Mar 13, 2017 at 1:20 PM Post #11,537 of 24,683
Yeah, no I hear ya and that's the main reason I'm in no rush to pull the trigger. I will wait and see what the reviews are. I have a feeling most people will like them but I need to know more before making a decision. I already have a few IEMs that l using but over the years bought too many based on hype alone. Kind of learned my lesson. I have a rough idea what the differences are but it will be nice to hear it directly from Trinity. I know what I like when it comes to sound signature but if I'm dropping some big $$$ on the top of the line model I want to know what I'm getting and what to expect, and would also like more info in general.
Mar 13, 2017 at 1:20 PM Post #11,538 of 24,683
Doubt they'll come out with graphs, your best bet would probably goldenears or Brooko if they come around to doing reviews after release.

i swear i remember bob stating they were going to publish freq response graphs but i can't find the post right now.
Mar 13, 2017 at 1:22 PM Post #11,539 of 24,683
I'm not a "real audiophile ", just a guy who tries several IEMs and enjoys non-bassy jazz/folk/60's-70's rock...

When Bob describes an IEM as "emotional" and another as "technical" are those one word descriptions really informative and helpful to y'all? Because to me, I go "huh" and figure that I'm just not an audiophile and not-in-the-know.

'Emotional' describes the rollercoaster feeling you will have as you try to justify the expenditure to your other half

'Technical' refers to the exuses you will invent in order to achieve the goal above

On a (hopefully) more serious and helpful note, I'm a kind of lower mid-level/blue belt in the audiophile world lol.
With time spent in enthusiastic practice, I learned to be able to actually taste and distinguish some of the flavours described in fine wines and coffees.
In the same way, I'm starting now to be able to understand and perceive some of the technical terms that get thrown around here.
I'm still far from being an expert or being at the level of many on here though, so please take my advice with a pinch of salt and listen to what others have to say!
Here's how I have learned to interpret some of the terms (which may be incorrect, but I'm sure others will jump in to kindly inform me if this is the case!)

If you can imagine a graphic equaliser with all the switches in a straight line along the middle, that's kind of what people are getting at when they refer to a 'flat' or 'reference' sound signature.
Now imagine whacking the bass up to 11.
You've just 'coloured' the sound signature. Imagine instead that you'd turned the bass switches up to 3 (above the middle), and done the same with the treble.
Now you've created what is often referred to as a 'V-shaped' sound signature. This kind of sound signature is very common amongst entry and lower level earphones, but can still be found even at much higher tier products, and can lead to what's often described as a 'fun' or 'energetic' sound.
Note that you can have a strongly 'coloured' signature in this way, or sound signature that only mildly deviates from the flat, reference sound (sometimes called a 'shallow V-shaped' signature).
So, going back to the flat EQ, reference sound signature, I'd interpret 'emotional' as meaning a sound that deviates in some ways from the flat, reference sound.
If it can make certain aspects of the music stand out, or make you feel up close or immersed in the performance, then I guess that would be why it's described as emotional.
The 'technical' descriptor, on the other hand, may indicate a more reference/flat tuning, but I actually think it's not so much talking about that, but rather the ability of the earphones to allow you to notice more details in the music. Instruments playing in the background that you may never have noticed before, for example.
So the way I'd interpret 'emotional' and technical' especially in the context of these two earphones, is as follows:
The Icarus is described on their website as offering very good "3D imaging and instrument placement". This would probably allow you to feel comparatively more immersed and involved in the music. Along with a non-reference/flat tuning, I'd imagine these together contribute to create the 'emotional' listening experience described.
I would imagine based on all I've read, that the Master, whilst still probably somewhat v-shaped, offers a *comparatively* more reference/flat sound signature, along with greater levels of detail.
I'd suggest that these would enable you to notice more details and nuances in the music, hence them being described as being more 'technical'.
Note that Trinity's wonderful interchangeable filter system means that you can quite extensively modify whatever sound your earphones come with as their 'default' sound though

Well, that's my interpretation. Feel free all to chime in with your own or to suggest corrections to mine.
Hope it's of some use

Mar 13, 2017 at 1:44 PM Post #11,540 of 24,683
It seems building all these IEMs with different sound signatures is getting in the way. Trinity should strive to make all the IEMs play music as it truly sounds. Then people can use all the filters to achieve what ever "fun house mirror" they want. 
Mar 13, 2017 at 1:49 PM Post #11,541 of 24,683
  It seems building all these IEMs with different sound signatures is getting in the way. Trinity should strive to make all the IEMs play music as it truly sounds. Then people can use all the filters to achieve what ever "fun house mirror" they want. 

It's annoying since none of them are released or have been heard by anyone. We are all pre-ordering based on previous experiences (I can only assume, like me and the Atlas)
When so many products are released in overlap like this, people will have questions and concerns -- especially as some of them don't really differ by much according to description/price (master and Icarus, for example) It would best serve everyone is Trinity released freq graphs. This way the customers can make an educated decision on which model to choose instead of reading everyone's interpretation fo "emotional vs. analytical" without having a listen to ANY of them. 
Mar 13, 2017 at 2:38 PM Post #11,542 of 24,683
It's annoying since none of them are released or have been heard by anyone. We are all pre-ordering based on previous experiences (I can only assume, like me and the Atlas)

When so many products are released in overlap like this, people will have questions and concerns -- especially as some of them don't really differ by much according to description/price (master and Icarus, for example) It would best serve everyone is Trinity released freq graphs. This way the customers can make an educated decision on which model to choose instead of reading everyone's interpretation fo "emotional vs. analytical" without having a listen to ANY of them. 

This statement is a 50/50 can go either way. There are IEM's and headphones that graph well but stink according to your ear biology and or sound preference. There are IEM's that stink on a graph but again may sound wonderful to you. Remember when something is graphed it's not being graphed to any ear or most importantly your ear. Graphs are nice but not a 100% judgment call to make a decision what fits you or anyone best as there is more than one factor at hand; fit, tips, source, recording format, etc.

Also what you can hear and what you should hear will change over time also. So what you want to hear will not always match a graph, unless you have perfect hearing and get a hearing check. My stupid opinion in this is that I have found it to be more true to decide on an IEM via comparing it to something I've heard already or the advice by long time reviewers that do this all day every day. For me that has been the ultimate decision making tool, regardless or hype, or graph or price.

But I know what you mean also, I asked for a graph months ago. I'm still waiting for them too. :D
Mar 13, 2017 at 2:57 PM Post #11,543 of 24,683
Yeah, graphs should be taken with a grain of salt. With that being said, Trinity offers quite a few models. It will be nice to know which model is  flat/ analytical (if any), balanced, warm etc... Based on the info provided including their website I find it difficult to make a decision, it's not that I have to get a new pair of IEM right now but if I can't find the info I need in order for me to make a decision I would probably look elsewhere.  I'm past that stage where l purchase based on hype and previous models -I been there, done that.
I think Trinity offers good value and based on what l see the feedback is mostly positive from current customers. It's great that people can pre-order for a large discount. Personally I'm very hesitant shelling a chunk of change on a product that no one has heard or seen yet.  Master 6 and Hunter look great but spending $500-$700 on an unknown product is not really the type of decision l like to do, especially for that kind of money.
I'm waiting for some people to get their IEMs and post some first impressions and photos. Should be a good read. 
Mar 13, 2017 at 3:12 PM Post #11,544 of 24,683
Do graphs tell all? No. What they CAN do is indicate to me which model out of a dozen unreleased products I should try first. That's all I'm trying to say. We need some guidance.
It would also likely cut down on the order canceling or switching thing -- As just today I put in a request to change my Master to an Icarus. Still haven't heard back, but I imagine they are working on quite a bit.
Mar 13, 2017 at 3:32 PM Post #11,546 of 24,683
Just curious, but has anyone in London (UK) ordered the Icarus (and/or Master)?
I can't really justify buying either since I already have two (theoretically, and certainly monetarily) superior IEM's on the way.
My only reason for ordering either is really just curiosity to hear what they sound like.
In the case of the Master, how it sounds compared with my PM4.
And in the case of the Icarus, I'm extremely curious to try out the 3D imaging and soundstage etc.
So if anyone who's also in London has one or both on the way and would be willing to meet up and let me demo, that would be great.
I can offer a demo of the PM6 in return (assuming they all get delivered roughly to schedule now lol)

I can bring my own eartips lol.
You can PM me if you don't wish to post in here!
I doubt I'll be free to attend the upcoming Milton Keynes meet, but if any London or nearby Head-Fier's want to organise an informal meet here in London, I'd be up for it
Mar 13, 2017 at 3:51 PM Post #11,547 of 24,683
I never minded waiting because i'm pretty patient, and i ordered the Master 6 well before kickstarter.

THAT BEING SAID. Being given false hope that deliveries would start soon and we'd get shipping confirmations and then being given neither of those things is a disappointing. When we're told to expect deliveries within 5 - 7 days, or that we'd get shipping confirmations a day later and then absolutely not one person reports receiving either, not ONE person.

I understand that stringing people along is a way to keep the pigs full enough not to eat you alive (just an expression) since there have been some issues that have needed sorted out. At the same, the Master 6/Hunter have been unfinished and needing tweaks yet at the same time, the Icarus line has been introduced and teased even though the previous products are long overdue. The focus seems to be on "how many pre-orders can we get".

Just my 2 cents. Please don't waste your time with a, "it's a pre-order" heated response just because you invested time and money into products that have only been dangled in front of us over, and over.
Mar 13, 2017 at 3:54 PM Post #11,549 of 24,683
Just my 2 cents. Please don't waste your time with a, "it's a pre-order" heated response just because you invested time and money into products that have only been dangled in front of us over, and over.

Dammit, it's a pre-order!!

Oh, wait..


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