This is really what soundstage is...
Nov 11, 2003 at 12:40 AM Post #46 of 177

Originally posted by BANGPOD

What, you don't like German dudes whispering in your ear???

I actually got the best illusion of spacial placement using MX400 earbuds, compared to any over the ear cans. I guess the buds must mirror the placement of the dummyhead mics more closely?
Nov 11, 2003 at 1:13 AM Post #47 of 177
I too felt that the sounds from the front sounded elevated. And on that Günther "Dummy head demonstration" track the sounds from the front made me lose the front/behind position (almost sounding more from the behind than front). Good track though, especially those close talked parts.. *Reminded me about one Aureal soundcard demo ("artifical" samples 3D positioned, but really the best positioning I've heard.)*
Nov 11, 2003 at 3:36 AM Post #48 of 177
my brother said that it tickled the hell out of his ears. He said it felt like something was eating into his brain.

Now that I think of it, I kind of agree, there's a really weird feeling that tingles my spine when I listen to that stuff.

Nov 11, 2003 at 4:16 AM Post #49 of 177
Holy crap!!!! Just listened to the 'Dummy head demonstration' and I think it is very nicely done. It
freaked me out when they were whispering in both my ears.. well, the dummy's ears.

I could 'kinda' imagine the front of the room. Not as clearly as right/left/top though. When he was
walking from a side to another (after the telephone call I think), I could hear it fairly well. I had a little
bit of difficulty with the sounds coming from the back though. Maybe my ears are wrong, or I wasn't
paying close attention.. but I could tell exactly where he was most the time (before the girl translated)
but when he was in the back of the dummy (aka me), lets just say I was way off.
Nov 11, 2003 at 8:51 AM Post #51 of 177
There is a nice CD with some binaural tracks coming with Ultrasone Trackmaster headphones. It includes sounds from nature (animals, sea waves), music, fireworks....My mom thought it was breathtaking.

"Regular" music sounds so compressed after hearing this CD.
Nov 11, 2003 at 9:43 AM Post #52 of 177
these binaurals really shows the color of your headphones.
Nov 11, 2003 at 9:59 AM Post #54 of 177
Nov 11, 2003 at 5:24 PM Post #55 of 177
to me, it sounded like the sound was going around, but a bit above the z axis in the front (sounded around forhead area), and below, on the back, (sounded around neck area).
very trippy verticle positioniong tho, i swear it sounds like its hitting a floor at the end. and its correctly placed as such.
Nov 11, 2003 at 8:30 PM Post #56 of 177
People should check out the audiobook by Stephen King "The Mist" It is a binaural recording, I believe. Very creepy

Nov 11, 2003 at 8:39 PM Post #57 of 177
OMG!! That was freaking unbelievable. I've never heard a recording that exact before. I got goosebumps listening to it. I could just close my eyes and hear the person doing the match thing all around me. I've heard recordings with stuff like that before, but that was really detailed and specific.
Feb 6, 2004 at 3:28 AM Post #58 of 177
Just wondering if there are more of these or anymore developments. This is truly amazing.
Feb 6, 2004 at 3:56 AM Post #59 of 177
Those of you that are in the US must check out the show "Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln" at Disneyland. While this clip was indeed very realistic and entertaining (I squirmed a little), the Disney show is astounding. They use some surround headphone technology that is so uncannily "live" and startling, it's amazing. Highly recommended.
Feb 6, 2004 at 4:35 AM Post #60 of 177
This technology ("3D Sound!!") has been a staple in computer games for... 5 or 6 years now. I have a tech demo for my outdated Aureal Vortex2 based soundcard where you can set sounds rotating around you in a full sphere. It works better in 5.1 surround, of course, but it's still effective in stereo.

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