V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.
Jan 25, 2012 at 3:17 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 23,366


100+ Head-Fier
Dec 21, 2011
I figured I'd start a thread soley for the up-and-coming V-MODA M-100 headphones instead of flooding the M-80 thread. 
Here, we can discuss everything about the M-100! That includes suggestions, feedback, pics, and future reviews!
I'll start by continuing the previous discussion and I will organize this post later tonight. I'll add the prototype pic later too. 

Originally Posted by MrNurseBJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I would love for M100 to be around $200-$250. $250 would sound just about right. They would have to sound better than the already awesome M80. I would love for them to them be like the M80's with more treble sparkle/more crisp, detailed highs, larger soundstage, and heavier bass w/ a clean  hard punch and sub-bass rumble. Basically like the Pro 900, but more portable and slightly darker to appeal more to consumers.
I believe the approx. $300 price tag is due to the larger driver.
I know I'm going to love how they look, the portability, and the durability. I hope to pick these up in white. If they sound like $300 cans, then I will purchase them.


Originally Posted by valkolton /img/forum/go_quote.gif

It's funny you mention this, I was thinking the same thing today.  The prices of M-100 is due to the new driver that has more tech than M-80s, and more features.  
The only problem now is that the bigger driver requires an amp to surpass M-80, unamped it's SQ is < M-80.  What to do?!  Lock or try again w a new driver that can beat M-80 with an iPhone 4S?  Or go for diff sound signature.  I'm stuck in my head analyzing what will make the greater sound for the greatest amount of people, it depends who is buying it!
If anybody wants to test I can organize something soon in LA to get feedback and then I can lock.


Originally Posted by MrNurseBJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif


Hmm, that can definitely sway either way.
In my opinion, as a flagship product I'd lean more towards the bigger driver since this would have the most potential. As a full-sized can and being at the $300 price-range, I figure most of these people would already have an amp. If not, a relatively cheap portable amp would be an easy purchase at this price range.
The M100 with its larger driver appeals to me because there's really be nothing like it in the higher-end, bassy, over-ear, portable class. Again, I've been searching and searching for something that would resemble the Pro 900, but more portable.
Being that the Pro 900's have a bassy (and bright) sound signature, the top choices for me would be the HFI-580 and the Pro700MK2.
The HFI-580's would be the top choice, but for me, I don't think they're bassy (specifically punchy) enough, compared to the Pro 900. The cable is also too long @ 10 feet. And the cable isn't detachable! The cable issue is one of the main reason why I didn't go with the HFI-580's.
I'm going with the Pro700MK2 because of the heavier bass (even though it doesn't sound as clean as the HFI-580's) and the portability. The design/look isn't that appealing though.
If the M100 was the way I would like for it to be, as I described in the earlier post, it would be a clear winner!
"I would love for them to them be like the M80's with more treble sparkle/more crisp, detailed highs, larger soundstage, and heavier bass w/ a clean  hard punch and sub-bass rumble. Basically like the Pro 900, but more portable and slightly darker to appeal more to consumers"
It would basically take the pros/appeal of the M80, LP2/Pro700MK2, HFI-580 (which I believe outperforms the M50's in almost every way); a hybrid of those popular headphones.
With excellent SQ, Heavy bass, portability, design/looks, customization/more than 1 color option, plus what I stated above, it'd be headphones to beat.
(I feel like the design is already set, but it'd be nice if the M-100's can swivel left and right)
Can all that be achieved with a smaller driver?


Originally Posted by MrNurseBJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif

To add to my last post, the larger driver would be perfect for me. 
But sadly, I think if the M100 was essentially the the M80 but:
-minor tweaks/improvements in the highs, soundstage, and bass
-at least 2 color choices
-easily driven from a 4S
-cheaper than prototype, around $225-$250
 These would sell more.
Again, I'd prefer the larger driver- something more noticeably better than the M80 and well worth the larger price tag. It be like HFI-580 to Pro 900. 
M-100 w/smaller driver= Evolutionary
M-100 w/larger driver= Revolutionary
I wouldn't take the chance with a Beats-like built in amp. I don't think many current V-Moda loyalists would like it either. 


Jan 25, 2012 at 2:47 PM Post #2 of 23,366

Only one that I can remember. If there are more, post them up.

Jan 25, 2012 at 9:30 PM Post #3 of 23,366
V-MODA M-100 Summary as of July 11, 2012. Thanks for many Head-Fi members and, of course, V-MODA CEO Val Kolton for their contributions.
The V-Moda M-100s...
...are closed circumaural cans meant keep in step with the M-80s more audiophile-pleasing sound signature.
...will most certainly be an upgrade SQ wise from the M-80s. Val Kolton from V-MODA has stated the highs are more extended than the M-80s while still avoiding a strong treble spike common in other headphones that could cause hearing damage with long listening sessions at high volume, and the bass range will be boosted to somewhere around +8 or 9 Db, sort of like a compromise between the M-80 and the LP2 models.
...have hinges, so they will be foldable.
...will be using 50mm drivers.
...have a secret additional feature that has not yet been revealed.
...do not require an amp, but will scale well if you decide to use one.
...do not have a definite price yet, but are expected to cost around $300.
...are current expected to be released somewhere around late July to early August.
...will be released in two colors--White/Silver and Shadow. A third color scheme may be included for the mass production release
...will use the same custom shields as the LPs/LP2s. You can get the shields for 20% off using the limited-time promo code M-100MANIA.
...will come with a case3 cables, and a 3.5 mm to 1/4 in plug. The 3 cables are an audio only cable with a dual-share feature (headphone splitter?), and iphone compatible cable with controls and a mic, and an android compatible cable with a mic.
   • The audio-only cable may have a color woven in to it.
   • The smartphone mics are referred to as "super mics" that are improved from current offerings

...may have reversible cups in the listening position, for quick DJ-style monitoring.
Pages with pictures:
- Early pictures of the M-100s on page 1

- Original color designs on page 67
page 91
page 92
page 93
- Early picture of the case on page 102
   - page 105

   - page 150
- Pictures and early impressions by Anakchan on page 90 (from the Tokyo Headphone Festival 2012) and page 152

- Picture showing the hinge on page 168
- 1/4" plug adapter page 169
- Picture showing off the scale of the M-100 case on page 197

Brief Video Response: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10150928608616028

Tokyo Headphone Festival 2012 Sneak Peek Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glPlFTB0kOs
______END SUMMARY____________________________________________________________________________________
This was my original post from way back when :)
I copied this photo from Sound+Vision Mag.http://www.soundandvisionmag.com/image/v-moda-m-100-shadow (Hope you don't mind me posting it...I just got it from a quick google search). Regarding the sound profile/driver issue, my $.02 is this: I wouldn't mind the larger driver requiring an amp to reach its potential if the sound turns out to be like an over-ear M-80 with juicy deep rumble-ness. Word :) Oh, p.s., is San Diego close enough for a tester 
?? Peace!

Jan 25, 2012 at 10:24 PM Post #4 of 23,366
Originally from the M-80 thread discussing the potential issues of the M-100
It's funny you mention this, I was thinking the same thing today.  The prices of M-100 is due to the new driver that has more tech than M-80s, and more features.  
The only problem now is that the bigger driver requires an amp to surpass M-80, unamped it's SQ is < M-80.  What to do?!  Lock or try again w a new driver that can beat M-80 with an iPhone 4S?  Or go for diff sound signature.  I'm stuck in my head analyzing what will make the greater sound for the greatest amount of people, it depends who is buying it!
If anybody wants to test I can organize something soon in LA to get feedback and then I can lock.

Well I do have an idea or two..
1.) Make a type of AMP that can be built into the cable somehow (perhaps at one of the plug ends so it does not disrupt the way it can catch on the clothing. Doing so you could sell it as either an accessory for those who do not already have amps and/or make it a combo pack with it included and label it as a (premium or total experience) package. This way those who do not already own an amp can easily buy that.
2.) Perhaps integrate a type of AMP into the headphones themselves. I would imagine its not impossible but considering that I am also not 100% sure on how everything is designed on the inside of the M-100's I am sure there will be issues about, not including powering (which can be done by a recharge cable and Lithium Ion, but eventually the battery itself will need to be replaced after it wears down.) Weight, materials, and price.
3.) Same as 1 basically, but make it just a mini amp just designed to power the M-100's. Also can be sold the same way as 1.
Again these are just ideas I am tossing about, I have always had a mind for design and technology so stuff like this gets my mind rolling constantly.
Also, I would absolutely love to test them, sadly I am based in Jersey. Hopefully things come out for the best!
Jan 25, 2012 at 11:03 PM Post #5 of 23,366
I'll be answering questions here. 
TO LOCK OR NOT TO LOCK ACOUSTICS.  this is the question... I'd love your feedback, my protos are out on loan right now but I'll organize a time soon to test for those in LA and San Diego if there are enough volunteers.  Need more test subjects and subjective data for our database on it, I'm a fiend for use-case and preference statistics in making decisions.  With M-80 I was on tour so I used a 31-band EQ with producers, M-100 data has been from audiophiles and consumers. 
Stay TUNED... literally!
Jan 25, 2012 at 11:32 PM Post #7 of 23,366
Thanks for keeping us updated, Val! :) Since SQ is the most important thing, I'm sure you'll make the best decision. I wouldn't mind it sounding great from an iPhone 4 and then even that much more amazing amped. Really looking forward to these cans coming out. Could turn out to be my perfect portable. 
Jan 26, 2012 at 8:25 AM Post #9 of 23,366
Can't wait till these hit the market! I'd love to compare them to my M80s through my computer and J3, and I'm also interested in the size of the actual headphone. The M80s look larger in picture than their actual size, so I'm expecting the M100s in those pictures to follow the same trend lol
Val, I remember you saying that you expect headphone cables to go to the right side...are the M100s definitely going to have a right sided cable?  Thanks~
Jan 26, 2012 at 12:42 PM Post #10 of 23,366
Further to my previous post, as a head-fi newbie, and based upon what I have read here so far, I trust that V-MODA will make the right decision for SQ. The M-80 gets great reviews on this board, and the LP/LP2 line is very popular with the DJ/basshead crowd (though I've recently read some audiophiles can't take their hands off the LP2).
All things being equal, and aside from SQ, the things that I love about V-MODA headphones-- and the things that keep me hyped for new releases such as the M-100--as opposed to, say, going for the HD 25 Amperior-- are the detachable, kevlar coated cables; iDevice-compatible 3-button mic; ; 45-degree plug; beautifully functional exoskeleton case; comfortable design; customizable (or not) finish; lack of screaming logo or branding; rugged mil-spec quality; 60 day test-drive guarantee; and the level of involvement by the CEO (who also happens to develop the products) in trade shows and on a forum discussion board such as this. This company seems like something special, and the product seems like it will be worth the wait.
That's all for now. 

Jan 26, 2012 at 11:59 PM Post #11 of 23,366
All the discussion has centered around the sound of the M-100; will there be any changes in terms of comfort/design/style vs. the LP's? Or are we talking about the same shell but different drivers?
Jan 27, 2012 at 3:56 PM Post #13 of 23,366

I tottaly agree with the highlights you stated.. Often headphones have always disadvantages but v-moda seems to pay attention to detail. form the case to the cables etc.

Thanks ya'll, it's a TON of work, but it's the little things that count and hearing ya'll talk about them makes it worthwhile.  Nobody mentions the removable strap system inside the case, isn't that sick?!!  The two little straps on it is designed to hold faders or earplugs.  It was tough to make with the unique case material, it was originally a zipper but I delayed the whole launch of LP until I got it right.

SIZE/ERGO of M-100
While I do realize some people want the earpads a bigger diameter, overall I think the satisfaction is high of the existing LP/LP2 size (hundreds of reviews analyzed), and the "fitted" look is important to wear a headphone in public with pride (no teletubby!).  Therefore, we are keeping it close to the same for M-100.  
There is a very major feature that I haven't discussed yet and isn't in any pics.  Maybe I'll give a sneak preview of the carry case in a few weeks and you can guess what it is!
Jan 27, 2012 at 4:00 PM Post #14 of 23,366
Jan 27, 2012 at 4:09 PM Post #15 of 23,366
Man I wish I lived there so I could be a guinea pig, I've spent years EQing headphones so can usually tell whereabouts in the frequency range I think there's too much of a dip or peak only by listening to music. I do wish M-100 has slightly bigger inner circumference (wider) though as my ears didn't fully fit inside the LP2's cups and I actually got slightly tired ears despite the cushy memory foams when it was resting slightly on the ear. The padding itself is quite wide/thick, if you don't want to make the cup much bigger I'd just make the diameter of the pads more narrow at the sides so there's a wider innercircumference instead as it seems there is some headroom to make it smaller without sacrificing on comfort (more like the opposite, if ear can fit fully inside it would get even more comfortable). I bet there's aprox 4-5 mm to gain here by simply doing the pads more narrow at the sides which would be enough.

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