our normal lab tests.  We still cannot figure out a good solution for stolen headphones, RFID + CUSTOMS?!

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