The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Aug 21, 2023 at 11:48 AM Post #63,331 of 91,342
What is your iem tissue pouch please ?
It’s some cheap pouches I found on Taobao. The brand is Stitch. They are pretty good, offer good protection and are nice looking.


Here is the Taobao link where I bought them :

I don’t know if it would be of any help to you from France, but maybe it’s possible to find on Amazon or Alibaba.

Cheers, :wink:

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Aug 21, 2023 at 4:02 PM Post #63,332 of 91,342
My longest serving IEM. Shozy Neo CP and my 1st DAP is Questyle QP1R 😁
Great DAP - that was my second after the iPod. I was very happy with that one for a long time. In fact, I think it wasn't until the A&K SP2000Cu that I returned it to the wild. Limited with no connectivity but wonderful sounding...
Aug 21, 2023 at 5:57 PM Post #63,334 of 91,342
Singularity is the IEM I'm hoping to try them with as I still haven't 100% mastered the fit yet.

Yes I’ve been trying to find the best fit - a fussy IEM in that regard. I was using Azla Standard but I wasn’t absolutely happy with the seal in my right ear which is always my problem ear - DUNU S&S on tonight and definitely the best fit so far, excellent seal and very comfortable. A touch less airy vs Azla but I can live with that…

Aug 21, 2023 at 6:07 PM Post #63,335 of 91,342
Might be fun to post our first IEMs, the gateway drugs that got us all here. For me it was Campfire Vega OG. Blew my mind as to what an IEM could achieve. First "DAP" I used wwith it was a modded Wolfson DAC iPod... No pictures, alas...

First IEM was a CIEM Earsonics EM3 Pro, around 2010
Aug 21, 2023 at 6:20 PM Post #63,336 of 91,342
Might be fun to post our first IEMs, the gateway drugs that got us all here. For me it was Campfire Vega OG. Blew my mind as to what an IEM could achieve. First "DAP" I used wwith it was a modded Wolfson DAC iPod... No pictures, alas...

Mine was the Apple Dual Driver IEM. Good value.
Aug 21, 2023 at 6:36 PM Post #63,337 of 91,342
I've been meaning to share the remaining part of my trip to Japan this summer. I've got a lot of photos/thougths to share from Potafes and Fujiya-Avic Summer Headphone Festival. This might have to be a series post... I hope you guys don't mind... Let’s take a look!

For my first part of the report, go to this post

Now onto Part 2:

Van Nuys Tokyo Store

I got to visit the "elusive" Van Nuys store in Shibuya Tokyo. The reason I call it "elusive" is because the store is closed most of the time. Van Nuys is actually headquartered on Shikoku island just south of Osaka. The owner picks several convenient days, usually at the end of the month, comes to Tokyo with bags of goodies, and then rewards the visitors with varying discounts.

If you haven't seen it yet, check out @Natesdailies recent purchases. Van Nuys makes excellent durable bags/pouches/cases of all sorts. Ballistic nylon is their signature fabric. A bit like Tumi of audiophile world. Very durable and stays strong and clean for a long time.

As you walk into the store, you are greeted with this wagon of bags... OMG, where do I start... I could have easily spent few hours just digging through this cart!

The owner introduced me to this "magic case" which basically is a make-your-own-sandwich-style case. You choose the top flap, bottom flap, attach with velco straps and close it to make a case.

I ended up buying a case for myself shown below which houses Mass Kobo 475 amp and SP3000 comfortably. I can also fit DX320Max with 475 in this bag, or keep it small with just LP6 and SP3000. Very flexible. There is a strap to hang it from my belt or a bag.

Fujiya-Avic Store

Fujiya-Avic is the other famous audiophile store in Japan. They run a series of canjam style "Headphone Festival" which I will get to later (e-earphone runs the Potafes). They have quite an IEM collection all the way to super high-end headphones, amps, etc. The store is actually pretty small and tucked away in a shopping mall in western Tokyo called the "Nakano Broadway". This mall is quite a character with many specialty stores for anime, toys, collectibles, jewelry, watch, etc. If you have a chance to visit Tokyo and have any remote interest in pop culture and audio, I would make this your next stop after the famous Akihabara (electric city).

Pretty modest storefront I couldn't take any pictures inside but I assure you they have nice collection of new and used IEMs/headphones/DAPs/etc.

On this visit, I auditioned the Brise Tsuranagi and Fitear DC Ti. DC Ti is custom only IEM so I really wanted to take this opportunity to hear it because @kiat has been raving about it. It didn’t disappoint. It has a thick and weighty bass with a pretty unique color I have not heard elsewhere (although I found out later that Elysian Anni uses the same Foster DD tuned differently). Despite the midbass weight, the vocals and treble were clear. I might describe it as a generalist Xe6 with Fitear color – beautiful and smooth vocals with excellent resolution. Probably one of the best analog sounding IEM (along with the new Oriolus) I heard on this trip.

Here is a comparison of DC Ti (universal) vs Traillii. It is huge...

Below is the kind of store you will find around Fujiya-Avic. I believe this is some kind of comic book store. Nearby, you will find stores filled with expensive Rolex/Omega and other exotic watches.

I ended up making several round trips between Tokyo and Osaka on this trip. I took this opportunity to see how my IEMs perform under these conditions. LP6Ti7AE + Orpheus + Mentor inflight entertainment system! :grin:

What a feeling to fly over Mt. Fuji listening to my favorite tracks by Pat Metheny.

Next up - Potafes report :wink:
Wow, I love the Van Nuys shop. Apparently the red ones are impossible to get? I wondered if they made the large red ones. I’ve never seen them and the HK shop always says sold out. Will plan a visit. 👍
Aug 21, 2023 at 7:23 PM Post #63,338 of 91,342
- Link to part 1
- Link to part 2

Now onto part 3. I headed out to Akihabara (electric city) in Tokyo. This area is known for store after store of everything electronics, anime, cosplay, maid café, etc. A pretty wild place to visit but this time I am only here for one thing!

Potafes by e-earphone

This is the show I was really looking forward to because I have never been to Canjam or any other audio shows before. Two days, three stories of exhibit halls, in the middle of Akihabara. Let’s go!!!

Just a few minutes from the train station, you are greeted with this cool entrance by Audio-Technica. There was a live youtube stage straight ahead.

First, I headed to the bottom floor, to the furthest corner. There I found the Elysian table and I got to listen to Anni23 for the first time. Oh man, what a nice sounding set! I immediately recognized the bass character as Foster DD like DC Ti fresh in my memory from Fujiya-Avic audition. When I pointed that out to Lee, he acknowledged that it is the same Foster driver as DC Ti tuned differently. Very nice. While DC Ti is a big analog-sounding set, Anni23 is a distinctly multi-driver set with excellent resolution, separation, and tasteful overall balance. The bass sounds much more linear than Diva without bleeding into the mids. I found Diva to be too scooped in the mid-bass and prefer Ani23 by a large margin. The vocals are clear and present. Not too forward nor too back in the mix. Treble has a nice note weight and texture which adds to the realism of steel instruments. I ended up going back multiple times to the Elysian booth to hear the Anni. I must say that this was one of my favorites from this show. Thanks, Lee for a great conversation, insights, and auditions!


I took a picture of the next table by Effect Audio (below). Coincidentally, this gentleman in the green shirt was our fellow WC member @ranfan ! It probably took us another 30min of texting before we introduced ourselves!

@JordonEA greeted me here and I got to try the new Fusion 1. While it looks similar to Code 23 in the background, Fusion 1 is a very soft coaxial-style cable. The ergonomics didn’t bother me at all (but keep in mind that I am ok with the thickest cables around like PW Orpheus and Brise 8 wire). The sound of Fusion 1 leaned a little bit too much silver for my taste. Good clarity, extension, and punchy bass with a touch of warmth. Little behind in resolution compared to TOTL cables. There’s a lot of competition in this price bracket so I think it will come down to fit and taste.

Next stop was the Kinera Imperial booth. On the table far right is Loki (international version). I had no prior knowledge about this IEM but my friend insisted on trying. This audition was probably overshadowed by the strong character presented by Anni just before. To me, Loki sounded like a well-tuned neutral upper-mid-tier set with good resolution, maybe $2k range (oh I looked up and it’s 3k+…)? The first thing I noticed was the clean upper mids to treble. Good fast transients and punchy bass. Maybe a little bit on the sharp side. For me, it didn’t have the note weight that I want for instruments. Not bad but it didn’t stand out for me.

Next, I visited the Brise booth. They had just announced the new TOTL silver cable, Shirogane, based on an earlier prototype silver that I had bought. The prototype silver 8-wire had a nice silver character to the Brise Yatono sound but it was fairly conservative on the balance. The new Shirogane on the other hand was quite lively and punchy. It really caught me by surprise because this is very different from any previous Brise cables. They said the cable material is the same but made changes to the shielding and construction. The gray color you see in the picture is actually the silver color showing through a semi-transparent sleeve. As usual, very nice build. I love the understated looks of Brise cable. I heard they are coming to Canjam SoCal. If you are heading to SoCal, you should be able to try all the same stuff.

I visited the Noble booth next. I met Noble co-owner Jim Moulton and his family crew - fellow Texans! Having owned Kublai Kahn and now Ragnar, and auditioned Ronin on multiple occasions, I had to express my love for their tuning. We ended up talking more about life in Texas and Japan, and raising kids in an international environment (my kids were attending school in Tokyo this summer). Truly wonderful folks! Hopefully, I can meet again with my wife and kids and talk about IEMs on the side too 😊 I have a picture of their new Spartacus but the details slip my mind... sorry!


Speaking of families, Potafes had some family attendees too. Found these kids giving it a go at some headphones at multiple booths. They were screaming, “Youtube!!!”. I’m guessing their test tracks (shows?) are on Youtube. They are the next-generation audiophiles!

I tried the Thieaudio Monarch Mk3. This was actually a likeable set. The balance is very good. Makes for a very natural listen with good amount of note weight and resolution. It seems to fall behind on instrument separation and depth compared to some of the TOTL sets. It was easy to see why the Monarch series is so popular, especially at this price range.

Next, I visited the cool sets from Jomo – Fairlady and Skyline. Fairlady is a single DD + 2BA, and Skyline is a dual DD + 6 BA. Gotta love the name as a long-time gearhead and as someone who owned a Z car in the past. I auditioned Jomo Alpha Ti some months ago and remember being impressed with their neutral-natural tuning. I would say it was a U12t-type tuning with a little more authority in note weight and depth but a little closed-in with the stage. Fairlady and Skyline seemed to have the same tuning trend of being neutral-natural. Nothing sticks out and is very inoffensive. Fairlady was definitely flatter of the two. I think that the major shortcoming of Fairlady was the lack of resolution. It sounded pretty flat and unremarkable. Skyline had a little more punch, dynamics, and resolution to make things fun. Maybe a mid-tier contender?


I’m a fan of the VE midrange. Here, I got to hear the Aura! In short, this is Phonix LE infused with DD smoothness and bass. Not to be confused with other DD bass cannons because this is not. It’s rather a smooth analog-sounding DD with bass authority that was not present in Phonix OG/LE. From memory, it seems to have similar stage width to PLE. It has a neutral character that I notice with A&K collab IEMs. The mids don’t come forward as strong as Phonix OG or VE7/8, but it’s not lacking either. I thought the slight edgyness that I heard with Phonix OG/LE in the upper mids was smoothed out in this set. I would like to pick this up at some point and spend some time with it.

QDC had some nice sets. The white tiger and Superior. Superior was the type of neutral/natural tuning to compete with Monarch. I personally felt that the resolution was lacking for my taste. White Tiger on the other hand was tuned really well with excellent dynamics and resolution. The shell design and finish are superb. It’s slightly V-shaped with a lean but fast treble. On my first listen, I thought the vocals were thin and held back in the mix. I wanted to try again and spend more time with it but I didn’t get a chance to go back. Not something I would jump on but I would spend time with it if I have a chance. It's really challenging to give a thorough assessment of these wonderful IEMs. The White Tiger is a Japan-only model which makes it pretty unique. They said Anole V14s is still their flagship. But at roughly US$1300, I think this set has a good character for its price.

I already posted some of my comments about Lotoo Mjolnir here. Check it out if you are interested! In short, I loved it 🤭


More sights from Potafes


Finally @ranfan and I wrapped up the evening over a nice dinner and more listening sessions with our own gears!

Two days of intense listening and a lot of good discussion. Ahh now I have a bug in my stomach wanting to go to Canjam. So much fun!
Aug 21, 2023 at 7:54 PM Post #63,339 of 91,342
Yes I’ve been trying to find the best fit - a fussy IEM in that regard. I was using Azla Standard but I wasn’t absolutely happy with the seal in my right ear which is always my problem ear - DUNU S&S on tonight and definitely the best fit so far, excellent seal and very comfortable. A touch less airy vs Azla but I can live with that…

How would you compare Singularity to Melodic Artification Eclipse? :spy::thinking:
Aug 21, 2023 at 8:09 PM Post #63,340 of 91,342
Yes, they look huge but it’s the most comfortable pair I ever had, period. Plus titanium is wonferful.
Love the comfort, love the look, love the tuning :heart_eyes: Thanks @efftee and @Kiats :)

DC Ti HF.png
I am so glad you are enjoying it! :)
Aug 21, 2023 at 10:18 PM Post #63,341 of 91,342
Yes I’ve been trying to find the best fit - a fussy IEM in that regard. I was using Azla Standard but I wasn’t absolutely happy with the seal in my right ear which is always my problem ear - DUNU S&S on tonight and definitely the best fit so far, excellent seal and very comfortable. A touch less airy vs Azla but I can live with that…

This recent discussion gives me the most pause about potentially ordering a set. If you guys are having fit issues, then I would guess the chance of these being comfortable for me is probably close to zero.
Aug 21, 2023 at 10:30 PM Post #63,342 of 91,342
- Link to part 1
- Link to part 2

Now onto part 3. I headed out to Akihabara (electric city) in Tokyo. This area is known for store after store of everything electronics, anime, cosplay, maid café, etc. A pretty wild place to visit but this time I am only here for one thing!

Potafes by e-earphone

This is the show I was really looking forward to because I have never been to Canjam or any other audio shows before. Two days, three stories of exhibit halls, in the middle of Akihabara. Let’s go!!!

Just a few minutes from the train station, you are greeted with this cool entrance by Audio-Technica. There was a live youtube stage straight ahead.

First, I headed to the bottom floor, to the furthest corner. There I found the Elysian table and I got to listen to Anni23 for the first time. Oh man, what a nice sounding set! I immediately recognized the bass character as Foster DD like DC Ti fresh in my memory from Fujiya-Avic audition. When I pointed that out to Lee, he acknowledged that it is the same Foster driver as DC Ti tuned differently. Very nice. While DC Ti is a big analog-sounding set, Anni23 is a distinctly multi-driver set with excellent resolution, separation, and tasteful overall balance. The bass sounds much more linear than Diva without bleeding into the mids. I found Diva to be too scooped in the mid-bass and prefer Ani23 by a large margin. The vocals are clear and present. Not too forward nor too back in the mix. Treble has a nice note weight and texture which adds to the realism of steel instruments. I ended up going back multiple times to the Elysian booth to hear the Anni. I must say that this was one of my favorites from this show. Thanks, Lee for a great conversation, insights, and auditions!

I took a picture of the next table by Effect Audio (below). Coincidentally, this gentleman in the green shirt was our fellow WC member @ranfan ! It probably took us another 30min of texting before we introduced ourselves!

@JordonEA greeted me here and I got to try the new Fusion 1. While it looks similar to Code 23 in the background, Fusion 1 is a very soft coaxial-style cable. The ergonomics didn’t bother me at all (but keep in mind that I am ok with the thickest cables around like PW Orpheus and Brise 8 wire). The sound of Fusion 1 leaned a little bit too much silver for my taste. Good clarity, extension, and punchy bass with a touch of warmth. Little behind in resolution compared to TOTL cables. There’s a lot of competition in this price bracket so I think it will come down to fit and taste.

Next stop was the Kinera Imperial booth. On the table far right is Loki (international version). I had no prior knowledge about this IEM but my friend insisted on trying. This audition was probably overshadowed by the strong character presented by Anni just before. To me, Loki sounded like a well-tuned neutral upper-mid-tier set with good resolution, maybe $2k range (oh I looked up and it’s 3k+…)? The first thing I noticed was the clean upper mids to treble. Good fast transients and punchy bass. Maybe a little bit on the sharp side. For me, it didn’t have the note weight that I want for instruments. Not bad but it didn’t stand out for me.

Next, I visited the Brise booth. They had just announced the new TOTL silver cable, Shirogane, based on an earlier prototype silver that I had bought. The prototype silver 8-wire had a nice silver character to the Brise Yatono sound but it was fairly conservative on the balance. The new Shirogane on the other hand was quite lively and punchy. It really caught me by surprise because this is very different from any previous Brise cables. They said the cable material is the same but made changes to the shielding and construction. The gray color you see in the picture is actually the silver color showing through a semi-transparent sleeve. As usual, very nice build. I love the understated looks of Brise cable. I heard they are coming to Canjam SoCal. If you are heading to SoCal, you should be able to try all the same stuff.

Speaking of families, Potafes had some family attendees too. Found these kids giving it a go at some headphones at multiple booths. They were screaming, “Youtube!!!”. I’m guessing their test tracks (shows?) are on Youtube. They are the next-generation audiophiles!

Nice impressions! The porti-fi scene in Japan looks amazing. Inspiring me to schedule a trip there (with room in between for solo audio adventures 😄)
Aug 21, 2023 at 11:08 PM Post #63,343 of 91,342
Nice impressions! The porti-fi scene in Japan looks amazing. Inspiring me to schedule a trip there (with room in between for solo audio adventures 😄)
Just about any electronic store has a hifi portable section. You can buy a toaster, a hair curler for your wife and a ZM2 for yourself at Yodobashi for example.
Aug 22, 2023 at 12:05 AM Post #63,345 of 91,342
Might be fun to post our first IEMs, the gateway drugs that got us all here. For me it was Campfire Vega OG. Blew my mind as to what an IEM could achieve. First "DAP" I used wwith it was a modded Wolfson DAC iPod... No pictures, alas...

My first IEM was a Shure SE 215 which I had from about 2012 to 2018 (no pictures of it)...I think this is one of the factors that set the stage for my love of DDs. The Campfire Comet was the IEM that kicked off this most recent era of the hobby for me. I ordered it on a whim but never really liked the timbre of the BA. I then went to Headphone Bar to demo CFA's lineup at the time...fell in love with the Atlas, then the Solaris, and the IER Z1R, and the Anole VX, and on and on.

The Solaris + n6ii was the first combo that really set my world on fire.

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