Themed Monthly Avatar Committee (TMAC) discussion thread
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Aug 3, 2013 at 9:01 PM Post #6,646 of 12,550
I'd move house but all but my most dreaded bony enemies resided here, while over yonder....
But got it, gonna can it with the fruit or all schiit'll break lose and it'll turn up to be like Yggdrasil up in here.
Aug 3, 2013 at 9:20 PM Post #6,648 of 12,550
Turns out there is. Whaddaya know?
Speaking of which, our certain panther friend who started that thread hasn't been seen around these parts for a while.
Aug 3, 2013 at 9:22 PM Post #6,649 of 12,550
Turns out there is. Whaddaya know?
Speaking of which, our certain panther friend who started that thread hasn't been seen around these parts for a while.

He is currently ....personal matters and such
hahah, I had a feeling it may be a more eccentric dude who started it
Aug 3, 2013 at 9:31 PM Post #6,650 of 12,550
And from deep within the cavern does the illustrious forum panda bellows. Once an loosely associated amalgamation of various caniforms with a ethological penchant for infantile-esque featured ovuum producers, they have now coalesced into a singular enlightened entity. Beguiled by the sheer otherworldly knowledge that mere mortal bears have no hope of comprehending, he retreats into his adobe for yet another 3 million years of cultivation.
In english - panda always stuck in his own little world. The pineapple thread is so yesterday's news.
Aug 3, 2013 at 10:29 PM Post #6,651 of 12,550
Even I knew about the pineapple thread.
Yet I think all this pineapple hate is unjustified until you taste some proper pineapple. Whatever we buy in the West are definitely terrible. Poisons. Laxativ...wut?
Aug 4, 2013 at 5:03 AM Post #6,655 of 12,550
It's been ages since I ate any pineapple. In fact, I'm quite certain I had pine nuts more recently than pineapple, and I had an apple toaster strudel the other day. And there's a pine tree somewhere in my yard.
Yeah, I'm out of it right now. 
 I've been up for hours working on something I should have done five months ago. I've finally--finally--posted my MA-350 review. RHA sent me my sample in January, and I last heard from them in April, when they were wondering what I was up to. I've still got to e-mail them and let them know I didn't die and that I've finally kept up my end of the bargain.
Constructive criticism, anybody?
Aug 4, 2013 at 5:14 AM Post #6,656 of 12,550
Turns out there is. Whaddaya know?

Speaking of which, our certain panther friend who started that thread hasn't been seen around these parts for a while.
Heya! Twinkies back, awesome!
Aug 4, 2013 at 5:15 AM Post #6,657 of 12,550
Way ahead of ya, repped it up already. Although, I must say - I could have done with a picture of these so called "goldfish tanks" and the air-hole room. Makes the experience more involving, more visceral, otherwise I lose my interest. I'm fickle like that, you know?
Although, that reminds me that I have to post the Dunu review sometime later. After 3 months of the disappearing act, I bet they're questioning whether I'm alive or not as well. In fact I should have done so much sooner, but I had to go back and tone it down many, many times over. 
Let me just dig up my BBCode folder...
Aug 4, 2013 at 5:23 AM Post #6,658 of 12,550
Heya! Twinkies back, awesome!

And you, Mr. Panther. We were just talking about you earlier. 

Way ahead of ya, repped it up already. Although, I must say - I could have done with a picture of these so called "goldfish tanks" and the air-hole room. Makes the experience more involving, more visceral, otherwise I lose my interest. I'm fickle like that, you know?
Although, that reminds me that I have to post the Dunu review sometime later. After 3 months of the disappearing act, I bet they're questioning whether I'm alive or not as well. In fact I should have done so much sooner, but I had to go back and tone it down many, many times over. 
Let me just dig up my BBCode folder...

I'll consider taking a picture of the fish room. Since it's filled with fluorescent lights, you'd think my camera might be able to focus on the tanks and stuff. Because it sure as hell can't focus on the fish, which is a problem when the main reason it was bought was to take pictures of them for the website.
And you've made me feel a little better about waiting so long with my review. I highly doubt they'll be sending me another review unit, though, given how long I took on this. At least I've got this off my conscience. It's been bothering me all summer, every time I looked at the things. They ended up on the floor, bereft of tips and covered with papers and stuff, for a while until I unearthed them tonight and figured I'd have another go at the review.
Aug 4, 2013 at 5:26 AM Post #6,659 of 12,550
I've been on mainly the Anime thread when I go online, though I've set geekhack as my default forum now, so I mainly just chat on their irc to random dudes at 4:30 in the morning... :p I still come and check in every once in a while though. :wink:
Aug 4, 2013 at 5:49 AM Post #6,660 of 12,550
I'll consider taking a picture of the fish room. Since it's filled with fluorescent lights, you'd think my camera might be able to focus on the tanks and stuff. Because it sure as hell can't focus on the fish, which is a problem when the main reason it was bought was to take pictures of them for the website.
And you've made me feel a little better about waiting so long with my review. I highly doubt they'll be sending me another review unit, though, given how long I took on this. At least I've got this off my conscience. It's been bothering me all summer, every time I looked at the things. They ended up on the floor, bereft of tips and covered with papers and stuff, for a while until I unearthed them tonight and figured I'd have another go at the review.

I highly doubt anyone will be sending me another review unit ever, seeing how I have a history of inconsistent presence now. One 3-month slip is all it takes...
To be fair, I have them in my swimming bag at all times, so I'm fairly familiarized with them and can churn out a review whenever. It's just that finding a nice way to word it all's the problem.
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