This is really what soundstage is...
Nov 14, 2004 at 9:57 PM Post #93 of 177
I have a Stax binaural recording CD. Will it be illegal to post it? If not I'll try converting the best track of it and share.
Nov 14, 2004 at 10:17 PM Post #96 of 177

Originally Posted by Shang-Ti Chen
I have a Stax binaural recording CD. Will it be illegal to post it? If not I'll try converting the best track of it and share.

Yes, it would be illegal.
I have a few of these Audio-Stax CDs already.
Audio-Stax is a label owned by the former german distributor of Stax headphones, it is not related to Stax Japan.
This distributor is located in my neighborhood, only a quarter mile away.
Nov 14, 2004 at 10:19 PM Post #97 of 177

Originally Posted by TWIFOSP
In the fireworks one you can hear the sound trail off naturally. It's not just the echo I'm talking about, it's each sound trailing off into both ears at the proper moments. This linger goes a long way in convincing me the sound is real. Digitizing music with a sample rate often kills this natural trail off because the programs decide we can't hear it. Well, we can
It's like pressing the pedals on the piano.

Well, the fireworks recording is obviously digital too (since it's an MP3), so I'm not sure I see your point here...?

By the way, the digitizing process takes place in hardware, not in programs (which would be impossible, since software can of course only operate digitally). Unless of course you were referring to lossy encodings like MP3, but that's a different story entirely, and since the fireworks MP3 seemed to convince you I guess it's a moot point here.
Nov 14, 2004 at 11:56 PM Post #98 of 177
I have heard something similar to this with speakers on on an album from Roger waters (the guy from Pink Floyd). The albums called Amused to death and it says inside the booklet that it's recorded in Q-sound, at the beginning of the first track there is a dog barking and it sounds like it's coming from outside (not expecting it the first time i actually thought it was coming from outside). These effects carry on throughout the album so i'd recommend it to anyone who likes that sort of stuff, although it won't work on headphones. I've just listened to the matches recording and i am stunned, i honestly thought that a soundstage could only physically be produced left to right but i'm obviously wrong, how do they get it going from top to bottom? Common sense would say that it simply isn't possible because of the design of headphones
Nov 14, 2004 at 11:58 PM Post #99 of 177

Originally Posted by clemens
Well, the fireworks recording is obviously digital too (since it's an MP3), so I'm not sure I see your point here...?

By the way, the digitizing process takes place in hardware, not in programs (which would be impossible, since software can of course only operate digitally). Unless of course you were referring to lossy encodings like MP3, but that's a different story entirely, and since the fireworks MP3 seemed to convince you I guess it's a moot point here.

Yes, but the recording makes up for it. By recording in binaural it's putting the trail off in.

It didn't convince me, but it did a good job. Shrug, it's pretty damn hard to describe, in words, what the difference in sound stage is between live music and recorded music. Even CDs lack the proper image. CDs, mp3s, anything in digital format is technically lossy. We like to use lossless to describe nothing lost from the cd, but the cd recorded with a bit rate and has already lost a substantial amount of "information" from the original analog wave. Either way, the point I was trying to make is that trail off, imo, goes a long way to making the music sound full and live. Which is also one of the reasons why vinyl sounds better.

So what does this have to do with binaural recordings? Because the trail off doesn't sound right unless it's accoustically convincing. A trailed off sound can't be static right in our ears. It needs to bounce off of things and most importantly also enter the other ear in order for our brains to be convinced. Dunno if I can explain it any better than that. All I know is that the "image" I get from live music is far more complete than recorded music, headphones or speakers. Granted, I have yet to hear an audiophile quality stereo speaker setup out of a vinyl source or anything. Perhaps that type of setup provides what I'm talking about. CDs and SACDs out of my headphones might come close, but they never hit the spot.
Nov 15, 2004 at 1:24 AM Post #102 of 177
I've tried the fireworks mp3 , and a part from the clappings ( that sounds digital and not very real ) the fireworks sound indeed real , and if i listen to them they seem to come from the sky rather then from the headphones..
Best "real" results with my akg k501 , fireworks are high in the sky over my head and somewhere rear my head too ( I would have appreciated to focalize them rather towards then rear )

The haydin cello binaural rec. didn't impress me at all , really no better result then with my std. classical cd collection with k501 for soundstage positioning and "soundstage tune"
Nov 15, 2004 at 1:35 AM Post #103 of 177

Originally Posted by swalker
I completely agree with Jazz. It sounds so realistic when the match is placed behind my head but the effect isn't as convincing when it's supposedly in front of my head. I've read here that K1000 is the best headphone for binaural recording and I wonder if it does better in that regard. Also if you liked that binaural file, be sure to try this file..,%20Mike.mpc

In the above example, there's a part where you're told where the sound is coming from so you will be able judge the accuracy of the soundstage(or headstage) yourself.


Originally Posted by Silver
I have just heard about a recording technology which is merely used for reproducing an incredible soundstage with headphones called "Dummyhead" from a Chinese forum. I have tried a sample MP3 and I have never heard so damn real soundstage before. Here is a sample MP3.


Originally Posted by swalker
ahh.. it's always great to hear binaural stuff... Too bad we don't get binaural music CDs in major stores :\

There was a head-fi member here who posted the page with his binaural recordings a while ago. He used his own head to record sound outdoors.

The best one there is the one titled "Guest sample: Public demonstration of the use of a dummy head at the IRT institute." It would be a very chilling (in a good way) experience, I highly recommend you to try that file.

not found / server down - someone can post the files on alternative websource ( or pm - mail me the files ) ? would be great if someone with some free personal web space host the binaural files ( a short description for them would be higly appreciated )
Nov 15, 2004 at 11:07 AM Post #104 of 177
Here is another free ride for those who never listened to binaural recordings .It's a german website, just look for:
Leonard Bernstein: Symphonic Dances from "West-Side-Story"
and download it.
This is a privat project and therefor not perfect.It's only 128 kbit MP3 and it ends with a sudden cut after 13 minutes.
Please deactivate crossfeed when you listen to binaural recordings.

Edit: They fixed it, no sudden cut-off anymore.
This stuff is best listened to through canalphones IME.The less distortion by the outer ear the better.
Jul 30, 2005 at 6:57 AM Post #105 of 177

Originally Posted by Vashin
I find that these recordings help me sleep. Or I could be pretty damn tired from being up so late~ that I just passed out. Hrmm.

Same here, i didnt put the fireworks one on my player because i figured they would wake me up but the others are great. The fly fishing, the geese. A few times it woke me up because i thought some one came in my room and was digging threw stuff. These recordings and a set of E3s are perfect.

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