The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Jan 24, 2024 at 4:47 PM Post #79,486 of 93,307
Funnily enough, I've been trying to buy a pair of Subtonic Storm since the first week of January. I had a couple of folks reach out asking if I'd pay $10k for them. Yeesh! I'm willing to pay a decent "finder's fee" beyond retail cost, but double the price? Seems a bit silly. :upside_down:
That's way beyond silly! Predatory opportunism is what I'd call it, no way I'd ever want to reward that sort of behaviour.

If Storm is what you've got your heart set on, I'd say just hold the line until Subtonic ramps up production, and either you'll be able to get one new directly, or take advantage of the second-hand market which will inevitably experience a reset.

Meantime, there's plenty to keep your ears interested as you wait, you can't go too far wrong with something like Rn6, Anni23, or an older fave like Trailli or even U18t. Maybe as a down-payment on your ultimate goal? As much as I adore my Anni23, I may have to let it go at some point to trade-up to something else down the line..
Jan 24, 2024 at 4:49 PM Post #79,487 of 93,307
Do you think that they have came up with something noteworthy in this price range?
I'm not sure if I understand what you're asking - my bad...

If you're asking whether I do value Storm as an excellent player in the 3k-4k range than the answer is definitely yes. Since there's a few playing on an equally high scale in that price range that I prefer over Storm for me it's way overvalued at 5k. While if it were, say, 3.5k-4k then I would be fantastic competition for Rn6 and Ronin. I do feel the same about Mentor by the way: Excellent player but in the exact same quality class as Rn6 and Ronin; just very different.

Jan 24, 2024 at 5:34 PM Post #79,488 of 93,307
Jan 24, 2024 at 5:37 PM Post #79,489 of 93,307
These are the Watercooler sub $2k faves as of the end of 2023.

Nightjar Singularity
Campfire Bonneville
Unique Melody Mest MKiii
Elysian Acoustic Labs Diva
Symphonium Crimson
Campfire Supermoon
Bellos Audio X4
Penon Quattro
7th Acoustics Supernova
FatFreq Scarlet Mini
Thieaudio V16 Divinity
Aur Audio Neon Pro
Sound Rhyme - DTE900
Campfire Audio Cascara
Sound Rhyme SR8
Aur Audio Aurora
Night Oblivion Butastur
I would add the 64 Audio U4s to that list just because
Jan 24, 2024 at 6:15 PM Post #79,490 of 93,307
That Project M is a stunning looking IEM. It's price and my newfound affection for Dita make it a tempting blind buy...but CanJam NYC is only a few weeks away now and I've committed to an embargo on any audio purchases until the show.

THE my world anyway. I usually arrive at the office a couple hours before anyone else and I take this ride every morning...great way to get the day started in the right spirit.


In other news I think I've decided that the WM1Z has been my favorite purchase of my entire audio career. My very first ever audio purchase was a Sony sport walkman back in 1980 something...and when my ears finally settled into the sound of the WM1Z after cycling through so many DAPs in recent years it honestly felt like I was a prodigal son coming home. Everything about this player...the look, the feel, the sound, the soul...feels like it was made in the image of my own heart and tastes...and the fact that it elevates all of my favorite IEMs in a way no other player I've heard does...makes it a more compelling affair for me than any one set of transducers. The cycle of life...from childhood to childhood, from Sony to Sony...
I echo the sentiment. It was reading your responses glowing with enthusiasm and emotion that I recently purchased the WM1Z M2 and paired it with Trifecta. Recently Anni had all of my attention and the Trifecta was collecting dust. Now with the 1Z it’s reborn and I’m enjoying it like I did the first time I listened to it. Frankly even more. Trifecta just crushes on it. Classic rock. Funk. I’m listening to Sly and the Family Stone grooving to that deep bass and the incredible soundstage and it’s just a perfect pairing. Thanks Rockwell. I will find it hard to argue I can find much better for my musical tastes.
Jan 24, 2024 at 6:54 PM Post #79,491 of 93,307
I echo the sentiment. It was reading your responses glowing with enthusiasm and emotion that I recently purchased the WM1Z M2 and paired it with Trifecta. Recently Anni had all of my attention and the Trifecta was collecting dust. Now with the 1Z it’s reborn and I’m enjoying it like I did the first time I listened to it. Frankly even more. Trifecta just crushes on it. Classic rock. Funk. I’m listening to Sly and the Family Stone grooving to that deep bass and the incredible soundstage and it’s just a perfect pairing. Thanks Rockwell. I will find it hard to argue I can find much better for my musical tastes.

Awesome man it truly is a legendary pairup and speaks to the real power of synergy.

In other news #5300!

We'll be at 6k in no time!
Jan 24, 2024 at 7:02 PM Post #79,492 of 93,307
Here is my Wednesday set-up Hiby R6 Pro ii, Gladiator cable & Aur Ascension. :smiling_imp::sunglasses::tophat:
Jan 24, 2024 at 8:14 PM Post #79,493 of 93,307
The fantastic ‘Vulture Prince’ by Arooj Aftab sounding divine with Perpetua via my desktop.

The opening song unveiled the fog in me. The rest of the album was pure bliss. What vocals! 🙂


THE my world anyway. I usually arrive at the office a couple hours before anyone else and I take this ride every morning...great way to get the day started in the right spirit.
As in music, so in life. 🙂

I was thinking


The hills are alive, with the sound.
A man recalls @emdeevee home surroundings.
Jan 24, 2024 at 10:25 PM Post #79,497 of 93,307
Ugh, sometimes, things happen I guess. I went to use my CA F5 CIEM which has gotten no love for awhile. Plugged in and, whaaaa, where's the left channel? Something wrong with the cable? No, unfortunately, one side of that 2 pin connector seems to have dislodged and it's gone! Argh...goodbye babies, back to Poland you go! Can't wait to get them back!

FWIW, I always think I'm being careful with every cable change, I'm really serious about it. Maybe I need to be even more delicate!?

Jan 24, 2024 at 10:29 PM Post #79,498 of 93,307
Ugh, sometimes, things happen I guess. I went to use my CA F5 CIEM which has gotten no love for awhile. Plugged in and, whaaaa, where's the left channel? Something wrong with the cable? No, unfortunately, one side of that 2 pin connector seems to have dislodged and it's gone! Argh...goodbye babies, back to Poland you go! Can't wait to get them back!

FWIW, I always think I'm being careful with every cable change, I'm really serious about it. Maybe I need to be even more delicate!?

Now you understand why people such as @HiFiHawaii808 has one upgrade cable for each IEM so that you don't have to frequently plugging and unplugging cables. Now, the question is: which way is cheaper? Have expensive cables for multiple IEMs but risking the situation you just got, or dedicated cable for each IEM? :)
Jan 24, 2024 at 10:32 PM Post #79,499 of 93,307
I think MMCX are a lot less prone to breaking the housing connector (not the connector in the cable) than 2-pin. So far, I rarely see Campfire IEM having broken MMCX connectors
Jan 24, 2024 at 10:35 PM Post #79,500 of 93,307
I think MMCX are a lot less prone to breaking the housing connector (not the connector in the cable) than 2-pin. So far, I rarely see Campfire IEM having broken MMCX connectors
Depends on IEMs, for example, Z1R has MMCX that is also vulnerable.

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