The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Jan 21, 2024 at 1:19 AM Post #79,187 of 91,410
People want the next best thing. They do not stop to consider if they even like or use what they already have. I always trust auditions versus graphs and everything else. Trust your ears and your gut. They will not steer you wrong. I do not know that audiophillia is a disease per say. It is not like being an alcoholic. I will say that it is possible to be an addicted audiophile who is always chasing their next "high" in the next iem. The thing is it stops one from enjoying any iem as there is always an imagined future "perfect" iem out there. Ground yourself in the present and enjoy the flow of the music. Stay safe out there everyone. If you need help seek help. The folks of the Watercooler are cool as can be. I would enjoy talking to you all for years to come. Best to everyone and blessings on your journeys everyone. Stay safe out there!

You've thougtfully raised a seldom spoken but very real dark side to this hobby-- addiction to "the chase" which can often lead people to seek out stuff they don't need, spend money they don't have...all for the sake of the next "fix" of experiencing something new, or keep that constant feeling of excitement going. Many of us have been there and it's an affliction whose potential we should all be cognizent of. Stay safe out there indeed fam.
Jan 21, 2024 at 2:01 AM Post #79,190 of 91,410
Jan 21, 2024 at 3:32 AM Post #79,192 of 91,410
As usual after any meetup/convention, it's long text post time :). It was wonderful getting to see everyone, both familiar faces and new ones, and get to talk and share our love of the hobby and gear. I had a ton of fun, special thanks to Sebastien for organizing this whole thing and Rosson for giving us the space.

That's a great photo of me Sebastien, thanks for taking it! :)

I'm glad to see that the Mac and cheese was well received. Funny story there, I'd been messaging my mom the previous days to get the recipe and she mentioned off hand that I should bring plastic utensils just in case nobody remembered to grab any. Whaddya know, she was correct and I did end up making a run back to my trunk to grab them. Not sure how well eating Mac and Cheese without utensils would've gone haha.

Anyways, on to your regularly scheduled audio programming. My primary IEMs are a pair of EE Bravado MK II CIEMs, and my primary source is a Shanling M8, unless mentioned otherwise they are what I used to demo.

Code 24 and 24C were both fun listens with my Bravado MK II CIEMs and M8.

The 24 fixes one of my complaints with the 23 that the treble sometimes felt like it was too far back in level in order to balance out the bass. Having a more forward and cleaner treble also helped a good bit with the sense of resolution and texture in the bass, as well as just general resolution and staging in general. Stage was nothing mind blowing in terms of size or placement, though certainly a bit more defined and less intimate and up close than the 23. Despite all that, it must be said this cable still cannot be called anything close to balanced, the bass is quite a lot more extreme than the 23 even. It's the hardest hitting, furthest extending bass I've heard in an IEM Cable and by quite a large margin. Using it with my already bass heavy DAP (Shanling M8) is the first time I've felt a change might actually be adding too much bass to my CIEMs, which was almost surprising given just how much of a basshead I can be haha. I now know where the limit stands somewhat. One other note: while much less extreme than any other pure silver or SPC cable I've used on my bravados, I still got a mild headache after a good chunk of listening, with the treble feeling slightly over sharpened and aggressive.

The Code 24C wasn't anywhere as extreme as either of its two cousins and is the pairing I found worked best with my Bravados of the three. Technicals are a small step down from the 24 and it doesn't hit as hard as the 23 or 24, but it felt significantly more balanced than either of them. Technicals aren't at the level of the 24, but with a less intense presentation than either the 23 or 24, it wasn't as immediately obvious. I definitely prefer the treble on this to the 23, it felt like 23 made a small sacrifice there for the intense/intimate presentation and by taking a half-step back things balance better. It's still a cable with strong bass extension and power, as well as quite good technicals at its price point, but it's far less immediately striking than either of its two cousins. I also really love both the look and feel of this cable. The purple is beautiful and looks great with my Bravado's (I think Sebastien got a Pic of them together that hasn't been posted yet). The thinner gauge and more flexible cores means it handles quite nicely relative to both the 24 and especially the 23. I'd be very tempted to buy one, but I'm going to wait until I can hear the Raphael as it's the other well liked copper cable at a similar price point.

Finally getting to try the IER Z1R was an experience, I'm not going to necessarily say anything good or bad, these are just profoundly weird and distinct sounding IEMs. Fit: Terrible, that was not comfortable at all haha, though it wasn't the size that was the issue but how the nozzle was shaped/placed. Having held them myself I now fully understand those complaints. The most striking thing about this set was the bass. It felt like it was playing in an entirely separate stage to the rest of the music. It was some very good bass, but that complete disconnect was just so striking. That lended the other regions to feel much cleaner, with better separation and resolution than otherwise, as the bass didn't seem to have any opportunity to bleed into and obscure the upper ranges. Fit completely discounts them for me, but there's nothing else that sounds even remotely like them and if it wasn't an issue I'd want a pair just to throw on every once in a while.

The night jar singularity were a very pleasant set and I liked the quite a lot, though the tuning felt a bit too safe to me in both the bass and treble. I am very excited to hear the Duality eventually and see just how far they've pushed the concept.

@theveterans got me to listen to his Andromedas for a bit. Very respectable and pleasant set, especially given how long they've been around. Admittedly, my demo was all of 25 seconds as they suffer the same problem as any other set with BAs playing remotely into the bass for me, giving me a headache after a short bit of listening.

We also had a very fun venture seeing the most dramatic change I've heard a cable cause with the Bonneville. The Bonneville had some very extreme bass bloom that made them sound extremely muddy off of my M8 with the stock cable, with mids and treble being... okayish. Switching out the stock cable to his Effect Audio Thor 8 wire? I believe it was, was a dramatic shift. The bass bloom was completely gone and the sound became significantly clearer, better, separated, and just all around incredibly good. Also an interesting demo as I heard none of that bass bloom and muddiness listening to the Bonneville at CanJam SoCal with my Shanling M6 Pro and its stock cable.

Got to listen to the Shanling M9+ and Luxury Precision P6 Pro via @emdeevee. I was using the Code 24C during these demos. Without question my two favorite portable players of those I've heard, beating both the DX320 Max Ti and SP3000 easily for my preferences. Very complementary players I'd say in tuning. The Shanling player excels in power, control, and resolution compared to the P6 Pro, though the P6 Pro's sense of tactility and texture, as well as its tone were extremely good. To the Shanling: I could have been convinced that amp was twice as powerful as it was, whatever they do with their Amps to make them behave as if they have so much power, while being lighter than the competition is black magic. Listening made me realize that nearly all other sources are not powering the estat treble drivers of my Bravado to the fullest. To the P6 Pro: I felt like I was listening to a set with bone conduction despite my Bravados being nothing of the sort. The texture and tactility presented in the bass are completely unmatched by any other source I've tried.

One last sound thing. I'd heard that some IEMs scale well with power to the level of desktop gear and I sought to test that. I hooked up my bravados using the Code 24 (non C) to the Schiit Midgard/Bifrost 2 stack and was somewhat blown away. This made even the Shanling M9+ sound mildly underpowered in controlling both the DD Bass and estat treble drivers. The technicals were also right up there with the flagship players, though I'd need a lot more listening to clearly place it above or below. On both the headphones and IEMs I tried on the midgard it gave a sense of solidity/tactility in the treble that I haven't heard in the same way anywhere else. Definitely going to be thinking about buying some desktop gear to use my IEMs with at my desk in the future. I guess my idea of building a very low gain speaker amp for IEMs isn't that stupid of an idea if the scaling continues up even a little :p.

I also had a lot of fun listening to all the great headphones that were available, though I have a lot less experience and reference with them, so will be withholding judgement on them.

All in all, I had a great time and hope to see some of y'all around another time.
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Jan 21, 2024 at 4:14 AM Post #79,193 of 91,410
I'm actually impressed with your Trailli Ti vs CIEM 622B. Is 622B really that good? Maybe those BCD are the secret sauce to kill the titanium bird? Canpur will be on the top of must try list later on CJ SG 🤔

Hi Ronald, :)

to me it really is that good, especially in it’s custom form. Obviously it’s just my personal subjective taste and other folks might think differently! About the bass though, I think it’s objectively better. For the rest, that’s probably more a matter of preference. They are both incredible sets of the highest caliber! I just happen to prefer CP622B a tiny bit more. If it’s any sort of proof of my love for Traillii, I’ve had Traillii JP for over 3 years and used it everyday! Ultimately I sold it few month ago and now have purchased a custom 622 to somehow have some sort of replacement for Traillii.

I do indeed think it’s a must demo IEM if you can find it! Also, IMHO that’s currently one of the very best sets that can be made as custom.

You have one of the coolest IEM collections I know many hard to come by IEMs I've never heard. I would love very much to hear the P0 and Silver HB some day. Thanks for sharing!

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for your kind words! :)

To be fair, from the picture DCTi, Traillii Ti and Dunu Glacier are not mine! So I still have a long way to go to reach the level of legends like @Damz87, @HiFiHawaii808 and others!! :D I’m not gonna complain though, as I’m already incredibly lucky to have all those amazing IEMs! And to be honest, I think I’m good for a very long time now!! :ksc75smile:
And the more sets I listen to, the happier I feel about what I have, so I guess that’s a good sign!

For P0 and HB, we might have opportunities to meet someday for you to try, that would be awesome! 😎 I’m confident at some point I’ll be traveling to Canada, with some of the most striking landscapes in the world, that’s very high on my bucket list of must visit places! Also know that you’re welcome in Europe anytime you feel like coming! I’m sure I won’t be the only European Cooler who will be thrilled to meet you! :)

A man enjoys reading your posts. You always bring interesting news and enthusiasm to the thread. Great collection of IEMs. Wish you were my neighbour. Cheers. 🙂

One must greatly thank this man for his kindness! A man isn’t just a mere man! A man is a real gentleman! :D
You sound like a terrific neighbor to have!! :)

Cheers guys,

Jan 21, 2024 at 4:24 AM Post #79,194 of 91,410
Watercooler Europe Meetup Logo NL.png

Trying to send out PMs to 73 of you currently but I'm restricted to 10 at a time which is not working out very well using a phone while sitting in a bus. Will do that later on. It does give me time to explain why we picked the Netherlands for the first meetup:

I have decided per decree We thought it might be better if we'd introduce some kind of country rotation system so one country organizes a meetup this year, and next year the baton is handed over to a group of friends from another country. This way the organizing part is way easier, nobody has the benefit of never having to travel, and everybody gets the chance to welcome friends in their own wonderful country on top of it.

The reason we start with the Netherlands obviously is because of the strong link between the Watercooler and the Dutch flag:


  • Blue is the water level in the cooler.
  • White represents the space we leave for others' opinions.
  • Red shows our own love and passion that needs to be shared no matter what as this keeps our heart beating and our blood flowing.

For the sake of logistics we thought it might be best to pick Amsterdam over other locations in the country as some will be flying in. We're polling for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th weekend in March (notice there are 5) and I'll post the decision here should anyone from outside Europe want to hop over - the more the merrier! In that case please do send me a PM and I'll share the text I'll send out to the others shortly.

Jan 21, 2024 at 4:28 AM Post #79,195 of 91,410
You've thougtfully raised a seldom spoken but very real dark side to this hobby-- addiction to "the chase" which can often lead people to seek out stuff they don't need, spend money they don't have...all for the sake of the next "fix" of experiencing something new, or keep that constant feeling of excitement going. Many of us have been there and it's an affliction whose potential we should all be cognizent of. Stay safe out there indeed fam.
Legitimately there should be a head-fi anonymous or something.

After a while I learned there will always be a new shiny iem out there. Is it better than what you have? Maybe. However, it is not worth driving yourself crazy or putting yourself into debt to obtain. I do seriously hope to post classified one day. You all have some really interesting items. I wish someone would have told me to buy 2nd hand, would have helped for a lot of iems. That and you get the iem after it has been burnt in.
Jan 21, 2024 at 4:35 AM Post #79,196 of 91,410
Water cooler can I please get some help? If you could only take one between the Fir Audio RN6 and the FatFreq Grand Maestro which of the two would it be?

Please note for the sake of comparison assume both have all modules and equipment. Trying to figure out if the Maestro is really as grand as it claims. I have no familiarity with FatFreq.

Usual music is rock, alternative, jazz, and a bit of classical. Thank you for your help.
Jan 21, 2024 at 4:38 AM Post #79,197 of 91,410
Water cooler can I please get some help? If you could only take one between the Fir Audio RN6 and the FatFreq Grand Maestro which of the two would it be?

Please note for the sake of comparison assume both have all modules and equipment. Trying to figure out if the Maestro is really as grand as it claims. I have no familiarity with FatFreq.

Usual music is rock, alternative, jazz, and a bit of classical. Thank you for your help.
Rn6 is the best all-arounder and if it has to be bassy (and comfy!!), then Xe6 for me.
Jan 21, 2024 at 4:38 AM Post #79,198 of 91,410
Hi Ronald, :)

to me it really is that good, especially in it’s custom form. Obviously it’s just my personal subjective taste and other folks might think differently! About the bass though, I think it’s objectively better. For the rest, that’s probably more a matter of preference. They are both incredible sets of the highest caliber! I just happen to prefer CP622B a tiny bit more. If it’s any sort of proof of my love for Traillii, I’ve had Traillii JP for over 3 years and used it everyday! Ultimately I sold it few month ago and now have purchased a custom 622 to somehow have some sort of replacement for Traillii.

I do indeed think it’s a must demo IEM if you can find it! Also, IMHO that’s currently one of the very best sets that can be made as custom.
Thanks Julien for your kind respond 🙏🏻
I fully agree it's all about our preference and IMO it's two different IEM because there's no BCD on Trailli Ti 😉
Looking forward to trying 622B on CJ SG if it's there of course 😁
Jan 21, 2024 at 5:59 AM Post #79,200 of 91,410
Water cooler can I please get some help? If you could only take one between the Fir Audio RN6 and the FatFreq Grand Maestro which of the two would it be?

Please note for the sake of comparison assume both have all modules and equipment. Trying to figure out if the Maestro is really as grand as it claims. I have no familiarity with FatFreq.

Usual music is rock, alternative, jazz, and a bit of classical. Thank you for your help.
I prefer and own the RN6. Auditioned the *** quite a while back and I have little to no impressions of them now. But I listened to the RN6 after that and bought it. The Grand Maestro was not compelling enough for me.

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