Mar 13, 2017 at 4:14 PM Post #11,551 of 24,683
  Do graphs tell all? No. What they CAN do is indicate to me which model out of a dozen unreleased products I should try first. That's all I'm trying to say. We need some guidance.
It would also likely cut down on the order canceling or switching thing -- As just today I put in a request to change my Master to an Icarus. Still haven't heard back, but I imagine they are working on quite a bit.

I think the graphs can gice you a ballpark idea.  There have been times where I wish I had listened to what the graphs said, and times where they merely verify my findings.
It does help if you have narrowed in more on what you want, and they especially help in comparisons with other graphs.
But I do think it is possible that you may miss out on something you didn't think you'd like if you follow the graph alone. 
Overall, they would be very much appreciated, and they always help more to have a description with them.
Mar 13, 2017 at 4:28 PM Post #11,552 of 24,683
I never minded waiting because i'm pretty patient, and i ordered the Master 6 well before kickstarter.

THAT BEING SAID. Being given false hope that deliveries would start soon and we'd get shipping confirmations and then being given neither of those things is a disappointing. When we're told to expect deliveries within 5 - 7 days, or that we'd get shipping confirmations a day later and then absolutely not one person reports receiving either, not ONE person.

I understand that stringing people along is a way to keep the pigs full enough not to eat you alive (just an expression) since there have been some issues that have needed sorted out. At the same, the Master 6/Hunter have been unfinished and needing tweaks yet at the same time, the Icarus line has been introduced and teased even though the previous products are long overdue. The focus seems to be on "how many pre-orders can we get".

Just my 2 cents. Please don't waste your time with a, "it's a pre-order" heated response just because you invested time and money into products that have only been dangled in front of us over, and over.

Yeah, I understand what you're saying. Also patient, but I've just stopped really taking to heart any of the promises of shipping notifications and whatnot. While I have yet to doubt their ability to make a good IEM or provide good customer service, their posted updates (official or otherwise) haven't had the best track record of being pinpoint accurate. They'll get here when they get here and I know they're sorting through a mountain of orders, but it does have a measure of just being a losing battle either way. And I say that in the sense of if you ask for an update they can give you one, but then the follow-up isn't there and you're unhappy with the outcome of the update. Or you don't get an update and you're unhappy about not getting an update. Key difference though being that one can give the perception of stringing along (rather than an actual update) due to poor structure though the intentions were good; the other response brings potential feelings of neglect due to outright not getting a response. Just a bad setup either way, right? Do you want to feel deceived or do you want to feel neglected? It's tough to do the public forum update structure well.
Mar 13, 2017 at 4:39 PM Post #11,553 of 24,683
Yeah, I understand what you're saying. Also patient, but I've just stopped really taking to heart any of the promises of shipping notifications and whatnot. While I have yet to doubt their ability to make a good IEM or provide good customer service, their posted updates (official or otherwise) haven't had the best track record of being pinpoint accurate. They'll get here when they get here and I know they're sorting through a mountain of orders, but it does have a measure of just being a losing battle either way. And I say that in the sense of if you ask for an update they can give you one, but then the follow-up isn't there and you're unhappy with the outcome of the update. Or you don't get an update and you're unhappy about not getting an update. Key difference though being that one can give the perception of stringing along (rather than an actual update) due to poor structure though the intentions were good; the other response brings potential feelings of neglect due to outright not getting a response. Just a bad setup either way, right? Do you want to feel deceived or do you want to feel neglected? It's tough to do the public forum update structure well.

I'll take neglect with a big discount any day. My wallet agrees too.
Mar 13, 2017 at 4:40 PM Post #11,554 of 24,683
Just my 2 cents. Please don't waste your time with a, "it's a pre-order" heated response just because you invested time and money into products that have only been dangled in front of us over, and over.

Ahh, so its ok for you to have a heated post, but nobody is allowed to respond to your heated post unless they agree with you?
I get it, we are all getting antsy and a bit frustrated that we don't have them in hand yet (especially after multiple delays). But I still dont feel like trinity is purposefully dangling a carrot in front of us or trying to deceive us.
I have been following this thread for a while, and Bob has been on here giving updates pretty regularly and trying to keep everyone updated as to whats going on. I think if they are guilty of anything, its taking on more orders than they could reasonably handle in a short time period and then being over zealous with their estimates of when they would get them out.
So you say we have been given false hope that deliveries would start soon. How is it false hope? Pretty sure they have started delivering them. But they have also said they have around 5000 orders to get shipped out, and they could only do 200-300 a day. Even at 300 a day, thats nearly 17 working days, which is over 3 weeks. As for shipping confirmations, well, they never promised them, but said they would be getting some of them set up. You are correct that nobody in this thread has reported that they received one. But with 5000 orders, lets be generous and assume that everyone ordered 2 iems, that would be 2500 customers. Even if we bump that up to 3 each, thats still over 1600 customers. Do you see 2500 or even 1600 people posting in this thread? Cause I only see maybe 20 or 30 regularly.
While I am a bit frustrated that its now the middle of March and I still dont have the product in hand that I ordered 4 months ago, I dont feel deceived, if anything I just feel like they are overly ambitious especially with their delivery timeframes.
And again, its a pre-order, one we all got for significant discounts. And if you have followed trinity for some time, this should probably have been expected when going in. Im not saying its great, but such are the risks for pre-ordering, or backing a kickstarter, especially when getting large discounts.
We are still well within the window of the last updates on when they were shipping out. Give it some more time, and then I think your views might be a but more justified, but not yet.
And I know I sound like a total apologist, and I dont mean to be. I just have seen so many people in this thread getting angry, and I get being frustrated, but if you are posting here, I have to wonder what you are trying to accomplish? Better if everyone calmed down and got on with their lives while we wait. Its just an iem, I think we will all survive a few more weeks.
Mar 13, 2017 at 4:48 PM Post #11,555 of 24,683
@mashuto "And again, its a pre-order, one we all got for significant discounts. And if you have followed trinity for some time, this should probably have been expected when going in. Im not saying its great, but such are the risks for pre-ordering, or backing a kickstarter, especially when getting large discounts."

You can't say that! Hahahah. The world will come to an end! No one knew anything what they were doing right? They just go to a site and don't read anything or care to inquire and blindly enter in a payment and then love to complain. Isn't that reality today?

I see so many court cases where it's the law etc and the replies are "I didn't know!" Well that is your fault. Ignorance is not an excuse. The best saying Iv'e ever read was "A lack of effort or knowledge on your part does NOT dictate and emergency on ours." In this case all of of waiting here should know this. These are not prescriptions that you need to live or you will have a heart attack and die. Sheesh. :rolleyes:
Mar 13, 2017 at 5:06 PM Post #11,557 of 24,683
  Get me up to speed please as I'm new to the thread. What was the ETA for the items you guys have ordered? 

I haven't heard a thing about the master model. The countdown clock they had on the website reached zero --- and then nothing happened. The counter just went away and Trinity has stayed silent.
It sounds like the Master 6 and hunter is shipping? But no one has received any confirmation email or package.
Mar 13, 2017 at 5:10 PM Post #11,558 of 24,683
Everything is currently shipping per the site.


Mar 09, 2017

We have been for very fortunate to have so many supportive customers. However we ended up with more orders than expected and has taken us a little longer to work through all the packing and shipping of pre-orders.

We will have everything shipped by the 24th/25th of this month and look forward to everyones feedback.

NOW: hold on to your seat for all the posts about no email was sent etc. etc. and join the club. :D
Mar 13, 2017 at 5:19 PM Post #11,559 of 24,683
@mashuto I'm aware of what you're saying. I've pre-ordered since August and deliveries were expected in December, and then January, now March. I've been following the threads since then as well. Not to mention the 30% cancellation fee just for being an early supporter? It just looks like entrapment. You can say, "you're getting a discount", but the product has not even been established or reviewed to validate its market price in the first place. What exactly is an appropriate amount of time before one's remorse is justified? I have to wait X amount of months before posting an opinion for it to count? I don't mean to personally attack you. Not everyone (myself included) has loads of iems and this was a chosen investment of one, good pair. Either way, we ordered a product with certain promises that have been flaky on multiple occasions. This situation is not dissimilar from the, "boy who cried wolf" mechanic. The whole idea of the pressure is to actually make sure we DO actually get our products this time. They're not breaking any laws, really, since there was no 100% guarantee. Building trust, reliability, overall customer satisfaction. Am I so wrong for expecting these things? lol
@Hi-Fi'er Okay. People have given fair responses outlining their stance on the matter. You, however, seem to purely be here to purposely FIND and make fun of people who provide any bit of criticism. I'm not even gonna try arguing with you. Whatever keeps you happy, man.
Mar 13, 2017 at 5:29 PM Post #11,560 of 24,683
 I'm aware of what you're saying. I've pre-ordered since August and deliveries were expected in December, and then January, now March. I've been following the threads since then as well. Not to mention the 30% cancellation fee just for being an early supporter? It just looks like entrapment. You can say, "you're getting a discount", but the product has not even been established or reviewed to validate its market price in the first place. What exactly is an appropriate amount of time before one's remorse is justified? I have to wait X amount of months before posting an opinion for it to count? I don't mean to personally attack you. Not everyone (myself included) has loads of iems and this was a chosen investment of one, good pair. Either way, we ordered a product with certain promises that have been flaky on multiple occasions. This situation is not dissimilar from the, "boy who cried wolf" mechanic. The whole idea of the pressure is to actually make sure we DO actually get our products this time. They're not breaking any laws, really, since there was no 100% guarantee. Building trust, reliability, overall customer satisfaction. Am I so wrong for expecting these things? lol

 Okay. People have given fair responses outlining their stance on the matter. You, however, seem to purely be here to purposely FIND and make fun of people who provide any bit of criticism. I'm not even gonna try arguing with you. Whatever keeps you happy, man.

There is nothing to argue about. It's all been said and done over and over and over. Why keep rehashing this subject. Trinity knows how we feel. Griping and regurgitating the subject is pointless. They know they get it. They aren't dumb even though all the negative posts here seem to make them out to be. :rolleyes:
Mar 13, 2017 at 5:32 PM Post #11,561 of 24,683
"We will have everything shipped by the 24th/25th of this month and look forward to everyones feedback."

How many times have they given us a date, only for that date to pass with an email or passive comment here about how it will be a bit longer? This thread opened on 1/30/16. Over a year ago.
When Trinity changed their language from pre-orders without a firm timeline to “this will ship on ___ day, ___hours, ___minutes.” and then blowing by that date without much communication…. troubling is a word that comes to mind.
I’ve canceled all of my pre-orders because of these longer-than-every-other-ever delays. I had the PM6 and Hunter at one point, but am down to just the Master (well, the Icarus, but they haven’t gotten back to me about the switch.) That one had a timer on it… that timer ended… and then someone in a forum had to point me at a generic post not specifically about this model. Awesome…. I think I may be done. It was my decision to ride this train, and now I think I’m going to make the decision to get off at the next stop. There are too many other competitive, low cost brands that are making waves to stick around here any longer with the endless cycle: New IEM Announced --> pre-order --> delay --> delay --> New model --> Also delayed --> While you wait, we've got ANOTHER! --> Still nothing, over a year later.
My loss, Trinities gain. One less order to constantly monitor and question for over a year, and one less “complainer” on here. Sorry for the rant, but I'd thought I'd leave expressing my feelings on the matter.
Mar 13, 2017 at 5:33 PM Post #11,562 of 24,683
There is nothing to argue about. It's all been said and done over and over and over. Why keep rehashing this subject. Trinity knows how we feel. Griping and regurgitating the subject is pointless. They know they get it. They aren't dumb even though all the negative posts here seem to think they are.

Maybe because it makes the person feel better when they get it off their chest?  I don't see people attacking those that praise Trinity over and over or for that matter that make excuses for them.  Everyone has a right to voice their opinion whether it's good or bad.  But I must say people I've seen that have something negative to say about Trinity get attacked every time.
Mar 13, 2017 at 5:39 PM Post #11,563 of 24,683
Maybe because it makes the person feel better when they get it off their chest?  I don't see people attacking those that praise Trinity over and over or for that matter that make excuses for them.  Everyone has a right to voice their opinion whether it's good or bad.  But I must say people I've seen that have something negative to say about Trinity get attacked every time.

Ok, voice an opinion is all good, but don't need to voice what's already been said. It's like the whole world knows already. Bob knows, Jake knows, we all here know. KS knows. It's like the whole world knows. Please. It's nothing new or original that has not already been said. If you want to voice and make a difference email Trinity directly so they can audit the complaints and address directly. Post here will do little to nothing. :D
Mar 13, 2017 at 5:41 PM Post #11,564 of 24,683
  Get me up to speed please as I'm new to the thread. What was the ETA for the items you guys have ordered? 

I'd like to believe that everything except for Icarus models are shipping out to people right now and they should be delivered within the next 3ish weeks. While I'd love to believe that's true, all we can say concretely is that pre-order items reportedly should all be shipped out by the 24th/25th of this month. The trouble regarding that timeline that hasn't yet been answered in as concrete of a manner is which models that shipped-out time actually includes since there's literally 7 different models available for order or pre-order and none of those units have reached anyone yet.
Mar 13, 2017 at 6:18 PM Post #11,565 of 24,683
I think the frequency of the complaints is a measure of the dissatisfaction of the customers for the reasons stated.  Yes it comes up often, but I think it's because it is at that magnitude.
It is annoying to hear many updates that don't actually say anything, that they will ship soon only to be followed by statement that the shipping dates will be postponed further.
It seems they project the date sooner than they can deliver to increase buying and extend it back bit by bit to accommodate the realistic date of shipping in a way that does string you along.  It's like they are just flying by the seems of their pants and not taking real consideration for the time to accomplish what they want to and what is communicated to the customers...  It's obnoxious at this point TBH.  We have had mentions of emails to be expected, we expected someone to get their parcel shipped by now if they did begin shipping by the dates they said they would, we thought there was going to be a video on the hunter done as was purported to us, and so on...  
I get it, I am waiting and I am excited, but I think they have made a habit out of this that they are finding it themselves hard to break, if they even wanted to.  It's not fair to the customer.  I'd prefer less communication than this type of communication.

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