The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Dec 12, 2023 at 1:22 AM Post #73,157 of 91,357
Yeah, I wouldn’t go that far. To me, I associate base bleed with what I consider boomyness. It’s like listening to a bass player playing in a gymnasium versus playing in a studio. Personally, I prefer the studio sound.
Its interesting how we all perceive and term things differently based on our experiences. For me, and coming mostly from 2Ch systems bass boom is loose/less controlled/flabby bass which may / may not bleed. Bleed I would term as mid & upper bass congesting the mids and making them sound less airy and open.
Dec 12, 2023 at 1:24 AM Post #73,158 of 91,357
Apologies in advance for what is probably a needlessly long post for a simple question. But friends, please, I’m in desperate need of some help. My RN6 arrived last week. I’m still doing the usual rounds as I continue to break them in, but I’m really liking them so far! Only thing is I can’t seem to find the perfect tips for these guys! I’ve pretty much gone through my whole collection, including the old and new Symbio Ws, Spinfit W1s, CP100+s, Spiral Dot ++s, Sony EPEX11s, the full AZLA suite (Earfits, Crystals, XELASTICs) and NOTHING is striking that balance of comfort, seal, and sound quality.

I have no idea what it is about these things, but I’ve never had this much trouble finding the right ear tips before. I would say it’s the longer nozzle, but I get a perfect fit with the Z1R/EX11 combo (great seal, deep insertion, as comfortable as they can be). But with the RN6? Most silicone tips end up slowly slipping out. The Symbios get a great seal and they stay in, but they’re too uncomfortable (for my ears) to wear for longer than an hour tops.

The closest I’ve come to finding that balance has been the Spinfit W1s, but those end up slipping out after a while. The AZLA Crystals were close too, but those also got too uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.

So tell me, am I broken? Are my ears unworthy? Do I need to spend more money on what will inevitably end up in the Pillbox of Unused and Forgotten Tips? Let me know. Put me out of my misery.
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Dec 12, 2023 at 1:44 AM Post #73,159 of 91,357
what does desert island iem / desert island dap means? like iem that i would want to have if i were in a desert island? (sorry english is my second language 😂) if so, could it be something that I dont have or have never heard?
Dec 12, 2023 at 1:47 AM Post #73,160 of 91,357
what does desert island iem / desert island dap means? like iem that i would want to have if i were in a desert island? (sorry english is my second language 😂) if so, could it be something that I dont have or have never heard?

It’s basically a euphemism for your favourite 7 IEMs (and 3 sources).
Dec 12, 2023 at 1:55 AM Post #73,161 of 91,357
Apologies in advance for what is probably a needlessly long post for a simple question. But friends, please, I’m in desperate need of some help. My RN6 arrived last week. I’m still doing the usual rounds as I continue to break them in, but I’m really liking them so far! Only thing is I can’t seem to find the perfect tips for these guys! I’ve pretty much gone through my whole collection, including the old and new Symbio Ws, Spinfit W1s, CP100+s, Spiral Dot ++s, Sony EPEX11s, the full AZLA suite (Earfits, Crystals, XELASTICs) and NOTHING is striking that balance of comfort, seal, and sound quality.

I have no idea what it is about these things, but I’ve never had this much trouble finding the right ear tips before. I would say it’s the longer nozzle, but I get a perfect fit with the Z1R/EX11 combo (great seal, deep insertion, as comfortable as they can be). But with the RN6? Most silicone tips end up slowly slipping out. The Symbios get a great seal and they stay in, but they’re too uncomfortable (for my ears) to wear for longer than an hour tops.

The closest I’ve come to finding that balance has been the Spinfit W1s, but those end up slipping out after a while. The AZLA Crystals were close too, but those also got too uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.

So tell me, am I broken? Are my ears unworthy? Do I need to spend more money on what will inevitably end up in the Pillbox of Unused and Forgotten Tips? Let me know. Put me out of my misery.
I have a warchest of eartips to help me combat comfort issues. I envy folks that can finetune the sound with eartips, I desperately try to find a tip that at least allows me to wear the damn IEM for more than an hour! What helped me with my Supermoon uni demo was a cable change (just an ergonomics issue), I can also recommend trying some o-rings to space the eartips a bit. Have you tried getting into customs? Even having the earmoulds done will help you understand your ear anatomy better. :)
Dec 12, 2023 at 1:56 AM Post #73,162 of 91,357
Bass Bleed is usually a bad thing. It occurs when the bass is so prominent and boomy that it overwhelms higher frequencies. Usually the midrange. Vocals will sound muffled and instruments sound unnatural. This is the sign of a lesser quality IEM.
I try to use it to my benefit as a thicker mid/upper bass usually leads to more bodied male vocals and large acoustic instruments. Also, listening to orchestra or piano on an IEM that has your typical V shaped FR makes some instruments (or even parts of the piano spectrum) too under/overstated. So on those IEMs I prefer a much slower roll off into the mids; generally described as bass bleed, while I'd say it lifts the fullness and palpability of the lower mids to where it should be on acoustic instruments and vocals.

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Dec 12, 2023 at 2:01 AM Post #73,163 of 91,357
Awesome. I agree with whoever said we should sell these at CanJam. Or maybe it's time for some Watercooler swag generally.

Awesome man I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it :)

I've never felt the urge to jump into customs, partly because of commitment issues, but also because I tend to get a good enough fit with most IEMs that it's not high on my list of priorities. That said if I do go custom CFA is a good choice for me if for no other reason than their being so local to me makes it easy to deal with repair/warranty/fit issues should they arise.

The "none" option is just not answering the question lol

This is a brilliant summary of something I've always believed but never really been able to articulate properly. I've often thought of one of my priorities in a sound signature from an IEM is that everything plays together as a unity-- and as you vividly accurately describe one of the side effects of everytihng "staying in its lane" is that you lose a bit of this unity and see instead the trees instead of the forest.

Twackers and Interesting way to put it. It is true that I have always been more focused on mid-bass thump than sub-bass. I'll have to pay more attention next time I hear one of the Fat Freq IEMs. Incidentally my main issue with the MSE is that it's too lean in the mid-bass lower mids.

Loving all the Bonneville love-- it's certainly one of my standout IEMs of 2023.

Am I only one who got it in purple?


Way more appealing than the black imho.

That said, this is what's really winning the day for me at the moment:


The WM1Z is an absolute joy to look at and hold. Everything about oozes style, refinement, class and perfection. The most amazing thing off the bat is how insanely low the noise floor is-- I think this fact alone adds an extra layer of resolution to whatever I plug into it. Synergy with Perpetua, and I'm starting to suspect all DD IEMs is a thing to behold-- smooth, weighty, natural and refined with a natural warmth and timbre that is to die for. Early days but I'm really liking what I'm hearing so far. My Trifecta is with CFA right now so it will be a few days before I'll be able to hear that with the 1Z.

Lastly, daily reminder to complete our year end survey if you haven't already. Beyond respecting the norms of healthy community I don't make many demands of people who post and hang out here but I'd really appreciate it if everyone who does takes the time to do their duty and fill it in-- the collective data is interesting and helpful for all...cheers :).
Does a man intend to purchase the ground adapter for the WM1Z?
Which are you reaching out for more often? The Bonneville or Perpetua? 🙂
Dec 12, 2023 at 2:19 AM Post #73,164 of 91,357
With regards bass bleed, it really depends on a) how much of it there is and b) how much you like the bass you're hearing.

Bass bleed is generally only midbass/upper bass (sub-bass is too far from the mids to 'bleed'), and the amount of 'bleed' determines if you hear the bass over (obscuring) important lower mid/midrange cues.

For me, if vocals sound muffled while basslines are playing or drums are decaying, then there's too much bleed. But if you can hear vocals (and finer instruments) clearly, without a 'veil' or dullness, while still getting the full bass presentation, then the bleed is tastefully done.

Some folks want bass notes kept as far away from the midrange as possible (ie. no bleed at all), but to me that usually leads to a colder/brighter tonality with the focus purely on midrange clarity and detail, and very little or no 'warmth' from the bass fundamentals, which sounds unnatural and 'clinical'.

It's all a matter of preference, but personally, the best IEMs can juggle both immense bass and a clear, detailed midrange despite some essential and natural-sounding bleed.
Loving all the Bonneville love-- it's certainly one of my standout IEMs of 2023.

Am I only one who got it in purple?
It's definitely one of the IEMs of the year for me, and at the current price, probably the best value in its class. My initial impressions were rather muted (I was comparing it to Volür at the time), but like @Sajid Amit writes, it's extremely tip and fit sensitive, and proper bass power/slam very much depends on the right tips, not just a good seal. As for purple, you mean bubblegum 😅
That said, this is what's really winning the day for me at the moment:


The WM1Z is an absolute joy to look at and hold. Everything about oozes style, refinement, class and perfection. The most amazing thing off the bat is how insanely low the noise floor is-- I think this fact alone adds an extra layer of resolution to whatever I plug into it. Synergy with Perpetua, and I'm starting to suspect all DD IEMs is a thing to behold-- smooth, weighty, natural and refined with a natural warmth and timbre that is to die for. Early days but I'm really liking what I'm hearing so far. My Trifecta is with CFA right now so it will be a few days before I'll be able to hear that with the 1Z.
Glad you're finally getting to hear and enjoy it for yourself. I had a sneaky suspicion you'd love it. Perfect combination of size, UI, speed and tonality, and like you say, still right up there with the best technical performers today. The fact that it's still the best made, best looking DAP around after 5 years is quite something. It's a masterpiece that I'll never sell because I don't think we'll see the likes of it again, and synergy with certain IEMs - and Z1R in particular - is incredible. You should have a listen to Z1R again with the WM1Z, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised (again).

PS. Not sure if you've installed @MrWalkman's firmware on it yet, but the world of possibilities this opens up is next level - for free, and with zero SQ compromises. Seek out the dedicated thread when you're ready to explore.
Apologies in advance for what is probably a needlessly long post for a simple question. But friends, please, I’m in desperate need of some help. My RN6 arrived last week. I’m still doing the usual rounds as I continue to break them in, but I’m really liking them so far! Only thing is I can’t seem to find the perfect tips for these guys! I’ve pretty much gone through my whole collection, including the old and new Symbio Ws, Spinfit W1s, CP100+s, Spiral Dot ++s, Sony EPEX11s, the full AZLA suite (Earfits, Crystals, XELASTICs) and NOTHING is striking that balance of comfort, seal, and sound quality.

I have no idea what it is about these things, but I’ve never had this much trouble finding the right ear tips before. I would say it’s the longer nozzle, but I get a perfect fit with the Z1R/EX11 combo (great seal, deep insertion, as comfortable as they can be). But with the RN6? Most silicone tips end up slowly slipping out. The Symbios get a great seal and they stay in, but they’re too uncomfortable (for my ears) to wear for longer than an hour tops.

The closest I’ve come to finding that balance has been the Spinfit W1s, but those end up slipping out after a while. The AZLA Crystals were close too, but those also got too uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.

So tell me, am I broken? Are my ears unworthy? Do I need to spend more money on what will inevitably end up in the Pillbox of Unused and Forgotten Tips? Let me know. Put me out of my misery.
I hear you. Rn6 nozzles are longer, fatter and angled differently to Z1R. If EX-11 tips managed to stay on the Rn6 nozzles they'd be my go-to, but alas. My rec: try some of the new SpinFit Omni tips, or just as good, Eletech Baroque. Both should give you a much more comfortable fit and excellent seal for maximum bass. Spiral Dots are also very good, but sound a touch more diffuse than the first two. Good luck!
Dec 12, 2023 at 2:46 AM Post #73,165 of 91,357
Apologies in advance for what is probably a needlessly long post for a simple question. But friends, please, I’m in desperate need of some help. My RN6 arrived last week. I’m still doing the usual rounds as I continue to break them in, but I’m really liking them so far! Only thing is I can’t seem to find the perfect tips for these guys! I’ve pretty much gone through my whole collection, including the old and new Symbio Ws, Spinfit W1s, CP100+s, Spiral Dot ++s, Sony EPEX11s, the full AZLA suite (Earfits, Crystals, XELASTICs) and NOTHING is striking that balance of comfort, seal, and sound quality.

I have no idea what it is about these things, but I’ve never had this much trouble finding the right ear tips before. I would say it’s the longer nozzle, but I get a perfect fit with the Z1R/EX11 combo (great seal, deep insertion, as comfortable as they can be). But with the RN6? Most silicone tips end up slowly slipping out. The Symbios get a great seal and they stay in, but they’re too uncomfortable (for my ears) to wear for longer than an hour tops.

The closest I’ve come to finding that balance has been the Spinfit W1s, but those end up slipping out after a while. The AZLA Crystals were close too, but those also got too uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.

So tell me, am I broken? Are my ears unworthy? Do I need to spend more money on what will inevitably end up in the Pillbox of Unused and Forgotten Tips? Let me know. Put me out of my misery.
So it turns our I'm not alone on this matter about RN6 eartips 🤣
I can't remember which eartips I use on it but Spinfit W1 is quite good on it but still need some adjusting for several time after I put in on my ears. One thing for sure is you need a tips that allow for a deep insertion so the kinetic bass port is as close as possible to your ears to maximize the bass. If you are still struggling looking for the right tips then maybe you can just go the CIEM way 😉
Dec 12, 2023 at 2:51 AM Post #73,166 of 91,357
Apologies in advance for what is probably a needlessly long post for a simple question. But friends, please, I’m in desperate need of some help. My RN6 arrived last week. I’m still doing the usual rounds as I continue to break them in, but I’m really liking them so far! Only thing is I can’t seem to find the perfect tips for these guys! I’ve pretty much gone through my whole collection, including the old and new Symbio Ws, Spinfit W1s, CP100+s, Spiral Dot ++s, Sony EPEX11s, the full AZLA suite (Earfits, Crystals, XELASTICs) and NOTHING is striking that balance of comfort, seal, and sound quality.

I have no idea what it is about these things, but I’ve never had this much trouble finding the right ear tips before. I would say it’s the longer nozzle, but I get a perfect fit with the Z1R/EX11 combo (great seal, deep insertion, as comfortable as they can be). But with the RN6? Most silicone tips end up slowly slipping out. The Symbios get a great seal and they stay in, but they’re too uncomfortable (for my ears) to wear for longer than an hour tops.

The closest I’ve come to finding that balance has been the Spinfit W1s, but those end up slipping out after a while. The AZLA Crystals were close too, but those also got too uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.

So tell me, am I broken? Are my ears unworthy? Do I need to spend more money on what will inevitably end up in the Pillbox of Unused and Forgotten Tips? Let me know. Put me out of my misery.
Buy a headphone. Problem solved. :)
Dec 12, 2023 at 3:00 AM Post #73,167 of 91,357
Glad you're finally getting to hear and enjoy it for yourself. I had a sneaky suspicion you'd love it. Perfect combination of size, UI, speed and tonality, and like you say, still right up there with the best technical performers today. The fact that it's still the best made, best looking DAP around after 5 years is quite something. It's a masterpiece that I'll never sell because I don't think we'll see the likes of it again, and synergy with certain IEMs - and Z1R in particular - is incredible. You should have a listen to Z1R again with the WM1Z, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised (again).

WM1A and WM1Z originals remain credible as non-streaming DAPS with easy non-Android UI and long battery life imo. As things tend to be cyclical, someone will eventually release a non-streaming DAP (in say 5 years) and highlight non-streaming as a marketing point. Look at the brands currently jumping on vinyl and CD playback

Buy a headphone. Problem solved. :)

Or bite the bullet and go custom fit :D
Dec 12, 2023 at 3:14 AM Post #73,169 of 91,357
Bass Bleed is usually a bad thing. It occurs when the bass is so prominent and boomy that it overwhelms higher frequencies. Usually the midrange. Vocals will sound muffled and instruments sound unnatural. This is the sign of a lesser quality IEM.
For me that describes Z1R’s sound. 🤷‍♂️
Dec 12, 2023 at 3:21 AM Post #73,170 of 91,357
That said, this is what's really winning the day for me at the moment:


The WM1Z is an absolute joy to look at and hold. Everything about oozes style, refinement, class and perfection. The most amazing thing off the bat is how insanely low the noise floor is-- I think this fact alone adds an extra layer of resolution to whatever I plug into it. Synergy with Perpetua, and I'm starting to suspect all DD IEMs is a thing to behold-- smooth, weighty, natural and refined with a natural warmth and timbre that is to die for. Early days but I'm really liking what I'm hearing so far. My Trifecta is with CFA right now so it will be a few days before I'll be able to hear that with the 1Z.
Oof wait till you dive into the MrWalkman mods, you can tweak the sound so much. Also if you have a chance, try the OG Solaris & VE8 with the 1Z, my original love and some of my favourite pairings ever.

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