The Xonar Essence STX Q/A, tweaking, impressions thread
Apr 25, 2011 at 2:15 AM Post #2,356 of 5,722
IMO OPA2111 is more natural and less fatiguing than the OPA2107 especially in the treble.  Its a little warmer also.
Apr 26, 2011 at 3:35 AM Post #2,357 of 5,722
This thread's still going? EPIC! 

Does anyone know if Asus is releasing a successor to the ST/STX soon?
The range has been out for at least 2yrs now....
I'd love to see something like the Essence ST + H6 actually integrated into a motherboard.
It would be so damn HOT for a HTPC build.

Apr 27, 2011 at 12:03 AM Post #2,358 of 5,722

This thread's still going? EPIC! 

Does anyone know if Asus is releasing a successor to the ST/STX soon?
The range has been out for at least 2yrs now....
I'd love to see something like the Essence ST + H6 actually integrated into a motherboard.
It would be so damn HOT for a HTPC build.


 Development in the sound department is not as active as the graphics/processing departments....there is no need to upgrade on the STX/ST when it is perfect for what it does +/- the software issues and the few small quirks. The product does its' job.
Apr 27, 2011 at 3:07 AM Post #2,359 of 5,722
Development in the sound department is not as active as the graphics/processing departments....

I realise, which is why I'm asking over 2yrs (at least) since original release.
GPU's (truly) innovate in a yearly basis, CPU's closer to 2yrs...
SPU/DAC/AMP needn't be much more than approx. two years, there's plenty of room for further refinement.
there is no need to upgrade on the STX/ST when it is perfect for what it does +/- the software issues and the few small quirks.
The product does its' job.

Well unfortunately I don't have quite the same opinion...
I'm very happy with my card, and even the software is mostly fine.
But that doesn't mean I want it to remain a "snapshot in time".
Apr 27, 2011 at 3:54 AM Post #2,360 of 5,722
Lol, this sounds so much like people who change computers on a half year basis :)
If there isn't a possible significant sound quality increase, then the obvious thing to increase is price.
Apr 27, 2011 at 4:14 AM Post #2,361 of 5,722

Lol, this sounds so much like people who change computers on a half year basis :)
If there isn't a possible significant sound quality increase, then the obvious thing to increase is price.

Massively premature value judgement right there...
How can you proclaim there won't be a SQ improvement when there's no successor to compare w/the ST yet?
I'll reserve judgement as-to-whether there's a improvement, when there's actually a successor that can be compared to the ST.

And to answer my original question there will in-fact be a successor soon, the Essence One.
It's not really what I was hoping for being external, & is really a different genre of soundcard.
So perhaps not, in all fairness, directly comparable, unless one is prepared to consider a entirely different form-factor.
If it's a big enough improvement overall I'd probably get it, but I'd definitely devise some way to mount it into my case :)
Apr 27, 2011 at 4:25 AM Post #2,362 of 5,722
Think what you will. Read all the judgements you see fit.
Like it was already said before, there is nowhere near an evolution of audio hardware when compared to graphics department. So if patiently waiting for some new version of a specific audio hardware device isn't for you, then perhaps you should just get external devices, pro audio interfaces, whatever ticks you.
From the moment you consider things like snapshots in time, it's the moment where you find yourself not appreciating what you already have, despite what you might say. So my advice is, listen to music, then some more, watch some movies, play some games, and enjoy instead of listening to the little upgraditis bug, it will catch up to you as it is already in your system.
Apr 27, 2011 at 5:04 AM Post #2,363 of 5,722
Like it was already said before, there is nowhere near an evolution of audio hardware when compared to graphics department.
I already know that, which is why I asked the question well over 2yrs after the original silicon.
And it turns out I was "right on the money", a improvement (YTBC) is being released, albeit external.

So if patiently waiting for some new version of a specific audio hardware device isn't for you, then perhaps you should just get external devices, pro audio interfaces, whatever ticks you.

LOL, how am I being impatient?
What, posting such a question automatically makes me impatient?
I don't follow...
From the moment you consider things like snapshots in time, it's the moment where you find yourself not appreciating what you already have, despite what you might say. So my advice is, listen to music, then some more, watch some movies, play some games, and enjoy instead of listening to the little upgraditis bug, it will catch up to you as it is already in your system.

Well the "snapshot in time" statement was directed at assertions that I'm expecting too much too soon.
When, given the impending release of the Essence One, it turns out I may not be.
Actually I really am enjoying my current set-up, I'll post a link to my build log soon if anyone cares, promises to be EPIC :wink:
Apr 27, 2011 at 5:11 AM Post #2,364 of 5,722
I would ask how old you are, but that would actually sound like a judgement. There's plenty of audio hardware to make you bankrupt, so I don't really see why the very notorious impatience of yours.
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any direct evolution of Essence STX, and the impending release of Essence One is an external solution, so it's not the same.
Basically, this is why I feel that people with computer backgrounds sometimes take some time to adjust to the whole audio world, just like I'm learning every day new things.
Anyway, this is pointless, you wait (or not) all you want for a new product. It will come for those who wait.
Good. It's always nice to see nice gear.
Have a nice day.
Apr 27, 2011 at 5:37 AM Post #2,365 of 5,722
I would ask how old you are, but that would actually sound like a judgement.
LOL, why stop judging now, that's pretty much all you've done since your 1st response  N.B. my 1st personal attack
There's plenty of audio hardware to make you bankrupt, so I don't really see why the very notorious impatience of yours.

Exhibit A
How is this even relevant to the discussion at hand?
Why are you even starting a discussion with the belief that you know a strangers personality?
How is that even productive?

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any direct evolution of Essence STX, and the impending release of Essence One is an external solution, so it's not the same.

Not the same genre correct, but definitely comparable if one is happy to make the form-factor switch.
Not worthwhile for someone who already owns a ST, unless the improvements are significant, & they're happy to deal with the form-factor or mod it into their case.
Basically, this is why I feel that people with computer backgrounds sometimes take some time to adjust to the whole audio world, just like I'm learning every day new things.

Oh really, so I'm an audio n00b with only a computer background am I?

Anyway, this is pointless, you wait (or not) all you want for a new product. It will come for those who wait.
You're damn right it's pointless, with your preformed opinions about me trumping friendly input, it's never going to be productive.

Apr 27, 2011 at 8:08 AM Post #2,366 of 5,722
I am appreciative that there aren't constant "upgrades" in the STX.  It is an excellent product already and upgraditis is avoided by being on the market a long time.  Audio and computers are plagued by constant "upgrades" that are just planned obsolescense.  What exactly would you want (other than much better drivers)? 
Apr 27, 2011 at 9:30 AM Post #2,368 of 5,722
I would love to have one provided they do justice to the price.
Apr 27, 2011 at 9:31 AM Post #2,369 of 5,722
I would love to have one provided they do justice to the price.
Apr 27, 2011 at 10:56 AM Post #2,370 of 5,722

If Asus starts using ESS Sabre DACs......upgrade time!

Improved DAC (if there's appreciable gains) is always welcome!
There's of course always improvements (hardware, software, or both) that can be made to such a card's DSP, DAC, or amplification.
Nothing's ever 100% perfect, particularly as time progresses, that should be self-evident to everyone.
I personally would like to see improvements in the amp, for both stereo & multi-ch analogue-out.
Machined OPAMP sockets is also a nice/simple improvement off-the-top-of-my-head...
Anyways I'm unsubscribing, I don't have time to be arguing unnecessarily with folks.
I'm subscribed to too many threads already! Apologies in advance to anyone I don't respond to.
Enjoy the ST's & STX's folks, I sure am, but I'll also watch with interest when the Essence One arrives.

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