The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

Oct 29, 2024 at 4:51 AM Post #97,456 of 102,820
How does it compare to RU6? One of the YouTuber reviewer recently stopped dongle review, claiming that all top tier dongles reach such a level that they are all very good, but also so similar that reviewing them and ranking becomes not interesting anymore.
Sorry for chiming in, but I really doubt what that reviewer is saying.
For example both W4 and DC Elite easily outresolves RU6 while all those 3 dongles have distinctly different tunings.
Oct 29, 2024 at 4:56 AM Post #97,457 of 102,820
I want to sell my Odin and PWA FTS cable but Aroma ampli really game changer

I underestimate PWA FTS too much
Portable setup vs ampli setup really different result

Thanks to APX SE to make a good portable setup
And thanks to aroma ampli and PWA cable to make audio more special

Sometimes I wonder why some cable just focus on making a huge soundstage without a good body and technicality

But now I understand maybe the maker make it with good ampli or good setup as the combo


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Oct 29, 2024 at 8:24 AM Post #97,459 of 102,820
Oct 29, 2024 at 8:32 AM Post #97,460 of 102,820
@drftr suggested I post this my daughter Ciara’s first upload of her music. She has been writing her own songs for some time now and has been doing open mic nights when her breathing is up for it. She still needs to set up an artist account so people can comment, and told me that soon the track should appear on other platforms.
I hope you like what she has created.

Wonderful voice! Kind of silky texture with slight roughness around the edges. Quite impressive range. Really love it. Will be waiting for the final released version of the single.

Some observations:
1. I noticed some static noises scattered throughout the track. Was that intentional or will those be removed in the final release?
2. The mastering sounded a bit poor. Could be YT compression, but if it is not, can it be improved in the final release. I thought the overall notes were kinda compressed, they were trying to breathe but did not have the room for that.
Oct 29, 2024 at 8:58 AM Post #97,461 of 102,820
Wonderful voice! Kind of silky texture with slight roughness around the edges. Quite impressive range. Really love it. Will be waiting for the final released version of the single.

Some observations:
1. I noticed some static noises scattered throughout the track. Was that intentional or will those be removed in the final release?
2. The mastering sounded a bit poor. Could be YT compression, but if it is not, can it be improved in the final release. I thought the overall notes were kinda compressed, they were trying to breathe but did not have the room for that.
Thanks for your honest thoughts.
So far Ciara has worked alone, without the resources of a studio or another person to work with her. I am gently trying to encourage that collaboration, remembering that this is hers. More to come over time with a second song soon.
Oct 29, 2024 at 9:42 AM Post #97,462 of 102,820
Thanks for your honest thoughts.
So far Ciara has worked alone, without the resources of a studio or another person to work with her. I am gently trying to encourage that collaboration, remembering that this is hers. More to come over time with a second song soon.
Wow! She's a one woman show! That's really impressive then! With better resources the quality will improve beyond any doubt. Her voice is really really good.

One question, if you do not mind, as it might sound a bit personal. Is it 'See-yara' or 'Key-yara'? See, if I am reading a word and I do not know the exact pronunciation, it keeps nagging me 😅.
Oct 29, 2024 at 10:27 AM Post #97,463 of 102,820
Wow! She's a one woman show! That's really impressive then! With better resources the quality will improve beyond any doubt. Her voice is really really good.

One question, if you do not mind, as it might sound a bit personal. Is it 'See-yara' or 'Key-yara'? See, if I am reading a word and I do not know the exact pronunciation, it keeps nagging me 😅.
It is an Irish name our families are many generations US though we have a large amount of Ireland in our mix, particularly my wife who is of half Irish half Norhern Italian heritage. The pronunciation is a “hard C” like a “K” followed by “Ear” then “Ah”. Ear Ah is what she sounds like to me, with a rather long Ah.
Oct 29, 2024 at 11:00 AM Post #97,464 of 102,820
@drftr suggested I post this my daughter Ciara’s first upload of her music. She has been writing her own songs for some time now and has been doing open mic nights when her breathing is up for it. She still needs to set up an artist account so people can comment, and told me that soon the track should appear on other platforms.
I hope you like what she has created.

Only got to listen today - Ciara has a beautiful voice and clearly very talented! She reminds me a bit of Julia Holter, especially earlier work… I must revisit this fantastic album.

Oct 29, 2024 at 11:23 AM Post #97,465 of 102,820
Which one is better? VE10 or EXT Mk2?
VE10 for imaging and technical performance, EXT MK2 for timbre and a more natural presentation.
Bloom Audio Headphones and Personal Audio with Pitch Perfect Service. Stay updated on Bloom Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Oct 29, 2024 at 11:27 AM Post #97,467 of 102,820
VE10 for imaging and technical performance, EXT MK2 for timbre and a more natural presentation.
Personally, I didn't find the VE10 that strong in either area - I mean TOTL strong directly compared to the Rn6. I would be a little disappointed if the EXT MK2 is even inferior to the VE10 there. Nevertheless, I quite liked the VE10. After all, I don't consider either aspect to be essential for enjoying music.
Oct 29, 2024 at 11:37 AM Post #97,468 of 102,820
It is an Irish name our families are many generations US though we have a large amount of Ireland in our mix, particularly my wife who is of half Irish half Norhern Italian heritage. The pronunciation is a “hard C” like a “K” followed by “Ear” then “Ah”. Ear Ah is what she sounds like to me, with a rather long Ah.
Many generations US, Irish blood...are you descendants of Mr. Leary perhaps? 😄
Oct 29, 2024 at 11:53 AM Post #97,469 of 102,820
Have you tried any of the small Questyle dongles?
Yes the 15i. It's quite good. Gets that Questyle current amp sound, without as good imaging and layering. For dongles, I still prefer the RU7.
Oct 29, 2024 at 12:28 PM Post #97,470 of 102,820
Musicality? I find the OG more musical that VE10 but I’m yet to hear the mk2… EXT’s musicality and timbre is what sets it apart from the pack IMO
Yes - definitely musicality. I think I've just already hit my quota for the week in saying "musicality" so I was trying to not saying it again. :-P

The big difference between OG and MK2 is that OG has a little more bass, and MK2 has a little more treble. I did this graph with the alignment at 20Hz because I felt like it lets you see the difference really clearly.


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Bloom Audio Headphones and Personal Audio with Pitch Perfect Service. Stay updated on Bloom Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.

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