The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Sep 19, 2023 at 12:54 AM Post #64,681 of 91,360
On some days when I was cable rolling between a bunch of same major component (copper, silver) 8 wires chifi or from EA or what not, I really do have a hard time hearing the difference, I mean I even hear songs differently when I initially wake up compared to during the day, or about to sleep, on some days some iems become harsher and on some other days bass becomes heavier, some days cable rolling is super fun and I hear changes and on some days they suddenly sounded similar.

That being said, I still had cables that were around 10years+ sticking around to remind me that was not the case, I stuck my original westone um3x cable to my Mentor and no matter which day or how crappy my ears were at the time, the old cable simply made my Mentor way way worst in every aspect possible.

I wholly believe that, using an upgraded cable in general has a mixture of both biological and technical aspects, so your brains, your eardrums and the actual material all plays the part. The material provides a constant change to sound, the eardrums sometimes work better on some days than other to hear the actual improvements made by the cables, and the brain is the icing on top. I think doing a blind test is not as effective as doing a graph test, since we're trying to prove the scientific aspects of how cable materials and composition affect sound here. Would love to see someone post a graph test with a bunch of cables with the same iem, maybe that could give us more insight into this conversation.
There's no proving what sounds best, IMHO. As all of the polls prove, this hobby remains inherently subjective. And, as you say, your hearing could change throughout a day.
Sep 19, 2023 at 1:17 AM Post #64,682 of 91,360
There's no proving what sounds best, IMHO. As all of the polls prove, this hobby remains inherently subjective. And, as you say, your hearing could change throughout a day.

Don't worry I am on the same boat as you here, there is no proving what sounds best. Didn't suggest any of that in my post.
Sep 19, 2023 at 1:29 AM Post #64,683 of 91,360
you'd still be losing around €900 by reselling within the year
1 year? DAP's product life cycle seems to be only few months in this thread :D

DAP -like any android phone - always suffer significant depreciation. Cable is even worse :)
Sep 19, 2023 at 1:40 AM Post #64,684 of 91,360
Somebody please send this man a Chiron and FTS, I would love to hear your impressions of these 2 especially since we both have Jewel and I'm in the market for a cable for it. Tokpakorio is now the official head fi cable review master, there can be only one. Orpheus lite may fit the bill perfectly my friend. Thank you for the hard work!!!
Thanks bud for your kind words. Haven't been around much but coming back soon. If someone wants to send me a Chiron to test I would be ever so thankful. :)

If anyone is looking for a cable for their Jewel, look no further than the Brise Silver Concept. My favorite so far, perhaps even better than Orphy. Treble extension unlike anything I have heard, massive staging and note weight, bass reaching super deep and textured. It's magnifique !

Sep 19, 2023 at 1:59 AM Post #64,685 of 91,360
I’ve tested all settings with 4 different cables so far and thankfully I haven’t experienced any hissing or distortion 🙏🏽
With that DAP, reading the numerous reports of more or less serious problems that many owners are having, it seems like playing the lottery, hoping to be lucky enough to have a perfectly functioning unit. And we're talking about a product that costs $5,000
Sep 19, 2023 at 2:08 AM Post #64,686 of 91,360
If anyone is looking for a cable for their Jewel, look no further than the Brise Silver Concept. My favorite so far, perhaps even better than Orphy. Treble extension unlike anything I have heard, massive staging and note weight, bass reaching super deep and textured.
Have you tried Yatono 8w? Curious how they're compared.
Sep 19, 2023 at 2:09 AM Post #64,687 of 91,360
There's no proving what sounds best, IMHO. As all of the polls prove, this hobby remains inherently subjective. And, as you say, your hearing could change throughout a day.
Extremely well articulated. I am going to steal this and quote you, my friend.
Sep 19, 2023 at 2:23 AM Post #64,688 of 91,360
Thanks bud for your kind words. Haven't been around much but coming back soon. If someone wants to send me a Chiron to test I would be ever so thankful. :)

If anyone is looking for a cable for their Jewel, look no further than the Brise Silver Concept. My favorite so far, perhaps even better than Orphy. Treble extension unlike anything I have heard, massive staging and note weight, bass reaching super deep and textured. It's magnifique !

Which version of silver concept in that picture? The 4 wire or 8 wire or the ultimate one? There are so many versions on their website 😂
Sep 19, 2023 at 2:43 AM Post #64,690 of 91,360
Have you tried Yatono 8w? Curious how they're compared.
Yes, a few times. I find the Silver Concept to be more open, airy and spacious. The top end is more extended, the stage is larger, and the positioning is better. I've honestly never heard such a stage like this, totally holographic. While SC is a pure silver cable, it doesn't sound like typical silver, it's very musical and smooth with insane levels of detail. The biggest win is the ergo, SC is extremely comfortable, very supple and flexible where Yatano is a chore to wear. I loved the Yatono, but this is a keeper.

Which version of silver concept in that picture? The 4 wire or 8 wire or the ultimate one? There are so many versions on their website 😂
8W Ultimate.
Sep 19, 2023 at 2:45 AM Post #64,691 of 91,360
1 year? DAP's product life cycle seems to be only few months in this thread :D

DAP -like any android phone - always suffer significant depreciation. Cable is even worse :)
Android? More like any phone... Let's not start the Apple-Android battle here though :wink:
Sep 19, 2023 at 3:06 AM Post #64,692 of 91,360
Actually managed to get my hands on a pair of Radon 6 (borrowed from a friend). Felt like I have made a mistake because now I can't seem to go back to my own average sounding SE215. Was really tempted to just snatch and run right there. photo_2023-09-19 10.40.20.jpeg
400-500, huh? Adding another zero to your budget, I see 😁

To your ears, are these as ridiculous as everyone says?
Sep 19, 2023 at 3:17 AM Post #64,693 of 91,360
I love the sound of Hifiman planars (e.g. Arya), what would be the IEM (= noise insulation) equivalent of such sound (spacious and fast, digging into infrasound yet not bloated)?

Last time I visited an audio store, the closest I heard was actually CFA Andromeda (just didn't dig as deep, and hissed like a cat). Supermoon was also close technically, but the amount of sub-bass made it sound almost slow and pillowy (can be the fault of R2R2000 DAP). Also it had some nasty upper-mid-treble peaks, showing up on particular songs/instruments. Close, but still couldn't jump the fence. For the last 15 years I haven't used EQ, but the plan B for now is to get a DAP with an EQ and fix those issues myself..
Sep 19, 2023 at 4:23 AM Post #64,694 of 91,360
Trying to understand how an sp3000, which was launched October 2022 and still retails for €4299, can now be found in the classifieds for €2500 (depreciation of 42%). Not that I'm complaining, since I've scored some sweet deals through the classifieds section. But the early adopters amongst us must be either comfortable with losing a lot of money, or somehow getting major discounts on retail price. But even if you could get say 20% discount off retail, you'd still be losing around €900 by reselling within the year to chase the next upgrade. Is this business as usual in this amazing hobby or am I missing something?

Some of this is people purchasing stuff for their companies. And many insiders get 15% discounts. Much of Astell&Kern is bought with VAT invoices.

So for example in Poland, deduct a 15% discount and then 23% VAT from the MSRP (divide by 1,23). Afterwards deduct 9-19% income tax (multiply by 0,91 or 0,81). You get the real price of the unit.

Of course a business has to somehow prove this unit is useful for their business purposes. But that's just what many people do.

The science of electrical signal transmission is completely (and it is a strong statement that can be used here) understood, e.g
nothing principally new has been discovered for about almost 100 recent years since the theories were laid out
Let me clarify that I'm referring to things like this:

And even this video supposedly contains some mistakes that were clarified by other physicists - please have a look at the comments.

P.S. You also try to imply that we don't really hear the differences in cables that we do. I assure you that some of us do. I find your mannerism subtly... impolite. I am sure you are not doing this on purpose, you just don't believe in this. I understand.

Let me explain with a personal example. I am partly colorblind. I have problems differentiating some shades of green and red, and several other colors. We always have fun with my daughters as I ask "what color are these leaves" or "what color are these trees" and they explan different shades to me. So... you probably see more colors than I do. But I would not imply that you don't, because so many people have proven to me what's their reality like.

Now that you read that we hear differences between cables, please do not imply that we don't just because you and some other people don't. Many non-audiophile people have such unsophisticated (or undeveloped) hearing that they don't even hear differences between different headphones. This just doesn't matter to them, as long as there's bass. I assume you definitely hear differences between headphones as you're on this forum.

We need to make reality simpler. We can't have everything matter to us, because that would be too much. That's a psychological response to your psychological arguments about blue cables sounding better because of subconciouss conotations. You just throw it from you life to make life simpler, that's a normal thing. I don't care about many things either, to stay calm and happy.

I respect that you don't hear differences between cables or sources or some other parts that don't matter to you, and you probably respect my color blindness. However, I personally (like I wrote several posts ago) hear huge differences between cables. It's a make or break of the experience for me. A synergistic match may be "S tier" for me, whereas a non-synergistic may fall as low as "B tier", for example. I wouldn't spend so much time on this if this wasn't important to me. Even my wife respects that :wink:

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