The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

Oct 30, 2024 at 2:58 AM Post #97,486 of 103,000
Oct 30, 2024 at 4:37 AM Post #97,487 of 103,000
I never would have expected an iem to outresolve my Susvara on a rig I tailored for it, but here we are
I was fortunate to hear this IEM on my Dap.

This is not an exaggeration. This is first time I'm hearing an IEM have complete authority in both resolution and soundstage.

In past I've noticed IEMs attempts at proper soundstage, but either the whole image is just pushed back, or the notes lose density when increasing the image.

IMO This unit has done the impossible to have fully fleshed out notes of instruments in their actual 3D space within the full soundstage, and all while, with an ultra high resolution that spans from trebles all way down to the bass notes.

It is a cohesive expansive image that is on another level in resolution from the usual TOTLs.. Everything sounds more real. I thought most top IEMs reached a bit of a plateau in realism, until I heard this APX SE. Makes a TOTL IEM like a Traillie Ti sound like a splashy forward skewed presentation. Makes a Jewel sound like a soft "lower" res unit.

The only issue or drawback would be the stock cable. It has good range, but was obscuring the image. I am finding many fancy cables guilty of presentation manipulation, instead of focusing on transparency. So in picture it was instead paired with the Noble Magnus 4 cable.

Unfortunately this high taste is beyond my $$$ pocket depth, but was an eye opening experience joy to listen.
I erased the unit number for confidentiality.
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Oct 30, 2024 at 5:02 AM Post #97,488 of 103,000
Did some tip rolling today on the Fugaku today. My current favorite is Canal Work CWU-GECL, aka the Meat Ball (肉球). Leftmost in the pic below. Bass is more bouncy and mid-high sounds more smooth than that of the Baroque tips. Bought a set from Amazon JP and I have one extra pair in Large size that I will leave at MT's table at Dallas CJ for those who are interested.

Have you tried these tips?
I was surprised to find them preferable to the Baroque tips 👍🙂
Oct 30, 2024 at 6:33 AM Post #97,489 of 103,000

I love being right. There is hardly anything more satisfying for me.

Now I remember that Trance-God recommended W1 Eartips for APX SE a few weeks ago. And I thought that these would definitely not work for my ears. I was so sure that they were too long on the one hand and emphasized the treble too much on the other. But I didn't take Orpheus S into account. I should have known that this cable could handle a little more treble. I've known the APX SE since the end of August. And last Sunday I used my W1 eartips which I really like with other IEMs, on the APX SE for the first time without any particularly positive expectations. I use an iBasso DX320 MAX Ti. And this is a bit more edgy and has a slightly higher resolution than, for example, an N30 LE in solid state mode. Incidentally, for me it's (N30 LE) THE top device of all....for people who value a highly musical performance, gapless playback, good user-friendliness and versatile customization options.

Back to the iBasso with Orpheus S on APX SE + W1: Earth-shaking subbass!!! A high quality midbass bump. Even cleaner mids that are more soulful than with other tips. Of course, this is where Orphy S comes into play again. I perceive the stage as very wide. The precise imaging of vocals and instruments is at an extremely high level. Very authentic and 3-dimensional. Details in the mid-range are easier to perceive compared to the stock cable. As the DX320 Max Ti with the digital filter 1 is very fast and dynamic, the reproduction of transients with Orphy S is also very good. And thanks to Orpheus, the highs are there but never fatiguing. If you still have a DX320 Max Ti, an Orpheus S and W1 tips lying around somewhere. Listen in! The most important thing when testing with the iBasso DX320 Max Ti is: it must be played warm. I say that it needs half an hour to reach the right operating temperature. Then it opens up and plays very musically. I have described the Spinfit Omni as THE tips for the APX SE. I think they are very good, a little restrained in the bass.

I really like being right. But Trance-God is more right than I am with his W1 recommendation.
Oct 30, 2024 at 6:51 AM Post #97,490 of 103,000

I love being right. There is hardly anything more satisfying for me.

Now I remember that Trance-God recommended W1 Eartips for APX SE a few weeks ago. And I thought that these would definitely not work for my ears. I was so sure that they were too long on the one hand and emphasized the treble too much on the other. But I didn't take Orpheus S into account. I should have known that this cable could handle a little more treble. I've known the APX SE since the end of August. And last Sunday I used my W1 eartips which I really like with other IEMs, on the APX SE for the first time without any particularly positive expectations. I use an iBasso DX320 MAX Ti. And this is a bit more edgy and has a slightly higher resolution than, for example, an N30 LE in solid state mode. Incidentally, for me it's (N30 LE) THE top device of all....for people who value a highly musical performance, gapless playback, good user-friendliness and versatile customization options.

Back to the iBasso with Orpheus S on APX SE + W1: Earth-shaking subbass!!! A high quality midbass bump. Even cleaner mids that are more soulful than with other tips. Of course, this is where Orphy S comes into play again. I perceive the stage as very wide. The precise imaging of vocals and instruments is at an extremely high level. Very authentic and 3-dimensional. Details in the mid-range are easier to perceive compared to the stock cable. As the DX320 Max Ti with the digital filter 1 is very fast and dynamic, the reproduction of transients with Orphy S is also very good. And thanks to Orpheus, the highs are there but never fatiguing. If you still have a DX320 Max Ti, an Orpheus S and W1 tips lying around somewhere. Listen in! The most important thing when testing with the iBasso DX320 Max Ti is: it must be played warm. I say that it needs half an hour to reach the right operating temperature. Then it opens up and plays very musically. I have described the Spinfit Omni as THE tips for the APX SE. I think they are very good, a little restrained in the bass.

I really like being right. But Trance-God is more right than I am with his W1 recommendation.

I am holding back my impressions / review since I am still a bit too emotional about the thing. But yep its that good. Chasing the dragon in audio is a chase to deminish the compromise you make. Each HP or IEM got something special to offer but lack somewhere else. With each upgrade I believe we are trying to make this compromise as small as possible.

Well with APX I have hard times finding where it could be lacking. Everything is just in the right place, beautifully textured, with great staging and instrument placement, bass is perfectly balanced, each note has just the right amount of weight, the resolution is up there with totl summit fi headphones. Ideally I probably would like to have its technicalities. and timbre in an open over ear form factor with larger stage... saying that, it outresolves Susvara on my chain and sounds almost as big.

Regarding W1 - it highly comes down to the chain. So far I found W1 too bassy on my LP6 Ti and prefered stock dark silicon tips. I can totally see W1 and orphy with its mid bass work well on the rather transparent and bit nimble DX320 Max. Rather curious how Orphy would synergize with LP6 Ti and APX Se. Curious about 1950s and FTs too.
I have silver and copper Rhapsodio cables around and imho they hurt the timbre compared to the stock cable - larger staging and a bit more resolution in the highs and the lows, but it doesnt sound coherant anymore for some reason.
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Oct 30, 2024 at 7:42 AM Post #97,491 of 103,000
I was fortunate to hear this IEM on my Dap.

This is not an exaggeration. This is first time I'm hearing an IEM have complete authority in both resolution and soundstage.

In past I've noticed IEMs attempts at proper soundstage, but either the whole image is just pushed back, or the notes lose density when increasing the image.

IMO This unit has done the impossible to have fully fleshed out notes of instruments in their actual 3D space within the full soundstage, and all while, with an ultra high resolution that spans from trebles all way down to the bass notes.

It is a cohesive expansive image that is on another level in resolution from the usual TOTLs.. Everything sounds more real. I thought most top IEMs reached a bit of a plateau in realism, until I heard this APX SE. Makes a TOTL IEM like a Traillie Ti sound like a splashy forward skewed presentation. Makes a Jewel sound like a soft low res unit.

The only issue or drawback would be the stock cable. It has good range, but was obscuring the image. I am finding many fancy cables guilty of presentation manipulation, instead of focusing on transparency. So in picture it was instead paired with the Noble Magnus 4 cable.

Unfortunately this high taste is beyond my $$$ pocket depth, but was an eye opening experience joy to listen.
I erased the unit number for confidentiality.


I love being right. There is hardly anything more satisfying for me.

Now I remember that Trance-God recommended W1 Eartips for APX SE a few weeks ago. And I thought that these would definitely not work for my ears. I was so sure that they were too long on the one hand and emphasized the treble too much on the other. But I didn't take Orpheus S into account. I should have known that this cable could handle a little more treble. I've known the APX SE since the end of August. And last Sunday I used my W1 eartips which I really like with other IEMs, on the APX SE for the first time without any particularly positive expectations. I use an iBasso DX320 MAX Ti. And this is a bit more edgy and has a slightly higher resolution than, for example, an N30 LE in solid state mode. Incidentally, for me it's (N30 LE) THE top device of all....for people who value a highly musical performance, gapless playback, good user-friendliness and versatile customization options.

Back to the iBasso with Orpheus S on APX SE + W1: Earth-shaking subbass!!! A high quality midbass bump. Even cleaner mids that are more soulful than with other tips. Of course, this is where Orphy S comes into play again. I perceive the stage as very wide. The precise imaging of vocals and instruments is at an extremely high level. Very authentic and 3-dimensional. Details in the mid-range are easier to perceive compared to the stock cable. As the DX320 Max Ti with the digital filter 1 is very fast and dynamic, the reproduction of transients with Orphy S is also very good. And thanks to Orpheus, the highs are there but never fatiguing. If you still have a DX320 Max Ti, an Orpheus S and W1 tips lying around somewhere. Listen in! The most important thing when testing with the iBasso DX320 Max Ti is: it must be played warm. I say that it needs half an hour to reach the right operating temperature. Then it opens up and plays very musically. I have described the Spinfit Omni as THE tips for the APX SE. I think they are very good, a little restrained in the bass.

I really like being right. But Trance-God is more right than I am with his W1 recommendation.

I am holding back my impressions / review since I am still a bit too emotional about the thing. But yep its that good. Chasing the dragon in audio is a chase to deminish the compromise you make. Each HP or IEM got something special to offer but lack somewhere else. With each upgrade I believe we are trying to make this compromise as small as possible.

Well with APX I have hard times finding where it could be lacking. Everything is just in the right place, beautifully textured, with probably most balanced and tightest note weight I experienced in audio to date. Ideally I probably would like to have its technicalities. and timbre in an open over ear form factor with larger stage... saying that, it outresolves Susvara on my chain and sounds almost as big.

Regarding W1 - it highly comes down to the chain. So far I found W1 too bassy on my LP6 Ti and prefered stock dark silicon tips. I can totally see W1 and orphy with its mid bass work well on the rather transparent and bit nimble DX320 Max. Rather curious how Orphy would synergize with LP6 Ti and APX Se. Curious about 1950s and FTs too.
I have silver and copper Rhapsodio cables around and imho they hurt the timbre compared to the stock cable - larger staging and a bit more resolution in the highs and the lows, but it doesnt sound coherant anymore for some reason.
Thank you all for wonderful feedback! I'm glad you all like them so much :)
Oct 30, 2024 at 8:48 AM Post #97,492 of 103,000
Did some tip rolling today on the Fugaku today. My current favorite is Canal Work CWU-GECL, aka the Meat Ball (肉球). Leftmost in the pic below. Bass is more bouncy and mid-high sounds more smooth than that of the Baroque tips. Bought a set from Amazon JP and I have one extra pair in Large size that I will leave at MT's table at Dallas CJ for those who are interested.
These are my absolute reference tips for years from now. 😎🥇👍

Japanese, 肉球 = cat's paw (cat paw pads to be specific... Meat balls, yes 😁) 😺
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Oct 30, 2024 at 9:49 AM Post #97,493 of 103,000
So, I have the APX SE and EE Raven side by side..

In many ways, the APX SE stands as an antithesis to the EE Raven, where the bass forms the foundation role, with other frequencies orbiting around it. Here, the highs anchor the composition, creating a spacious environment where mids and lows find their place without strain or congestion and with extreme clarity. The result is a presentation that feels airy and dynamic, almost as if the highs are holding everything together while letting the mids and lows sway freely.

The peaks in highs seems to be arranged such that you can feel the shape of the notes, laying a 3D foundation that feels almost tangible, particularly in electronic music. The notes seem to float through the air. I think this is the special sauce of APX SE.

The bass is highly detailed and manages to fill all the space left by the higher frequencies. Boosting the bass with EQ doesn't bloat it. It offers a rich texture without overwhelming the other elements, allowing to enjoy an extremely well articulated bass along with other instruments.

raven apx.jpg
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Oct 30, 2024 at 9:54 AM Post #97,494 of 103,000
Anybody have any word on the supreme V3tour unit.. I’ve been waiting for what feels like over a year now 😅
So, I have the APX SE and EE Raven side by side..

In many ways, the APX SE stands as an antithesis to the EE Raven, where the bass forms the foundation role, with other frequencies orbiting around it. Here, the highs anchor the composition, creating a spacious environment where mids and lows find their place without strain or congestion and with extreme clarity. The result is a presentation that feels airy and dynamic, almost as if the highs are holding everything together while letting the mids and lows sway freely.

The peaks in highs seems to be arranged such that you can feel the shape of the notes, laying a 3D foundation that feels almost tangible, particularly in electronic music. The notes seem to float through the air. I think this is the special sauce of APX SE.

The bass is highly detailed and manages to fill all the space left by the higher frequencies. Boosting the bass with EQ doesn't bloat it. It offers a rich texture without overwhelming the other elements, allowing to enjoy an extremely well articulated bass along with other instruments.

Hmmm interesting. Which one do you personally prefer?
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Oct 30, 2024 at 10:00 AM Post #97,495 of 103,000
Anybody have any word on the supreme V3
Hmmm interesting. Which one do you personally prefer?

It boils down to whether you want to feel the physicality through Raven's BCD lows or APX's highs. It's as if one is talking to your rook chakra and the other going for the crown chakra. Complementary feelings to me.
Oct 30, 2024 at 10:18 AM Post #97,496 of 103,000
It boils down to whether you want to feel the physicality through Raven's BCD lows or APX's highs. It's as if one is talking to your rook chakra and the other going for the crown chakra. Complementary feelings to me.
Interesting, but cant second that, I believe much could come down to the source. To me the physicality and the resolution of the bass is the foundation of APX Se timbre, each note becomes a body and evolves from there. Treble is great, but its not the centre of attention to my ear, I wouldnt describe the timbre as airy either. So far I only experienced it with LP6 Ti and Envy.
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Oct 30, 2024 at 10:25 AM Post #97,497 of 103,000

Speaking of Raven, I’ve been playing around with the EE odyssey ,and my God, does it remind me of the raven so much..tbh odyssey feels as if it’s holding up very well in today’s market
Oct 30, 2024 at 10:44 AM Post #97,498 of 103,000
Interesting, but cant second that, I believe much could come down to the source. To me the physicality and the resolution of the bass is the foundation of APX Se timbre, each note becomes a body and evolves from there. Treble is great, but its not the centre of attention to my ear, I wouldnt call the timbre airy either. So far I only experienced it with LP6 Ti and Envy.

Hi Leto,

Of course these are all subjective, but I think I need to clarify a point. I specifically haven't used the word treble, because I don't believe it's treble. APX has a couple peaks in the high frequencies tuned in and as a result of these peaks, notes (not treble or only high frequencies) get the life they do; they impact timbre of instruments coming from the the whole spectrum.

Physicality and resolution of the bass is great on APX, one of the best I heard actually. My experience has been that it's usually all around in my head and some through my spine. Raven is on another level though, and it emanates through my body.
Oct 30, 2024 at 10:44 AM Post #97,499 of 103,000
A quick shoutout here to a very rarely mentioned but truly special sets: NGAudio Khaos.

The name of the game for these bad boys is MIDS, with a particular emphasis on vocals (with a bias towards female vocals). It is a TOTL set all around but the emotional resonance of this set is something really, really special. I'm not entirely sure what's going on with the tuning. Really addictive set.

Oct 30, 2024 at 10:48 AM Post #97,500 of 103,000
A quick shoutout here to a very rarely mentioned but truly special sets: NGAudio Khaos.

The name of the game for these bad boys is MIDS, with a particular emphasis on vocals (with a bias towards female vocals). It is a TOTL set all around but the emotional resonance of this set is something really, really special. I'm not entirely sure what's going on with the tuning. Really addictive set.

You know, we love them mids 👀 how much are these bad boys?

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