The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Aug 29, 2023 at 10:19 AM Post #63,751 of 91,360
On a different note, I have also been suffering from a wee bit of audiophilia fatigue. Maybe that's an overstatemennt. Of course, the hobby is large, complex and cosmic, but in so far as the part of the hobby that has to do with trying and buying new gears, is concerned, I am ever so slightly less excited than ever before, because there is nothing in the horizon that I get excited to own. Not the VEX nor the Aurora. I still want to own the GM and the Letshuoer Cadenza at some point, but happy to wait on those.

I still love reading all your posts and commenting when I feel the need to. I also love making my YouTube content now and then (YouTube has always been a part of the hobby for me). I also watch others' videos, read up on "audio science" just to keep up with nerds, lol, and meet community members wherever possible.

However, buying and otherwise trying new gears is an important element of the hobby for me. Critical even.

I left headphones because of neck pains and speakers because they are too demanding (in terms of requiring dedicated listening time, space, room correction, etc).

However, interestingly, over the last two days, I have been eyeing CD players! To use with my IEMs!

I used to collect CDs when I was a child audiophile so to speak. The patient pursuit of full albums one enjoys is an underappreciated dimension of the hobby I think.

I still think CDs sound incredible (and better than most formats) and I am thinking of making a bedside rig with a streamer, a CD player and my Tsuranagi.

So, do any of you listen to CDs with your IEMs? I can imagine it being quite the experience given how resolving and utterly awesome some IEMs are!

Pffeww from reading your first few lines I thought you where announcing to take a break from the hobby.

But I get what you mean about not getting to exited about the upcoming releases.

Love your content, specially the youtube reviews. Your content gets me excited for the hobby.

Anyways, enough feathers up your ass :p

Have a nice day
Aug 29, 2023 at 10:30 AM Post #63,752 of 91,360
I will vote for Storm as well. EXT wouldn't come to my mind for "transparency", though.

On the note of Transparency (not really), but as Elyisian Anni was mentioned... I got another round of the Elysian taste again since these arrived. :)

That well know Lee's treble together with a magic low end. (on RED mode)

Wait...isn't blue mode max bass?
Aug 29, 2023 at 10:30 AM Post #63,753 of 91,360
Aug 29, 2023 at 10:34 AM Post #63,754 of 91,360
I prefer the XE6 as well.

First time I heard it, I didn't like it. I thought the bass was too muddy.

Next time at CJ SG, I first tried the RN6 and liked it a lot. Next, I tried the XE6 and I was like, "Wow. Where were you all my life?" I buy and sell more frequently than I plan to, but from the look of things, the XE6 will be a part of my long-term stable, along with the Perpetua and the Trifecta.

I also find that the Symbio W foam tips do a lot to reign in the midbass for my ears and preferences.
It seems all those that tend to favour Xe6 speak of 'dialing back the bass' and 'leaning out the mids' or 'opening it up' with external amps. Whereas Rn6 is just Rn6 right out the box.

No judgement, just an interesting observation on how, only 'once it's tweaked' Xe6 comes to the party.

My personal view is the two are too different to compare, and rather complement each other, although I agree the chances of someone having another IEM 'similar' to the balanced Rn6 are much higher. Xe6 and its OTT colour are certainly unique.
Aug 29, 2023 at 10:35 AM Post #63,755 of 91,360
No-- red is. Consistent with a "warm" and "cool" motif.
Interesting. Now I have to re-listen. Everyone I've spoken to about this before said blue, and I had no reason to question them.

Edit: no it's definitely blue. At least it is on Diva 2023. Literally just switched between them. It's not even is dead. Blue isn't much better but at least there's bass.
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Aug 29, 2023 at 10:38 AM Post #63,756 of 91,360
Interesting. Now I have to re-listen. Everyone I've spoken to about this before said blue, and I had no reason to question them.

I've had demos of both the 2021 and 2023 version and both had red-white-blue as, respectively, max, mid and min bass settings.
Aug 29, 2023 at 10:39 AM Post #63,757 of 91,360

This is, in my opinion, one if the best albums of music ever recorded.

With the Goldplanar GL-AMT16 the dynamics of the orchestra are so well pronounced against Jonis' vocals while the drums are gently cutting through the waves of sound with just the right amount of bass sprinkled in, I get shivers from it. Truly a one of a kind experience for me.
Aug 29, 2023 at 10:44 AM Post #63,759 of 91,360
Man, the faceplate on the Raven has me worried.

Yes the gold is shiny, but just by being in the same room with it. It will probably already pick up my fingerprints. And what about scratches, im not to careful with my stuff 😛
Aug 29, 2023 at 10:45 AM Post #63,761 of 91,360
Man, the faceplate on the Raven has me worried.

Yes the gold is shiny, but just by being in the same room with it. It will probably already pick up my fingerprints. And what about scratches, im not to careful with my stuff 😛
Maybe this is why it has a “rim” or edge above the plate. So when its flat, its not on the plate 🧐
Aug 29, 2023 at 10:53 AM Post #63,762 of 91,360
See my edit above. Definitely blue = max bass on the 2023 Diva I have here.
I have the Diva 2023 as well. As you said, blue is max bass, white is mid, and red is min bass. Just wanted to provide you with a sanity check in case one was needed lol.

Maybe there were unit variations @Rockwell75. Apparently, Lee sourced out production for the Diva 2023 (he still personally makes the Annihilator) so there may have been issues. One such issue is that the nozzle covers pop off easily on earlier units because the wrong glue was used by the outsourced workers. Unfortunately, this was the case for me. This was later rectified so hopefully it's no longer an issue.
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Aug 29, 2023 at 11:12 AM Post #63,765 of 91,360
Can you TLDR it so I don't have to watch the video?

- Very large IEM, but not uncomfortable. Nozzle is 5.7mm in diameter
- Very detailed and dynamic/spacious, amazing bass. "suffers" in its tuning, recessed upper mids along with lower treble peak which is quite noticeable, as a result he hears treble compression. There's a mid range resonance which he hears as a deal breaker for himself.
- He says its sort of similar to Odyssey

He personally doesn't recommend it due to the coloration of the tuning, looks like he's more in the camp of Odin.

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